Page 3 of 28. -3-. To Candace,. without whose support and encouragement. this work would not be possible. My great thank
Practical Paranoia: Android Security Essentials for Home and Business Marc Mintz Copyright © 2015 by Marc Mintz. Notice of Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior written permission of the author. For information on getting permission for reprints and excerpts, contact
[email protected]. Notice of Liability: The information in this document is presented on an “As Is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the author shall have no liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused by or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this document, or by the software and hardware products described within it. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional security or Information Technology service to the reader. If security or Information Technology expert assistance is required, the services of a professional person should be sought. Trademarks: Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the author was aware of a trademark claim, the designations appear as requested by the owner of the trademark. All other product names and services identified in this document are used in editorial fashion only and for the benefit of such companies with no intention of infringement of trademark. No such use, or the use of the trade name, is intended to convey endorsement or other affiliation within this document. Correspondence with the author may be made through email at
[email protected] or telephone at 888.479.0690. Editions: 1.0: 6/2015 Cover design by Ed Brandt ISBNISBN-
To Candace, without whose support and encouragement this work would not be possible My great thanks to Anthony Galczak, our Android Guru, Who painstakingly assisted with the research for this project
Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................................................11 Who Should Read This Book ................................................................................... 12 What is Unique About This Book............................................................................ 13 Why Worry?................................................................................................................ 14 About This Book ........................................................................................................ 16 Reality Check .............................................................................................................. 17 About the Author ....................................................................................................... 19 Practical Paranoia Updates ....................................................................................... 20 Practical Paranoia Book Upgrades........................................................................... 21 Vulnerability 1: Device .........................................................................................23 The Great Awakening ................................................................................................ 24 Passwords .................................................................................................................... 25 Assignment: Create a Screen Lock using a Pattern Lock ............................... 26 Assignment: Creating a Screen Lock Using a Password ................................ 30 LastPass ........................................................................................................................ 35 Assignment: Install LastPass on Your Android device .................................. 36 Assignment: Adding a Site to LastPass ............................................................. 44 Android System Updates .......................................................................................... 50 Assignment: Check for and Install Android Updates .................................... 51 Assignment: Update Android System Software .............................................. 54 Assignment: Update Apps .................................................................................. 65 General Security ......................................................................................................... 69 Assignment: Enable Screen Timeout ................................................................ 69 Assignment: Require Authentication for App Purchases .............................. 72 Assignment: Securing your Play Store from Unauthorized Apps ................ 75 Anti-Malware .............................................................................................................. 78 Assignment: Install & Configure BitDefender Mobile Security & Antivirus for Android ........................................................................................................... 79 Assignment: Scan for Malware with BitDefender ........................................... 84
Table of Contents
Assignment: Restricting Access to Applications using BitDefender’s App Lock ....................................................................................................................... 87 Backups ........................................................................................................................ 90 Assignment: Android Backup to Google ......................................................... 91 Assignment: Verify Your Google Backup via a Computer ............................ 95 Assignment: Android Data Recovery from Google ........................................ 96 BitDefender Anti-Theft ........................................................................................... 102 Assignment: Activate and Configure Bitdefender Anti-Theft .................... 102 Assignment: Use Bitdefender to Find Your Device from a Computer ...... 106 Preparing an Android Device for Sale................................................................... 110 Assignment: Securely Erase an Android Device ........................................... 110 Assignment: Formatting an SD Card.............................................................. 114 Vulnerability 2: Network .................................................................................... 118 Wi-Fi Encryption Protocols.................................................................................... 119 Vulnerability 3: Web Browsing .......................................................................... 121 Browser Security ....................................................................................................... 122 Assignment: Google Chrome Settings ............................................................ 122 Assignment: Google Incognito Mode ............................................................. 131 Safer Internet Searches with DuckDuckGo .......................................................... 133 Assignment: Installing DuckDuckGo Search & Stories ............................... 133 Assignment: Using DuckDuckGo to Search and Display in an External Browser ............................................................................................................... 135 HTTPS: How to Know You Are in a Secure Page ............................................... 140 Vulnerability 4: Email ........................................................................................ 142 Email Encryption Protocols .................................................................................... 143 Assignment: Configure Your Email Application to Use TLS or SSL ......... 144 Assignment: Configure Browser Email to Use HTTPS ................................ 149 End-To-End Secure Email With SendInc ............................................................. 150 Assignment: Create a SendInc Account ......................................................... 151 Assignment: Create an Encrypted SendInc Email ........................................ 153 Assignment: Receive and Respond to a SendInc Secure Email ................... 155 End-To-End Secure Email With S/MIME ............................................................ 157 Assignment: (Windows) Acquire a Free Class 1 S/MIME Certificate for Personal Use ....................................................................................................... 158
Table of Contents
Assignment: Export S/MIME Certificate from Windows for Import to Android ............................................................................................................... 167 Assignment: (OS X) Acquire a Free Class 1 S/MIME Certificate for Personal Use ....................................................................................................... 176 Using S/MIME with Android ................................................................................. 182 Assignment: Installing and Configuring CipherMail ................................... 182 Assignment: Adding a Private Key to CipherMail........................................ 190 Assignment: Composing a S/MIME Encrypted Email with CipherMail... 196 Assignment: Receiving and Reading S/MIME Encrypted Emails in CipherMail .......................................................................................................... 202 Assignment: Sending your S/MIME Certificate to Recipients in CipherMail .......................................................................................................... 205 Assignment: Importing a Certificate in CipherMail..................................... 207 Closing Comments on Encryption and the NSA................................................. 211 Vulnerability 5: Google Account........................................................................ 213 Google Account ........................................................................................................ 214 Assignment: Create a Google Account ........................................................... 215 Assignment: Implement Two-Step Verification for Your Google Account227 Vulnerability 6: Documents ............................................................................... 243 Document Security .................................................................................................. 244 Assignment: Installing Crypt4All Lite ............................................................ 244 Assignment: Encrypting a File with Crypt4All Lite ...................................... 247 Assignment: Decrypting a File with Crypt4All Lite...................................... 254 Assignment: Securely Erasing a File with Crypt4All Lite ............................ 261 Vulnerability 7: Text Messaging ........................................................................ 267 Text Messaging ......................................................................................................... 268 Assignment: Installing and Configuring Wickr ............................................ 269 Assignment: Send a Secure Text Message with Wickr ................................. 282 Vulnerability 8: Internet Activity ...................................................................... 289 Virtual Private Network .......................................................................................... 290 Spotflux ...................................................................................................................... 293 Assignment: Install Spotflux on Android ...................................................... 293 Assignment: Turning Spotflux VPN Off and On.......................................... 299 Vulnerability 9: Google Wallet and Credit Cards ............................................. 302 -7-
Table of Contents
Assignment: Installing and Configuring Google Wallet .............................. 303 Assignment: Adding a Credit Card or Bank Account with Google Wallet309 Assignment: Add a Loyalty Card to Google Wallet ...................................... 316 Assignment: Enabling Tap and Pay in Google Wallet and Enabling NFC 324 Assignment: Use Google Wallet in Stores ...................................................... 333 The Final Word................................................................................................... 337 Index ................................................................................................................... 338 Your Virtual CIO & IT Department Mintz InfoTech, Inc. when, where, and how you want IT ................................................................................................. 341 OS X Security Essentials Workshop ................................................................... 343
Introduction “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” –Joseph Heller, Catch-22 “Everything in life is easy–once you know the ‘how’.” –Marc L. Mintz
Who Should Read This Book Traditional business thinking holds that products should be tailored to a laser-cut market segment. Something like: 18-25 year old males, still living at their parents home, who like to play video games, working a minimum-wage job. Yup, we all have a pretty clear image of that market segment. In the case of this book, the market segment is all users of Android smartphones and tablets. Really! From my great-Aunt Rose who is wrestling with using her first smartphone, to the small business, to the IT staff for major corporations and government agencies. Even though the military may use better security on their physical front doors– MP’s with machine guns protecting the underground bunker–compared to a residential home with a Kwikset deadbolt and a neurotic Chihuahua, the steps to secure Android for home and business use are almost identical for both. There is little difference between home-level security and military-grade security when it comes to this technology. The importance of data held in a personal smartphone may be every bit as important as the data held by the CEO of a Fortune 500. The data is also every bit as vulnerable to penetration.
What is Unique About This Book Practical Paranoia: Android Security Essentials is the first book covering Android security in depth that is written with the new to average user (not the IT professional) in mind. The steps outlined here are the same used by my consulting organization when securing systems for hospitals, government agencies, and military. By following the easy, illustrated, step-by-step instructions, you will be able to harden your Android phone and Android Tablet security to better than NSA standards! The vast majority of the information presented here is only applicable to Android 4.4.4 (KitKat) and higher. Should your use include HIPAA and legal-related work, it is likely that you must use 4.4.4 or higher in order to be in full compliance. Although we will cover Android 4.4.4, in most cases the steps will be the same with Android 4.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.1 (Jellybean) and Android 5.0 and 5.1 (Lollipop). All screenshots and testing was completed on a Samsung Galaxy S4 running 4.4.4 KitKat. All other revisions of Samsung products other brands sharing the same version will be very similar, but as each vendor has the option to modify the UI, it is possible you may see differences. Practical Paranoia is the first and currently the only comprehensive resource for Android security. It is based on the best-selling Practical Paranoia: OS X Security Essentials.
Why Worry? Android users know they need to be vigilant because of the presence of malware such as viruses, Trojan horses, worms, phishing, and key loggers impacting their systems. Android is the target of 99% of all mobile threats, now numbering in the 10’s of thousands. Symantec has published a study finding that up to 17% of all Android apps (by volume available, not by number of individual apps) are malicious. But in addition to malware, there are other threats to the security of your device, data, privacy, and security. Here are just a few statistics: •
According to a study by Symantec, an average enterprise-wide data breach has a recovery cost of $5 million. With little attention paid to mobile devices, it may be faster and easier to penetrate the corporate network via a compromised smartphone than through a computer.
According to the New York Times, half of all robberies in San Francisco involved a cellphone.
In New York, theft of smart devices account for 14 percent of all crimes.
Most Android users do not create a phone lock, making their data instantly available to anyone with a few seconds to look through their device.
The typical email is clearly readable at dozens of points along the Internet highway on its trip to the recipient. And most likely is read by somebody you don’t know.
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) promises the government easy access to all of your electronic communications.
PRISM allows government agencies to collect and track data on any American.
The list goes on, but we have lives to live and you should be getting the point. It is not a matter of if your privacy and data will ever become compromised–only a matter of when and how often! Attacks on are on the rise. A steep rise. In addition -14-
to Android-specific attacks, we now are vulnerable at points of entry common to all computer users, including malicious or compromised websites, phishing, as well as simple hardware theft.
About This Book Written for use in our Practical Paranoia: Android Security Essentials Workshops, as well as for home self-study, this book is a step-by-step guide for protecting the new smartphone or tablet user with no technical background, as well as the experienced IT consultant. The information and steps outlined are built on guidelines from Google, Inc. the National Security Agency (NSA), and my own 28 years as an IT consultant, developer, technician and trainer. I have attempted to reduce dull background theory to a minimum, including only what is necessary to grasp the need-for and how-to for each step along the path to hardening your Android security. The organization of this book is divided into sections representing each of the major areas of vulnerability and the tasks you should do to protect your data. •
Secure your device.
Secure your local network.
Secure your website visits.
Secure your email.
Secure your Google Account.
Secure your documents.
Secure your texting.
Secure your entire Internet experience with VPN.
Although you may jump in at any section, it is recommended to follow the linear path outlined so that you will make your system as secure as possible. Remember, the bad guys will not attack at your strong points. They will seek out your weak points. Leave no point of weakness and they will most likely move on to another, easier target.
Reality Check Nothing can 100% guarantee 100% security. The White House and CIA websites and internal networks have been penetrated. The governments of China, Russia, Great Britain, United States, Australia, and more have billions of dollars and tens of thousands of highly skilled security personnel on staff looking for “zero-day exploits.” These are vulnerabilities that have not yet been discovered by the developer. As if this wasn’t enough, the US Government influences the development and certification of most security protocols. This means that the industry-standard tools used to secure our data have often been found to include vulnerabilities introduced by government agencies. With these odds against us, should you just throw up your hands and accept that there is no way to ensure your privacy? Well, just because breaking into your home only requires a rock through a window, should you give up and not lock your doors? Of course not! When leaving on vacation you lock doors, turn on the motion detector, notify the police to prompt additional patrols, and stop mail and newspaper delivery. We do everything we can to protect our valuables. The same is true with our digital lives. For the very few who are targeted by the NSA, there is little that can be done to completely block them from reading your email, following your chats, and recording your web browsing. But you can make it extremely time and labor intensive. For the vast majority of us that are not subject to an NSA targeted attack, we are rightfully concerned about our digital privacy being penetrated by criminals, pranksters, and being collateral damage from malware. You can protect yourself, your data, and your devices from such attack. Although this book is not a quick read, you should be able to fully secure your data and your device in an easy day. This is a very small price to pay for peace of mind and security. Understand that penetration does not occur at your strong points. A home burglar will avoid a steel door when a rock through a window will get them entry. Just because you have a strong password and encrypted drive doesn’t mean malware can’t slip in with your email, and pass all of your
keystrokes–including usernames and passwords–to the hacker. It is imperative that all points of vulnerability are secured.
About the Author Marc Louis Mintz is one of the most respected and sought-after IT consultants and technical trainers in the United States. His technical support services and workshops have been embraced by hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals over the past 25 years. Marc holds an MBA-IT (Master of Business Administration with specialization in Information Technology) degree, along with Apple Certified Technical Coordinator, Chauncy Technical Trainer, as well as Post-Secondary Teaching credentials. Marc’s enthusiasm, humor, and training expertise have been honed from leading edge work in the fields of motivation, management development, clinical therapy, and technology. He has been recruited to present software and hardware workshops nationally and internationally for leading seminar providers. Marc was the first International Macintosh Field Engineer Trainer for Motorola and Digital Equipment Corporation. His IT Support workshops are consistently rated by seminar providers, meeting planners, managers, and participants as “The Best” because of his ability to empower participants to see with new eyes, think in a new light, and problem solve using new strategies. When away from the podium, Marc is right there in the trenches with the rest of us, working to keep devices, individuals, and organizations securely connected. The author may be reached at: Marc L. Mintz President and CIO Mintz InfoTech, Inc. +1 505.814.1413 or Toll-Free: +1 888.479.0690 Email:
[email protected] Web:
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Practical Paranoia Book Upgrades Information regarding IT security changes daily. We are constantly updating Practical Paranoia so that you have the latest, most accurate resource available. If at any time you wish to upgrade to the latest version of Practical Paranoia: 1. Tear off the front cover of Practical Paranoia. 2. Make check payable to Mintz InfoTech in the amount of $25. 3. Send front cover, check, and mailing information to: Marc Mintz Mintz InfoTech, Inc. 1228-C Nakomis Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 4. Your new copy of Practical Paranoia will be sent by USPS. Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.
Vulnerability 1: Device
Anti-Malware Most people know this category of software as Anti-Virus, but there are so many other nasty critters out there (worms, Trojan horses, phishing attacks, malicious scripts, spyware, etc.) that the overarching term “Anti-Malware” is more accurate. Depending on how one chooses to measure, there are from 500,000–40,000,000 malware in the field that impact Windows. Currently there are fewer than 300 that target OS X specifically, but this number pales compared to the malware that impacts both Windows and OS X through scripts, Adobe Flash, Java, JavaScript, malicious websites, email phishing, etc. The primary way to download apps on your Android device is through the Google Play Store. Google does check and validate the integrity of the applications on the App Store however there is more that you can do to protect your device from malicious attacks. In addition a major risk to your device is visiting a malicious or compromised website. One particular security flaw in the Android universe is if you have rooted your device. If this is the case, several security measures on your phone have been effectively disabled as you have access to the kernel of your device and full administrator(root) privileges. So should you use anti-malware software on an Android device? At the moment, the probability of your Android device being penetrated is remote. However, when (not if) an attack is made on Android, how will the system protect itself? For this reason I’d rather err on the side of caution and have anti-malware installed on my own Android devices. Which do I recommend? Looking through the Play Store we find the BitDefender Mobile Security & Antivirus is the anti-malware that I recommend over all else.
Vulnerability 1: Device
Assignment: Install & Configure BitDefender Mobile Security & Antivirus for Android In this assignment, you download, install, and configure BitDefender Mobile Security & Antivirus for your Android device. 1. From your Home Screen, select Play Store.
Vulnerability 1: Device
2. Type BitDefender Mobile Security at the top search bar and Select Mobile Security & Antivirus.
3. Select Install.
Vulnerability 1: Device
4. Accept the access requirements.
5. Once the download has finished, select Open.
Vulnerability 1: Device
6. Select Accept to accept the license agreement.
7. Select Next to accept your current phone name and use it in BitDefender.
Vulnerability 1: Device
8. Link your phone to BitDefender to use anti-theft services. Select Use Google ID.
9. Select the Google ID you’d like to use and then select OK.
Vulnerability 1: Device
10. Select the version of BitDefender you would like to use. If you want to try BitDefender out select Trial Version otherwise select Full Version or if you have a key already select I already have a license.
Congratulations! You have installed and configured BitDefender Mobile Security & Antivirus.