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Section 24 with respect to the new System Bid procedures (bidding for training dates, Slot ... been flying for Eastern u


FROM THE GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE: Greetings from your Grievance Committee. Things have been very busy around here and I would like to update you on one of the most important. The Grievance Website on the MEC homepage is in the early stages of being renovated to provide more up to date information on Administrative Grievances that have been filed, to include hot keys where you can read the actual Grievance and see where we are on the timeline. You will notice that, unfortunately, the wheels of justice turn very slowly in this process. We intend to provide you with access to all Administrative Grievances, both Open and Closed, so you can see our history. I have elected to start with the most recent because these are the ones most dear to our hearts at this time, and move back in time. This is a time intensive process so please bear with us as we move through the data and get it posted. Our hope is that you will feel more connected to the process and informed on what is going on between ALPA and FDX moving forward. Respectfully,

Chris Wood

ALPA Grievance Committee Chairman [back to top]



FROM THE SAFETY COMMITTEE: Are you working on a advanced degree and need a thesis or research topic? Are you just interested in contributing some time to help us with research towards air safety or training related topics? If so, please contact Captain Shem Malmquist at [email protected]. [back to top]



POSTING 16-01: We've received questions regarding Posting 16-01 and whether it will be covered by the new Section 24 with respect to the new System Bid procedures (bidding for training dates, Slot Denial Pay, CIPPA for instructors). The new Section 24, and corresponding Section 11 provisions, are not yet implemented and will not be a part of this posting. Crew positions awards, training, and any passover implications will be governed by the 2011 CBA. [back to top]



ARIZONA GIVES DAY - KIDS PLAYING FOR KIDS FOUNDATION: First Officer Jan Tavrytzky started a foundation years ago called Kids Playing for Kids. This organization is a locally inspired, non-profit foundation that aspires to connect sports playing children and teams around the world with children who have chronic or life-threatening medical conditions that have previously kept them from pursuing the joy and fun of sports. Not only do teams include these kids on their rosters, but also fundraise to help support their new teammate. These experiences teach life skills such as character, empathy, camaraderie and sportsmanship. Today, April 5, is the annual Arizona Gives Day 2016. With your help, Kids Playing for Kids Foundation will have the opportunity to make a tremendous impact in their local community. Please be part of this collective effort to make a huge difference and consider making a donation to Kids Playing for Kids Foundation today! To make a donation, please visit www.kidsplayingforkids.org. [back to top]



JANUARY AND FEBRUARY RETIREMENTS: The FDX MEC and R&I Committee would like to congratulate the following ALPA members who retired in January and February and to thank them for their years of participation in the Association.

Captain Debra Langford

Captain D. H. Anderson, Jr.

First Officer Russell R. Miller

Captain Danny L. Clarkson

Captain Mark R. Kleine

Captain Allan R. Bresee

Captain Michael H. Laney

Captain Gregory L. Kaiser

Captain J. Jay Forbes

Captain John H. Reno

Captain Paul M. Royer

Captain Dennis R. Clark

Captain John S. Somers

Captain Stephen P. Dretar

Captain Thomas W. Rustemeyer

Captain John L. Lund Jr.

Captain James E. Ribera Total Retirements from January to February 2016, were 18, of whom, 17 were ALPA members. [back to top]



RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT: The following retirement announcement was submitted by Captain Lee Robinson who will soon retire. We would like to congratulate Captain Robinson and wish him all the best in his retirement. It is time for me to hang up my “121” headset after nearly 26 years of flying for FedEx. It has been entirely too much fun, always interesting and, on several levels, frequently amusing! My dad said there was money to be made flying freight … true … he also said an airplane, although a lot of fun, is a snake waiting to bite … also true! Jim Tucker was my sponsor. We met in 2nd grade at Glenn Curtis Elementary, grew up in the same neighborhood in Miami Springs, FL next to Miami International and were in several classes together through high school. (My dad was flying C-46s out of MIA after flying the “Hump” during WW2.) Jim was always a good friend, especially after my dad’s plane went down Nov 1965. I had been flying for Eastern up until the IAM strike against Lorenzo. Jim was flying for FedEx, contacted me and arranged an interview. Thanks to his input, I was hired to the line in May 1990. (A nod to John Hunt and Speed McClain as well) Thanks as well to Steve Dee, Harry, Joan and Nancy and the rest of the DC-10 group I was fortunate to work with while instructing. I leaned a lot from each of them. (Steve also “recruited” me into the CAP as a glider instructor … enjoyable and worthwhile!) We moved to Subic in the summer of 1995 as part of the original “49ers.” Living and flying in a part of the world for two years that is historically significant and endlessly fascinating was an experience not to be forgotten. FedEx has a lot of good people in all departments. As line pilots, we could not do our work without them. Throughout my career, I have appreciated the crews I have flown with … you all made the flying interesting, enjoyable and safe … a heartfelt “thank you”! Over the years, my wife and children put up with a number of moves and some of the odd schedules that go with our line of work. I am grateful for their patience and understanding as well. Immediate plans: get our C-170 back in the air, complete a few house projects and continue volunteer work with JAARS Aviation (formerly Jungle Aviation and Radio Service). We are not exactly lacking in things to do! Best wishes, “blue side up” and Godspeed.

Regards, Lee [back to top]



MEM 757 FO NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE: Memphis 757 First Officer John Ohm has a family health issue that requires him to be home. We ask those of you qualified to operate in the right seat to look at John's schedule and offer a PDO bump, if possible. Please consider this request to allow John the ability to better care for his family. [back to top]



SCOPE COMMITTEE: The FDX MEC Scope Committee is currently seeking a volunteer to join their committee. If you are interested, please contact Scope Committee chairman First Officer Ross Armstrong at [email protected]. [back to top]



LITHIUM BATTERIES - CALL TO ACTION: We are asking all FedEx pilots to participate in ALPA's Call to Action concerning the safe carriage of lithium batteries. We all know this is something that poses a major safety risk to us everyday. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 included language that limited the Department of Transportation’s ability to regulate lithium batteries to that of international standards implemented by ICAO. That has worked well for the passenger carriers but, to no one’s surprise, there has been nothing done for all-cargo carriers. We are asking Congress to remove the restrictive language and allow the Secretary of Transportation to issue safety regulations that will allow us to continue to carry these batteries but to do so as DG and in a manner that ensures our safety. Please contact your Congressman and ask for their support of our efforts. To complete the "Call the Action" and submit a letter directly to your Congressman, please click on the image below.

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MEM 767:

25/Apr 4

28/Apr 11

28/Apr 18

28/Apr 25 [back to top]


Approval of FedEx Intended Acquisition of TNT Express - Press Release Brazil Rejects UPS Appeal of FedEx-TNT Merger Approval Why Amazon Isn't a Threat to FedEx Corporation or United Parcel Service, Inc. How Cool is This? FedEx Unveils Chilled Out Hub Addition FAA Raises Altitude Limit for Commercial Drones

Alaska Air Confirms Plans to Acquire Virgin America Delta Pilots Seeking 40% Pay Hikes Delta Air Lines, Inc. Goes to Mediation With Its Pilots Possible Strike Brewing for DHL Pilots  


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