silhouette of the observed person (a binary image representing the person and the ... of postures of interest for computation time and discrimination reasons.
The coming of low cost device Kinect with its SDK .... Recently, in the new version of Kinect SDK, a skeletal tracking .... tool in C++ using Microsoft's Skeleton API.
The paper deals with a system for simultaneous people tracking and posture recognition in cluttered environments in the context of human-robot interaction.
a human flutist, a human drummer and a robot-thereminist is presented. ... entertainment for many people regardless of age, cultural, and linguistic barriers.
Circles generated using Bresenham's algorithm were employed for finding corners as ... Hand gesture recognition plays an important role in the following areas:.
Tracking human hand gestures has been an important subject of research for years. All existing systems ...... Master's Thesis, MIT, Feb 1995, Program in Media. Arts and Sciences, MIT ... Human hand tracking from binocular image sequences.
A general framework for producing formative audio feedback for gesture
recognition is presented, including the dynamic and semantic aspects of gestures
Khai Tran, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris, and Shishir K. Shah. University of Houston, Department of Computer Science,. 4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, TX 77204, USA.
tested image and video sequences for hand posture and gesture spotting respectively. Finally .... Maximisation of the margin of the hyper plane is depicted inĀ ...