Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 89, 356 – 365 (2002)
Possible Involvement of M5 Muscarinic Receptor in the Enhancing Actions of the Novel Gastroprokinetic Agent Z-338 on NifedipineSensitive Voltage-Dependent Ca2+ Currents in Guinea Pig Stomach Hiromitsu Morita1, Kihachiro Abe2, Yushi Ito1 and Ryuji Inoue1,* 1
Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan 2 Special Patient Oral Care Unit of Kyushu University Dental Hospital, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan Received March 20, 2002
Accepted May 8, 2002
ABSTRACT—We investigated the effects of the novel gastroprokinetic agent Z-338 (N-(N'-N'-diisopropylaminoethyl)-[2-(2-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxybenzoylamino)-1,3-thiazole-4-yl] carboxyamide monohydrochloride trihydrate) on L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents (ICa) in guinea pig gastric myocytes by using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Bath-applied acetylcholine (ACh) produced biphasic effects on I Ca, i.e., enhancement (1 – 100 nM) and inhibition (1 – 100 mM), both of which were abolished by pretreatment with atropine (10 mM) or intracellular perfusion of GDPbS (500 mM). Z-338 (³1 nM, ED50: 120 nM) mimicked the enhancing effects of ACh, but did not inhibit ICa. The effects of Z-338 and ACh were non-additive and blocked by atropine and GDPb S, but not by pertussis toxin (PTX) pretreatment (500 ng /ml). ACh (³1 m M) induced slow inward currents via activation of the muscarinic receptor /PTX-sensitive G-protein pathway, but Z-338 was devoid of these effects. Neither pirenzepine (1 m M), AF-DX116 (1 mM), nor oxybutynin (100 nM) could prevent Z-338 (1 mM) and ACh (10 nM) from enhancing ICa, whilst 4-DAMP (100 nM) blocked the effects of Z-338 and ACh. Bath-application of protein kinase C (PKC) activator PDBu (phorbol12,13-dibutyrate) (250 nM) enhanced ICa, and conversely, pipette inclusion of PKC inhibitor peptide (150 mM) abolished the effects of ACh and Z-338 on ICa. These results collectively suggest that although contribution of the M3 receptor is not excluded, the major actions of Z-338 on gastric myocytes are potentiation of ICa through activation of M5-like receptor. Keywords: Z-338, M5 muscarinic receptor, L-type calcium channel, Gastric smooth muscle
Z-338, a novel carboxyamide derivative, has recently been synthesized, in the hope to obtain more potent and clinically safer gastroprokinetic agents having a different mechanism from those of existing gastroprokinetic agents such as cisapride and domperidone, which have been reported to show unfavorable adverse effects on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems (1). It has been shown that Z-338 enhances gastric motor activity in conscious dogs with chronically implanted force transducers and restores gastric emptying suppressed by clonidine treatment in both dog and rat gastroparesis models (1). The
mechanisms involved in theses actions of Z-338 have been investigated in more detail by a number of different techniques. In guinea pig stomach strips preincubated with [3H]-labelled choline, Z-338 enhances the electrically stimulated release of [3H]-ACh. This is likely to occur through inhibition of M1 and M2 receptors, since Z-338 can bind to M1 and M2 (but not M3) receptors prepared from rat tissues and effectively block membrane currents associated with activation of recombinantly expressed rat M1 and M2 receptors in Xenopus oocytes (2). Furthermore, it was also found that Z-338 enhances spontaneous contractions as well as electrically evoked excitatory junction potentials and concomitant contractions in guinea pig stomach with no significant changes in inhibitory neuro-
*Corresponding author. FAX: +81-92-642-6079 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abbreviations used are: ACh, acetylcholine; AF-DX116, 11-[[2-[(diethylamino)methyl]-1-piperidinyl]acetyl]-5,11-dihydro-6H-pyrido[2,3b][1,4]benzodiazepine-6-one; 4-DAMP, 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperine; ED50, concentration producing half maximal effect; TTX, tetrodotoxin; GDPbS, guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate); GI, gastro intestinal; Ica, Ca2+ current; IP3, inositol triphosphate; PDBu, phorbol-12,13dibutyrate; PI, phosphoinositol; PKC, protein kinase C; PTX, pertussis toxin; Z-338, N-(N'-N'-diisopropylaminoethyl)-[2-(2-hydroxy-4,5dimethoxybenzoylamino)-1,3-thiazole-4-yl] carboxyamide monohydrochloride trihydrate. 356
M5 Receptor Potentiates L-Type Ca2+ Current
transmission, resting membrane potential or basal muscle tone (3). All these findings are consistent with the view that Z-338 facilitates the excitatory neurotransmission in the stomach by increasing ACh release from cholinergic nerve varicosities via inhibition of pre-junctional M1 and M2 receptors. However, it is still unclear what postjunctional mechanisms are involved in the observed increase in spontaneous motor activities of gastric smooth muscle upon application of Z-338. It is also puzzling why Z-388 is able to enhance spontaneous contractions without changing the basal tension level, while ACh affects both. Thus, in the present study, in order to clarify these points, we have investigated the ionic mechanisms underlying the excitatory actions of Z-338 via muscarinic receptors in comparison with those of ACh, by applying the patch clamp technique to single myocytes freshly dissociated from the stomach. Our results show that this compound potentiates the activity of the L-type Ca2+ channel almost exclusively through stimulation of a muscarinic receptor pharmacologically similar to the M5 receptor. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cell dispersion Hartley guinea pigs of either sex (400 to 700 g) were stunned and killed by decapitation. The whole stomach of each animal was excised out and cut open along the major curvature and divided into two parts. Each part was pinned stretched on the rubber bottom of a dissecting dish filled with 1 mM Ca2+ containing Krebs solution (for ionic composition see below). The gastric smooth muscle layer was cleaned of attached mucosa, vessels, and connective tissues, and minced into small pieces using fine scissors and forceps. These pieces were incubated in nominally Ca2+-free Krebs solution at 36°C for 30 min and transferred consecutively into the Ca2+ free Krebs solution supplemented with 2 mg /ml collagenase (type I; Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) at 36°C for 60 min. Single cells were dispersed by triturating the digested pieces with a large bored Pasteur pipette in Ca2+-free Krebs solution and stored in a refrigerator at 4 – 10°C until use. Experiments were carried out within 3 h from the time of cell dispersion. For PTX treatment, strips made from adjacent regions of the same gastric muscle were incubated in Krebs solution supplemented with or without 500 ng /ml PTX at 4 – 10°C for 12 – 18 h (the latter was taken as the control), from which single myocytes were dispersed following the protocol mentioned above. All procedures described above were performed according to the guidelines approved by a local animal ethics committee of Kyushu University. Electrophysiology The details of electrophysiological recordings in this
study were essentially the same as described previously (4). Briefly, a low-noise, high-impedance patch clamp amplifier (Axopatch 1D; Axon Instruments, Union City, CA, USA) driven by an IBM-compatible computer (Aptiva) was used to generate voltage and acquire current signals, in conjunction with an A /D, D /A converter (TL-1, Axon Instruments). Obtained current signals were low-pass filtered (1 kHz), digitized (2 kHz), and stored on a computer hard disk. The leak subtraction procedure was routinely employed using the P /2 protocol where voltage pulses of half amplitude with an opposite polarity were applied prior to the test pulses. The series resistance of cells examined stayed almost constant throughout the experiments (5 – 7 MW), 50 – 70% of which was electronically compensated. Data were analyzed offline and an illustration made by the commercial software Clampfit version 6.04 (Axon Instruments) and Kaleida Graph version 3.04 (Synergy Software, Reading, PA, USA). In some cases in which long term recordings were needed, current signals were digitized every 10 ms using the MacLab (AD Instruments, Castel Hill, Australia). In some experiments such as the shown in Fig. 1C and 2B, the nystatin-perforated rather than conventional whole-cell recording was employed to examine the possible role of intracellular Ca2+ concentration. We found, however, little differences between the results obtained by the two modes of recording (Fig.1C and Fig.2B). We therefore employed the latter mode throughout the present study, in order to record ICa under better and more stable voltageclamped conditions. The temperature of the bathing solution was adjusted between 25 ± 1°C with an automatic temperature control unit (TC-344B; Warner Instruments, Hamden, CT, USA). The effects of agonists such as ACh, Z-338 and PDBu on ICa were evaluated after their equilibration, which normally took a few minutes, when ICa was repetitively evoked by 400-ms pulses at an interval of 20 s. When multiple concentrations were tested, cumulative application was employed. Inhibitors and antagonists were administered 10 min prior to the application of agonists. Considerable variations occurred in the magnitude of responses to ACh or Z-338, due probably to individual variations of experimental animals and a varying efficacy of enzymatic digestion. Particularly, overnight treatment of gastric muscle strips with or without PTX resulted in a significantly attenuated response of dissociated myocytes to Ach or Z338 as well as a decrease in the current density of ICa, as can be seen in Fig. 4C. Thus, to minimize the influence of these variations, we compared the effects of given drugs between cells dissociated under identical enzymatic conditions from the same batches or adjacent regions of the same muscle strip (Figs. 3 – 5).
H. Morita et al.
Solutions The composition of solutions used in the present study are as follows: modified Krebs solution: 140 mM Na+, 6 mM K+, 1.2 mM Mg2+, 2 mM Ca2+, 151.4 mM Cl-, 10 mM glucose, 10 mM HEPES (adjusted to pH 7.4 with Tris base); Cs+ internal solution for whole-cell recording contained: 140 mM Cs+, 2 mM Mg2+, 144 mM Cl-, 5 mM phosphocreatine, 1 mM Na2ATP, 10 mM EGTA and 10 mM HEPES (adjusted to pH 7.2 with Tris base); Cs+ internal solution for nystatin-perforated recording contained: 140 mM Cs+, 2 mM Mg2+, 144 mM Cl-, 1 mM EGTA, 10 mM glucose and 10 mM HEPES (adjusted to pH 7.2 with Tris base). Chemicals Z-338 was a kind gift from Zeria Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo). ATP, GTP, HEPES, EGTA, TTX and nifedipine were purchased from Wako (Osaka); GDPbS, CdCl2 and oxybutynin, from Sigma; pirenzepine, AF-DX116 and 4-DAMP, from Nacalai Tesque (Kyoto); atropine and PTX, from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA, USA). Statistics All data were expressed as the mean ± S.E.M. For statistical evaluation, two-tailed paired and unpaired t-tests or one way ANOVA with the pooled variance t-test were used where appropriate. RESULTS Complex actions of ACh on membrane currents When voltage step pulses more positive than -40 mV were applied to single gastric myocytes from a holding potential of -60 mV with Cs+ (140 mM) in the pipette, rapidly activating and inactivating inward currents were elicited (Fig. 1: Aa, b; for I-V relationship, see Fig. 2C). These currents were not significantly affected by substitution of external Na+ by N-methyl, D-glucamine, but completely abolished in the presence of nifedipine (³1 mM), suggesting that high voltage-activated L-type Ca2+ channels are responsible for its generation (ICa). The properties of ICa were in agreement with those previously reported in the same preparation (5, 6), but in some cells, transient inward currents showing much faster kinetics compared with ICa were recorded prior to the activation of ICa. These currents are likely to result from activation of voltagedependent Na+ channels, since they were completely abolished in the presence of 1 m M TTX or upon total elimination of external Na+. Thus, in the rest of the present study, to avoid the contamination of voltage-dependent Na+ currents, 1 mM TTX was routinely added in the bath. Figure 1A demonstrates typical actions of bath-applied ACh on the holding current and ICa evoked by depolarizing
pulses to 0 mV at two extreme concentrations. At a relatively low concentration of ACh (10 nM), there was almost no change in the basal current level, but the magnitude of ICa was significantly enhanced. In contrast, at a high concentration (100 mM), a slow sustaining inward current developed after addition of ACh, and in parallel with this, the magnitude of ICa decreased progressively (Fig. 1: Aa, b; for summary, see Fig. 1B). The reduction of ICa at high ACh concentrations was due unlikely to superimposition of slow inward current, since its reversal potential was close to 0 mV (see the inset in Fig. 1C), at which ICa was evaluated. Both enhancing and inhibiting effects of ACh occurred in a concentration-dependent fashion and did not seem to be strongly affected under weak Ca2+-buffering conditions (open circles in Fig. 1C: data from nystatinperforated recording). As summarized in Fig. 1C, the enhancing effects were already evident in the nanomolar range of ACh, whereas the effective concentrations of ACh to inhibit ICa mostly spans the micromolar range (Fig. 1C). The magnitude of the slow sustaining inward current also depended on ACh concentration, the range of which almost coincided with that for ICa inhibition (data not shown). The slow inward current was cationic (Na+ and Ca2+ removal abolished it) with a reversal potential of about 0 mV (inset in Fig. 1C), and its activation was strongly suppressed by pretreatment with AF-DX116 (1 mM), a relatively specific blocker for M2 muscarinic receptor subtype, or by overnight incubation of gastric muscle strips with PTX (500 ng /ml; see Materials and Methods) (data not shown). These results strongly suggest that the channels underlying the slow inward current are cation channels activated through stimulation of the M2 receptor /Gi/ o protein pathway that have ubiquitously been observed in the whole gastrointestinal tract (7, 8). Z-338 solely enhances ICa Z-338 also enhanced ICa in a concentration-dependent fashion (ED50 = 0.12 mM) (Fig. 2: A and B). However, different from ACh, Z-338 did not exhibit any discernible inhibition of ICa even at a concentration as high as 100 mM (Fig. 2B), and it failed to evoke slow inward currents. The enhancing actions of Z-338 on ICa are voltage-independent, as indicated by almost symmetrical current voltage relationships before and after application of ACh (Fig. 3C). Over a wide range of membrane potentials, the extent of ICa potentiation by Z-338 remained nearly the same. Furthermore, the enhancing effects on ICa (open circle in Fig. 2B) or inability to induce inward cationic currents of Z-338 were not changed, when the currents were recorded with nystatin-perforated recording, suggesting a less significant role of intracellular Ca2+ concentration in these effects. The effects of Z-338 and ACh to enhance ICa, appear to be mutually occlusive, since after ICa had already been enhanced
M5 Receptor Potentiates L-Type Ca2+ Current
Fig. 1. Biphasic actions of ACh on nifedipine-sensitive, L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) in guinea pig gastric myocytes. Bath and pipette contained a modified Krebs and Cs+ internal solutions, respectively. A: Actual traces of holding current (b) and ICa evoked by 400 ms depolarizing pulses (from -60 to 0 mV; a) in the absence and presence of 10 nM or 100 m M ACh. B: Averaged time course of the effects of ACh (10 nM and 100 m M) on ICa from 5 separate experiments. C: Concentration-dependence of the effects of ACh on ICa with conventional whole-cell (filled circles, n = 5) and nystatin-perforated (open circles; n = 6) recordings. Inset represents the averaged current-voltage relationship for ACh (100 mM)-induced current from 5 cells evaluated by 2 s rising ramp voltages in the presence of 10 mM nifedipine. In B and C, the amplitude of ICa is normalized to that before application of ACh. *P