Post BSc Nursing Certificate Courses -

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Lalitha Super Specialties Hospital, Guntur Offers Post BSc (Nursing) Certificate courses (6) in various ... Syllabus for Cardiac Nurse Certificate course: 1. Applied  ...
“Become a specialist Nurse”! “Choose a career from a World of Opportunities!”

Lalitha Super Specialties Hospital, Guntur Offers Post BSc (Nursing) Certificate courses (6) in various specialities Cardiology specialities 1. Cardiac Nurse 2. CT OT Nurse 3. CT ICU Nurse Neurology Specialities 4. Stroke Nurse (first time in INDIA ) Operation Theatre Speciality 5. OT Nurse(General Surgery, Gynaec, Ortho, & Neurosurgery) Critical Care Specialization 6. Critical Care Nurse Eligibility: a) BSc (N) Pass in first Attempt. 1 year experience preferred b) >60% marks c) Good English communication skills How to Apply? Application forms can be downloaded from Lalitha Hospital Website . Complete Application form duly filled in with enclosures and demand draft of Rs.200/- in favor of “Lalitha Education Society, Guntur” should reach by November 30th 2010 to the Lalitha Education Society, C/o Lalitha Super specialties Hospital, D.No.12-21-59, Kothapet, Guntur522001, Andhra Pradesh. Candidates applying for more than one course should apply on separate forms and indicate priority. Final BSC (N) candidates can apply provisionally.

Course Duration: 1yr

Stipend: Rs.5ooo/- per month+ Free Accommodation Training period: From 16th January 2011 to 15th January 2012 Training Modules: Theory classes, practicals record & hands-on experience Facilities available: Infrastructure, excellent faculty, teaching materials, modals, library, Internet, seminar rooms, audiovisual aids, free hostel accommodation & vast clinical exposure.

Selection process: On the basis of merit list and Interview for aptitude. Seats Available: 10 seats in Each Speciality Further details- HR Manager Mr. G.Suresh cell No. 9440800357 Address for Correspondence: Lalitha Super specialities Hospital, Kothapet, Guntur - 522001 Andhra Pradesh. Website:

CARDIAC NURSE A cardiac nurse is trained in the cardiology department and cares for the patients with Heart related illnesses, managing coronary care unit, Cardiac emergencies and assisting in special procedures.

Syllabus for Cardiac Nurse Certificate course:

1. Applied Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry of cardiovascular system 2. Common cardiac diseases - Clinical features, Diagnosis and treatment 3. Drugs in Cardiology 4. ECG basics and recognizing common abnormalities 5. Cardiac monitoring, Defibrillator use, and treatment in cardiology ICU

6. CPR( BLS & ALS) 7. Assistance of procedures, Pericardiocenthesis, temporary pacing, ECHO cardiography, Stress testing and Holter monitoring 8. Orientation course in Cathlab 9. Cardiac anesthesia and cardiac thoracic surgery rotation 10. Cardiology OPD and rehabilitation clinic

Rotation schedule: 6 months in Cardiac ICU 1 months in Critical care ICU 1 month in Respiratory ICU 1 month in Cathlab 1 month in CT surgery department 1 month in casuality 1 month in Cardiology OPD

CRITICAL CARE NURSE Critical Care Nursing training provides the foundation necessary to care for critically ill patients of any medical specialities. Syllabus for Critical care Nurse Certificate course:

1. Pathways and Organising the care of critically ill patients. 2. Special procedures (Intubation, central lines etc)and drugs in Critical Care Unit 3. Machines and monitoring in the CCU 4. Care of patients with Acute Cardiovascular disorders 5. Care of patients with Acute Pulmonary disorders 6. Care of patients with Neurologic emergencies 7. Care of patients with Acute Gastroeneterology diseases 8. Care of patients with Acute renal disorders 9. Care of patients with Diabetic complications 10. Care of patients with Multiorgan dysfunction Rotation schedule: 6 months in Critical care ICU 2 months in Cardiac ICU 1 month in Respiratory ICU

1 month in Medical ICU 1 Month in dialysis 1 month in casuality

OPERATION THEATRE NURSE OT nurse is trained in various OT’s- General surgery, Gynaecology, Orthopedics &Neurosurgery. Involving from pre op assessment, preparation and assisting in OT and handling of special machines: C-Arm, Microscope, Laparoscope ,etc Syllabus for Operation Theatre Nurse Certificate course:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Applied Anatomy, and basics of surgical skills Sutures, instruments and OT drugs Concepts of antisepsis and sterilization Assisting in local, general and regional anesthesia Preparing OT , Lenin and Biomedical waste management Pre surgical evaluation, consent Identification of site, positioning of patient Safe use of electrical equipments Assisting in various surgical procedures major and minor on elective or emergency basis. 10. Preparing surgical list and monitoring patient safety

Rotation schedule: 1 month in Minor OT 3 months in General surgery and Gynecology OT 3 months in Orthopedics OT 4 month in Neurosurgery OT 1 month in Administration and CSSD and Biomedical department

CT OT NURSE Highly specialized area requiring interest, commitment and patience. They are trained to assist the CT surgeon in various cardiac, Thoracic and vascular procedures Syllabus for CT OT Nurse Certificate course:

1. Cardiothoracic System- Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology 2. Common surgeries in CT OT and precautions 3. Sutures, Instruments and machines in CT OT 4. Preparation of patient, consent and blood transfusion 5. CTOT organization and sterilization 6. Assistance in Beating Heart surgeries 7. Assisting Pediatric surgeries 8. Assisting in adult CABG 9. Assisting in Valve surgeries 10. Vein graft and harvesting Rotation schedule: 10 months in CT OT 1 month in CTOT ICU 1 month in critical care and cardiac ICU

CT ICU Nurse Highly specialized area requiring interest, commitment and patience. They are trained to assist the CT surgeon in various cardiac, Thoracic and vascular procedures

Syllabus for CT ICU Nurse Certificate course: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Cardiothoracic System- Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology Cardiac and hemodynamic monitoring Use of Infusion pumps and IABP etc Emergency drugs Chest physiotherapy , chest tube and pulmonary care Maintaining charts, interpreting ABG’s and biochemistry Nutrition, psychological support and patient counseling Ventilator management and CPR Blood transfusion and Fluid therapy Rehabilitation

Rotation schedule: 10 months in CT ICU 1 month in CTOT 1 month in critical care and cardiac ICU