Nov 11, 2014 - look back over the course of the years, referring the reader to the union's opening ... file:///Users/eri
Positive Rate Weekly
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FROM THE SECRETARY TREASURER: If anyone believes that the latest string of missives management posted on their website is directed to the pilots employed by FDX, you are mistaken. As you peruse these communications, read it through the lens of over 42 months of bargaining in one form or another. Read them with the understanding of where we are and how we got here, and how management drove the process to this juncture. In these communiqués, management is laying out reasoning for their failure to bargain given the opportunities the union availed to them all these many months, nay years. From the onset of their scheduling improvement tool “PiBS” being laid on the table (where it remains to this day), to their latest attempt to improve the lot of current FDX pilots through their revamped approached to retirement, management continues to claim that our union isn’t telling the pilots the whole truth. In fact they are using time-tested union destabilizing techniques calling into question the validity of our negotiating committee and the pilot representatives we have elected. With these pieces, they look back over the course of the years, referring the reader to the union’s opening position in critical areas. They were just that, opening positions formulated in in no small manner by management’s largesse grab with their PiBS move. What would they expect? After working our way through numerous underlying sections of the contract, after years in bargaining, management throws their collective hands in the air and comment that they find it difficult to bargain the remaining sections without some form of oversight. Thus their request for mediation. They had ample opportunity—if they so desired—to negotiate a fair contract, even using their own metrics. But something is obviously amiss at FDX Express. One only has to stroll down the entry corridor at the union office and read through each of the “Red Letters” to understand that the more things change the more they stay the same. Tried and true, instead of focusing on the issues at the bargaining table, they seek to introduce blame on other pilots; get the pilots to commence doing management’s dirty work through public bashing of fellow pilots; keep you off balance with your focus elsewhere, all of which is Union Busting 101, make no mistake. Forewarned is forearmed. This is not the end of the world. Yes, we have some difficult times ahead because of management, not because of pilots. Our objectives remain constant. In fact, they are well within the realm of reasonableness given the substantial economic gains the corporation is realizing to this very day. You have earned every penny and never forget this, we won’t. And we won’t apologize for it either.
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Management will continue to comment on the unreasonableness of our positions. We obviously will counter with well-researched and supportive data that indicates otherwise. It’s just business. Management, at every opportunity, will seek to get you to shift focus. Don’t. You are now on that Cat IIIB with management creating the challenges. Everyone should be working as a single entity to achieve that successful outcome. Don’t let management’s lapse in their focus cause you or us to deviate. We will get through this, and we shall do so unified. That is what will win the day in the end. So whom were they communicating to? Who cares, our focus is concluding this lengthy negotiations. Sean P McDonald [back to top]
UPCOMING INFORMATIONAL PICKETING EVENTS: Tomorrow we will continue our informational picketing events in NYC, IND and DEN. Please click here for more information on the upcoming picketing events and if you intend to come, please click here to RSVP. For detailed information, including transportation, please click here. [back to top]
THE NMB AND MEDIATION: Below you will find a link to Frequently Asked Questions regarding the National Mediation Board and the mediation process. Please take a few minutes to read this information. Mediation FAQ [back to top]
FDX ELECTION RESULTS: The Council 26 election is completed and the representatives for the term beginning 3/1/15 and ending 2/28/18 are: Derek Martin (Block 3), Anita Shew (Block 6), and Michael Arcamuzi (Block 11). To see a more detailed results sheet, click here. The Council 14 election has also completed and the representatives for the term beginning 3/1/15 and ending 2/28/18 are: Andrew Coward (Chairman), Mark Eagon (Vice Chairman), and David Krysinski (Secretary-Treasurer). To see a more detailed results sheet, click here. [back to top]
YOU'RE INVITED TO MEMPHIS ZOO LIGHTS: Please join your fellow pilots and their families on Sunday, December 14 for a private "Zoo Lights Night" at the Memphis Zoo (gates open at 5:30 p.m.). We encourage you to bring a new, unused
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toy with you to drop off at the zoo entrance. We are collecting toys as part of our toy drive for the FedEx Family House and Hope House for Christmas! This Family Awareness event will feature Santa Claus and his reindeer, ice skating, over one million holiday lights, of course animals, Teton Trek Lodge for those concerned about weather, and many other activities. We will have hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies in the Teton Trek. The gates will open at 5:30 p.m. and we are welcome to stay and visit throughout the zoo until 9 p.m. MEC Chairman Captain Scott Stratton and other MEC officers, representatives and committee members will be in attendance to answer questions and concerns about current events. If you are laying over or have a deadhead out on Monday, come in early to join us! There will be ample time to ask questions and talk with your friends and their families. Please click here to RSVP! Questions? Please call Family Awareness Chairman Pat Meagher at (901) 568-4920. [back to top]
FROM SPSC: DEN WEATHER ADVISORY On Wednesday, November 12, Denver weather is forecasting some snow and the temperature will hover around the 20’s. First, if you are coming in to attend the rally and informational picketing, please bring the appropriate winter weather clothing: parkas, jackets, gloves, scarves, earmuffs, etc. If you are flying or jumpseating in, adjust your plans on getting in to Denver earlier. If you live in or around the Denver area, do consider the traffic and road conditions from where you are coming from. Your safety is paramount. The plan to stand out in the Civic Center Park is still on. However, we will take the appropriate measures to ensure the safety and well being of all participants while achieving what we set out to accomplish - to show the company and our customers that we, the FedEx crew force are determined to get our fair contract and, a little winter blast is not stopping our collective spirit. In Unity. Your SPSC [back to top]
FROM THE TRAINING COMMITTEE - CURRENT QUAL GROUND SCHOOL: If you are scheduled for ground school in module C over a weekend, be sure and bring a lunch. The cafeteria is closed on the weekends, and there is not enough time in the schedule to go off site for lunch. [back to top]
FROM THE PILOT ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: A few months ago, the wallet-sized reference card pictured below was mailed to every FDX pilot. This card is meant to supplement your ALPA pocket calendar and serve as a quick reference guide when you are not near a computer or your flight kit. We've received feedback from several of you who indicated that you have not received the wallet card. If you would like to download a copy of the card, please click here. If you would like to have one mailed to you, please contact
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the FDX MEC office at (901) 752-8749. To view the letter that accompanied this card when originally mailed, please click here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Charlie Schenk, Pilot Assistance Chairman -
[email protected] Kandy Bernskoetter, Pilot Assistance Vice Chair -
[email protected]
[back to top]
NOVEMBER 19: JOIN ALPA IN DC TO #DENYNAI: On Wednesday, November 19, ALPA is hosting a one-day fly-in D.C. Day of Action to carry the
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#DenyNAI message directly to lawmakers on Capitol Hill. If your schedule allows, make plans now to come to DC, meet with members of Congress, then spend the afternoon advocating for Department of Transportation to finally—and completely—deny NAI’s application. Your voice can make the difference in our fight. Read more about the #DenyNAI Day of Action and then email
[email protected] to say you’ll be there. Click here for a schedule of events.
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FROM THE DANGEROUS GOODS COMMITTEE: Dangerous Goods Committee Chairman Captain Scott Schwartz encourages you to read the IFALPA News Bulletin as it contains three articles related to dangerous goods. You can also click here to read IFALPA's position regarding the transport of dangerous good. [back to top]
RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT - CHUCK BAKER: The following retirement announcement was submitted by First Officer Chuck Baker who retired on October 31, 2014. We would like to congratulate First Officer Baker and wish him all the best as he enters into retirement. Yep, I turned into a pumpkin on Halloween (maybe sooner). I'd like to thank Chris, Harry, and Fred for making my last month a real vacation adventure (also for all the landings!). I'm already deep into Sherrye's LIST, but hope to get the bike and fly rod out soon. Hopefully, some mission trips to get me out, too. Fly safe, keep the checks coming, and best wishes for a good contract. We're in the Collierville area, keep in touch. If you would like to contact First Officer Baker, he can be reached at
[email protected] or 901486-5884. [back to top]
UPCOMING RETIREMENT COUNSELING SEMINARS: The next available Retirement Counseling Seminar will be held on December 17, 2014 from 1:00-
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5:00 p.m. Central Time at the FDX MEC Office, 1770 Kirby Parkway, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38138. For pilots who are unable to attend in person, we will provide access to the seminar via teleconference. In order to streamline the seminar and to ensure the highest level of counseling, we are limiting each seminar to 25 pilots. Spouses are welcome to attend. To register for a Retirement Counseling Seminar click here or call the FDX MEC Office at 1-866-339-2572 (or 901-752-8749 in Memphis). Please be prepared to provide your ALPA member number. Since the seminars fill up quickly, you should register as soon as possible. [back to top]
FROM THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE: As part of our work with the FedEx Family House and Hope House in Memphis, we are collecting new, unused toys for a Christmas toy drive. The FedEx Family House is a home away from home for out-of-town families with children receiving treatment at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital. This year, the FedEx Family House will host an event titled, "Santa's Village." For more information regarding this event and volunteer opportunities, please click here. Hope House is a day-care center devoted to children who have been affected by or infected with HIV/AIDS. As in years past, this year we will again deliver gifts and food baskets to Hope House. If you would like to make a donation for these two great causes, please bring it to the MEC office at 1770 Kirby Parkway, Suite 300. For more information regarding community outreach or the FedEx Pilots' Charitable Fund, please contact First Officer Amy Allen at
[email protected]. [back to top]
SEPTEMBER RETIREMENTS: The FedEx MEC and R&I Committee would like to congratulate the following ALPA members who retired in September and to thank them for their years of participation in the Association. Captain Richard L. Simpson Captain Lawrence G. Brown Captain Douglas J. Rosemark Captain Bruce J. Carey Captain Jim A. Ross Captain Oliver B. Coolidge First Officer Victor L. Tyber Captain Henry G. Greinke Captain Lonnie R. Hill Captain Ty P. Turley Our condolences to the family of Captain Medardo M. Malic, who passed away on September 13th. Total retirements from January through September 2014 were 53, of whom 51 were ALPA members.
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HOPE FOR AUTUMN FOUNDATION: At the young age of 6, Captain Tom McCarthy's granddaughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. After a full year of treatment, which included three major surgeries and several chemo treatments, she completed her treatment at Birmingham Children's Hospital and is now a healthy and happy 12-year old. Because of this life-changing event, Captain McCarthy's daughter became very active in the fight to defeat childhood cancer and is now the executive director of the Hope for Autumn Foundation. This foundation is headquartered in Birmingham, AL and is dedicated to providing funds for research and to families that are going through such a lifealtering situation as childhood cancer. If you don't have a preferred charity that you support, please consider the Hope for Autumn Foundation. You can visit their website at: [back to top]
STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND STRIKE COMMITTEE CALL CENTER: The Strategic Preparedness and Strike Committee has set up a call center in the MEC offices. This call center will be manned Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4p.m. The call center is here to answer questions about current negotiations with the company. If you have a question for the Negotiating Committee or the MEC, you can call the call center and we will get the answer for you. The number to reach the call center is (901)752-8749 ext. 2591. [back to top]
MEM 757 103/10Nov 105/17Nov 120/10Nov 120/17Nov 124/25Nov 302/04Nov 302/05Nov 302/06Nov 302/11Nov 302/12Nov 302/13Nov 302/18Nov 302/19Nov 302/20Nov 302/25Nov 302/26Nov 346/10Nov 346/17Nov ANC MD11
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13/16Nov 74/11Nov [back to top]
Etihad Cargo Expands Fleet with Third Boeing 747 Freighter From Atlas Air Air Cargo Security Risk: Self-Screening Sparks Call for Oversight Denver Int'l Airport Sept. Air Freight Rises 10.9% Y/y [back to top]
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