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Potentially Inappropriate Medication Utilization ... - Wiley Online Library

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This study utilized the nationally representative ED data from 2000–. 2006 NHAMCS ... Keywords: emergency medicine, geriatrics, medications, National Center for Health Statistics. Preventable ... patients who were discharged to home. The secondary ..... tion-drug coverage for Medicare enrollees–a call to action. N Engl J ...

Potentially Inappropriate Medication Utilization in the Emergency Department Visits by Older Adults: Analysis From a Nationally Representative Sample William J. Meurer, MD, MS, Tommy A. Potti, Kevin A. Kerber, MD, MS, Comilla Sasson, MD, MS, Michelle L. Macy, MD, MS, Brady T. West, MS, and Eve D. Losman, MD

Abstract Objectives: The objectives were to determine the frequency of administration of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) to older emergency department (ED) patients and to examine recent trends in the rates of PIM usage. Methods: The data examined during the study were obtained from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS). This study utilized the nationally representative ED data from 2000– 2006 NHAMCS surveys. Our sample included older adults (age 65 years and greater) who were treated in the ED and discharged home. Estimated frequencies of PIM-associated ED visits were calculated. A multivariable logistic regression model was created to assess demographic, clinical, and hospital factors associated with PIM administration and to assess temporal trends. Results: Approximately 19.5 million patients, or 16.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 16.1% to 17.4%) of eligible ED visits, were associated with one or more PIMs. The five most common PIMs were promethazine, ketorolac, propoxyphene, meperidine, and diphenhydramine. The total number of medications prescribed or administered during the ED visit was most strongly associated with PIM use. Other covariates associated with PIM use included rural location outside of the Northeast, being seen by a staff physician only (and not by a resident or intern), presenting with an injury, and the combination of female sex and age 65–74 years. There was a small but significant decrease in the proportion of visits associated with a PIM over the study period. Conclusions: Potentially inappropriate medication administration in the ED remains common. Given rising concerns about preventable complications of medical care, this area may be of high priority for intervention. Substantial regional and hospital type (teaching versus nonteaching) variability appears to exist. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2010; 17:231–237 ª 2010 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Keywords: emergency medicine, geriatrics, medications, National Center for Health Statistics


reventable medical complications related to medication utilization and prescription have gained growing national attention and are increasingly

being targeted as areas for quality improvement.1,2 An important group of patients in which these medical complications can have dire consequences are those

From the Department of Emergency Medicine (WJM, TAP, CS, MLM, EDL), the Department of Neurology (WJM, KAK), the University of Michigan Medical School (TAP), and the Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (BTB), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Received August 17, 2009; revision received September 24, 2009; accepted September 25, 2009. This work was presented at the Midwest Regional Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Meeting, Coralville, IA, 2008; and the SAEM national meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2009. The authors have no conflicts of interest to report. WJM and TAP received support from the Summer Research Training in Aging for Medical Students program from the National Institutes of Health, National Institutes of Aging (T35 AG026738). The sponsor did not play any direct role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; or preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. WJM had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Address for correspondence and reprints: William Meurer, MD, MS; e-mail: [email protected].

ª 2010 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine doi: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2010.00667.x

ISSN 1069-6563 PII ISSN 1069-6563583



Meurer et al.

individuals 65 years of age and older. Because many medications have prolonged half-lives in older adults, the adverse effects of these agents can pose problems long after patients have been discharged from the emergency department (ED).3 Some medications disproportionately expose older adults to risk, as they lack efficacy relative to their inherent side effects.4,5 The ED has been identified as a high-risk environment for adverse medication events and potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) use in older adults, who comprise the largest and fastest growing age group of ED patients.6–8 Older adults make up less than 15% of the U.S. population, but consume approximately onethird of all prescription medications.9 This population is growing rapidly, as are the numbers of medications being prescribed to this age group. Previous research has shown that the rate of PIM use by older adults in ambulatory health settings is approximately 12.6%, which represents 16 million people annually.10 Antihistamines and narcotics have accounted for the majority of inappropriate medications in prior studies. Several recent studies have found even higher rates of inappropriate medication administration.8,11 The investigation of more recent national trends in PIM use in EDs has been limited and would provide meaningful information regarding the current scope of this problem. The primary goal of this study was to determine the frequency of administration of PIMs to older adult ED patients who were discharged to home. The secondary objectives were to examine recent trends in the rates of PIM usage and explore which patient, hospital, and regional variables were associated with PIM utilization. METHODS Study Design The National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) was designed by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and is administered by the U.S. Census Bureau to measure utilization and provision of ambulatory care services at U.S. hospitals. Using a four-stage probability sample design, NHAMCS collects a nationally representative sample of all visits to EDs based in noninstitutional general short-stay hospitals, excluding federal, military, and Veterans Administration hospitals. Detailed descriptions of the methods of NHAMCS have been previously published.12,13 The University of Michigan Institutional Review Board approved this study. Study Sample We restricted our population of interest to ED patients from 2000 to 2006, aged 65 years and older, who were discharged to home. Patients who were admitted to the hospital, died in the ED, or left prior to examination or against medical advice were not included. The survey included a field for medications associated with the ED visit. Although the current survey has data on up to eight medications, surveys before 2003 only included up to six, so this study concentrated on the first six medication fields. Each medication in the database was assigned an identification number in accordance to a system designed by the NCHS.14 In addition, an indica-


tor was added in the later years of the study period to distinguish between medications that were simply prescribed, versus those that were actually administered during the visit. As this indicator was not available for all years, we did not utilize it as part of our analysis. The Beers criteria were used to define PIMs and are given in Appendix 1 (see Data Supplement S1, available as supporting information in the online version of this paper).5 Medications that were inappropriate only in certain dosages, duration of administration, or comorbid conditions were not included in this study because this information is not identifiable in NHAMCS-ED. Therefore, the PIMs that were considered in our analysis were medications that have been listed on the Beers criteria independent of diagnosis or condition. We applied the 2002 criteria to all years, although nifedipine, clonidine, and ketorolac were added in that revision. Database management was conducted using SAS Version 9.1.2 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC), and data analysis was performed using STATA Version 10 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX). Statistical Methods Using the complex survey design of NHAMCS, estimates of the proportion of subjects in the population of interest (subpopulation) meeting the inclusion criteria were calculated using sampling weights. To examine the associations between demographic, hospital, provider, and visit characteristics we conducted bivariate analyses using PIM association with an ED visit as a dichotomous outcome (0 ⁄ 1). Chi-square tests of this association were conducted for categorical variables. Logistic regression was performed for continuous variables. We then conducted a multivariate analysis using Hosmer and Lemeshow15 methodology. Continuous variables that did not exhibit a linear relationship with the logit were dichotomized. In addition, region of the country was dichotomized for the models to facilitate the investigation of interaction terms involving region and urbanity. Year was considered as a continuous variable to assess for temporal trends. Briefly, covariates with a p < 0.25 were all entered into a preliminary main effects model, all other covariates (those with p > 0.25 on bivariate analysis) were considered using forward selection, and a priori considered interaction terms were entered using forward selection to the previously constructed model to produce the final model. Details of the procedures and rationale utilized in model building are provided in Appendix 2 (see Data Supplement S2, available as supporting information in the online version of this paper). Model fit was assessed using the svylogitgof function for complex survey data as described by Archer and Lemeshow.16 Sensitivity Analyses To assess whether considering the number of PIMs associated with the visit as the outcome instead of the dichotomous outcome used above substantially changed the predictive model, we performed zero inflated Poisson regression using the same final model created using binary logistic regression. We also examined the rates of the three medications added to the Beers criteria list in 2002 over the time period of this study.

ACAD EMERG MED • March 2010, Vol. 17, No. 3


RESULTS Between 2000 and 2006, the NHAMCS survey captured a total of approximately 470,000 ED and outpatient clinic visits, corresponding to a national estimate of about 1.5 billion total ambulatory visits. Of these visits, 35,000 met our selection criteria of being 65 or older, presenting to the ED, and being discharged to home at the end of the visit. This provides a population estimate of about 116 million ED visits from 2000 to 2006 for the sample of interest, whose characteristics are given in Table 1. Nearly 75% (95% confidence interval

Table 1 Characteristics of Target Population (Discharged ED Patients Age 65 Years and Older) Characteristics


Age (yr) 77.3 Sex Female 68,266,450 Male 47,623,239 Race ⁄ ethnicity White, non-Hispanic 80,044,665 African American, 13,664,783 non-Hispanic Hispanic 19,366,269 Asian 2,004,111 Other 809,861 Health insurance Medicare 86,745,631 Medicaid 8,139,515 Private 13501858 Self-pay 2,094,559 Other 787,334 Region Northeast 25,182,718 Midwest 28,362,215 South 40,621,098 West 21,723,658 MSA 90,889,491 Non-MSA 25,000,198 Hospital ownership Voluntary, nonprofit 89,031,694 Government, non-Federal 16,809,855 Proprietary 10,048,140 Seen by attending only 90,497,459 Seen by resident 10,429,755 Seen by midlevel provider 7,720,371 Immediacy Immediate ⁄ no triage 19,631,809 Less than 15 minutes 31,049,887 15–60 minutes 42,201,238 >1–2 hours 16,025,846 >2–24 hours 6,980,909 Injury related visit 32,603,307 Total number of visit medications 0 29,407,762 1 29,424,573 2 21,774,332 3 12,936,491 4 7,845,784 5 4,586,968 6 9,913,779

95% CI 77.26–77.51 (58.9) (41.1)

58.2–59.6 40.4–41.8

(69.1) (11.8)

66.7–71.4 10.6–12.9

(16.7) (1.7) (0.7)

14.6–18.8 1.2–2.3 0.5–0.9

(78.0) (7.3) (12.1) (1.9) (0.7)

76.8–79.1 6.5–8.1 11.2–13.1 1.6–2.2 0.6–0.9

(21.7) (24.5) (35.1) (18.8) (78.4) (21.6)

19.4–24.0 21.3–27.7 31.5–38.6 16.3–21.2 72.0–84.9 15.1–28.0

(76.8) (14.5) (8.7) (78.1) (9.0) (6.7)

73.8–79.8 11.8–17.2 6.6–10.8 76.3–79.9 7.8–10.2 5.7–7.6

(16.9) (26.8) (36.4) (13.8) (6.0) (28.1)

14.9–19.0 25.0–28.5 34.8–38.0 12.7–15.0 5.3–6.8 27.4–28.9

(25.4) (25.4) (18.8) (11.2) (6.8) (4.0) (8.6)

24.3–26.5 24.6–26.2 18.2–19.4 10.7–11.6 6.3–7.2 3.6–4.3 7.4–9.7

Data are reported as mean or number (%). Estimates of means and proportions of hospital, visit, and demographic characteristics for all target population ED visits in U.S. from 2000–2006. MSA = metropolitan statistical area.

Figure 1. Weighted proportion of target population receiving potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) by year.

[CI] = 70.8% to 78.4%) of the sample of interest were administered or prescribed at least one medication in the ED. From this sample of 35,000 visits, it was found that 5,926 visits were associated with at least one PIM. This corresponds to a population estimate of 19,423,635 visits, or 16.8% (95% CI = 16.1% to 17.4%), associated with at least one PIM between 2000 and 2006. The frequency of PIM-associated visits by year is depicted in Figure 1. Between 2000 and 2006, 13.25% (95% CI = 12.66% to 13.84%) received one PIM, 3.03% (95% CI = 2.76% to 3.30%) received two PIMs, 0.45% (95% CI = 0.35% to 0.55%) received three PIMs, and 0.04% (95% CI = 0.02% to 0.06%) received four PIMs. No visit was associated with more than four PIMs. While the rate of PIM-associated visits fluctuated from year to year, the rate remained above 15% throughout the study period. Table 2 lists the 10 most frequent PIMs identified. The percentages reflect the total number of PIMs administered to the population of interest as the denominator, as some subjects received multiple PIMs. The bivariate associations between variables of interest and PIM use are reported in Table 3. The final logistic regression model provides adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for variables included in the model in Table 4. The relationships between covariates involved in interaction terms included in the final model are given in Figure 2. Younger women were more likely to have a


Meurer et al.

Table 2 Ten Most Commonly Administered Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Sample of Interest


Estimated Number

Percentage of Visits

95% CI

Promethazine Ketorolac Propoxyphene Meperidine Diphenhydramine Clonidine Hydroxyzine Diazepam Cyclobenzaprine Nifedipine

5,889,976 3,696,537 3,043,306 2,785,735 1,360,910 1,293,805 930,219 898,733 601,431 405,871

5.08 3.19 2.63 2.40 1.17 1.16 0.82 0.78 0.52 0.35

4.87–5.29 3.03–3.35 2.50–2.75 2.26–2.55 1.10–1.25 1.08–1.25 0.76–0.88 0.72–0.84 0.47–0.57 0.31–0.39

Weighted estimate for total number (and percentage) of visits associated with most common prescribed ⁄ administered PIMs in the target population from 2000–2006.

Table 3 Bivariate Associations Between Patient, Hospital, and Visit Variables and Use of PIMs Variable


Demographic variables Age (75 and older vs. 65–74 yr) 1.30 Female (versus male) 1.39 Race ⁄ ethnicity (referent: white, non-Hispanic) Asian 0.85 Black ⁄ African American 1.08 Hispanic 1.06 Other 0.88 Payer (referent: Medicare) Medicaid 0.98 Other 0.96 Private insurance 1.09 Self-pay 0.92 Hospital variables Non-MSA vs. MSA 1.27 Region (referent: Northeast) Midwest 1.35 South 1.92 West 1.51 Hospital owner (referent voluntary ⁄ nonprofit) Proprietary 1.32 Government, non-Federal 1.17 Provider variables Attending only 1.30 Resident present 0.69 Midlevel provider 1.00 Visit variables Injury related visit 1.25 Year (1-yr change, i.e., 2002 vs. 2001) 0.98 Triage (referent: immediate ⁄ no triage) Below 15 minutes 0.97 15–60 minutes 1.23 1–2 hours 1.37 2–24 hours 1.33 Prescribed or administered two 6.62 or more medications

95% CI 1.23–1.37 1.31–1.48 0.68–1.05 0.99–1.18 0.96–1.17 0.60–1.28 0.87–1.11 0.67–1.37 0.99–1.20 0.73–1.17 1.13–1.43 1.19–1.54 1.73–2.14 1.35–1.69 1.18–1.49 1.03–1.33 1.20–1.42 0.61–0.78 0.88–1.14 1.18–1.34 0.96–1.00 0.87–1.09 1.11–1.37 1.21–1.56 1.15–1.54 6.15–7.14

MSA = metropolitan statistical area; PIM = potentially inappropriate medication. The results of the individual bivariate associations between clinical, demographic, provider, and hospital level variables and prescription ⁄ administration of PIMs.


PIM-associated visit, as were rural visits outside of the Northeast. Several variables were associated with PIM administration, the strongest association of which was receiving or being prescribed two or more medications during an ED visit. Race and ethnicity were not associated with PIMs. Other visit characteristics associated with PIM use included presenting with an injury or a nonurgent complaint. Insurance status was not shown to have a significant association with PIM use. Visits occurring at for-profit hospitals were more likely to be associated with a PIM. Having a resident or intern involved in the visit was associated with a lower likelihood of receiving a PIM. In the final model controlling for the other covariates, the odds of receiving a PIM decreased slightly for each additional year compared to 2000 with an OR of 0.98 (95% CI = 0.95 to 0.997). For the first sensitivity analysis, the model was repeated using zero-inflated Poisson regression. There was no substantial change (i.e., the incidence rate ratios did not differ from the logistic regression ORs by more than 10%), and therefore only the results for the logistic model are presented. When considering the utilization of the three medications added to the Beers list in 2003 over our study period, no substantial change was observed over time with a stable rate around 0.7% (see Data Supplement S3, available as supporting information in the online version of this paper). DISCUSSION Using a national sample of U.S. ED visits, we found that a large proportion (nearly one in six visits) of older adults discharged from the ED receive PIMs. Despite the increased national attention to drug-related medical complications, the total number of older adults receiving PIMs has been stable for over 6 years. This means that almost 3 million ED visits by older adults each year are estimated to be associated with PIM administration or prescription. Our study found that older adults who presented to EDs outside the Northeast, in nonacademic hospitals, with an injury and with a less urgent complaint were significantly more likely to receive a PIM. The variability that exists between regions and academic versus nonacademic hospitals is interesting. It suggests that improvements may be occurring, although with the persistently high rates of PIM usage acceleration, wider implementation of efforts is likely to be necessary. Medications are a significant source of potential morbidity and mortality in older patients. This is due to physiologic changes that occur with aging, polypharmacy, and burden of chronic illnesses. Potentially inappropriate but commonly prescribed medications can contribute to falls, altered mentation, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Medication-induced complications in older adults account for 7% to 11% of their visits to the ED, and contribute to 12% to 17% of their hospital admissions.12,17–21 These PIMs may negatively affect a patient’s quality of life, as well as add unnecessary health care costs to an already struggling U. S. health care system. Although the applicability of the Beers Criteria to the ED has previously been questioned because they were

ACAD EMERG MED • March 2010, Vol. 17, No. 3


Table 4 Final Logistic Regression Model of Impact of Patient, Hospital, and Visit Characteristics Parameter Intercept Demographic covariates Age less than 75 yr* Sex (female vs. male)* Hospital covariates Region (rest of United States vs. Northeast)* Non-MSA vs. MSA* For profit hospital (vs. nonprofit or government) Provider covariates Seen with resident or intern involvement Visit covariates Visit due to injury Immediacy which should be seen (greater than 1 hour vs. immediate) Received ⁄ prescribed two or more medications Timing Year of visit (vs. 2000 per additional year) Interaction terms Age · Sex interaction Northeast · Urban interaction


95% CI

Estimated Beta

Standard Error


