Positive Rate Weekly - FDX ALPA

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Sep 23, 2016 - that were unstable for a particular fleet was 30%; I'd like to see that number go down well ... FOQA data


FROM THE MEC CHAIRMAN: I am going to take advantage of my position as your chairman and let you in on something significant. On Thursday, September 1st at 1330 in the Memphis crew room, one of my new hire classmates from October of 1984 will retire. Captain Jim Tucker has not been on our active roster for many years, but his influence is felt each and every day in the cockpits of FedEx. We are looking forward to taking some time to honor Jim as a “stand up” guy that always made life as a FedEx pilot a bit richer. His sense of humor and his comfortable approach to our profession ensured that any of us that worked with Jim came away better for it. I feel quite fortunate to have spent some quality time with Jim, and the rest of our class over these last 32 years. I personally encourage each and every one of you to stop by and give Jim the sendoff he so richly deserves.

This guy is the real deal! Regards, Chuck [back to top]



FROM THE MEC VICE CHAIRMAN: A few weeks ago, I published a message that addressed safety. I mentioned that “Safety Above All” has to be our motto, not just a corporate safety slogan. I stressed that each and every one of us has to operate with that mindset. Of course, that was an easy pitch, because I honestly believe that everyone agrees that there is no better way in which to operate, period, and this was reiterated in a book I just read. That book was “Forever Flying” by R.A “Bob” Hoover. Of particular note, one thing that stood out is that he mentioned that every time he got into an airplane he tried, with every ounce of his being, to fly just a little better than the flight before. Whether it be a test flight, air show routine, or just a cross-country, he always strived to be better, and he constantly challenged himself. I’m sure that work ethic was a major contributor to his outstanding flying skills. Unfortunately Bob had no real way to track his progress. However, we do, and it’s called Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) data. With that idea in mind, I propose what I’m sure will be a fun challenge across all fleets, which I call “the Bob Hoover challenge.” I’d like to set up a friendly competition using FOQA data to see which fleet can reduce its unsafe numbers the most. In other words, fly just a little better than the flight before. The idea is to drive your particular fleet FOQA data in a safer direction, and the fleet that shows the greatest improvement wins. For instance, let’s say that the percentage of approaches that were unstable for a particular fleet was 30%; I’d like to see that number go down well below 30%. Conversely if the percent of go arounds from an unstable approach for a specific fleet was only 30%, I’d like to see that number go up well above 30%. Like Bob Hoover, every time we get in an airplane we want to fly just a little better. Unlike Bob Hoover, we now have the technology and data to track how well we are doing. FOQA data allows us to track our progress by fleet. The competition starts September 1. Each month we will track, as we have in the past, how we are doing. At the end of each month, our FOQA team will publish the data and announce which fleet is doing best. We will do a best out of five, so at the joint council meeting in February, I will announce the winning fleet. After all, what could be more fun than some friendly competition involving pilots and bragging rights? Good luck and fly safe—everyone is now watching. John “Prepare for the unknown, unexpected, and inconceivable. . .after 50 years of flying, I’m still learning every time I fly.” —Gene Cernan [back to top]



FROM THE MEC EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (EVP): The following message is from our Executive Vice President, Captain Russ Sklenka, who serves on ALPA's Executive Council. While most of you are familiar with the structure of our MEC, it’s possible many of you may not be quite as familiar with ALPA’s leadership structure on a national level. ALPA has four national officers—president, first vice president, vice president-

administration/secretary, and vice president-finance/treasurer. Next, there are seven executive vice presidents (EVPs). The EVPs are categorized into five groups, based on airline size, as follows: Group A: Delta, FedEx, United Group B1: CommutAir, Hawaiian, JetBlue, Endeavor Air, Piedmont, Spirit Group B2: Air Wisconsin, Atlantic Southeast, Air Transport Int’l, PSA, Trans States, ExpressJet Group B3: Island Air, Alaska Airlines, Compass, Envoy Air, Mesa Air Group, Sun Country Group C: Bearskin, CanJet, Calm Air, Canadian North, First Air, Jazz Aviation, Kelowna Flightcraft, Air Transat, Wasaya The EVPs, along with the four national officers make up ALPA’s Executive Council. The Executive Council meets at least six times per year to act in consultation and cooperation with ALPA’s president in furthering objectives and policies set by the Association’s Board of Directors and Executive Board. Please take a few minutes to read the following message from Russ. A National Perspective: "Redheaded Stepchildren" No More Ladies and Gentlemen, One of the concerns that a pilot group may have in belonging to a national union is that their particular interests are not represented. And certainly, the FedEx pilots are justified in that concern, given that our 4,300 cargo pilots may have a different set of priorities than those of the other 50,000 members in the union at any given time. However, issues are seldom defined that simply where national policy is concerned.  For instance, you may think that Delta and United work in lockstep because they share "mega carrier" status. Or that all regional carriers share the same concerns all the time, or that carriers like JetBlue and Alaska face the same challenges simply because of their size and business model. But from where I sit on the Executive Council, I have not observed things break out that way. And that, I believe, is primarily for two reasons. The first is that despite the differences at the 31 properties that ALPA represents, we have much more in common than not. The second is because of broad-based representation from many different properties at the national level. It is in this capacity that I believe our union excels. The pilots who represent you to ALPA National perform at an exemplary level, and that is what I’d like to address in this message. The operating premise is simple: if you don’t significantly participate at a national level, and avail yourself of all the assets at your disposal, it makes little sense to be part of a national union. And if you’ve been reading the Positive Rate, or watching FedEx ALPA videos, you are aware that philosophy is being taken to heart. Whether it’s lithium batteries, environmental safety, FAR 117, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or jumpseat concerns (to name a few, and there are plenty more), there is a systematic, coordinated effort to represent you on both a local and national level. Now, you could point to some of these issues and say we’ve been “carved out” of the process. And when you have government representatives saying it is not fiscally prudent to include cargo in some of these processes, there is justifiable cause for concern. However, it is my steadfast belief that the only way to effect change in circumstances like these is with the combined strength of national assets and the more than 54,000 pilots behind you. It’s because of this strength that Chairman Chuck Dyer has had meetings with the FAA administrator, the deputy of the TSA, and will have meetings with the Offices of Management and Budget to affect these issues going forward. I think you’d be hard pressed to suggest that someone representing 4,300 pilots might obtain that same level of access and support on their own. Please click here to read the full message. [back to top]



9/11 REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY: On Sunday, September 11, ALPA will hold its annual remembrance ceremony to honor our fallen crewmembers of American Flight 11, United Flight 175, American Flight 77, and United Flight 93. Please join us as we recommit to never forget and honor the memories of the more than 3,000 men and women who perished on that fateful day. Details are provided below. Please click here to RSVP by September 7. Sunday, September 11 8:30 a.m. 9/11 Remembrance Garden ALPA's Herndon Office 535 Herndon Parkway Herndon, VA 20170 [back to top]



MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE WELCOMES NEW HIRES: The FDX Membership Committee had the pleasure of giving a “Welcome Aboard” presentation on behalf of FDX ALPA to our newest pilots on Aug 23, 2016. The class of 20 (the second class in the month of August) began their new hire indoctrination on August 22. The new hires were assigned as FOs in MEM on the MD-11, Airbus, 777, 767 and 757. Our newest pilots hail from USAF, USN, USMC, Jet Blue, Skywest, Alaska, Express Jet, Compass, Southwest, and Atlas. Please join us in welcoming them to the FedEx pilot seniority list! The famous caboose seniority # is 4413. The Class: Telmo Galindez, Mike Maguire, Louie Shaw, Zach Young, Troy Wing, Mike Olsen, Matt Davis, Josh Ruddell, Nick Harrington, Matt Underwood, Doug Brown, Dave McCune, Andy Carter, Sam Benefiel, Mike Cummings, Mike Klopfer, Joe Brkic, Andrew Merkle, Todd Hutchinson, and Andy Patterson.

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On September 23rd, the members of the R&I Committee will conduct a Pilot Benefits Seminar in Memphis. The Benefits Seminar will provide information on all FedEx and ALPA benefits available to you. The topics will include health care, life, disability, and retirement, among many others. With several benefit changes being implemented in 2017, this seminar will be beneficial for all FedEx ALPA member pilots and will prepare them for annual enrollment. All ALPA pilot members currently in good standing may attend. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. For our planning purposes, please RSVP for the seminar by registering here. When you register,

please indicate if your spouse will attend.  In addition, ALPA’s preferred financial provider, Charles Schwab, will have two Financial Consultants available to discuss the benefits they provide for ALPA member pilots. The Financial Consultants will be available Wednesday, September 21st and Thursday, September 22nd to conduct individual Retirement & Financial planning sessions with FedEx ALPA member pilots and their spouses. The sessions are free and scheduled for one hour in length. Register for a session by clicking here. Vendors from many of our FedEx and ALPA benefit plans will have booths onsite to answer your questions. Pilot Benefit Seminar Sessions

Date: Session One: Session Two: Vendor Booths Available: Location:

Friday, September 23, 2016 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Double Tree by Hilton 5069 Sanderlin Memphis, TN 38117

Note: The same material will be covered in both sessions. You should only sign up for one session. [back to top]



ANC INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT AND FINANCIAL COUNSELING SESSIONS: Dates: Monday, September 26th, Tuesday, September 27th, and Wednesday, September 28th Schwab Executive Services Financial Consultants will be available on Monday through Wednesday to conduct individual Retirement & Financial planning sessions with FedEx ALPA member pilots and their spouses. See the link below for available times. The sessions are free and scheduled for one hour in length. The slots fill up fast so reserve yours now by clicking here. [back to top]



MEM RETIREMENT SEMINARS: The next available Retirement Counseling Seminars will be held on October 5th & 18th from 1:004:00 p.m. Central Time at the FDX MEC Office, 1770 Kirby Parkway, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38138. The Retirement Seminar is geared towards pilot’s preparing for retirement providing general information on all pilot’s retirement benefits and the retirement process. While we encourage all pilot’s to attend the Retirement Seminar, preference will be given to pilot’s closer to retirement. For pilots who are unable to attend in person, we will provide access to the seminar via teleconference. In order to streamline the seminars and to ensure the highest level of counseling, we are limiting each seminar to 28 slots. Spouses are welcome to attend. To register for a Retirement Counseling Seminar, please click here. Please be prepared to provide your ALPA member number. Since the seminars fill up quickly, you should register as soon as possible.  

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UNIFORM POLICY CHANGES: As most of you are aware, flight management recently made changes to the uniform policy. The following are some of the highlights from the changes: Only 3 overcoats are authorized to be worn: winter parka, striped blazer jacket, and leather jacket. The company is currently working to secure two vendors for the Leather Jacket. Accessories such as socks, sweaters, gloves, winter hats and scarves are reimbursable only when purchased through M&H. A Cut Above shirts and uniform items are no longer reimbursable. Landerwood shirts are only reimbursable through a “Voucher System.” See the company website for details. Hong Kong pilots are authorized to purchase uniforms only through Winston Company and M&H. If you experience problems with the primary vendor M&H, please submit an Insite report. As we are all becoming more increasingly aware, problems can most likely only be corrected if they are documented. In accordance with the contract, flight management must consult with the Uniform Committee prior to making changes. However, they are not required to follow any recommendations from the committee. If you would like to see changes made to the uniform policy, please submit an Insite report. This is the best way to make your voices heard and affect change. We are working to be copied on the Insite reports for Uniform issues, until then please copy me via email as well ([email protected]). In addition, please feel free to communicate with the System Chief Pilot in person or via email. Just be sure to be professional. Tim King FDX MEC Uniform Committee Chairman [back to top]



WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ALPA'S NEW APP?: ALPA is working to improve our app, and we want your input. Please take the time to answer a few short questions about the ALPA app, so that we can provide the information you need most. Don’t have the app? You can download it here. TAKE THE SURVEY [back to top]



FAR 117 QUESTION SUBMISSIONS: Please be sure to check out our Hot Topics website regarding this issue. You can read previously asked and answered questions on this subject as well as submit new questions. To view the website, please click here.  

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SCHWAB INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT AND FINANCIAL COUNSELING SESSIONS: Memphis: Dates: Thursday, August 25th,Thursday, September 15th, Thursday, September 29th Schwab Executive Services Financial Consultants will be available on Thursday to conduct individual Retirement & Financial planning sessions with FedEx ALPA member pilots and their spouses. See the link below for available times. The sessions are free and scheduled for one hour in length. The slots fill up fast, so reserve yours now by clicking here. Charles Schwab is ALPA’s preferred financial provider. Some of the benefits available for ALPA member pilots from Charles Schwab include complimentary financial planning, low-cost trading, educational online resources, etc. To learn more about the ALPA-Schwab relationship, please visit www.schwab.com/alpa or contact Sylvia Arellano, the lead Executive Services Financial Consultant for FedEx ALPA pilots, directly at (720) 418-4200. [back to top]



MEM FIRST OFFICER NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE: Memphis 757 First Officer John Ohm has a family health issue that requires him to be home. We ask those of you qualified to operate in the right seat of the 757 to look at John's schedule and offer a PDO bump, if possible. Please consider this request to allow John the ability to better care for his family. [back to top]





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The $30,000-A-Night Jet That Flies Empty Packaging Standard for Lithium Batteries to Slip Atlas Inks Five-Year Deal to Provide Freighters to FedEx FedEx Doubles Down on Purple and Orange Delta Pilots Picket for Higher Wages Southwest Airlines, Pilots Agree in Principle on New Contract  


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