STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND STRIKE COMMITTEE CALL CENTER .... Airport Safety Liaison Training Course to be held in connec
NEGOTIATIONS: After more than an 80-day break from bargaining, we resumed discussions last week with the aid of the NMB. We had several sessions with management wherein they made Section 25 (Scheduling) and 9 (Miscellaneous Flying) proposals. We also had detailed discussions concerning Sections 7 (Vacation) and 11 (Training). Frankly, we wanted to see more proposals on the agenda while management pushed for less. However, the agenda for our next session (February 11-13th) will be full. We will pass proposals in Sections 4 (Minimum Guarantees), 12 (Hours of Service), and 25 (Scheduling). Management will make proposals in Sections 27 (Insurance) and 28 (Retirement). There is obviously a lot of detail in the topics that we discussed. We were pleased to see a PiBSfree Section 25 proposal, but otherwise, management’s move was not sufficient. When both parties accept the mindset of focused solutions within the existing structure, the deal could be close at hand. Without that, we anticipate a more difficult path ahead. We are debriefing the MEC today on the table discussions as well as fine tuning the path forward. As always, thank you for your support. Scott, Bill, Tom, & Andrew
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SAVE THE DATE - MARCH 1: On February 28, 2015, it will have been two years since our contract became amendable. It will have been four since we started the process of bargaining our contract. Four years since FDX
Management willingly agreed to a process that should have concluded much sooner. Two years of management proposing outlandish concepts at the bargaining table. Two years of management proposals that have put forth unjustifiable cost cuts and overhead reductions in the face of record profits and business growth. The time is now for all pilots to rise up and speak with a singular voice —Contract Now, It Is Time.
On March 1st, 2015 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hilton Memphis (939 Ridge Lake Boulevard), the FDX MEC will be holding a contract rally. This is a must attend event for all pilots. The time is now to shout out loudly—Contract Now, It's Past Time. Please click here to RSVP for this event. [back to top]
MEMBERSHIP POLLING: Your MEC contacted a survey center to conduct a poll of our membership on the ongoing negotiations with management. The polling began on January 16th and will continue for approximately 2 weeks. The participants will be selected at random and stratified by seniority block, seat position and aircraft. The University of New Hampshire Survey Center will conduct the interviews and will be calling from a 603 area code. Please ensure your contact information on file with ALPA is correct. To update your telephone number, please click here, select the contact info tab and be sure to select submit once you update your information. We encourage all those contacted to participate. Your input to our union is crucial. [back to top]
THE NMB AND MEDIATION: Below you will find a link to Frequently Asked Questions regarding the National Mediation Board and the mediation process. Please take a few minutes to read this information. Mediation FAQ
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MEC AND MEM JOINT COUNCIL MEETING: The 1st quarter regularly scheduled MEC meeting is being held this week in Memphis. To view the order of business, please click here. The MEM Joint Council Meeting will be held at the Germantown Centre (1900 S. Germantown Rd.) on Wednesday, January 28 beginning at 11 a.m. Individual Local Council meetings for Councils 7, 22 and 26 will follow immediately after the Joint Council Meeting.
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RNAV VISUAL APPROACHES: IFALPA has published an informative briefing leaflet on RNAV Visual Approaches. To access this briefing leaflet, please click here. Currently, the FOM in section 6.29 does not show the RNAV Visual Approach in the list of authorized approaches. Captain Gary Janelli
Central Air Safety Chairman [back to top]
FROM THE TRAINING COMMITTEE: As many of you are aware, FedEx is transitioning to a 9/18 month cycle for recurrent training for all tracks except the MD-11. The preliminary details are as follows: Sim training every 9 months (any failed validations or LOE in ITU will drive an extra sim visit in the first 12 months following training; details still being worked). Quarterly (paid) LMS training with GOS subjects covered at each sim visit. Rolling 12-month line checks, which will be reset with any "random" line check. Notwithstanding the information which we are providing, the MEC is exploring whether management's action is in compliance with the CBA as well as how it impacts the safety posture, if any, at our airline. We will provide you with more information as it becomes available. Jim Lipe
ALPA Training Committee [back to top]
FROM THE R&I COMMITTEE - KNOW YOUR BENEFITS: Would you take your car to a repair shop and ask them to fix it without an estimate? The same philosophy should apply to your healthcare needs. Are you automatically guaranteed that a treatment will be covered by your health insurance simply because it is directed by your physician or dentist? NO. No, you are not guaranteed that Anthem (medical/pharmacy) or Metlife (dental) will cover a procedure or prescription. Refer to the Pilot Benefit Book under Health Care: Anthem Plan for Active Pilots: Medically Necessary Care, page H-41. As stated in this section, benefits not
considered appropriate and medically necessary as determined by the Administrator’s guidelines will not be covered. If you want to have more information about these guidelines, bookmark this link (Anthem Guidelines) or look on the R&I Committee page should you need it in the future. Recently, the FDX Retirement & Insurance Committee has seen several cases involving participants being charged in excess of $50,000 in out of pocket costs. These charges could have been known ahead of time if the patient had requested a preauthorization and a predetermination. You can get either of these by calling Anthem or MetLife. The preauthorization will tell you whether or not the procedure is covered by the Plan. The predetermination will provide an estimate of how much the Plan will pay for the procedure, and how much you will pay for the procedure. It is ALWAYS the patient’s responsibility to ensure that the procedure is covered by the Plans and a preauthorization has been obtained. A predetermination is an absolute necessity if you plan on using an out-of-network provider where the patient is responsible for all amounts in excess of the Reasonable and Customary charges. Did you know that you can also access provider information and estimate your costs on the Anthem website and the Anthem app for your smartphone? You can also view claim information. Please take the time to review the Pilot Benefit Book regarding this issue and look for additional information regarding the proper use of your health benefits. Our negotiated pilot healthcare is comprehensive, but it does not cover everything. Failure to educate yourself on this subject matter could cost you or your family money for health care expenses not covered by your health benefits. [back to top]
UPCOMING ALPA SAFETY COURSES: Below you will find information regarding two ALPA Safety Courses—Basic Safety School and Airport Safety Liaison Training. Basic Safety School - February 17-19 The Next ALPA Basic Safety school to be held at the Alaska Airlines ALPA MEC office in Seattle, Washington is now open for registration. Those crew members interested in working on the FDX ALPA Safety/Accident Investigation committee are welcome to attend. The course will start at 8:00 am on February 17 and end at 12:00 PM on February 19. Attendance requires the approval of the MEC Chairman or the Central Air Safety Chairman. Those interested should email Captain Gary Janelli, Central Air Safety Chairman at
[email protected] or the Vice Central Air Safety Chairman, Doug Howard at
[email protected]. Flight pay loss and travel can not be paid, but hotel and meals will be covered. Please see the attachments below for information on the course and how to register online and the course agenda. Each individual will need to register online. Basic Safety School Information Basic Safety School Agenda Airport Safety Liaison Training - February 19 The next ALPA Airport Safety Liaison Training Course to be held in connection with the ALPA Basic Safety School will be February 19, 2015 at the Alaska Airlines ALPA MEC office in Seattle Washington. The Basic Safety School will be held from February 17-19, 2015. Those that have not attended the ALPA Basic Safety School must attend the Basic Safety School on February 17-19 prior to attending the Airport Safety Liaison Training Course. Prior ALPA Basic Safety School
attendees need only attend on February 19. There are only 10 slots available for the Airport Safety Liaison Training course and will be filled on a first come basis. Those interested in attending need the approval of the MEC Chairman or the Central Air Safety Chairman and the completion of the ALPA Air Safety Organization approval process. Please email Captain Gary Janelli, Central Air Safety Chairman, at
[email protected]. Those individuals wanting to attend will also need to register online. Online registration for each course by the individual will be required. Please see the course announcement for course information and information on how to register and the course agenda provided below. Flight pay loss and travel can not be provided, but hotel and meals will be covered. Airport Safety Liaison Training Course Information Airport Safety Liaison Training Course Agenda Captain Gary Janelli
Central Air Safety Chairman [back to top]
STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND STRIKE COMMITTEE CALL CENTER: The Strategic Preparedness and Strike Committee has set up a call center in the MEC offices. This call center will be manned Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The call center is here to answer questions about current negotiations with the company. If you have a question for the Negotiating Committee or the MEC, you can call the call center and we will get the answer for you. The number to reach the call center is (901)752-8749 ext. 2591. [back to top]
198/29Jan ANC MD11
21/23Jan MEM 777
119/27Jan February MEM 757
258/26Feb ANC MD11
72/17Feb MEM 777
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2015 Will Be a Good Year for FedEx FedEx Continues to Deliver on Investments in China UPS Crashes on Fourth-Quarter Earnings; 2015 Prospects Gloom for UPS as FedEx Reaffirms Guidance
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