A. A. Ramanathan. 6th Global Conference on Renewables and. Energy Efficiency for DEsert Regions. GCREEDER 2018. April 3th-5th 2018, Amman â Jordan ...
6th Global Conference on Renewables and Energy Efficiency for DEsert Regions GCREEDER 2018
April 3th-5th 2018, Amman – Jordan
By A. A. Ramanathan
The high population growth rate and subsequent increase in waste generation [1-3] requires immediate action. Amman accounts for almost half of the total solid waste generated in Jordan of which 34% is packaging waste according to recent 2015 ministry of environment reports [3] Table 1: Jordan Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Statistics 2012 [1]
Population MSW Generation Per capita MSW, Urban Rural MSW growth Medical waste Industrial Waste Agricultural Waste Packaging Waste
6,388,000 2,077,215 tons/year 0.9Kg/day 0.6Kg/day 3% 4000 tons/year 45,000 tons/year > 4 million tons/year 700,000 tons/year
According to the World Bank report [4], the Cost of Environmental Degradation (COED) in Jordan in 2006 was estimated to be in the range of JOD 143–332 million, with an average of JOD 237 million, or 2.35% of gross domestic GDP.
Fig 1: Percentage wise breakdown of waste [1]
Replacement of all non-biodegradable plastics and Styrofoam fast-food containers by the healthy biodegradable Banana and Fig leaf wrappers/containers.
Fig 2: Some examples Banana and Fig wrappers and containers
Practical since the leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof and can withstand high temperatures.
Is more hygienic as a single use biodegradable, disposable food packaging and significantly reduces food contamination and the spread of infections.
By serving hot food on a banana leaf, one can get a lot of micronutrients, polyphones and polyphenol oxidase that fight cancer and Parkinson's disease.
Less plastics/polysterene waste ends up in the landfill.
lowers CO2 emissions and carbon footprint.
Sustainable development and management of packaging waste by a plastic free initiative. Reduction of CO2 emissions and carbon footprint. Replacement of all non-biodegradable plastics and Styrofoam fast-food containers by the healthy biodegradable Banana and Fig leaf wrappers/containers. Raise public awareness on renewable and biodegradable products and the importance of community participation for a greener environment. Promote national, regional and international cooperation on proper packaging waste management.
It will create a demand for Banana and Fig leaves and will lead to a cycle of changes that will have a positive impact on the economy. There will be creation of handicraft centers or food packaging businesses using a supply of these leaves. The use of these leaves in food packaging will greatly reduce the amount food packaging litter of plastics, polystyrene and non-biodegradable food containers The health advantage of this solution is it reduces food contamination and spread of diseases since it is a single use disposable food packaging. Also, these leaves contain polyphenols and antioxidants that help fight Cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Diabetes etc [5, 6].
[1] SWEEPNET2014-Country report on solid waste management in Jordan http://www.moenv.gov.jo/AR/EnvImpactAssessmentStudies/D ocumentsالصلبه20%النفايات20%الدارة20%الوطني20%التقرير.pdf [2] InSEIS Jordan Technical Assistance action 2 -Assessment report 2015 [3] http://www.jordantimes.com/news/local/number-householdsrise- 824-20-years [4] http://www.medmpaforum2012.org/sites/default/ files/cost_of_environmental_degradation_cmim.pdf [5] Chu H.-L., Yeh D.-B., Shaw J.-F. (1993.) Production of LDOPA by banana leaf polyphenol oxidase, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., 34: 57–60. [6] http://www.livestrong.com/article/319930-the-nutritionalvalue-of-banana-leaves/