Feb 29, 2016 - Pat Hagerty. Fatigue Risk Management Committee .... from each aircraft fleet to help with this effort. Th
757/767 FLYING: We have received calls about junior 757 flexes who held Captain on the last bid being activated. This was the result of a resolution in which the Company was denying training swaps to captainqualified instructors. The resolution now allows them to swap like any other pilot, with some added time constraints. The pool of pilots denied the ability to swap was also remedied and hence the activations. With or without this resolution, there were no passover implications to other pilots since the captain-qualified pilots did not require training. In the future, prior to the new Section 24 System Bid being implemented, ordinary swap procedures will be used. [back to top]
MEC MEETING RESOLUTIONS: To view the resolutions passed during the February 8-11 MEC meeting, please click here (you will be required to login).
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FROM THE FATIGUE RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: A big step forward to manage fatigue risk occurred at our latest quarterly meeting with the FedEx flight operations and other stakeholders. The CDG-VIE-BUD-VIE-CDG sequence will remain in the “winter” model and not shift to layovers of 12 hours or less in BUD. Thank you to all the pilots who submitted fatigue reports and took part in the sleep study. Objective data along with reports that show a systemic problem drove this decision. Over the last few years we have seen the number of fatigue calls increase. This is a positive sign that pilots are assessing their fatigue level and recognizing they are not fit for duty. One change in the new CBA has all fatigue calls (events) reviewed by the company and Association to decide if a pilot’s sick bank should be credited (12.9.G.). This step brings FedEx up to industry standard. Another change to the CBA you may not be aware of is the new FRMG track for disputes from the SIG (25.E.5). All pairings on this track are passed from the SIG to the FRMC andreviewed for fatigue risk. To date some pairings have been changed, but the most common outcome has been to collect sleep data. New sleep areas for ramps that are deficient for pilot rest areas are being worked on by the company. The trial ramp may be Huntington, WV. Sleep rooms are needed in Newark. The company is attempting to find locations that it can convert to pilot sleep rooms for hub turns. More sleep rooms are needed at the IND hub. The company is trying to find additional space to increase the number of rooms, and perhaps add a restroom that is more convenient. The sleep room wakeup program continues to be a success. The company may even look into having “alert calls” for all pilots, not just hub turns. Automation will be the technological hurdle for this to happen. I will finish with another plea for you to file Fatigue reports and PORs. I know the current WBAT system is difficult to use. Just as the POR system recently had been updated, and we are working with the company to over haul the fatigue reporting system. Pat Hagerty
Fatigue Risk Management Committee Chairman [back to top]
FUTURE NOQ FLAGS/PILOT DOES NOT HAVE REQUIRED TRAINING: If you have not received 3 landings in 3 months, did you know that there is an NOQ flag indicating that a bid line adjustment cannot be approved after the time you may become non-current? The same is true with recurrent training, line checks, etc. Example 1: I go non-current for landings on 03/20/16 and I have a currency simulator scheduled for 03/19/16. On 03/12/16 I submit a general make-up request for a trip which begins 03/21/16. Although the simulator is scheduled prior to the start of the requested trip, the bid line adjustment is denied because the “pilot does not have required training." Example 2: I was awarded a line of flying for the May bid period. I dropped one of my trips and submitted a make-up request for a trip with the exact footprint as the trip I dropped. The bid line adjustment is denied because I go non-current for landings prior to the showtime of the requested trip. The CBA provides that a pilot shall be awarded a line of flying by seniority order. You have the
right to submit for a bid line adjustment, but the CBA provides bid line adjustments shall be granted or denied based on uniformly applied, objective criteria. There are two objective criteria in play here: (1) CRS does not override NOQ flags; and (2) Pilot does not have required training. What does this mean? 1. In a month that you may become non-current, be careful how you bid. A phase-in conflict may be detrimental to your pay. When you request carry-in adjustment make-up, it is considered a bid-line adjustment. 2. Do not drop trips after the time period that you may become non-current. You will not be able to replace that trip until you have “cured” the NOQ flag. 3. Request make-up on days prior to the time you may become non-current. If you have any questions, please contact Contract Enforcement at
[email protected]. [back to top]
RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT: The following retirement announcement was submitted by Captain James Ribera who will be retiring on February 29, 2016. We would like to congratulate Captain Ribera and wish him all the best as he enters into retirement. I thought I would write a short farewell to my friends—the other 4300 of you can just click 'continue.' Thanks for the flying job Mr. Smith. Thanks to my good friend and Marine/Pan Am colleague Capt. Allen Henry for getting me an interview. A very special 'thank you' to Mr. William, the guy who keeps HKG running smoothly. Thanks to all the support folks from Subic to Memphis and everywhere in between. Finally, it has truly been an honor to fly the last 20 years with such professionals. Thank you all. My words of wisdom: it goes by too fast, enjoy it—I know I did. I can hear the laughter all the way from Asia. I'm in north San Diego county. Semper Fi. If you would like to contact Captain Ribera, he can be reached at
[email protected]. [back to top]
2016 TRAINING: If you are a pilot scheduled for training in 2016 and you otherwise have provided your advanced notice of planned retirement for the same year (See Section 28.F.), please read the following information concerning how you may expect to be handled with respect to your training: Any pilot who is scheduled for ITU training will be removed from the Training letter and will receive passover if/when eligible. Pilots simply requiring equipment differences training will remain on the Training letter. [back to top]
COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN OPENINGS: We are currently seeking committee chairmen for the ASAP and Bereavement Committees. In accordance with the FDX MEC Policy Manual, those pilots who desire to be considered for these positions should contact MEC Secretary Treasurer First Officer Rich Zins at
[email protected].
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LITHIUM BATTERIES - CALL TO ACTION: We are asking all FedEx pilots to participate in ALPA's Call to Action concerning the safe carriage of lithium batteries. We all know this is something that poses a major safety risk to us everyday. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 included language that limited the Department of Transportation’s ability to regulate lithium batteries to that of international standards implemented by ICAO. That has worked well for the passenger carriers but, to no one’s surprise, there has been nothing done for all-cargo carriers. We are asking Congress to remove the restrictive language and allow the Secretary of Transportation to issue safety regulations that will allow us to continue to carry these batteries but to do so as DG and in a manner that ensures our safety. Please contact your Congressman and ask for their support of our efforts. To complete the "Call the Action" and submit a letter directly to your Congressman, please click on the image below.
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FROM THE TRAINING COMMITTEE: The FedEx ALPA Training Committee is currently looking for pilots with Human Factors (HF) education, training, and applied experience. We need pilots with a passion for Human Factors from each aircraft fleet to help with this effort. The ALPA training committee is in a unique position to assemble a team of line pilots with HF background to help analyze, contribute, and evaluate ongoing projects. We are looking for motivated pilots that are willing to get involved to help their fellow pilots and the future of FedEx Flight Training. If you have an education, or performed training/instructing, or conducted research in Human Factors, please send your resume to
[email protected]. Capt. Tyler Sanders
Training Committee Vice Chairman [back to top]
ACARS SAFETY ALERT: The following ACARS safety alert is for arrivals into ROA until March 3. VNAVguidance not authorized for RWY 24. Use of RWY 24 restricted to daylight operations only with reported weather of 3000/5. See Company NOTAM. [back to top]
None March None [back to top]
TNT Strengthens as FedEx Takeover Gets Closer Lithium Batteries Banned as Cargo on Passenger Planes by U.N. Agency Appeal Filed in Brazil Regarding Unconditional Approval of FedEx Acquisition of TNT Express What United Parcel Service Results Mean for FedEx Corporation United Parcel Service Expected to Appeal Against the FedEx-TNT Takeover UPS Appeals FedEx/TNT Brazilian Approval
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