Your car is a ârolling universityâ, .... follow up survey twenty years later of the surviving members of that class
PowerGise Your Business handbook
This handbook gathers information from many sources and ideas from many very successful network marketers. It is tailored to Australian Young Living Distributors and contains valuable information. We recommend that you read PowerGise Your Business at least twice for a full overview and use it regularly for reference.
© Young Living™ [Australasia] Pty Ltd ABN 94 085 543 979 e&oe. V200804 Ph 07 3715 7333 Fx 07 3715 7933 Po Box 548 Sumner Park Bc Qld 4074
Getting Started The Power of Duplication Be Coachable Believe in Your Dreams Your Sponsor/Coach Your Business Plan
Your Business Network
Goal Setting Plan of Action Time Commitments Sponsoring Curve Persistence The Need for Business Tools Practical Business Procedures Potential Prospects Prioritize Your List Four Ways to Share Presentation Etiquette Presentation Format Testimonials
Successful Enrolling
Strong Business Techniques
The Concept of Leverage The Right of Empowerment Prospecting Inviting Follow Through The Power of Belief Limitations and Fears The Currency of Time Retailing Oil Parties Trade Shows Direct Mail Classified Advertising
Winning Attitudes
© Young Living Essential Oils ed200804
Nurture Your Positive Attitude What is a Leader Build It Once to Last Avoid a Fatal Attraction Teaching and Training Respect the Industry Success Through Applied Knowledge
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Getting Started Introduction In this section we will explore the basis of your involvement with Young Living. You’ll see how the Power of Duplication, the Power of Empowerment and creating Residual Income can help you attain your dreams. You’ll learn that your willingness to learn these concepts is essential, and that while your Sponsor/Coach is a powerful resource to help you learn the keys to your new business we have a system which, when followed, leads to success. The keys to building a strong and successful Young Living business are the same for new and established Distributors alike. The keys to success include: ?
Introducing new Members to the company.
Helping your new Members to get started.
Training others to ‘Do the Same’ - as well as…
Using and Retailing the wonderful Young Living products
Introducing Customers to the company
We’ll explore each of these areas, beginning in this section with belief building concepts for the new Distributor. We’ll then discuss the details of sponsoring, presentations, retailing and personal growth techniques.
Repeat these statements: THIS is my business. This IS my business. This is MY business. This is my BUSINESS.
THE POWER OF DUPLICATION : CREATING RESIDUAL INCOME Most of us earn income by trading time for money. The problems with this approach are two-fold: 1)
Rarely are we compensated adequately for our time, although time is the most valuable asset we possess. It is a non-renewable asset although we fail to understand its true value. Therefore we usually sell it for less than it’s worth. 2) Selling time for money is a on on-going process; when you stop working, you stop getting paid Building wealth requires a system that allows you to leverage your precious time and duplicate your earning potential in an unlimited fashion. Network Marketing is this kind of system, and is the most obtainable by the greatest number of individuals for the Building wealth lowest cost.
requires a formula that can be duplicated.
The potential with Young Living is huge whilst the cost to get started is extremely low. What is essential to success, firstly, is the desire to be successful and secondly, the need to have focus, commitment and persistence. YOUNG LIVING has the products and the system. Do YOU have the desire?
BE “COACHABLE” AND WILLING TO LEARN Follow these steps and you will begin the journey to success with your Young Living business. First: Purchase each of the Business Tools and read/listen to all of them at least twice. We have found that those Members who do this are five times more likely to be successful than those who do not! Also, we recommend you obtain, and listen to, all the training CDs at least 10 times. Your car is a “rolling university”, so listen to the audios each day as you drive. Pay particular attention to the “Simply Share the Products” section of the audios, practise these techniques, then practise them again!
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Second: Make a contact list of names and phone numbers of at least 20 people. Learn the ways to get people to listen to the Missing Link or other CDs and view the corporate DVDs, then allow these to do the initial work for you. Remember to – Be Yourself – Be Relaxed – Make a Friend. Third: Learn how to “Follow Through”, then “Do It”. Some of the following exercises may seem basic to you now, but later you will learn how important they are. Remember – allow yourself to be “coachable”.
BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS The first casualty of growing older is the loss of your dreams. We are often told that our dreams are unattainable. People are always “should-ing” on us. When we listen to this, many of us allow ourselves to be side-tracked – we give up on our dreams and settle for second or third best. Remember these three words – focus, commitment and persistence – they are the keys to achieving your dreams. Understanding and believing in your dreams is important to the eventual success of your new business. Dreams have the ability to motivate and inspire. Write down your dreams, then share them with your spouse or partner and your Sponsor. Your Young Living business can help you attain your dreams!
YOUR DREAMS MAY BE… a new home… time to live your
life as you choose… be free of debt… substantial savings… travel… secure retirement… helping others achieve their dreams… giving to charity… helping the underprivileged… supporting wildlife…
Ask yourself, “Why do I want to be successful with my Young Living business?” Your belief system will be strong only when you are unquestionably clear as to why this opportunity is important to you. Visualize your dreams and stay focused on your ambitions. Believe that you can and will achieve your dreams. Believe you are worthy of success, then take daily action to achieve your dreams. Believe in yourself.
Exercise On a separate sheet, answer the following questions in just a few minutes: 1.
List the five things you most value in your life. (Things you would sacrifice the most for; things you would pay the most for; truly the foundation of what you value.)
In 30 seconds or less, list your three most important wants in life. (They can change daily. What are they right now?)
If you knew you were going to die in six months, how would you live the rest of your life? (Yes, you would be healthy for six months and then just drop dead. What changes would you make – Who would you see?)
The above answers will reveal what you consider most important in your life. Incorporate these values into your daily life and use them as motivation to attain your dreams.
YOUR SPONSOR/COACH One powerful aspect of Network Marketing is that many others have a vested interest in you and care about your success. Most notable is the individual who thought enough of you to introduce this opportunity: Your Sponsor. You will strengthen your relationship with your Sponsor as you begin your Young Living business. Here are some ways to benefit from a close association with your Sponsor: 1)
Meetings and Presentations: Invite your Sponsor to join you when making your first calls to invite guests to a Presentation. Commit to having at least two guests at the next Presentation in your area. Do this immediately. Also invite your Sponsor to participate in your first few Presentations. This will lend a level of credibility to your Presentation and allow you to learn the Presentation format. If your Sponsor is also new, learn
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together; build a ‘Team Spirit’. If your Sponsor doesn’t live close to your area have them participate through a conference call or a taped message. Have your Sponsor call in after the Presentation to answer questions – Use a speaker phone. 2)
Three-Way Calling: When inviting and following through with prospects on the telephone, arrange to have your Sponsor join you on the call to support you and add credibility. If you don’t already have it, call your telephone service provider to have the three-way calling feature activated on your service.
Goal Setting and Accountability: Share your goals and dreams with your Sponsor and commit to a level of activity that will allow you to achieve your goals. Allow your Sponsor to “hold you accountable” – to remind you of those goals you’ve set. Accountability is a powerful motivator to help you remain focussed and committed.
Training: We emphasize again that you purchase the Business Tools and read/listen to them at least twice. It is also important that you read the Policies and Procedures so that you are familiar with company policy. We also urge you to purchase the other reference materials recommended by your Sponsor. When you are unsure of something, refer to your manuals first, your Sponsor second, your Upline third and if you are still unclear, or your question could not be answered, contact Customer Service at the Australian Office. It is also very important, both for gaining knowledge and setting a good example, that you attend all Company sponsored Trainings and bring your team members with you. It is a well known fact that your people will ‘do what you do’ regardless of what you ‘say’. Lead by example.
You must WANT to do this business and know what you want to gain from it. You must gain the knowledge to do it.
Your Business Plan Introduction In Your Business Plan we will learn the necessity of Goal Setting. You will create a Plan of Action to ensure that you achieve your goals and the Daily Action Steps required to achieve your goals. You will also see through a Sponsoring Curve, how your effort will decrease over time while your benefits will rise. We’ll also discuss your need for supportive sales materials and the basics of establishing Practical Business Procedures.
GOAL SETTING Setting goals means taking charge of your life. It means discovering your purpose, clarifying your values and vision, then supporting them carefully with a Plan of Action. Ask yourself these key questions: ?
“What is my purpose in life? At the end of my life, what do I hope to have accomplished?”
“What are my values? What do I believe in?”
“What is my vision? Where am I going?”
“What are my goals? How will I get there?”
This is the only way to be successful in your Young Living business. Working from a clear set of goals creates integrity. We are most effective and fulfilled when we have integrity; when our day to day actions are consistent with our purpose and our values. Conversely, when our goals are not clear, our talents are disorganized and largely untapped.
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You must visualize what you want to achieve with your goals and know why they matter to your personal growth. Once you have clarity about your goals, determine a path to get there with your Plan of Action and how to achieve that Plan with specific Daily Activities. How you plan and use your time will set you apart from others in how much you can accomplish in your life. Goals must be: S.M.A.R.T. and Written Specific – To give you a crystal clear understanding of what you want to accomplish. Measurable – To know you are on track. Achievable –
All things are difficult before they are easy. The first step is always the hardest.
While it is very important to stretch, goals need to be realistically achievable. Risky – This means outside your comfort zone. You need to stretch to achieve them. Timed – Goals need to be date specific. (i.e. I am a Silver in Young Living by such and such a date, instead of saying “in two months time”.) Written – This is very important. Taking it out of the “mental arena” and putting it into the “physical arena” can bring extreme clarity to your goals. You can change your goals as you change and grow as a person, but it is imperative that you put them in writing. According to renowned trainer Zig Ziglar, a survey was conducted of a group of university graduates at Yale in 1953. It was discovered that only three percent had written goals. A follow up survey twenty years later of the surviving members of that class found that the three percent who had written goals had achieved more than the remaining 97 percent combined. Take the time to write your goals. It is powerful beyond belief. You must decide what is your ultimate Long-Range Goal that you can accomplish in three to five years and what Short-Range Goals (accomplished in six months to a year) will enable you to reach your Long-Range Goal. Here we are illustrating with Young Living goals. Your personal goal may be something entirely different, with Young Living as the ‘vehicle’ to allow you to achieve that goal.
Exercise On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions and share them with your Sponsor. Long-Range Goal I will be a Young Living Diamond by _______(date) Short-Range Goals I am earning a minimum of $________ per month from my Young Living business by _______(date) I am a (insert rank) ____________________ by __________________(date) I am a (insert rank) ____________________ by __________________(date) I am a (insert rank) ____________________ by __________________ (date)
Next, go public – Share your goals with your spouse or partner and your Sponsor. When you do this your odds of success increase. If your goal is challenging, there will be times when your motivation is weakened. The people you share your goal with will pick you up during those times and help to keep you on track.
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You need to accept the fact that from this moment on, your situation and future is in capable hands – YOURS.
Taking charge means being responsible for your own life. You are not a victim of circumstance. You are exactly whom you choose to be. The best way to predict your future is to create it – Make a Plan of Action that will ensure you achieve your goals. Too often, life just “happens”’; it evolves without a great deal of thought being directed toward the quality of our days and the purpose and intent of our actions. Think about the truly successful people in your life that you admire. Did they let life “pass them by”? More probably they had a specific plan in line with their purpose, that propelled them toward their goal. The key to achieving goals is to have a plan and focus on the end result. In a busy life, the reason for getting up each day often becomes blurred. The Plan of Action is your reason for getting up every day. It will satisfy the hunger in you, knowing that life matters and that you make a difference. The focus that the Plan of Action creates will add power to your daily activities. Creating a Plan of Action to lead you to your goals will fill you with a sense of purpose and direction. Your Plan of Action is a “blueprint” that will lead you from where you are to where you want to be. Without it you cannot get there. Example: To guarantee the enrolling of one successful Distributor per month, working backward you will need to show the business to at least one person per week. Continue working backwards from there – since 50% of appointments may attend the Presentation, each week you need to invite at least two people to the Presentation. You must follow this example to determine the Plan of Action for each of your goals and each requirement within each goal. Once you make your Plan of Action it can be reviewed over and over. The external circumstances may change but the process remains the same. Once you understand the process you can develop a blueprint to help you take charge of your life. It is your strategy. “Sponsor three to develop your tree”. Then teach them to do the same. This will be explained more a little further on.
My success is not a dream, not a hope – it is achievable by working backwards from my ultimate goal.
Plan Daily Action Steps Your Goal is where you want to be. Your Plan of Action is the bridge that leads you from where you are today, to where you want to be. Your Action Steps are the bricks for building that bridge. Any goal is unattainable without the Plan of Action and the subsequent Action Steps. Taking Daily Action Steps means translating your Plan of Action into specific daily activities to ensure the achievement of your goals. Builders start with a ‘blueprint’, artists start with an ‘image’ in mind, successful Young Living Distributors start with a definite goal which is shaped through the Plan of Action and achieved through Daily Action Steps. Following the example above, if you know that your Plan of Action is to bring two guests to the weekly Presentation, then your Daily Action Steps would focus on the ‘inviting’ aspect. The first step would be to make a list of names, together with their contact details; the next is to prioritize that list; and then, maybe one evening a week (Sunday evening is a very good time), call the people and invite them to a Presentation. At this time, you don’t need to concern yourself with your Goal or with your Plan of Action – you have already invested the time in developing those. Now FOCUS with absolute clarity on your Daily Action Steps, and keep calling until you have at least two confirmed guests for a Presentation. Once you have developed your Daily Action Steps, place the list in a number of places to inspire you – one on the refrigerator, one on the mirror, one behind the toilet door. It will give you a sense of ‘purpose’; you are doing what it takes to go where you want to go. Your success is undeniable. Initially, your income may be small with Young Living. You may feel as though the rewards are very small compared with the amount of effort you are exerting. Stick to your Daily Action Steps and your Plan of Action and the rewards will come. Your success is inevitable.
Exercise Review your Plan of Action each morning while you are having breakfast. Make a list of what Action Steps you must take that day to continue to build your ‘bridge to success’. All you need to concentrate on that day are the Steps you wrote on your list. Do this every day and the ‘bricks of the bridge’ will fall into place.
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The commitment is short term – the rewards are for life!
TIME COMMITMENTS Answer these questions and share them with your Sponsor. ?
At what time and place will I get together with my Sponsor?
By what date will I attend a Young Living training?
How many hours per week will I dedicate to my Young Living business?
How many Missing Link/other CDs/DVDs/samples will I distribute and follow up on each week?
What minimum number of guests will I invite to a Young Living Presentation and when will I achieve this?
Most people begin working their Young Living business part time. New Distributors usually have a specific income goal they want to reach and maintain. One essential key to achieving success in your Young Living business is making a commitment to work a specific number of hours per week on a consistent basis. For example, if you can only spare five hours a week, commit to that amount. Initially your income with Young Living will be low, but realize your efforts will decrease and your income will increase as you continue to build your business. Think of your early times as your ‘schooling’ period. As with any profession, skills need to be learned before success comes. With Young Living, you can earn as you learn, much like an apprenticeship. It is unlike a University education, where you are required to pay thousands of dollars up front, with little chance of earning until you graduate, years later. Network Marketing is the ONLY business where you can work for a relatively short period of time (12, 24, or 36 months – usually less than it would take to get a ‘formal’ education) and receive years of ongoing income. Residual income can be had with your Young Living Business.
The keys to success: Focus, Commitment, Persistence.
To build your organization, initially, an essential activity besides learning the business is exposing the business and the product to as many people as possible. Then you will help them get started. Here, is an illustration of a “sponsoring curve”. As you can see, in the early period of building your business your main focus will be sharing the CDs/DVDs/samples and the products with others. You put in a high effort for a relatively small return, however, fairly soon as you learn and your business grows, the effort becomes less and the rewards increase rapidly.
PERSISTENCE Persistence is essential in building your Young Living business. You may get discouraged when you experience rejection and you may get frustrated when your guests don’t show up for appointments. You must realize that there are others who will “see” the opportunity just as you did. You will find some who only want to use the products – great. You will find some who just “aren’t interested” – that’s okay. Keep offering the CDs/DVDs/samples and the products and above all – keep following through.
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If you had a field with a hundred large boulders in it and you knew there were three precious gemstones under three of those boulders – but you didn’t know which ones – how many boulders would you turn over to find the gems? Every one of them – right? It is the same principle with people in this business. You never know where you will uncover a gem. Initially, commit to sharing Young Living with twenty people and you will have success. When you have at least two committed people (one in each of two teams) in your organization you will be well on your way to financial independence and having time freedom. Many people quit when they get discouraged. Remember! The only people who fail in this business are those who quit!
THE NEED FOR BUSINESS TOOLS New Distributors are interested in purchasing their Business Tools from you, so they can get started immediately. Order two Start Living Kits to supply to the first two people you enroll. This way they take home samples and business tools immediately. When you send in their first order for them, explain that you will need to have your products returned as soon as they receive their order. This gives them another reason to contact you, their Enroller, and also for you to contact them. If a new Distributor is reluctant to do this, they are sub-consciously saying they do not believe they can enroll two people. Work through this fear with them and help them to overcome it. All Distributors need Business Tools. Do not wait! Again, we emphasize that those Distributors who purchase and use the Business Tools are five times more likely to be successful than those who do not.
Purchase a Day Planner and block out the time you have allocated to your Young Living business. Enter dates and details of company Trainings and Presentations.
Establish a separate bank account for your Young Living business.
Establish efficient accounting practices. Keep a record of all cheques written and all deposits made regarding your Young Living business.
Set aside money for taxes.
Save 10% of ALL money earned from your Young Living business to create a fund for other investments.
Save copies of all orders submitted to the Company, along with relating correspondence.
Choose a record-keeping system you understand and will use. Even though you are just beginning, this is important. It will help you keep track of your business and develop good financial management skills.
Develop the ‘touch it once’ principle. When matters arise, deal with them through to completion immediately, then file the supporting documentation.
Set aside a part of your home, or office, for your Young Living business.
Set aside actual ‘work’ hours during the day or evening.
Buy a suitable contact management system and USE IT.
Order business cards (from the Company) for yourself.
As you can afford it, consider acquiring: ?
A fax machine.
A small filing cabinet.
A mobile phone.
An Aroma Case.
Internet access.
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Your thoughts are like Chinese Bamboo. (Adapted from Get a Life by Philip Stills) One day a little sprig pops out of the ground, but it doesn’t seem to grow. In fact, all you see for years is the little sprig just poking above the ground while it sends its roots deep into the soil. Then, one day, when it ‘knows’ it has a root foundation to support itself, it begins to grow fast – and it reaches a height of 90 feet in just six weeks. That’s long-term thinking and that’s how a Network Marketing business grows. It seems like nothing is happening while you chink away at it, little by little, investing a little time here and a little there and for two to five years you build a strong foundation and drive the roots of your business deep. Very often you can’t tell that anything is happening. Then, one day, just like the bamboo tree, your business shoots up and your rewards are there. Because you have built that solid foundation and the roots are deep, those rewards will support you and your family permanently.
Your Business Network Introduction In Your Business Network we will emphasize the importance of Building Your Prospect List and describe four effective ways to share Young Living with others: The Missing Link, DVD/PowerPoint Presentations, Two-on-One and One-on-One Presentations and Group Presentations. Before you talk to anyone, read this PowerGise Your Business handbook and listen to the Missing Link audio. Certainly be yourself, but be guided by the people who know – don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Begin to think of people with whom you want to share the business. Make sure you attend Training Sessions and obtain and listen to the training audios. There are three basic spheres of contacts with which you will begin to build your business: close friends and family, acquaintances and business associates and strangers. The simplest way to build your business is to start with people who already have trust in you – your close friends and family. We recommend that you do not pre-judge anyone. Expose Young Living to everyone and let them decide for themselves whether this is for them. Some may only be interested in the products – that is fine – either retail to them or link them to the Company as a Customer. Think of yourself as the director of a multi million dollar company. Whom would you want on your board of directors? Sponsor up; invite the most successful people you know. These are the people you are afraid to call but we have found that successful people grasp the opportunity much faster. Remember, when talking to prospective Distributors you only want to arouse their curiosity. Do not expose them to the business aspect until you can show them the whole picture. One of the problems with new Distributors is that they ‘talk too much’. They are so excited that they attempt to give their prospect all of the information over the phone. People can be very judgmental and can form opinions based on limited information. The more you tell them, the greater the chances of them not showing up for an appointment or a Presentation. Make your prospect list the start of an exciting adventure. Simply list everyone you can think of whom you have met, from early school days through to now. Their current location doesn’t matter. In fact you will want to stretch out across the world. Make a prospect list that contains at least a hundred names with phone numbers and/or addresses. This exercise is extremely important! Many Distributors do not complete this task, or they don’t include enough names on their list. When Distributors see the concept of leverage and are shown that when they sponsor three, who sponsor three, who sponsor three etc. that the network grows to hundreds and thousands they conclude that they only need to show the business to three to five people. The Distributor will invite the same three to five people each week and when they don’t show up or say no, the Distributor thinks to themselves – “I don’t know anyone who wants to do this”, they become paralyzed and quit. The solution is to make a list of at least twenty names and understand why it is so crucial. Once you start making your phone calls, create a Phone Log to keep track of your calls and the responses.
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The list below is a ‘memory-jogger’ to help you develop your prospect list.
POTENTIAL PROSPECTS At Work: People who don’t like their job People who are open-minded People who seize opportunities People who are in a similar line of work
Athletic or Sports: Bowling Team Football Team Hockey Team Squash Clubs Softball Team Tennis Clubs Golf Clubs Cricket Clubs Basketball Clubs Fitness Centre Pony Clubs Gymkhana Clubs Bicycle Clubs
At Home: Home makers Landlords College Students Retired people Neighbourhood Clubs People who have been ‘downsized’
School Contacts:
Electricians Housekeepers Bottled Water Representative Pest Exterminator Pool Maintenance Representative Restaurant Employee Gardener Plumber Landscaper
Other Organizations: Chamber of Commerce Women’s Groups Men’s Groups Networking Leads Clubs Service Clubs
Social Contacts: New and Old
At Church: Religious Educators Minister/Priest Youth Workers
People With Whom I Do Business:
Family Members and Their Friends In-laws and Their Friends Relatives and Their Friends
Auto Repair Person Department Store Workers Builder/Contractor Hardware Store Employees Furniture Store Salesperson Massage Therapist People Who Try to Sell to Me Avon Representatives Other NWM Representatives Door to Door Sales People Party Plan People Home Improvement Sales People
Hair Stylist Manicurist Dry Cleaner Baker Supermarket Staff Pharmacist Printer Photographer Banker Travel Agent Insurance Agent Carpet Cleaner Show Repairer Shoe Store Salesperson Real Estate Agent Florist Furniture Saleperson Computer Technician Computer Salesperson Child Care Centre Video Store staff Baby Sitter Tax Return Preparer TV Repairer Appliance Salesperson Interior Designer Health Spa
Bosses Co-Workers
Doctors Chiropractors Natural Therapists Nurses Attorneys Accountants Postal Workers Police Optometrists Osteopaths Psychiatrists Dentists Architects
People I Patronize:
Former Work Contacts:
Teacher/P&F Members Parents of children’s friends Tuck Shop Workers
Professional Relationships:
People From Whom I Have Bought Products:
Automobile Salesperson Major Appliance Salesperson Spectacle Salesperson Water Softener Salesperson Carpet Salesperson Tailors Dressmakers Blinds Salesperson/Repairers
It is unwise to prejudge.
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PRIORITIZE YOUR LIST You should now have at least twenty names, addresses and phone numbers on your list and this is your most precious resource. Prioritize your list by looking for : Positive people Entrepreneurs Achievers Risk Takers Listeners Sincere individuals Take these PEARLS and put them on your ‘hot’ list. These will be the first people you contact. Remember: Call your Sponsor/Coach to help with these calls through ‘Three-Way Calling.’
Type of Prospects HOT: Closest friends, family and PEARLS. WARM: Colleagues and associates. COLD: Individuals with whom you have casual contact Prioritize your time to spend: 80% of your time with your ‘hot’ list prospects. 15% of your time with your ‘warm’ list prospects. 5% of your time with ‘cold’ list prospects.
FOUR WAYS TO SHARE YOUNG LIVING (Refer to the sections on prospecting and inviting before proceeding) There are four ways to share the Young Living Way of Life. 1.
Use the Missing Link and various CDs/DVDs/samples.
Use the DVDs or Power Point Presentations.
Use “Two-on-One” and “One-on-One” Presentations,
Use Group Presentations.
Follow through is the key to successful sponsoring.
Each of these methods has proven successful. They are designed so you can start building your team without fully knowing how to give a Presentation
The Missing Link and other CDs/DVDs/samples Tell your prospect that you have some exciting information on which you would like their opinion. Ask them when they would listen to the information and arrange a time to contact them so you can get their opinion and get your CD back. If they can’t listen to it within 24 hours, don’t leave it with them – tell them you will get back to them later as this information is so important and exciting, you need to have someone else listen to it in the meantime. Do not attempt to explain the contents of the CD to a prospect who has just received the CD. Your guest may prejudge the CD and not listen to it. It is important to let the CD do the work. Be sure to follow through with your prospect. When you make an appointment to call them, be sure you do. Ask which membership option suits them the best. If you pass out 10 CDs/samples a week, sponsor one person a week and teach them to do the same, you could have 256 Distributors in your team in less than three months. This is very simple to do. When you’re getting started, let the CD do the work, use your Sponsor to help with the follow up and answer questions so that you can build and learn at the same time. Do not wait for your prospect to call you. You must follow-through.
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DVD/PowerPoint Presentation Today, almost everyone owns a DVD player and many own computers. Both the Company Profile DVD and the Power Point Presentation are great follow up materials after your prospect has listened to the Missing Link etc., and would like more information. They can also be used in the same manner as the Missing Link etc., for a first time approach. Some people respond well to audio material only; others respond well to visual material only. By using a video Presentation you have the advantage of both audio and visual material at the same time. You will find that computer literate people will respond well to the Power Point Presentation Regardless of the type of approach, follow-through is the key to success. When you share information with a prospect, develop the habit of setting a time with them for the follow-up call and be sure to keep that appointment.
“Two-on-One” and “One-on-One” Presentations As new Distributors, you are not equipped or trained to give this type of presentation, so don’t try. To start with “Two-on-One” Presentations, work closely with your upline Team Member to set appointments and have that person handle the Presentation for you. Through this method, you will learn how to do a “One-on-One” Presentation. Create your own flip book for this purpose, using company materials. The flip book is a tried and proven format for showing what Young Living is all about. Learn from and follow the lead of the successful people and don’t try to re-invent the wheel.
Remember! Whatever you DO will be duplicated by your team. Set a good example – it will pay handsome dividends in the future.
Group Presentations
Group Presentations done either in home or in function rooms are very effective. They serve as both an effective first look or second look if the prospect has already listened to the Missing Link, DVD/Power Point Presentation or a Two-on-One/One-on-One Presentation. You must attend Presentations every week to be truly successful. No excuses! No-one has ever succeeded in building their Young Living Business without involving themselves in weekly Presentations. Remember “When you stop going, you stop growing.” If there is no weekly Presentation in your area it is up to you to start one, even if it’s a few people you invite to your home to watch one of the Young Living videos. Start a regular Presentation in your home until the numbers are large enough to move to a function room. Attending and/or giving weekly Presentations is crucial. There are three important reasons why you and your team members need to attend weekly Presentations. The first is to combat dream stealers; those people who do not want you to succeed because they like you the way you are – busy and broke. These dream stealers will not step out of their comfort zone to make changes or improve their lives - and they don’t want you to either. The Presentation allows you to get a shot of positive energy each week. Positive, upbeat Distributors help you rekindle your dream. The excitement and positive energy is contagious. When you’re “down”, you need the Presentation. When you’re “up”, the Presentation needs you. Secondly, the group meetings are part of the process of involving new Distributors after you have given a Two-on-One/One-on-One Presentation, or they have watched a video or listened to The Missing Link etc.. The Group Presentation is the “I Believe” portion of the introduction to the business. Your guest can see and hear from others in the business, and they will realize this is a real and valid business. Decisions of involvement are most often made at the larger Group Presentation. The third reason to attend Group Presentations is because time sensitive material and new information is always shared at Group Presentations. You must attend the local Group Presentation if you want to be informed about the late-breaking Young Living news.
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PRESENTATION ETIQUETTE There is a Presentation etiquette to understand and follow. Imagine the most successful person you know, the person you just couldn’t wait to sponsor into Young Living. You obviously want to create a positive impression with this person, but imagine that at the Presentation, people were dressed in jeans or casual clothing, the Presentation started ten minutes late, people were talking and shuffling papers during the Presentation, interrupting the presenter or walking in and out of the Presentation room. What sort of an impression would that create? Now, imagine your important guest arrives and everyone is on time, sitting and facing front. No one walks in late, everyone is dressed in business attire. No-one is handing out materials or shuffling papers until after the Presentation. The Distributors are enthusiastic, up-beat and friendly. They are also acting as if this is the first time they have seen the Presentation. No-one interrupts the presenter. Do you think this would make a difference to how your guest perceives “Young Living”?
Presentation Etiquette and Protocol ?
Arrive early; invite your guest to be there 15 minutes prior to the Presentation starting time. Better still, pick up your guests and bring them with you.
Dress for success; that means business style. If you dress for less, you hurt everybody.
Be aware that the Presentation is for the new guests. Be as excited as if it is the first time you have seen it.
Remember, Distributors are as important as the speaker. You play a major role in setting the tone and energy of the Presentation!
The same Presentation is given each time, because IT WORKS! Sit in one of the first three rows with your guests so that any distractions are behind you. Refrain from talking during the Presentation. Keep your attention towards the front. Do not distribute material before or during the Presentation. If you hand your guest material prior or during the Presentation their focus will not be on the speaker and they will miss the concept. Never leave the room during a Presentation.
After the Presentation, don’t leave immediately. Create a circle of chairs and answer questions for your guests so your new Distributors can see and learn.
Always maintain a positive attitude at Presentations. Problems always go UPLINE and never at Presentations or within earshot of others! Give “welcome” smiles and handshakes before and after the Presentation. Volunteer to help at the registration table and be courteous to other Distributors and their guests.
NEVER (regardless of whether it is good or bad) talk about “other” companies or business opportunities at a Young Living Presentation or training.
PRESENTATION FORMAT The Presentation format is standardized for several reasons. Firstly – it works. Secondly, by having a standardized format, Distributors know they can send guests to any formal Presentation anywhere in the country, and know what they are going to see. This is extremely important for stability and national growth. Thirdly, it is a format that is simple, logical and easy to follow, therefore it is easy to duplicate – Everyone can learn to give the Young Living Presentation. When giving a Presentation, stay in control. If prospects attempt to ask questions during the Presentation, assure them you will be happy to answer all questions after the Presentation. Remember to have the utmost integrity. NEVER attempt to sponsor other people’s contacts. NEVER attempt to “steal” someone else into your team (even if they say they want to). This will undermine both you and the company and destroy the TEAM and FAMILY aspect of Young Living. It also breaches Policies and Procedures. Encourage all function room Presentations to be open to everyone. As your network grows into new areas, you will want to feel comfortable that your Distributors can “plug in” to the system and attend these Presentations and Trainings. Remember “T.E.A.M.” – “Together Everyone Achieves More”. Build your Young Living business with integrity and support.
© Young Living Essential Oils ed200804
TESTIMONIALS It is very important to develop your own testimonial. When using testimonials it is very important to remember that it must be your own story. It must NOT relate to another person’s experience. A testimonial should take no longer than 45 seconds. Take the time to learn the wording for your testimonial so that you can tell your story in a clear and concise way. When you share your testimonial at a Presentation, always start with your name, the suburb (or town) in which you live, your usual occupation, and your reason for becoming involved with Young Living. (“I tried the products and found they really work” is a great reason). Then deliver your personal testimonial in a concise and friendly manner. Remember, no therapeutic claims, do not mention specific conditions or exaggerate. Remember to keep to the point and stay within the allowed time frame. It is good to have several personal testimonials so that you don’t always tell the same one if called upon to share your experiences.
Successful Enrolling Introduction In Successful Sponsoring, we will discuss the Concept of Leverage and the Right of Empowerment. We will also look at proven ways to invite people to look at the Young Living opportunity. Follow-through with prospects is most vital to the building of a successful business. In this section we will provide answers to the most commonly asked questions prospects have for their enroller. We will also emphasize that the Power of Belief in Young Living and in your business will help you attain your goals. Enrolling new Distributors into Young Living is an essential part of your business. The following information discusses successful approaches to inviting, sharing the business concept, follow-through and answering prospects’ questions.
THE CONCEPT OF LEVERAGE It is very important to be able to communicate the concept of leverage: through the duplication of your efforts with others you can create a lasting source of residual income. Once the concept of leverage is fully understood it will create the excitement that causes insomnia. It is the concept that the combined efforts of a network can far outreach the maximum effort of any individual! Since this is what people are losing sleep over, it makes sense to learn to understand it and communicate it properly. Watch the Power Point Presentation, read the Road Maps to Success and talk with your upline over and over until you fully understand the concept. Attend the business training sessions and be sure to ask all the questions you need to complete your understanding. Be sure to get all your questions answered fully. A natural tendency is to deliver this material too fast. Slow down – remember the understanding of leverage is one of the major keys to success. You’ll hear questions from prospects such as, “Who sells the product?” This question lets you know that your guest does not grasp the Young Living business concept. Since one of the goals of each new Young Living Distributor should be to enroll three people and help them do the same, show the leverage using the ‘power of three’. When everyone enrolls three people who do the same, you will have over 2,000 people in your organization within the first 7 levels. Make it more believable to your guest by telling them that even if their network only grew by 50% of what you are saying, they would still have 1,000 in their organization. Ask your guest, “Do you see how if 1,000 Distributors purchased $100 of product each month, your business would have a turnover of $100,000 per month of Young Living product?"
© Young Living Essential Oils ed200804
“If each of these Distributors put just one hour a day into their Young Living business, do you see how you would benefit from 1,000 hours a day?” “Do you see how building a network of 1,000 Distributors is developed by sponsoring and duplicating as few as ten Distributors.” THIS IS THE CONCEPT OF LEVERAGE! Distributors only understand leverage when they can show and communicate the concept. Ensure your new Distributor understands the concept of leverage by having them explain it to you. It is important to realize that while many people will indicate that they understand, truly, they do not. When people understand the concept of leverage, the product will automatically move and commissions will grow. When people ask, “How do the products work?” a perfect answer is “They work just fine.” Approach people from a business aspect and the product will sell itself! The product moves in the process of showing the business!
THE RIGHT OF EMPOWERMENT The Right of Empowerment is the ability to empower others to introduce new people to the Young Living Family. The Right of Empowerment works hand in hand with the Concept of Leverage in building your organization to power, strength and stability. A good organization needs to have both width AND depth. By empowering and teaching others (good duplication), your organization will develop the strength and stability to produce on-going residual income.
PROSPECTING There are many ways to prospect however there are some basic principles that are very important. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Wear the oils as a perfume or aftershave. Maintain a healthy, positive and enthusiastic attitude. Enthusiasm is contagious. Concentrate on making a friend, before you think about the invitation. Learn to ask questions. Learn to LISTEN. Find out about their situation, their likes and dislikes, their wants or desires. Remember F.O.R.M. which stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation, Money. Allow this to guide your questioning. Remember – be relaxed and friendly – it is unwise to interrogate people. Have your own story ready for when people ask you, “What do you do?” You may say – “ I teach people how to be healthier and wealthier. Is that something that interests you?” Or you may say – “I’m in the oil business – essential oil that is – nothing crude”. There are many variations – the important thing is to have your answer prepared, rehearsed and ready.
Make a friend before you attempt to invite.
INVITING It is important to understand the dynamics of inviting from a business aspect, whether it be with a friend or acquaintance, business associate or family member. When you invite correctly, you are going to have many more people see this opportunity. Obviously, the more people who see the opportunity, the more people you will retail to and enroll, the more your organization will grow and hence, the larger your commissions will grow. You would be wise to learn how to invite as described here. You will not see the same results when you do it your way. Whilst it is important to be yourself, skills can be learnt and the more skilled you become, the easier it becomes for you and the better teacher you become. The better teacher you are, the more people will want to join your organization. Realize that you have a gift to share with Young Living. This is something that everyone needs. They just may not know it, yet. When you have developed your own belief in Young Living, inviting will be easy. Always call with a positive attitude. Ask if you are calling at a convenient time. Be brief and concise. Avoid answering questions about the business. Many people make the mistake of trying to explain what it is over the phone. Just as you cannot give a haircut over the phone, you cannot show the Young Living business over the phone.
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Some of your closest friends and family may look at what you have to offer out of trust, regardless of what you say or how you invite them. As you reach outside this group to the most successful people you know in the outer circles of people on your list it will be important to have a polished inviting technique. By starting off with a tried and proven way of inviting you increase your chances of success. Keep your conversations brief and to the point. Here is an example – “Hi John, I only have a minute to talk, have I caught you at a convenient time? I’m really excited about a Company I have found called Young Living. I would love to get your opinion on it and it will take about an hour. Would you have time for me to show it to you tonight or would tomorrow night suit you better?” Adapt this to suit your own style, but keep the elements the same. When taking your guest to a Presentation, don’t rely on them to get there under their own steam – call and pick them up. This way you will be ensured of having a guest at the Presentation. Your state of mind is far more important than the words you use when inviting. Be alive! Remember you are giving to someone, not trying to get someone. When inviting, it is important not to beg anyone. You need to have posture. When you beg or push you are not creating a desire within them. You become a pushy salesman and are telling others you don’t have their best interests at heart. It is sometimes more effective to ask your prospect if they know of anyone who is interested in earning some extra money and freeing up some time, rather than ask them directly. Quite often they will say, “Yes, I am.” At worst they will give you a referral. There are many variations, depending on the situation. In the prospecting section, we spoke about asking questions to find their value. Once you have found their value or reason, use this approach. “If I could show you a way to …(whatever their value is)…… when would you have time to take a look at it?”
Inviting Approaches
The purpose is to make an appointment – not to show the business.
Here are some further suggestions on inviting. We discussed previously product approaches.
The following are business approaches. When you use a business approach, you will find more business oriented people and your business will grow quicker. Both approaches can be effective. Use the answers to your questions in the prospecting section to be your guide as to which approach is best in each instance. “Have you ever considered owning your own business? If I could show you a way to do that with a very low cost start up, would you be willing to find out more?” Compliments are effective: “John, I really admire your business sense. I’ve come across a business on which I’d like your opinion. When can we get together for about an hour? Would Monday or Wednesday be better for you?” There are several variations on this approach. Generally speaking, if it is a male inviting a male, or a female inviting a female, of the same station in life, use the word opinion. If it is a female inviting a male of the same station in life, use the word advice. If it is a male inviting a female of the same station in life use the word opinion. If it is a male inviting a male or female, or a female inviting a male or female of a higher station in life, use the word advice. Remember we are looking at what is effective, not necessarily politically correct.
You don’t need all the answers Many new Distributors feel they need to have all the answers before they can approach anyone. This is not true. It is far better to admit that you are new and that is the reason you want to get together with someone who has more experience so that your guest can have their questions answered. It is very valid to say, “I don’t know the answer to that, that’s why I’m going to the Presentation. Let’s go together and find out.” Even if you have been with Young Living for some time, you can still say, “I don’t have all the answers.”
© Young Living Essential Oils ed200804
No Health Claims Remember no health claims are allowed. When approaching people be sure to avoid making any statements that could be construed as a health claim. Australian regulations are very specific about what constitutes a health claim. The company directs a lot of resources towards compliance – use the wording and descriptions found on the Australian website and in materials ordered directly from the Australian office and this is safest. If people ask you how the products work it is safe to say – “They work just fine” or - “Only you could be the judge of that. You will need to try them and find out for yourself”. Anything more specific than that could be misconstrued and is best avoided.
Approaching Strangers A stranger is simply a friend you haven’t met yet. When you meet a stranger do not think to yourself, “How can I get this person into Young Living?” rather, think to yourself, “How can I make this person my friend?” The best way to become a friend is to show genuine interest. Ask questions about them then listen carefully to their answers. Mirror and model the person with whom you are talking. If they are leaning on the table, you do the same. If they lean back, you lean back. If they talk slowly, you talk slowly. The more you are like the person with whom you are sharing, the more open they will be to your message. Be careful not to jump in and tell them about Young Living. Continue to ask questions and gather information. When appropriate ask them for their card and tell them you will contact them within a few days. Use the information you gathered at this meeting when you call and set a time to either view a video or attend a Presentation. Remember, when people ask you, “What do you do?” you need to have your response ready and deliver it fluently. We have previously suggested a couple of responses. Here are some more that have proved to be effective. “I have an international business based on some very special oil products” “What I do is a ‘people franchise’ that creates residual income.” “I teach people how to leverage their time to create residual income.” “I teach systems to create time freedom and residual income.”
Handling Questions Remember that the purpose of the invitation is to set an appointment, not to show the business over the phone. You cannot show the Compensation Plan or the Concept of Leverage over a telephone. It is visual. It must be shown! You will feel that you should tell them about it because you don’t want to deceive your friends, however, the real deception is in trying to explain this business over the phone or in person in less than 45 minutes. If you do, the chances are that you will not be able to explain it at all, so do not try!
There are three commonly asked questions when you invite someone 1.
“What is it?”
“What is the company?”
3. “What is the product?” Question: “What is it?” or “Tell me more.” Or “What is it about?” Answer: “John, this is 90 percent visual and I can’t show it over the telephone. You need to see it. I am going to take another look myself on Wednesday evening. Would you like to come with me?” Answer: “It’s a business system that allows people to access residual income. When can we get together for around an hour so I can give you the details?” Answer: “It’s a way of improving both our health and our wealth. The Presentation is visual and needs to be seen. I am really excited about it. When can we get together for around an hour so I can get your opinion (or advice) on this?” Question: “What is the name of the company?”
Answer: “It’s an international company named Young Living – Have you heard of them?” Question: “What is the product?” Answer: “There is a wide range of pure and natural products that can enhance our well-being on a daily basis and when you see the Compensation Plan you will understand why I am so excited. When can we get together for around a hour, so I can get your opinion (or advice) on this? Which is more suitable for you Tuesday or Thursday?” Answer 2: “These products are amazing. They have a history that goes back thousands of years and the ancient wisdom is now being verified by modern scientific knowledge. I have to tell you, I love them and am really excited. When can we get together ………………”
Fear of loss is often greater than desire for gain. Answers to some other common questions: Question: “Is this sales?” Answer: “Do you like sales?” No matter what their answer is, you respond, “Great, you’re going to love this.” (Answers 2 and 3 will help you understand why this answer works) Answer: “Definitely! Sales is where the highest incomes are earned, but this is much more than just sales, it is about a concept of time leverage.” Answer: “This business is really about teaching, training and using a system. When you see how this can create residual income you will lose sleep the same way I have.” Question: “Is this Multi Level Marketing?” or “Is this Network Marketing?” or some similar question. Answer: “This is about a concept of leverage and systems used from home to create residual income.” Answer: “Yes! Are you open-minded enough to look at a concept that others pre-judge? Opportunity usually comes in a form that we least expect. It’s not what you think; I’ll show you. When can we get together?” Question: “What does it cost?” Answer: “It doesn’t cost anything to look. All I am suggesting here is that you take a look and draw your own conclusions. That’s fair enough isn’t it?” Statement: “I don’t have any time” Answer: “Don’t you hate that? I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way when a friend approached me but when I took the time to have a look, I found that it wasn’t what I had thought, and I didn’t need a lot of time to make it work for me. When can we get together ……….” If someone gives you a difficult time because you’re not going into detail there are several options.
“Mary, when I saw this concept, I immediately thought of you as being a person who would love this. I am only thinking of you and it wouldn’t be fair to not give you the full picture. Believe me, if this could be explained over the telephone I would, but it just isn’t possible.”
Fear of loss is a great motivator for some. “Bill, perhaps this business is not right for you. It won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t look, I just thought it might help you.”
Important Inviting Tips When inviting, end your conversation as soon as you get the commitment from your prospect that they will be there. Any further discussion will prompt more questions and could lead to prejudgments. Ask for a firm commitment. In many cases a ‘yes’ is simply a ‘definite maybe’. When a person says they will ‘try’ to be there, they probably won’t. Get the time commitment and always invite for 15 minutes earlier than the Presentation start time. Make sure the spouse can come whenever possible. If you are asked “Why do they have to come?” a good answer is “Even though they may not be involved, it is important they understand what it is about.” By doing this, the prospect gets the idea that this really is an appointment. More importantly, the spouse may become excited. Get them to write it down by saying “I have entered this in my diary. Is it in yours?” Each time you get a “no”, analyze the call and ask yourself if anything could have been done or said differently. If you get three “no’s” in a row, read this section of the PowerGize Your Business handbook again. If a prospect continues to make excuses, know when to move on. Remember, some will, some won’t, so what! – Next! You will probably receive many more “no’s” than “yes’s”. Be prepared for this and remember they are saying “no” to what you are offering, not to ‘you’ . It is not personal. Every “no” brings you closer to a “yes” – remember the field with a hundred boulders?
Every “No” brings you closer to a “Yes”.
FOLLOW-THROUGH The biggest breakdown in the growth of a network is caused by lack of follow-through. It is most important to follow through with your guests within 24 to 72 hours after they have seen a Presentation, whether that Presentation is a CD, DVD or live Presentation. Your guest can lose 10 to 20 percent interest with each passing day. Many Distributors wait for their guest to call them because they don’t wish to seem pushy. This is unwise and displays a weakness in your belief in the business and the products. Your guest expects you to call. To not do so may convey the message that you don't care enough and will seriously undermine your credibility and relationship with your guest. The real reason there is a lack of follow-through is usually fear of rejection. We have been conditioned since childhood to seek approval. Should your guest not accept the offer to join your organization it may be because of a lack of understanding or ‘fear’ that they have – remember – they are not rejecting you. Fear is “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Most of our fears are totally unfounded and when a guest doesn’t accept what you are offering it is usually because of a lack of understanding or they have not seen enough ‘value’ for themselves. You will usually find that you have more confidence talking to someone else’s guest rather than your own. Use that strength and confidence to help and teach your team members by following up using three-way calls. Three-way calling is a very effective way of building your business and training at the same time. This is great duplication. Follow through is easy when you are in the habit of setting up the time for the follow up call when you present the business, again, whether it be in the form of an audio, a video or a live Presentation. Use this format for a three-way call: ?
Ask if you are calling at a good time – this shows respect.
Indicate that a friend (or a third party) is on the line with you.
Thank them for taking the time to look at the business (Say it from the heart).
State the purpose of the call, (to answer any questions and get their feelings about what they saw) and ask permission for your friend to share their story.
Pass the call over to the third person (Sponsor or upline) and then listen and learn.
Your Sponsor (or upline) will then (with permission) tell their story and ask your guest if they understand the concept of leverage and see how it creates residual income.
They will then answer any questions.
At the appropriate time, the Sponsor will hand the call back to you.
Let the person know the commitment that is necessary to achieve their dreams. Be honest. Do not sell, push or convince.
Let the person know this is a team effort and that you are there to help, teach and train.
Invite them to join your team.
Set a time for a follow up meeting with them.
Committed Distributors who have a strong belief in themselves and Young Living will follow up five times before they move on. Persistence in follow-through is one important key to your success! When a person says ‘no’, accept that decision and ask their permission to stay in touch. This leaves the door open for further follow-up, without being offensive. Also, remember to ask for a referral. When a person has said ‘no’ they will want to help you and most will be anxious to give the name and details of some people they know who would be interested. Unless a person tells you they never want to hear from you again (and this situation should be avoided at all costs) continue to follow up with them for months or even years. Timing is critical and people’s situations change. While an interest may not have been there on the first approach, it certainly could be there on the second, third, fourth or fifth exposure. Use an index card box to keep track of your prospects and your follow up calls. Use mail as well as phone calls for follow through. Be organized and persistent without becoming annoying.
Follow-through – Objections and Questions: Here is a list of common objections or questions you may encounter from your prospect after they have seen a Presentation. You are encouraged to understand each question and each answer. “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have any time” “I do not know many people” “ I don’t like selling”
PERSISTENCE in follow-through is one important key to your SUCCESS!
“I don’t have any money to do this” “I don’t know anything about essential oils” “It seems like the prices are high” “I want to think about it”
A very effective tool to overcome these fears or objections is to use the “feel”, “felt”, “found” principle. This principle shows caring and empathy. “I’m too busy” – “I know how you feel. I felt the same way but I have found that Young Living is actually designed for everyone to start part-time, and our support system makes it possible to get started with just a few minutes a day.” “I do not know many people” – “I know how you feel. I felt the same way but I have found that you don’t need to know many people. Let’s go over the concept of leverage again so I can show you how enrolling a few committed people can develop a network of hundreds or even thousands of Distributors.” “I don’t like selling” – “I know how you feel. I felt the same way but what I have found is that building a network is not about selling people. It’s really about teaching and coaching.” “I don’t have any money to do this” – “I know how you feel. I felt the same way but what I have found was it takes very little money to get started. The money excuse is the prospects ‘fear’ coming to the surface. In most cases it simply means you have not created enough ‘value’ for them. If you were to place a new car in their driveway and tell them it is theirs if they can come up with $1,000 by next week they would find the money. They would see enough ‘value’. Therefore the real solution to this objection is to create more ‘value’ for them. “I don’t know anything about essential oils.” – ”I know how you feel, I felt the same way but I have found that it is not necessary to know anything about the oils. They work just fine. There are many people who do and there is much material available for the people who want to learn that aspect. One of the features of Young Living is the education offered to members.”
“It seems like the prices are high.” – I know how you feel, I felt the same way but what I found is that here, we are talking about natural, 100% pure, unadulterated oils and when compared with what else is out there the price is very reasonable. After all, quality is long remembered, when price is long forgotten and I am sure you wouldn’t wish to compromise your well-being by using an inferior quality product.” “I want to think about it.” “That’s great, I know you wouldn’t want to waste time thinking about something if you weren’t interested. So that I am clear in my mind, what is it that you want to think about. Is it the quality of the product? Is it the stability of the Company? Is it the Compensation Plan? Or do you just need to work out which products you would like to get started with?” If people ask, “Who sells the product?” it means they have totally missed the Concept of Leverage and the Right of Empowerment. It is critical that this be explained again. If they say they understand it, ask them to explain it back to you. Until this concept is really understood, it will be difficult to have a strong belief system in the business.
Important Questions. There are three very important questions that your prospect will have in mind before making a decision to join you. 1. Do you care about me? Do you really want me in this business to help me, or do you want me to benefit you? 2. Can I trust you? Are you being honest? Are you trying to take advantage of me? Is the information you are giving me correct? Can I count on you?
People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
3. Can I do this? This is probably the biggest fear in most people. You must help them overcome this. In all approaches to people regarding Young Living it is important to come from the heart. When people are sincere and share from the heart, they will find that trust follows. It is important to LISTEN TO THE PROSPECT. Be sensitive to their wants and needs. Remember, people need to know you care. The best way to achieve this is to listen to and then fulfill their needs and not try to influence them by pushing what you think they need. This has been said before, but bears repeating. Learn to listen and listen intently. Focus on what your prospect is saying and they will willingly give you all the information you need to assist them in making a positive decision. Follow through to completion with every prospect and once they have joined you in the business, continue to support them. This is the start of the process. In fact, it is the major part of the process – It is the start of an on-going process of learning, teaching, coaching, duplicating and team building. People LOVE to be part of a TEAM, which is why team sports are so popular with the masses. When you develop a strong TEAM spirit you will have many people who will want to join your team for the social aspect as much, if not more than from the business aspect. Ongoing Followthrough is so important to this TEAM spirit and remember Together Everyone Achieves More.
THE POWER OF BELIEF Your feelings and enthusiasm or PASSION for Young Living can be a determining factor in whether or not your prospect joins the business. Your PASSION will convince your guest that these are the greatest products and this is the greatest business opportunity with which you have ever been associated. Share your emotions – your Passion from the heart and support this with essential facts. When your belief and passion is high you will become like a magnet and people will want to be around you and in your business.
LIMITATIONS AND FEARS The only limitations in life are those we place on ourselves. Our most critical beliefs are those we hold on our own capabilities. To develop your business you must make way for a new set of positive beliefs to replace any negative feelings you may have.
Notice what happens to your view when you internalize the following statement and visualize yourself having done that. “The truth is that we are geniuses: We barely use 7% of our capabilities. If we were to function at only half of our capability, we could learn forty languages, memorize an entire encyclopaedia and complete the required courses of more than thirty colleges.”
The Barrier of Fear Lack of approval from others is a powerful influence to conform. We have been conditioned to seek approval to the point where it is an unconscious habit that runs our beliefs and behavior. When you share the Young Living Business opportunity, understand that many people have a misconception of Network Marketing. We must learn how to show the benefits of this great business. Recognize that not everyone will see it or understand it, and give you the approval you subconsciously seek. This fear can paralyze you, if you allow it. The answer is to build your belief in the industry, Young Living and the product by becoming a perpetual learner. Obtain all the tools and materials available and learn, learn, learn. Successful business-builders constantly develop their belief systems by having a huge appetite for learning all they can and accepting responsibility for their own successes and failures.
A man may fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. Unknown
THE CURRENCY OF TIME Imagine that a bank credited your account each morning with $86,400, but every night cancelled whatever part you had failed to use during that day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course! You have such a bank and its name is time. Every morning it credits your account with 86,400 seconds. Each night it rules off as lost whatever part you did not use. It carries over nil balance and allows no overdrafts. Each day, it opens a new account for you . Each night it burns the records. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. It is important to live in the present – on today’s deposit. It is the only time of which we are sure. The past is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift – that is why it is called the present. Spend it wisely to get the utmost from health, happiness and success! Please, do not confuse activity with accomplishment. Try writing down what you actually accomplished last week – It may surprise you. Building your business is about telling and sharing; showing the opportunity in its entirety, and following through with those individuals to whom you have exposed the business.
Strong Business Techniques Introduction In Strong Business Techniques we’ll look at some specific approaches to building your business, including Retailing, Oil Parties, Trade Shows, Direct Mail and Classified Advertising.
RETAILING Make retailing a natural part of your business. Some people refer to this as sharing. When there are special occasions remember that one of the kits or some of the beautiful blends make excellent gifts. Create a file of important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Secretary’s Day, or the holiday seasons for your family and friends and people at the office. Encourage these people to give a gift of oil when there is a need to say “I’m sorry”, “I love you”, “Thank you”, or “Just because you’re special”. Consider yourself a reminder service. Share a catalogue and make suggestions. People want help and appreciate good service. Retailing is a great way to help pay for your time now. It is a perfect way to create income while you are building your network. Have fun! Schedule parties for the holidays. Create incentives for your hostess and ask for referrals. Your friends and family now know that you are in the “OIL BUSINESS”. Be proud of your business and use Young Living products for all your gift giving needs. They’ll be disappointed to receive anything less than “A Special Blend”. This is the time to make retailing a natural part of your business. If the time is not right for your friends to involve themselves, take away the pressure to get involved and give them service. You are now asking your friends to support you in your new business and, at the same time, you are helping them with a need that you have brought to their attention. While the recommended retail price is, by law, a recommendation, it is very important that you sell to others at the preferred customer price. If you sell to others at your price, there is no incentive for the person to join. Remember this is a Business. No business can survive without making a profit and you deserve to be rewarded for your time. By charging your customer the preferred customer price, it gives them the incentive to join and enroll in autoship to save money. By starting your contact as a preferred customer, they can access the product at a reduced price, they are linked to you as their Enroller/Sponsor, and once their belief level is built up they may wish to change over to being a Distributor and share the opportunity with others. The system is designed for this, so use the system. An important key in retailing is for you to be a product of the product. Use and know ALL the products, and, as mentioned previously, have your own story for each.
OIL PARTIES This is a fun way to introduce people to the products and can be a great extension to retailing. Be prepared to both take orders and enroll. Invite a group of friends to your home. Talk about the oils and allow these people to smell, touch and feel. It is strongly suggested that you keep numbers around the ten or twelve with an absolute maximum of fifteen. (You will need to invite more than this to have this number attend). Always confirm attendees prior to the event. Organize simple games (based around the oils, of course) and have inexpensive prizes. Make the emphasis on FUN. At the end of the activities, ask those who attended if they would like to have a party at their place. Have incentives organized for the hostess. The timing of the event should be between one and a half and two hours. Incentives can be offered for those who order on the night. Special incentives can be offered for those who join on the night. There are many variations that can be used around this basic concept. Give your imagination a free reign and be creative. It is also great to show the Company Profile or other DVDs at these events. It is interesting and very informative for new members and guests. Remember, no matter how many times you may have seen it – be enthusiastic for the sake of the guests and the new members.
Learn to ask questions then listen like you have never listened before.
TRADE SHOWS Trade shows take many forms and it is a popular belief with many people that they can be a quick and easy way to sign up new people into your business. Research shows that most people who attend this type of show do not want to hear a 30-45 minute presentation about anything, but prefer small pieces of information before proceeding onto the next booth. Most are out to gather as many brochures as possible. From a Distributors standpoint they can cost a lot of money for a very small return. Should you choose to use Trade Shows as one of your methods here are some suggestions to assist you in obtaining the best return for your money and time spent.
Option 1 Do a totally generic stand with no product, no leaflets, no Young Living name. Instead have a large sign that says – “Test Your Network Marketing I.Q. - $100 for the highest score.” Develop a simple test that can be graded on the spot, showing your attendee how little they really know about this rapidly growing industry. Have a space at the top of the form for their name, address and phone number so that you can follow up with them. As they ask questions and want more information, indicate that you are aware they are at the show to preview many different business opportunities. Tell them that it takes 30-45 minutes to clearly share your business. To respect their time, you have an information pack which contains some literature and a video which they can buy for a nominal fee of $20. This does several things 1.
It establishes value on the material and they will view it.
It prevents the professional brochure gatherers from just taking material they have no intention of using.
Let the person know that the money is fully refundable if they choose to return it in good condition. You now have a qualified lead or prospect because you’ve taken the time to ask questions and create enough value for them to have paid for the information.
Option 2 Use a similar approach to Option 1, however, have product on display and signs displayed. Use a similar style questionnaire as before but gear your questions around purity: Natural vs Synthetic; Pure vs Adulterated and so on. Some General Hints Be selective with the type of trade show you attend. Avoid spending money on expensive brochures unless they can be used as on-going tools. Avoid handing information out ad hoc to all who pass the stand. Use some method of obtaining the name and address of the people with whom you spend time. Remember this is a business project, not just a socializing venture.
DIRECT MAIL Direct mail may work for some people; however, mass mailings, unless you have lots of money to waste, are generally unproductive with a response rate usually below one percent. People, today, are bombarded with so much junk mail in their letter boxes that they have become immune. The reason many Distributors resort to mass mailings is because of their fear of using the telephone to call people and chat to them, ask them pertinent questions and find their value, before approaching them with the business. Mailing a NingXia Red DVD AFTER a person has been qualified via the telephone is a much more successful approach.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING When placing classified ads, it is against Young Living’s Policies and Procedures to use the Young Living name, corporate Logo, or other specific items in any advertising without written approval from Young Living. Other than approved ads, generic prospecting type ads (sometimes referred to as blind ads) which do not mention the Young Living name or products are generally permitted, although, again, nothing works as well as face to face contact. Learn to prospect live. Use the telephone as the second contact, then show the business personally and above all Follow-Through.
Winning Attitudes Introduction In this section we’ll develop your Positive Attitude and mental approach to your business, look at the elements of a successful leader and the importance of building your business to last.
NURTURE YOUR POSITIVE ATTITUDE The most important single factor that will guarantee good results in everything, day in, day out, consistently is a healthy, positive attitude. Attitude is a reflection of the person inside. Your outward world is a picture of your attitude. You express what you are thinking every day through your attitude. We tend to live up to our own expectations and hence, our attitude can be controlled. It is our attitude that determines life’s attitude towards us. It is an example of cause and effect. Everything we say and do has a corresponding effect and since we are producing causes all day long, we can only have corresponding effects. Each of us is responsible for our own life and each of us determines the quality of our own lives. We get back what we put in. The first step in maximizing a positive outcome is to have a positive input – hence a positive attitude. In this business, you must develop a positive attitude, before you can expect to be successful. One sure way to develop a good attitude is to treat every person we meet as the most important person in the world. Be bright and cheerful. Developing good people skills is a must.
Your altitude is determined by your attitude.
There is nothing in the world that men, women and children want and need more than self-esteem and acknowledgement – the feeling that they are important, needed, recognized and respected. People will give their loyalty, business and respect to the person who fills this need. We suggest the following: ?
Make each thought you hold constructive and positive. Look for the best in people. Look for the goodness in others and you will see the goodness in yourself. Stop being a fault-finder – you get what you focus on, so focus on what you want.
Spend your time thinking and visualizing what you want to accomplish and be choosy regarding what you want. Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich states – “What the mind of man perceives and believes, he can achieve.” Visualization is extremely powerful.
Do not POISON your business. Questions and concerns ALWAYS GO UPLINE, and NEVER, NEVER DOWNLINE.
Radiate a positive attitude of well-being, happiness and confidence. You will see the world change as a mirror reflection of yourself.
People will ‘Do what you do’ not what you ‘SAY to do’.
WHAT IS A LEADER? Leaders need to be solution oriented people. Leaders are unselfish givers, not takers. Negative people never achieve great results; they damage the belief of the entire organization and are not fun to be with. Build your business, develop your skills and lead by example. Remember, it is impossible to be a leader, unless there is someone to follow you. Your group will notice what you do. They will also do what you do, regardless of what you say to do. A leader steps up to the plate and does whatever needs to be done to achieve success. They leave nothing to chance and always put their team before their ego. Understand that your team members are VOLUNTEERS and can do whatever they want. Being their mentor or leader is a privilege not a right. Keep things simple and duplicable. Live by the saying If it is to be, it is up to me and remember it is YOUR business, not your Sponsor’s business, nor your upline’s business, nor Young Living’s business. IT IS YOUR BUSINESS. Leaders are hungry for knowledge. They attend ALL the Trainings in their area; they obtain and read relevant books; they listen to relevant audio CDs and are always prepared with extra business tools. Whilst a carpenter cannot build a house without his own set of tools, so a Young Living Distributor cannot build a business without the right tools. Leaders do not get caught up in gossip. They maintain their focus and LEAD.
BUILD IT ONCE TO LAST The long term viability of your Young Living business must be centred around programmes that address the needs of the individual. The first is the need to belong. The second is the need to be recognized. People will be drawn to where they feel safe, appreciated and are recognized. Acknowledgement lets us know we are doing something worthy. Recognition of achievement levels is important and as a Leader, be sure you keep track of your team members achievements and see they receive appropriate recognition. This also encourages the member to strive harder to get to the next level and will develop an organization that stretches. The third is the need to achieve. Lack of achievement is the major reason why people drop out. Give them a reason to stay and they will. Give them recognition and they will build. Make them a part of your team and treat them like friends. They will follow.
AVOID A ‘FATAL ATTRACTION’ Young living is only one of many companies that have chosen Network Marketing as the method of distribution for their products. Young Living’s very foundation is the quality, purity and efficacy of its products. In a nutshell, we have products that work. Unfortunately there are companies out there who concentrate on promoting such promises as quicker, better, less work or easier money. Those who are experienced in networking realize there is no quick and easy way to build a network. It takes focus, commitment and persistence. When we lose any of these three, we will fall by the wayside and be unsuccessful. The people who are lured by the new, or quicker or better plan, or…… will never see success until they realize that it takes stability, commitment and time to build a solid network. Those who chop and change companies have no commitment to themselves, let alone their team members, so when they try to tempt you to this new opportunity are they thinking of you or themselves? Remember the saying “The other man’s grass is always greener?” In most cases it is not – it is just an illusion. Beware of the FATAL ATTRACTION - think carefully before you take the leap. Remember why you joined Young Living in the first place.
TEACHING AND TRAINING The best way to learn is to teach. Have group sessions with your team members and ask different members to do a section of the training. Run sessions on such topics as understanding the paperwork, retailing, business building, the plan, prospecting, inviting, showing the business, follow through, the three-way call, hints on making a list and so on. When people say they can’t do it, indicate that the training is a week away and that there is plenty of time for them to learn it. Help them to overcome their fear and allow them to choose which topic they would like to cover. Hold weekly Trainings in various homes; make them fun and have others participate. This will create strength, belief and commitment within your team. Always support by attending the larger Group Trainings in your area. If these don’t yet exist start them and lead by example. When you step up and show the way, others will follow.
RESPECT THE INDUSTRY OF NETWORK MARKETING Never argue the merit or put down other Networking companies. Network Marketing is now a multi-billion dollar a year business worldwide. It denigrates the industry when individuals of companies put down another company, its products or its executives. When you have a friend who is in another company and wants to tell you about them, listen politely. Do not compare or interrupt. Just listen. Ask questions as to why they got involved and what they want from that business, then share your story and state why you chose Young Living. If your story grips them, they may be willing to accompany you to the next Presentation.
SUCCESS THROUGH APPLIED KNOWLEDGE Success is a journey, not a destination. There is no shortcut to achievement in life. Knowledge, unless applied is of little or no value. The process of growth cannot be overlooked or forced, but it can be assisted. There are many wonderful authors who have written a variety of books both on the industry of Network Marketing and on Personal Development. There are also selected books, tapes and videos available to assist with your learning process. Talk with your sponsor about locating sources of reliable reference and educational materials. The day you stop learning is the day you stop growing.
We can choose our own path; we can choose our own lifestyle; we can choose to be successful; we can create our own future through the choices we make today. Follow the guidelines contained in this manual and, to quote the late John Kalench, “BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE.”