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Of these, 22372 patients were male, 20861 patients were female. .... diseases if not treated like emphysematous gangrene and fournier must be considered from ...
POSTER PRESENTATIONS  Acute pancreatitis, mean platelet volume, leucocyte, lipase

 !"#$ %&'#$()*+ ,-./01#1#!01 1#-.11-11./ $-213)"0   1, Arif Duran2, Bünyamin Koç1    2, Hakan Sarman3 1

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation of Department, Medicine School, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu


Emergency Department,Medicine School Traning and Research Hospital, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu


Orthopeadics Traumatology Department, Medicine School Traning and Research Hospital, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu

456,78 To examine the demographic characteristics of patients admitted to the emergency department due to waist complaints between 2007-2015 years 9,:; 9, !"#$ %&'#$()*+ 0 6-7#.6##31#"?1# -97? - /#  1, Sibel Canbaz Kabay1 1, Emine Mestan1  2, Selahattin Selahattin Ayas1, Murat Seyit3 1

Dumlupinar University, Kutahya Evliya Celebi Training and Research Hospital, Department of Clinical Neurology, Kutahya, Turkey


Dumlupinar University, Kutahya Evliya Celebi Training and Research Hospital, Department of Radiology, Kutahya, Turkey


Dumlupinar University, Kutahya Evliya Celebi Training and Research Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Kutahya, Turkey

Spinal cord infarction, is a clinically condition with sudden onset symptoms characterized with motor and sensory loss. Spinal cord infarcts are approximately 1% of all ischemic strokes.We aimed to present two cases of spinal cord ischemia with risk factors and MRI findings. 6  ,@ 84 years old women admitted to the hospital with sudden onset weakness in his left leg, following right leg and left arm. She had pitosis of the left eye and urinary retantion. Her neurological examination revealed left Horner syndrome, and triparesis. Bilateral Babinski’s sign were positive. Deep tendon reflexes were hypoactive, under the C5 dermatome there were’nt any sense. Brain MR imaging were normal,Spinal cord MRI showed theT2W hyperintense lesion concordant with ischemia. It was apparent centraly, and expanding the cord. No contrast enhancement were detected. There were’nt any dissection findings of either aorta or vertebral artery on the angiographic images. Atrial fibrillation detected on ECG. Anticoagulation planned for the future therapy. 6  ,A 55 years old women hospitalized with the sudden onset pareparesis which had began 24 hour ago. She had a history of severe abdomen and back pain beginning with the paresis. Neurological examination revealed paraparesis. Bilateral Babinski’s sign were positive. Deep tendon reflexes were normoactive, under the T8 dermatome there were superficial sensory deficit. She had hypertension and diabetes before. Aorta and vertebral artery angiographic images, abdomen BT, brain MRI were normal. On the spinal MRI we detected the T2W hyperintense lesion which localized posteriorly and concordant with ischemia between T8-9 vertebra levels. Also she had diabetes and hypertension. We wanted to discuss these cases in the light of literatüre as spinal infarcts are rare conditions.  Spinal Cord Ischemia, Ischemia,Neurology, ischemic stroke

B  !"#$ %&'#$()*+ .0$#.12#% /   1!! "2#$ 3, Elnare Günal3&!' 2 (  3 1

Department of Infection Diseases, Kafkas University School of Medicine, Kars, Turkey


Department of General Surgery, Kafkas University School of Medicine, Kars, Turkey


Department of Emergency, Kafkas University School of Medicine, Kars, Turkey

:9 Emphysematous gangrene is a mortal infectious disease that can be seen with various clinical features. Mostly caused by spreading of Clostridium Perfringens (CP) to the wound after major trauma or surgery, or rarely spontaneous spread of Clostridium Septicum (CS) after colonic malignancy, colonic diverticulum, intraabdominal abscess and diabetes. Pathogenesis continues with decrease of tissue perfusion and oxigenation after capillary injury. Pyruvate accumulates in muscular tissue because of decrease in oxygen pressure. Pyruvate transforms into lactate and pH decreases. Proteolytic enzymes starts autolysis after devoloping acidosis and anaerobic infection begins. Gas and edema caused by CP/CS fully decreases the perfusion. In time, systemic toxicity, myocardial depression and hypotension, shock and if not treated death occurs. We will present you the patient with no etiological factors that refused treatment. 6  68 year-old female patient admitted to emergency department with pain and rash at suprapubic area for 3 days, nausea for 24 hours and nigrescence at the skin of suprapubic area for 5 hours. At the patients examination there was foud 20x10 cm area of induration and 4x3 cm of necrotic area on the middle of induration at suprapubic region. The patients lab results were WBC: 16520/mm3, Urea: 112 mg/dl, Creatinine: 4mg/dl, CRP: 47,5 mg/L, Platelet: 124000/mm3. The patient had macroscopic hematuria that has no history of trauma, surgery or systemic disease. The patient was diagnosed emphysematous gangrene and urgent surgery was planned, but the patient and her relatives refused surgery with their own requests and the patient was discharged. 66;= : Mortal diseases if not treated like emphysematous gangrene and fournier must be considered from the patients that has rapidly progressive rash and nigrescence even if they have no etiological factors. The importance of the disease must be explained to the patient and the treatment must begin immediately.  Emphysematous gangrene, mortality, Clostridium Perfringens, Clostridium Septicum

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