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Dec 3, 2012 - Page 2 ... business strategies and activities that meet the current and future needs of the port and its stakeholders, while protecting and ...
Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: Volume 28 Number 3 December 2012 A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics

pp. 301-320

Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory ** Contents


Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

I. Introduction


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

II. Literature Review 1. Sustainability and Sustainable Supply Chain the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”

the management of supply chain operations, resources, information, and funds in order to environmental impacts and maximizing the social well-being


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

2. Port Sustainability

business strategies and activities that meet the current and future needs of the port and its stakeholders, while protecting and sustaining human and natural resources.”


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

III. Theoretical Perspective: Resource Dependence Theory


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

power imbalance

mutual dependence.

sequential/serial interdependence pooled interdependence reciprocal interdependence


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

for Port Sustainability

internal stakeholders. external stakeholders interface stakeholders Primary stakeholders Secondary stakeholders


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

Internal stakeholders:

External stakeholders:

Legislation and public policy stakeholders:

Community stakeholders:


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

2. Strategic Options for Port Sustainability and Supply Chain Stakeholder


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

insertion strategy integration strategy

on Port Sustainability


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

VI. Conclusion


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory References

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Maritime Policy and Management

Administrative Science Quarterly

The Academy of Management Review

A Behavioral Theory of the Firm

European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research,

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Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of the 21st Century Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach

The Academy of Management Review Annual Review of Sociology

96th Annual AAPA Convention, Norfolk,

Maritime Policy and Management,

International Journal of Production Economics, in press

Maritime Policy and Management,


Maritime Policy and Management

The Social Psychology of Organizations

Marketing Management 317

Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

Journal of Operations Management

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Future Challenges for the Port and Shipping Sector

Administrative Science Quarterly,

International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management

Handbook of Organizational Design

Organizations and Organization Theory,

The External Control of Organizations


Port Sustainability and Stakeholder Management in Supply Chains: A Framework on Resource Dependence Theory

Administrative Science Quarterly,

The Academy of Management Journal,

The Executive

Business Horizons,

Designing and Managing the Supply Chain

Maritime Economics and Logistics,

The Reality and Dilemmas of Globalization

Our Common Future