The Portuguese Girl Guides Association is delighted to invite a group of girls from
your organization to a Regional Camp - Around the world in eight days -.
PORTUGUESE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION Regional Camp 2014 | Braga, Portugal 2nd - 9th August 2014 The Portuguese Girl Guides Association is delighted to invite a group of girls from your organization to a Regional Camp - Around the world in eight days organized by girl guides from Braga, in Portugal. The theme of the camp will be the Human Rights. We look forward to welcoming your members to the beautiful city of Braga (north of Portugal, 30 minutes from Oporto International Airport). Braga is the oldest Portuguese city, founded in roman times and is the city chosen by the European Youth Forum for European Youth Capital in 2012.
We look forward to hosting Girl Guides from across the world! Come and share this event that will be a one of a kind experience!!
Several fun activities are planned including: an authentic camping experience, excursions to cultural and historical destination, community service outreaches. Through the weeklong activities, participants will learn about human rights.
The Camp will be run by Regional Staff and Activity Staff.
Groups can consist of a maximum of 16 girls (aged 14 – 18 years) with minimum of 1 or 2 leaders (over 18 years)
If you are interested in attending with a group please contact
[email protected] until 28th February 2014 and make an enquiry. Groups will then be sent an Information Pack and Interest Forms. Upon receipt of Interest Forms the registration process can begin. Payment details will be provided on the form.
Camp Costs
The cost per Guide or Leader is 80€ and includes food, activities, camp handbook, all camp facilities and camping fees. This does not include travel for international groups. If needed it will be possible to arrange overnight stays before or after the camp.
Tents and cooking utensils will be provided.
General Enquiries:
[email protected] Tel: 00351 217 938 227 Post: Av. Miguel Bombarda, 128 – R/C Esq. 1050-167 Lisboa Website: