is kind of like free money. It is simple. It is free. But more importantly it provides the much needed funds for our Cha
FEDEX PILOTS' CHARITABLE FUND: FREE MONEY! Did that get your attention? No gimmicks here. There is a way for you to help us help children in need. The holiday season is quickly upon us as evident by the displays popping up at many department and outlet stores. Your email and snail mail has probably begun attracting those pesky ads and invitations and such to purchase early for those special people. Well, we would like to point you to something that could get much needed funding to causes that aid children and their families in times of need. AmazonSmile Program ( is a vehicle that allows you to have Amazon donate 0.5% of the purchase price of items you purchase with AmazonSmile towards eligible charitable organizations. Our FedEx Pilots' Charitable Fund ( is just one of those. It is fairly easy to setup and is completely transparent to you the customer once it is established. Access the website ( and use your current Amazon account log on information (if you have one) and follow the directions. While you can choose any one of a number of funds, we would ask that you choose the FedEx Pilots Charitable Fund. Once setup, Amazon will contribute the money (0.5%) each and every time you purchase. And this is not coming off the top nor part of the purchase price, but funds directly from Amazon. So in essence, it is kind of like free money. It is simple. It is free. But more importantly it provides the much needed funds for our Charitable Fund so that we can provide assistance to children related support throughout the nation where FDX pilots live and work. If you do not use Amazon as a venue for shopping you can go to our website ( and donate directly. Every little bit helps.
So, please take a few moments of your time and help us. As you can imagine, there is never enough time nor the funds to do the work that is needed. It is a constant struggle for these children who many are undergoing life threatening illnesses. They typically are not afforded the life many of us have to enjoy. If there is ever a season or a reason, now is the time. Thanks for helping! Sean P. McDonald President FedEx Pilots Charitable Fund [back to top]
MEM MD-11 FO NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE: First Officer Quentin Chandler experienced a major medical issue on Sunday, Oct 16. As a fairly new crew member at FedEx, he has not had the time to to acquire an extended amount of sick leave to afford him the time off that he needs during his recovery. As such, we are asking anyone qualified to operate in the right seat of the MD-11 to please offer assistance through a PDO bump. Below are the following trips on FO Chandler’s calendar that need to be bumped: MD11 F/O MEM 516/29OCT 217/13NOV 349/21NOV 238/23NOV 243/25NOV [back to top]
FROM THE COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: MEC YouTube Channel Have you ever wondered where to go and watch current or past videos? Your Communications Committee would like to take this opportunity to highlight the YouTube link on the homepage. Located under the Reference Bar, when you click on the YouTube icon you will be taken to our MEC YouTube page which is where we keep all the current and past videos that we have published. This is especially important during the current open enrollment window for our healthcare benefits. You will find videos ranging from Safety, Retirement and Healthcare to Negotiating Committee and Chairman’s updates. Once there, please take the time to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss out on any of our future video releases. To go directly to our FDX MEC YouTube page, please click here. In addition, we also include a YouTube link at the bottom of every Positive Rate email we publish. [back to top]
OPERATIONS BULLETIN: Missing Waypoints or Jeppesen Database Cycle 1611 The Jeppesen Navigation Database (cycle 1611) effective October 13, 2016 may be missing
several waypoints within the Shanwick Oceanic FIR (EGGX), London Oceanic FIR (EGTT), and Scottish Oceanic FIR (EGPX). In some cases, the removed waypoints were replaced with full degree and half degree grid waypoints. Therefore, use caution when referencing FMS waypoints in the United Kingdom for NavData Cycle 1611. To read the operations bulletin in its entirety, please click here. [back to top]
MEM RETIREMENT SEMINARS AND SCHWAB COUNSELING SESSIONS FOR NOVEMBER: MEM RETIREMENT SEMINAR: The next available Retirement Counseling Seminars will be held on November 15th, & 17th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Central Time at the FDX MEC Office, 1770 Kirby Parkway, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38138. The Retirement Seminar is geared towards pilot’s preparing for retirement providing general information on all pilot’s retirement benefits and the retirement process. While we encourage all pilot’s to attend the Retirement Seminar, preference will be given to pilot’s closer to retirement. For pilots who are unable to attend in person, we will provide access to the seminar via teleconference. In order to streamline the seminars and to ensure the highest level of counseling, we are limiting each seminar to 28 slots. Spouses are welcome to attend. To register for a Retirement Counseling Seminar, pleaes click here. Please be prepared to provide your ALPA member number. Since the seminars fill up quickly, you should register as soon as possible.
SCHWAB INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT AND FINANCIAL COUNSELING SESSIONS: Memphis: Dates: Wednesday, November 16th; & Friday, November 18th. Schwab Executive Services Financial Consultants will be available on Thursday, Wednesday, and Friday to conduct individual Retirement & Financial planning sessions with FedEx ALPA member pilots and their spouses. See the link below for available times. The sessions are free and scheduled for one hour in length. The slots fill up fast, so reserve yours now by clicking here. Charles Schwab is ALPA’s preferred financial provider. Some of the benefits available for ALPA member pilots from Charles Schwab include complimentary financial planning, low-cost trading, educational online resources, etc. To learn more about the ALPA-Schwab relationship, please visit or contact Sylvia Arellano, the lead Executive Services Financial Consultant for FedEx ALPA pilots, directly at (720) 418-4200. [back to top]
UPCOMING RETIREMENT & BENEFITS SEMINARS: The R&I Committee will be holding several Benefits and Retirement Seminars within the next month. The Benefits Seminar will provide information on all FedEx and ALPA benefits available to you. The topics will include health care, life, disability, and retirement, among many others. With a focus on the benefit improvements being implemented in 2017 during annual enrollment this year. The Retirement Seminar is geared towards pilots preparing for retirement, providing general information on all pilot’s retirement benefits and the retirement process.
Below is the schedule for upcoming Benefits and Retirement Seminars. Seminars are open to all pilot members in good standing regardless of base. However, if space becomes limited, priority will be given to pilots from that base. Date
Wednesday, October 26th
Benefits & Retirement
The Hotel Captain Cook 939 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501
8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
click here
Friday, October 28th
Benefits & Retirement
The Library Restaurant & Pub 2610 Lynhurst Drive Indianapolis, IN 46241
8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
click here
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MEM FIRST OFFICER NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE: Memphis 757 First Officer John Ohm has a family health issue that requires him to be home. We ask those of you qualified to operate in the right seat of the 757 to look at John's schedule and offer a PDO bump, if possible. Please consider this request to allow John the ability to better care for his family. [back to top]
None November None [back to top]
FedEx Unveils European Expansion Project Are UPS Aircraft Mechanics Ready to Strike?
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