6th Global Conference on Renewables and Energy Efficiency for DEsert Regions GCREEDER 2018
2018, Amman – Jordan
Potential household energy savings with solar rooftops in JubaihaAmman By M. W. Aqra, M. Aqra & A. A. Ramanathan* *Email:
[email protected]
INTRODUCTION • Solar energy is the most abundant, reliable and clean form of renewable energy. • Jordan has a high potential for harnessing this energy as it falls within the earth’s solar belt [1].
PURPOSE OF STUDY • This study estimates the annual energy saved per household in the Jubaiha region for different rooftop solar collectors by making certain simple assumptions. • Recommend the best solar collector type based on solar energy output, cost and payback time.
METHODOLOGY • The Meteonorm Version 7 software [2] has been used to obtain the solar irradiation data at the location Jubaiha, Amman. • The statistically averaged solar monthly radiation parameters are computed by the software using input metrological data for 2000-2009 from the nearest weather station and satellite. • Daily global radiation, sunshine hours, diffuse/total radiation, temperature etc is calculated with the optimum inclination angle of 30°[3, 4]. • Using the solar radiation information gathered the available solar energy at the different solar panel configurations is calculated using the online calculator Polysun [5]. • Total energy consumption of household is determined by making reasonable assumptions for hot water consumption and electric energy of appliances used. • The energy savings is the difference between the solar energy collected and the energy consumed.
Assumptions • Residential buildings of 4 floors, with floor area approx. 250m2 and 8 flats. • # of persons in a house hold is six. • Roof area of around 26m2 based on 1. • To accommodate a 3 or 4m2 water tank and a 4m2 solar system, thermal or PV. • All households own essential electric appliances like Fan, fridge, TV, washing machine, lighting and computers. • Electricity tariff 300-499KWh is 0.086JD; 500600KWh is 0.114 JD
Solar Energy outputs Table 1: Summary of solar energy reports for the different solar collectors
Collector Type
HE SE Vacuum Flat plate Flat plate tube
0.4783 2217.92 2,727
0.4783 1856.55 2,283
0.4783 0.657 0.657 1725.1 1126.1 551.88 2,121 919 451
Collector area (m2) Solar fraction total (%) Total annual field yield (kWh) Correction factor Available annual yield Max. reduction in CO2 emissions (Kg)
1,714 840.4
Hot water energy consumption Table2: The estimation of the annual hot water energy consumption/household
Flow rate
Use Use No. of Total Total frequency duration/day persons duration/day liters/day 0.6L/min 9 times 1.6 min 6 51.84 2L/min 0.5 10 min 6 30 min 60 30L/wash 0.35 1 wash 10.3
Wash basin shower Washing machine Dish washing 10L/wash
1 1 Total hot water consumption Total yearly hot water Energy consumption
10 133L/day 1522KWh
Electrical energy consumption Table 3: The estimation of the annual electric energy consumption/household
Devices Refrigerator TV W. Machine computers Other Lighting
power Power Use Avg. Use Operation Consumption (kWh (Watt) factor hours/days days/year hours/year /household) 100 1 24 364 8736 873.6 170 1 3 365 1095 186 1200 1 1 350 350 420 150 1 2 365 730 219.0 500 1 3.0 38 114 57 1200.0 0.6 7.0 365 2555 1840 Total Electric Energy consumption 3596
Energy savings &ROI Table 4: A comparison table of energy savings and return of investment
Collector Type
Energy consumed (corrected) KWh yearly monthly 5988 500
Solar energy collected Energy Savings (corrected) KWh KWh yearly monthly yearly monthly 1856 155 1522 126
Energy savings JD/year
System ROI* Cost Years JD
Flat plate 5988
Vacuum tube PV *ROI =System cost/Energy savings
Technical &performance factors Table 5: A comparison of the technical performance parameters of the solar systems
Technical factors Efficiency Cost (nominal) Cost/m2(JDs) Reliability Safety Inspection Maintenance Structural load Installer quality
Flat plate 22.8% 3.14JD/W
Vacuum tube 19% 1.67JD/W
PV 6.67%
275 high Safe(no precaution) yearly 5years high
125 high Safe (no precautions) yearly 5years high
2JD/W 256 moderate Special precautions 3 months 2 years moderate
Skilled only
Skilled only
Skilled professional
Conclusions • Good comparative picture of energy savings of solar thermal and PV collectors installed at fixed optimal tilt of 30° on rooftops in a typical residential building in Jubaiha has been obtained. • The vacuum tube thermal collector offers the best solution for households as the system cost is less than half of flat plate collectors and there is considerable reduction of payback time as seen from the energy analysis • It is highly advisable to third party certification like Keymark, SRCC or NERC in order to claim the energy savings.
References 1. http://thephoenixsun.com/archives/tag/sunbelt -countries 2. www.meteonorm.com 3. Khasawneh Q A et al, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Volume 9, Number 3 (ISSN 1995-6665), 182193 (2015). 4. Talebizadeh P et al, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Vol. 33 No. 17, 1567-1580 (2011). 5. http://www.polysunonline.com