2. In 2009, Siemens extended its product portfolio and since then delivers. High
Voltage Power Capacitors and Capacitor Banks to renowned customers.
Power Capacitors and Capacitor Banks Selected Projects
Capacitors for the World In 2009, Siemens extended its product portfolio to deliver high-voltage power capacitors and capacitor banks to cus tomers worldwide. These products and systems fulfill the highest electrical and mechanical requirements; they are used for the most diversified applications and can be operated under the most stringent environmental conditions.
2 1
Siemens High Voltage Power Capacitors do not only enhance the transmission capacity or the network stability, but also contribute to economic growth and enable a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. 6 10 9
Other selected projects
4 7 + 8
Selected Projects
HVDC Hudson
SVC Bout-de-l’Île
HVDC Adani
HVDC Estlink 2
Finland & Estonia
HVDC Black Sea
FSC Tucuruí-Manaus
MSCDN Lincs Wind Farm
MSCDN Dudgeon Wind Farm
High Voltage MSC
SVC Sapeaçu
Other selected projects
HVDC Hudson – USA
Technical Data
In May 2011, Hudson Transmission Partners, LLC awarded a contract to Siemens to connect the power supply networks of New Jersey and New York using a 660 MW backto-back HVDC system that will contribute to the stabilization of the connected systems, a key b enefit in the event of grid disturbances or blackouts. The capacitor plant in Brazil supplied 18 single-phase, high-voltage AC filter banks (internally fused technology) and 36 single-phase, medium-voltage AC filter banks (C2/C3 and C4-type, unfused technology) for this HVDC system, providing unit outputs larger than 1.0 Mvar for the first time.
West 49th Street
Total rated power
1.3 Gvar
Unit output
122 to 1,019 kvar
Bank voltages
8.4 to 244.7 kV
Rated unit voltages
7.2 to 17.7 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused and unfused
Supply date
May 2012
Temperature category
–30/+40 °C –22/+104 °F
SVC Bout-de-l’Île – Canada
Technical Data
In February 2013, the capacitor plant in Brazil supplied two three-phase, single tunned filter capacitor banks, two three-phase, thyristor-switched capacitor banks and surge capacitors. These capacitor banks were designed to support a high seismic requirement (0.45 g) and a very low temperature (–40 °C). STF and TSC capacitors units were designed with internally fused technology and surge capacitors with unfused technology. Type and special tests were performed according to CAN/CSA – 60871:03 to assure design is able to withstand environmental and electrical requirements.
Poste du Bout-de-l’Île, Montreal
Total rated power
1,400 Mvar
Unit output
922 to 934 kvar (TSC and STF) and 0.2 µF (surge)
Bank voltages
28 to 36.5 kV
Rated unit voltages
7.1 to 9.1 kV (TSC and STF) and 17.5 kV (surge)
Quantity of units
Internally fused and unfused
Supply date
Temperature category
–40/+40 °C –40/+104 °F
HVDC Adani – India
Technical Data
The HVDC system operated by Adani Power Ltd. has a transmission capacity of 2,500 MW and provides low-loss energy transmission over a distance of approximately 960 km, from the port of Mundra located on the west coast to the industrial regions in the Haryana state. The AC filters for this HVDC system represent the first large order for the capacitor factory in Jundiaí, which delivered the first units to India only six months after the official inauguration in December 2009. The total installed output of the 54 single-phase, high-voltage AC filters was close to 4,000 Mvar and the total number of units supplied was 4,840 (including spare parts).
Mundra and Mohindergarh S/S
Total rated power
3.7 Gvar
Unit output
815.6 to 852.0 kvar
Bank voltages
280.3 to 294.8 kV
Rated unit voltages
7.8 to 9.7 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused
Supply date
August 2010
Temperature category
–5/+50 °C +23/+122 °F
HVDC Estlink 2 – Finland & Estonia
Technical Data
In December 2010, Fingrid and Elering awarded the contract for the Estlink 2 Converter Stations to Siemens, using a HVDC Transmission System with a transmission capacity of 650 megawatts at a DC voltage of ± 450 kilovolts. The Siemens capacitor factory in Brazil supplied a total of 24 single-phase, high-voltage AC filter banks (C1-type) using internally fused and fuseless technology and 36 single-phase, medium-voltage AC filter banks (C2/ C3-type unfused technology).
Anttila and Puessi substations
Total rated power
1.17 Gvar
Unit output
113 to 849 kvar
Bank voltages
6.1 to 325.5 kV
Rated unit voltages
3.0 to 19.2 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused, fuseless and unfused
Supply date
August 2012
Temperature category
–40/+40 °C –40/+104 °F
HVDC Black Sea – Georgia
Technical Data
In August 2010, Energotrans Ltd. awarded a contract to Siemens for 350 MW back-to-back HVDC systems in Georgia. The HVDC converter station will connect the networks in Georgia and Turkey via two back-to-back links. The capacitor plant in Brazil supplied 27 single-phase, high-voltage AC filter banks (internally fused technology) and 36 single-phase, medium-voltage AC filter banks (C2 and C3-type, unfused technology) for this HVDC system located at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level in a seismic region.
Akhaltsikhe substation
Total rated power
1.26 Gvar
Unit output
220 to 722 kvar
Bank voltages
60.7 to 354.6 kV
Rated unit voltages
9.3 to 18 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused and unfused
Supply date
August 2011
Temperature category
–25/+50 °C –13/+122 °F
FSC Tucuruí-Manaus – Brazil
Technical Data
Siemens was awarded the FACTS systems for the 1,800 km (> 1,000 miles) long 500 kV high-voltage transmission line connecting the T ucuruí Hydro Power Plant with the city of Manaus in 2010. The scope of the project included a total of 18 fixed series capacitors located at five different substations in the Amazon forest. The capacitor factory in Jundiaí was responsible for the supply of all the capacitors for this project, which, at the time, was considered to be the largest FACTS project ever executed worldwide.
Five substations along the Tucuruí-Manaus transmission line
Total rated power
6.8 Gvar
Unit output
743.8 to 825.4 kvar
Bank voltage
500 kV
Rated unit voltages
6.3 to 7.1 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused
Supply date
2010 – 2012
Temperature category
–5/+50 ºC +23/+122 ºF
MSCDN Lincs Wind Farm – UK
Technical Data
The Lincs project, owned by Lincs Wind Farm Ltd. is located in the Greater Wash Wind Farm Park, England and generates a capacity of 270 MW. The energy generated offshore is transferred to the grid via the Walpole Onshore Sub station located in Norfolk Country. Siemens was awarded the contract for the construction of the onshore substation in 2010. The Siemens high-voltage capacitor plant provided a total of six single-phase capacitor banks for the 132 kVMSCDN, comprised of fuseless C1 and C2 banks, with a total installed rating of 246.3 Mvar, as well as six singlephase banks with internally fused capacitors for the 13.9 kV MSC, with a total output of 145.7 Mvar.
Walpole substation
Total rated power
392 Mvar
Unit output
180 to 867 kvar
Bank voltages
132 and 13.9 kV
Rated unit voltages
4.3 to 11.8 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused and fuseless
Supply date
April 2011
Temperature category
–25/+40 °C –13/+104 °F
MSCDN Dudgeon Wind Farm – UK
Technical Data
The Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Project is located in the North Sea, approximately 32 km off the UK coast at Cromer, Norfolk. The wind farm generates a total capacity of 402 MW. This power is collected at 33 kV by an AC offshore substation platform, before being exported to shore at 132 kV. In 2015, Siemens was awarded the contract to supply capacitor banks for two 132 kV MSCDNs located in the Necton Onshore Substation. In total, there are six single-phase capacitor banks, comprised of internally fused C1 capacitors and unfused C2 capacitors. Due to extremely low sound pressure requirements, the capacitor units were specially designed and the banks were supplied with sound damping hoods.
Necton Substation
Total rated power
103.68 Mvar
Unit output
233.5 and 396.9 kvar
Bank voltages
8.51 and 96.03 kV
Rated unit voltages
4.25 and 9.60 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused and unfused
Supply date
Temperature category
–25/+40 °C –13/+104 °F
High Voltage MSC – Brazil
Technical Data
In June 2011, a transmission company from ISA Group awarded a contract to Siemens for two high-voltage shunt capacitor banks. In September 2012, this same company awarded another contract to Siemens to supply two additional high-voltage shunt capacitor banks. These four high-voltage shunt capacitor banks were identical and they were installed in two substations located in São Paulo State, Brazil, to supply reactive power to growing energy demand in the largest industrial and most populous state in Brazil.
ISA Group Substations, located in São Paulo State
Total rated power
123.8 Mvar
Unit output
754.7 kvar
Bank voltage
92.5 kV
Rated unit voltage
7.62 kV
Quantity of units
Internally fused
Supply date
2011 and 2013
Temperature category
–10/+40 °C +14/+104 °F
SVC Sapeaçu – Brazil
Technical Data
Siemens was selected to supply the SVC system in the Sapeacu Substation, located in Bahia State, Brazil. In December 2012, the capacitor plant in Brazil supplied two three-phase, single-tunned filter capacitor banks (STF), two three-phase, thyristor-switched capacitor banks (TSC) and surge capacitors. The STF and TSC capacitor units were designed with internally fused technology, and the surge capacitors were designed with unfused technology.
Bahia State
Total rated power
587.9 Mvar
Unit output
917.3 to 999.8 kvar (TSC and STF) and 0.2 µF (surge)
Bank voltages
18.1 to 18.2 kV
Rated unit voltages
6.1 to 9.1 kV (TSC and STF) and 12 kV (surge)
Quantity of units
Internally fused and unfused
Supply date
Temperature category
–5/+55 °C +23/+131 °F
Other selected projects
Customer/ Country/ Year
Pulp & Paper Plant
Pulp & Paper Industry Brazil 2014
9 x 36.2 kV Harmonic Filters (F) 129 x 36.2 kV Surge Capacitor Banks (S)
Technical Data
Total rated power 73 Mvar Unit output 300 to 800 kvar (F) and 0.4 µF (S) Bank voltages 44 kV (F) and 34.5 kV (S) Unit voltages 12.7 kV (F) and 17.25 kV (S) Quantity of units 366
MSCDN 400 kV
AltaLink Canada 2013
RTE France 2013 to 2015
36 x HV single-phase AC filter banks; 60 x MV single-phase AC f ilter banks; 6 x HV single-phase shunt banks
Total rated power 3,045 Mvar
20 x MSCDN (Type 150 Mvar – 380 kV)
Total rated power 6,665 Mvar
Unit output 122.9 to 993.5 kvar Bank voltages 5.73 to 440.61 kV
Highlight/ Technology Internally fused, fuseless and surge capacitors. Other filter components (reactors, current transformers, switches, surge arresters) included on scope Very low temperature –50 °C, internally fused and unfused capacitors
Unit voltages 5.73 to 17.06 kV Quantity of units 3,744
Unit output 593.2 to 886.2 kvar
Internally fused capacitors
Bank voltages 24.39 to 553.91 kV Unit voltages 7.04 to 10.66 kV Quantity of units 7,680
SVC Diego de Almagro
ATCO Electric Canada 2013
Transelec Chile 2013
36 x HV single-phase AC filter banks; 60 x MV single-phase AC f ilter banks; 12 x HV single-phase shunt banks
Total rated power 2,462 Mvar
1 x MSC (Type 75.64 Mvar – 12.27 kV)
Total rated power 75.64 Mvar
Unit output 126.1 to 963.2 kvar Bank voltages 8.86 to 376 kV
Very low temperature –50 °C, internally fused and unfused capacitors
Unit voltages 5.58 to 18.25 kV Quantity of units 3,558
Unit output 900.5 kvar
High seismic conditions, internally fused
Bank voltage 12.27 kV Unit voltage 6.13 kV Quantity of units 84
Harker, Hutton and Stella 400 kV MSCDN
National Grid United Kingdom 2013
5 x MSCDN (Type 225 Mvar – 400 kV)
Total rated power 1,459 Mvar Unit output 719.8 and 825.1 kvar
Low temperature –25 °C, internally fused
Bank voltages 244 kV and 31.7 kV Unit voltages 7.92 and 9.40 kV Quantity of units 1,800
MSCDN Gwynt Y Mor
RWE United Kingdom 2012
6 x 132 kV filter banks; 4 x 13.9 MSC banks
Total rated power 495 Mvar Unit output 212.6 to 875.5 kvar
Internally fused and fuseless capacitors
Bank voltages 6.73 and 98.05 kV Unit voltages 6.73 to 12.26 kV Quantity of units 642
SVC Gerdau Diaco
Diaco S.A. Colombia 2012
3 x three-phase filter circuits
Total rated power 118.5 Mvar Unit output 584.4 to 1091.5 kvar Bank voltages 7 to 20.8 kV Unit voltages 4.04 to 12 kV Quantity of units 180
Industrial electric arc furnace application, internally fused
Customer/ Country/ Year
SVC Horqueta and SVC Guarambaré
Ande Paraguay 2011 and 2015
4 x three-phase single tuned filter banks; 3 x three-phase TSC-banks
Technical Data
Total rated power 513.9 Mvar Unit output 727.6 to 948.2 kvar
Highlight/ Technology Internally fused capacitors
Bank voltages 17.70 to 21.42 kV Unit voltages 4.9 to 9.6 kV Quantity of units 638
HVDC Kontek
Energinet Denmark 2011
1 x three-phase HV filter (282 kV); 2 x three-phase MV filter banks
Total rated power 96.7 Mvar Unit output 643/435/427 kvar Bank voltage 282 kV Unit voltages 20.7 / 17.2 / 19.2 kV
Noise reduced with external noise damping hoods, internally fused and unfused capacitors
Quantity of units 157
MSC London Array Windfarm
London Array United Kingdom 2011
4 x MSCDN (Type 150 kV)
Total rated power 156.2 Mvar Unit output 360.5 / 370.2 kvar
Fuseless capacitors
Bank voltage 150 kV Unit voltags 14.2 / 4.16 kV Quantity of units 445
HVDC Cookstraight, Pole 3
MSC Jí Paraná, S/S Vilhena
Transpower New Zealand 2011
27 x HV single-phase AC filter banks; 27 x MV single-phase AC f ilter banks; 3 x HV single-phase shunt banks
Total rated power 1,165 Mvar
4 x MSC (Type 20.52 Mvar – 242 kV)
Total rated power 82.1 Mvar
Unit output 270 to 833 kvar Bank voltages 257 to 348 kV
Very high seismic requirements, internally fused and unfused capacitors
Unit voltages 9.1 to 13.7 kV Quantity of units 1,690
Unit output 570 kvar Bank voltage 242 kV
Fuseless capacitors, high humidity environment (Northern Brazil)
Unit voltage 11.65 kV Quantity of units 144
SVC Bom Jesus da Lapa II
TAESA Brazil 2010, 2011, and 2015
2010: filter I and filter II for SVC (B); 2011: surge capacitor (S); 2015: TSC (B)
Total rated power 343.8 Mvar Unit output 786.0 to 916.0 kvar (B) and 0.1 µF (S) Bank voltages 21.5 to 23.2 kV Unit voltages 5.7 to 13.4 kV (B) and 24 kV (S) Quantity of units 394
RIEDER & CIA CLYFSA Paraguay 2009 to 2016
12 x MSC (6 Mvar and 12 Mvar – 24 kV)
Total rated power 120 Mvar Unit output 500 kvar Bank voltage 24 kV Unit voltage 13.2 kV Quantity of units 242
First SVC application with internally fused capacitors delivered in 2010 (Filters I and II). In 2011, surge capacitors were delivered, and in 2015, internally fused capacitors were delivered for the TSC. Twelve capacitor banks supplied from 2009 to 2016. Bank components: internally fused capacitors, reactors and current transformers
Siemens Power Capacitor Factory Siemens Power Capacitor factory is located in the industrial complex in Jundiaí, Brazil, the largest production complex of Siemens in Latin America.
History – 50 Years of Experience
Power Capacitor Factory
Laelc starts operations, manufacturing Power Capacitors for several projects, including Itaipú HVDC, the first 600 kV HVDC of the world in the 80’s.
Laelc buys the technology to manufacture internally fused capacitors.
Siemens acquires from Laelc the technology to manu facture power capacitors and capacitor banks.
Siemens Power Capacitor factory starts commercial operation and was awarded its first large HVDC order for India.
Today Siemens Power Capacitor are globally present in several countries around the world with a product portfolio for all types of application.
Power Capacitors – Technical Data Siemens entered the Power Capacitor market with a product for the most diversified applications. Longterm, reliable technology and intensive R&D investments lead to a state-of-the-art product, compliant with the most stringent technical and environmental requirements, including extremely low temperatures (like –50 °C in northern Canada), extremely high temperatures (like +50 °C in India), high humidity (like in the rainforests of northern Brazil) and the most extreme seismic zones (like in New Zealand).
Capacitor Banks – Applications Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
Parallel Compensation
Static Var Compensator (SVC) Mechanically Switched Capacitor with Damping Network (MSCDN) Mechanically Switched Capacitors (MSC)
Series Compensation
Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC) Thyristor Protected Series Compensation (TPSC) Fixed Series Compensation (FSC)
AC Harmonic Filters AC PLC Filters Long Distance and Back-to-Back HVDC – AC & DC Filters AC & DC Surge Capacitors
Capacitor Unit Design Technology
Internally fused, externally fused, fuseless, and unfused
Rated voltage
With internal fuses: up to 15 kV Without internal fuses: up to 24 kV
50 Hz/60 Hz
Rated power
Up to 1000 kvar (50 Hz) Up to 1200 kvar (60 Hz)
Max. 180 A
95 kV, 125 kV, 150 kV, 170 kV, 200 kV
Polypropylene film and oil
Biodegradable PCB-free oil
Discharge resistor
75 V/10 min or 50 V/5 min
With internal fuses: < 0.20 W/kvar Without internal fuses: < 0.12 W/kvar
Temperature range
–50/+55 ºC
IEC, IEEE, ABNT, CSA, and others
Quality certificates
ISO 9001; ISO 14001; OHSAS 18001
Final figures to be confirmed during project For other standards please consult the factory
Published by Siemens Ltda., EM TS TI CA Av. Eng. João F.G. Molina 1745 13213-080 Jundiaí – SP – Brazil. Phone: +55 11 4585 3150 Phone: +55 11 4585 3124 For more information, please contact our Customer Support Center. Phone: +55 11 4585-8040 (Charges depending on provider) E-mail:
[email protected] Article No. EMTS-B10015-00-4AUS Printed in Germany Dispo 30003 TH 150-160182 BR 0716 Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not always specifically reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further development of the products. The requested performance features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.