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Jul 27, 2014 - unmeasured risk, systems issues or early post-operative events. ...... Transplant Program, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada. ...... studies in older potential and actual donor populations in the social and clinical sciences ...... necessary testing, facilitate scheduling of appointments, recruit former ...
Poster Sessions: Other

The World Transplant Congress 2014 Abstract Supplement is jointly published by the American Journal of Transplantation and Transplantation on behalf of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, The Transplantation Society and the American Society of Transplantation. © The Authors. Compilation © The American Society of Transplant Surgeons, The Transplantation Society and the American Society of Transplantation

All presenters are required to disclose relevant conflicts of interest. All such disclosures are published within the Abstract Book following each abstract. Any presenters who have nothing to disclose have been omitted from the disclosure listing.

Non-Organ Specific: Economics Sunday, July 27, 2014 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Exhibit Hall Abstract# A448 The Clinical and Economic Impact of 30-Day Readmissions in Kidney Transplant. D. Taber,1 C. Boone,2 M. Alger,2 N. Pilch,1 T. Srinivas,1 K. Chavin,1 P. Baliga.1 1Transplant, MUSC, Charleston, SC; 2Health Administration, MUSC, Charleston, SC. Recently, 30-day readmissions (30DRA) have become a highly scrutinized surrogate measure of healthcare quality, with Medicare penalizing hospitals with high 30DRAs for certain admission types. The aim of this study was to discern the clinical and economic impact of 30DRA in a propensity score risk factor matched cohort of kidney transplant (KTX) recipients. METHODS: This was a longitudinal cohort matching study; propensity score analysis was used to match all salient donor/recipient risks between the 30DRA and control cohorts in a 1-to-2 fashion from adult KTX recipients transplanted 2005–12. Cost and reimbursement data was obtained from hospital accounting, with time studies used to calculate transplant healthcare professionals non-reimbursed activities (reviewing labs, calling patients). The cost analysis occurred from the hospital perspective. Clinical data was captured through paper and electronic medical records. RESULTS: Of 1,176 transplants eligible for inclusion, 155 (13%) had 30DRA, who were matched with 310 controls. The two groups were similar for all donor/ recipient sociodemographics and risks (Table 1). After KTX, the 30DRA cohort had 2.1 the risk of graft loss (28% vs 14%, p