2014 National Youth Leadership Conference ... Home Telephone Number ... 5) Why do you want to attend the NJSA National Y
NJSA Pork Checkoff Travel Scholarship for the
2014 National Youth Leadership Conference West Lafayette, IN Details: 1. (10) $200 travel scholarships will be awarded 2. Return your scholarship application, by March 14, 2014 to: Torie Schwartz/National Swine Registry 2639 Yeager Rd., West Lafayette, IN 47906 No late applications will be accepted! Requirements: 1. Must be first time attending the NYLC 2. Must be 14-21 years of age 3. Must be an NJSA member
Name ______ _____________________________________ Birthdate ______________________ Age ______________ Address__ ______________________________________ City __ ________________ State __ _______
Zip _____
Home Telephone Number ___________________ ______
1) What is the Pork Checkoff?
2) Describe your involvement in the National Junior Swine Association and the Swine Industry?
3) What is your future in the Swine Industry?
4) How have the life skills you have gained from NJSA and/or the swine industry shaped your life?
5) Why do you want to attend the NJSA National Youth Leadership Conference?