Jul 12, 2012 - Geographic Information Systems and Mapping Unit. UNHCR Regional Support Hub in Nairobi. Tel.: +254 20 422
Geographic Information Systems and Mapping Unit
As of June 2012
Tel.: +254 20 4222000
[email protected]
Sources: UNHCR, Global Insight digital mapping © 1998 Europa Technologies Ltd. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Capital UNHCR Country office UNHCR Sub office UNHCR Field office UNHCR Field unit Refugee camp Refugee location Refugee settlement
Refugees in South Sudan South Sudan hosts over 210,000 refugees from neighbouring countries. Upper Nile and Unity states host more than 170,000 refugees from Sudan who fled fighting and bombardments in the border states of Blue Nile and South Kordofan. (UNHCR, 06 July 2012)
Refugee transit centre IDP location Main town or village Secondary town or village International boundary Undetermined boundary* State boundary County boundary
Refugee returnees from countries of asylum Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, more than 330,000 South Sudanese refugees that were hosted in neighbouring countries have since returned.
Returns from Sudan Since October 2010, more than 390,000 South Sudanese have returned from Sudan. (UN OCHA, June 2012)
Internal displacement In 2011, 350,000 people were newly dispaced by conflict in South Sudan. A further 164,000 have been dispalced in 2012 alone. (UN OCHA, May 2012)
Abyei region** * Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined. ** Final status of the Abyei area is not yet determined.
* Map shows cumulative number of returnees arriving at final destination. Returnees in Renk (19,189) not shown on the map. (UN OCHA 30 October 2010 to 26 June 2012). ** IDP data represent numbers reported by authorities and/or assessment teams. Data not exhaustive or fully verified. (UN OCHA 31 May 2012)
REFUGEES IN SOUTH SUDAN BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN TOTAL: 211,416 Central African Rep. : 1,143 Democratic Rep. of Congo : 18,037 Ethiopia : 6,221 Sudan : 186,015 RETURNEES FROM SUDAN (OCTOBER 2010 - 26 JUNE 2012) TOTAL: 366,797 REFUGEE RETURNEES SINCE 2005 BY COUNTRY OF ASYLUM TOTAL: 333,398 Central African Rep. : 19,306 Democratic Rep. of Congo: 41,840 Ethiopia: 49,370 Eritrea: 227 Egypt: 4,360 Kenya: 37,550 Uganda: 180,497 Others: 248
Printed: 12 July 2012 Figures shown in the map should be considered provisional.
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Population of Concern in South Sudan
UNHCR Regional Support Hub in Nairobi