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Nov 2, 2015 - green are effective immediately, however require automation programming that may not be ... Until this pro

PAY LOGS AND CONTRACT 2015 IMPLEMENTATION: Below you will find a link to the same chart that is located in the back of the TA book beginning on page 603. The rows have been resequenced in order of implementation. Rows highlighted in green are effective immediately, however require automation programming that may not be completed until the phase listed in column 5. Until this programming can be completed by the Company, pay logs are required to ensure you receive proper payment. Click here to view the chart. [back to top]

RETRO BONUS INFORMATION: By now, you should have received—through email and traditional postal mail—a retro bonus notice

and information package. This package was sent to all current and retired FedEx pilots. Please take the time to carefully review your package. It includes an updated estimate of your bonus calculation and procedures to dispute either the company’s data used to derive your bonus or the contract bonus methodology. We have received quite a few employment data disputes from pilots that received passover pay during the amendable period and pilots who were on military leave during the amendable period. Procedures to submit either kind of a dispute are included and explained in the package. The deadline to submit an employment data dispute is November 20 and disputes concerning the methodology are due by November 22, 2015. Please see the package for full details. [back to top]

END OF CAREER SICK LEAVE/ADVANCE NOTICE OF PLANNED RETIREMENT BONUS: On November 2, 2015, the End of Career Sick Leave/Advance Notice of Planned Retirement Bonus contained in CBA Section 28.F. will be effective. In order to qualify for the bonus, a Crewmember will need to meet the following criteria: Reach age 60 prior to the retirement date Provide at least 12 months advance, written notice of the intent to retire Retire either on December 31 any year after the pilot turns age 60 or in the month the crewmember reaches the regulated age (currently 65) Effective November 2, 2015, Crewmembers shall notify the company of their planned retirement date through the Advance Retirement Notice form which can be completed on http://pilot.fedex.com by selecting “VIPS” then entering “retire” in the keyword search field.

Keep in mind that you may only submit one advance written notice of planned retirement under this program. You may revoke your retirement notification at any time. However, you will no longer be eligible for the bonus. The 12-month notice period is waived for those who reach age 65 during the period from November 2, 2015 to November 1, 2016 as long as advance, written notice of retirement is given between November 2, 2015 and November 29, 2015 and actually retires during the month he reaches age 65. Keep in mind that if you have already provided your retirement notification for a future date, you still need to submit written notification during the applicable period in order to be eligible for the bonus. Those pilots for whom the 12 month notice requirement is waived will show an "N" under eligible for bonus. If the pilot is eligible for the bonus, he will receive a separate email confirmation from PAC. For questions about the bonus, please see Section 28.F. of the CBA.

Keep in mind, you will still need to notify the FedEx Retirement Service Center of your retirement 30-90 days prior to your anticipated retirement date in order to commence your pension benefits. [back to top]

FELLOW PILOT NEEDS ASSISTANCE: MD-11 First Officer Greg Hollenbeck's wife, Gina, was just diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. As you can imagine, this is a tremendous burden to bear. While we ask that you keep Greg and his family in your thoughts and prayers, we also ask those of you qualified to operate in the MD-11

right seat to look at Greg's schedule (below) and offer a PDO bump if possible. Because Greg is out of sick time, we ask you to please consider this request to allow him the ability to care for his wife.

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MEMPHIS ZOO LIGHTS - DECEMBER 13th: Please join your fellow pilots and their families on Sunday, December 13 for a private "Zoo Lights Night" at the Memphis Zoo (gates open at 5:30 p.m.). We encourage you to bring a new, unused toy with you to drop off at the zoo entrance. We are collecting toys as part of our toy drive for the FedEx Family House and Hope House for Christmas! This Family Awareness event will feature Santa Claus and his reindeer, ice skating, over one million holiday lights, of course animals, Teton Trek Lodge for those concerned about weather, and many other activities. We will have hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies in the Teton Trek. The gates will open at 5:30 p.m. and you are welcome to stay and visit throughout the zoo until 9 p.m. MEC Chairman Captain Chuck Dyer and other MEC officers, representatives and committee members will be in attendance. If you are laying over or have a deadhead out on Monday, come in early to join us! Please click here to let us know if you plan to attend (there is no need to respond if you are unable to attend). If you have any questions, please contact Family Awareness Chairman Pat Meagher at (901) 5684920 or [email protected]. [back to top]

ATTENTION BLOCK 11 INSTRUCTORS: Instructor Pilots and Check Airmen in pay only will have carryover treated in the same manner as in the 2011 CBA until the automation is completed and implemented for the carryout to be deposited into the pilot’s general makeup bank under 11.M.11.b. and 11.N.12. [back to top]

FEDEX PILOTS CHARITABLE FUND: The holiday season is quickly approaching. During this time, there are thousands of children across our nation that struggle with medical and social issues that hamper their ability to survive, thrive and prosper. The FedEx Pilots Charitable Fund was initiated to provide a mechanism that the FedEx pilots can contribute the much needed resources these children and their families need. At the upcoming Memphis Joint Council Meeting on November 4, 2015 we will once again “pass the hat” to collect donations for this much appreciated and needed cause. For those unable to attend, you can visit the following website to make a contribution: http://www.fedexpcf.org. The FedEx pilots have a history of stepping up and helping these children, so let’s continue to do so.

Captain Sean P McDonald


FedEx Pilots Charitable Fund http://www.fedexpcf.org [back to top]

NEW PILOT ASSISTANCE TEAM HOTLINE (PATH): We are pleased to announce the new Pilot Assistance Team Hotline (PATH)! Falling under the umbrella of the FDX MEC Pilot Assistance Committee, PATH was established to provide a source of support for pilots during difficult times and provides support to all pilots seeking physiological, psychological, or medical assistance. Pilot peers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to guide their coworkers to all available resources. All calls to PATH are completely confidential. PATH officially became available on November 2, 2015. First Officer Kandy Bernskotter is heading up this new committee and has spent countless hours getting it off the ground and providing training to all peer volunteers. You can reach PATH volunteers by calling 866-FDX-ALPA or 901-752-8749. If you have any questions, please contact Kandy at [email protected] for more information. [back to top]

MEM RETIREMENT SEMINAR: The next available Retirement Counseling Seminar will be held on December 9, 2015 from 1:005:00 p.m. Central time at the FDX MEC Office, 1770 Kirby Parkway, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38138. For pilots who are unable to attend in person, we will provide access to the seminar via teleconference. In order to streamline the seminars and to ensure the highest level of counseling, we are limiting each seminar to 25 pilots. Spouses are welcome to attend. To register for a

Retirement Counseling Seminar click here or call the FDX MEC Office at 1-866-339-2572 (or 901752-8749 in Memphis). Please be prepared to provide your ALPA member number. Since the seminars fill up quickly, you should register as soon as possible. [back to top]

REMEMBER YOUR FIRST FLIGHT? TELL US ABOUT IT!: Do you remember the magic of your first flight as a child? The wonder you felt as you took to the air? What about your first flying lesson? Or the sense of accomplishment as you entered the cockpit as a professional airline pilot? Share your story with us and let your words inspire the next generation of pilots. Please tell us your "My First Flight" story in 500 words or less and send us your throwback photos, too! We'll collect them and share a few in an upcoming issue of Air Line Pilot. Visit www.alpa.org/MyFirstFlight for full details and e-mail your story to [email protected] by November 13.

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USE AMAZON SMILE TO BENEFIT ALPA EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND: As you know, P4P is a charitable organization that relies on donations to provide financial assistance to ALPA members and their families following the devastating effects of widespread disasters. New this year, ALPA is partnering with Amazon Smile. Purchases made using Amazon Smile will qualify for 0.5% being donated to P4P. It's simple and easy to do. Visit Amazon Smile, make your purchase and the donation to P4P will be made! For more information on P4P or to donate directly, please click here. [back to top]



30/25November MEM MD11

239/06November MEM 777


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