Practicing with Pronoun Case. 1. (Him, He) and (I, me) go to the movies once a
week. 2. By 4:00, Sheila and (he, him) had already decided to get married. 3.
Practicing with Pronoun Case
1. (Him, He) and (I, me) go to the movies once a week. 2. By 4:00, Sheila and (he, him) had already decided to get married. 3. Sam and (me, I) practiced trumpet on Friday. 4. Juan and (her, she) were born in Havana. 5. Deborah and (me, I) met at the dance. 6. (We, Us) students want to thank you for a good course. 7. Your class was a treat for (we, us) students. 8. Professor Simmons gave Lucy and (I, me) the highest grades in the class. 9. Why don't you give (us, we) short people a chance to play basketball? 10. The school awarded the coach and (me, I) a medal. 11. We ran after David and (she, her) to give them the money. 12. Sally and (him, he) played tennis against Tom and (me, I). 13. For Ann and him, and for anyone else (who, whom) wanted Jim to win, the voted was depressing. 14. Only three young women in the class--Ruth, Edna and (I, me)--attended the lecture. 15. Both (he, him) and his daughter were delayed for several hours. 16. With (whom, who) has the Governor consulted? 17. Since I cannot go, I'll give the tickets to (whoever, whomever) can use them. 18. Just between you and (I, me), she thinks she can do everything perfectly. 19. Jack did not say (who, whom) was with her. 20. We both know (who, whom) was with her. 21. We both know (who, whom) will be late. 22. I was just sure that it was (he, him). 23. No, Clarence. You are a man (who, whom) I shall never have a date with. 24. If you're allergic to chocolate, give the candy to my roommate and (I, me). 25. Denise is taller than Emily and weighs more than (she, her). 26. It was a very embarrassing situation for Eleanor and Jane and (I, me). 27. As soon as he could learn (who, whom) had taken the telephone message, he would know when to meet the plane. 28. We are all good friends, but Ellie gets bored if she associates only with Wendy and (I, me). 29. Those green apples made Ellen and (he, him) sick. 30. (Him, He) and his wife live alone now that the children are grown. 31. Gwen, Rosy, and (I, me, us) went to the dance early. 32. (Who, Whom) said that? 33. Our family doctor, the radiologist, and (I, me) agreed that she needed the treatments. 34. (Who, Whom) delivered this package? 35. It is (they, them). 36. It is (she, her) (who, whom) is responsible for the accident. 37. To (who, whom) did they give the prize? 38. No one knows (who, whom) (he, they) was. 39. They are smarter the (we, us). 40. The company sent the crate of coconuts to Ed, Egbert, and (I, me). 41. It was (he, him) who caught the eagle. 42. Give the medal to (whoever, whomever) you please. 43. They are no more skillful than (we, us) are. 44. The ducks know (who, whom) they can trust. 45. It was (they, them) to (who, whom) the tiger was sent. 46. (We, Us) teachers are also evaluated. The CMSU Writing Center Central Missouri State University, Humphreys 116 Practicing with Pronoun Case, page 44
Practicing with Pronoun Case Answers
1. (Him, He) and (I, me) go to the movies once a week. 2. By 4:00, Sheila and (he, him) had already decided to get married. 3. Sam and (me, I) practiced trumpet on Friday. 4. Juan and (her, she) were born in Havana. 5. Deborah and (me, I) met at the dance. 6. (We, Us) students want to thank you for a good course. 7. Your class was a treat for (we, us) students. 8. Professor Simmons gave Lucy and (I, me) the highest grades in the class. 9. Why don't you give (us, we) short people a chance to play basketball? 10. The school awarded the coach and (me, I) a medal. 11. We ran after David and (she, her) to give them the money. 12. Sally and (him, he) played tennis against Tom and (me, I). 13. For Ann and him, and for anyone else (who, whom) wanted Jim to win, the voted was depressing. 14. Only three young women in the class--Ruth, Edna and (I, me)--attended the lecture. 15. Both (he, him) and his daughter were delayed for several hours. 16. With (whom, who) has the Governor consulted? 17. Since I cannot go, I'll give the tickets to (whoever, whomever) can use them. 18. Just between you and (I, me), she thinks she can do everything perfectly. 19. Jack did not say (who, whom) was with her. 20. We both know (who, whom) was with her. 21. We both know (who, whom) will be late. 22. I was just sure that it was (he, him). 23. No, Clarence. You are a man (who, whom) I shall never have a date with. 24. If you're allergic to chocolate, give the candy to my roommate and (I, me). 25. Denise is taller than Emily and weighs more than (she, her). 26. It was a very embarrassing situation for Eleanor and Jane and (I, me). 27. As soon as he could learn (who, whom) had taken the telephone message, he would know when to meet the plane. 28. We are all good friends, but Ellie gets bored if she associates only with Wendy and (I, me). 29. Those green apples made Ellen and (he, him) sick. 30. (Him, He) and his wife live alone now that the children are grown. 31. Gwen, Rosy, and (I, me, us) went to the dance early. 32. (Who, Whom) said that? 33. Our family doctor, the radiologist, and (I, me) agreed that she needed the treatments. 34. (Who, Whom) delivered this package? 35. It is (they, them). 36. It is (she, her) (who, whom) is responsible for the accident. 37. To (who, whom) did they give the prize? 38. No one knows (who, whom) (he, they) was. 39. They are smarter than (we, us). 40. The company sent the crate of coconuts to Ed, Egbert, and (I, me). 41. It was (he, him) who caught the eagle. 42. Give the medal to (whoever, whomever) you please. 43. They are no more skillful than (we, us) are. 44. The ducks know (who, whom) they can trust. 45. It was (they, them) to (who, whom) the tiger was sent. 46. (We, Us) teachers are also evaluated. The CMSU Writing Center Central Missouri State University, Humphreys 116 Practicing with Pronoun Case, page 44A