Prayer and Praise - Grace Lutheran Church

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Mar 22, 2015 - Pray for Pastor Paulson as he brings God's message to us this morning. .... The Easter Lilies sign-up she
Prayer and Praise Please pray for Kathryn's friend, Arden, who has left for Marine boot camp. Pray for her safety and success. Praise that Hope's (and all the Bishop kids) uncle is getting better. Please pray for Taylor and her baby, Piper, who was born with Sturge Weber Syndrome. Piper is only two months old and is experiencing seizures. Pray for Taylor, 23, that she will be able to cope with this unexpected turn of events. Remember and pray for those whose loved ones perished 1 year ago in the Oso landslide. Pray, too, for the community as they gather this weekend to remember. Pray for Dan and Mardelle Lida for their health, for comfort, for peace, and for their families. Pray for Betty's sister, Lois, who has been quite ill and in the hospital. Pray for family members having to make a difficult decision for her health.

Lenten Season March 22, 2015

Praise that Sally's knee surgery was successful. Please continue to pray for the McIvor family, Sandrina Day, Kathryn's aunt, Andrew Kraakmo, the Steinbergs, Robyn, Loretta, Todd Eisinger, Kim Lowe's sister. Pray for each one that God will work in their lives for their particular needs.

1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606


Pray for our church during this Lenten season. Help each of us to acknowledge that He took our place, that He gave his earthly life that we might have eternal life with Him. Pray for Pastor Paulson as he brings God's message to us this morning.

Email or Call Beth Webb: [email protected] or 425.742.6347 for prayer requests, praise items, or to be added to the prayer chain.

Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events.

Worship Service Fifth Sunday of Lent

Announcements Grace Week | A Ministry and Prayer Calendar March 23rd through March 29th Wednesday: 25th

Gathering Welcome and Announcements …………….. Kristopher Kraakmo Call to Worship ................................................... Psalm 51:11-16 Hymn: 187 ……………….. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Invocation Word Epistle Lesson ...................................................... Hebrews 5:7-9 History Lesson ............................................... Jeremiah 31:31-34 Hymn: 557 ................................... What Can Wash Away My Sin Lenten Banner ................................................. "Crown of Thorns” Hymn: 172 ................................... Crown Him with Many Crowns Offering / Offertory Congregational Prayer Response Hymn: 421 ................................... Approach, My Soul Gospel Text ........................................................... John 12:20-33 "Life's Paradox" Pastor Randy Paulson Hymn: 451 ............................................ Lead On, O King Eternal

Lenten Service with Pastor Dennis Bay, Psalm 143

Saturday 28th 8;:0 AM

Breakfast, cooked by the men Followed by Church Cleanup Work Party

Sunday: 29th 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 6:00 PM

Sunday School Palm Sunday Worship Service Hymn Sing

Next Sunday’s Scriptures: 29th Psalm 31:1-5, 9-16, Zachariah 9:9-10, Mark 14:1-15, 47 or 15:1-39, Philippians 2:5-11

Other Opportunities There is a Signup Sheet for Fresh Flowers for the Altar. We are asking for volunteers to take a Sunday or two (or three!). Please consider signing up for this ministry. Gary Stueckle has the signup sheet.


Thank you, Pastor Paulson, for your ministry to us these past three weeks.

On March 28th, 8:30 AM, the men are going to cook breakfast for all of us here at Grace. After the breakfast, we will have an all church "spruce-up" day. The main focus will be the lower parking lot. For those who cannot not work outside, there will be inside jobs, a list of which will be posted on the cloth board in the downstairs foyer. For those who can help clean up the lower parking lot, please bring rakes, shovels, brooms, paper lawn bags. Those who have trucks are encouraged to bring them so the bags of debris can be hauled off since we will not have room in our yard waste barrel. We are looking forward to a productive but fun day.

Sending Benediction Doxology Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Thank you for joining us at Grace Lutheran today, May the Lord bless you throughout this coming week.

Planning Ahead

Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship downstairs

April: 5th 9:00 AM 5th 10:30 AM 10th

Our Grace Mission is to glorify God as instruments of His love through which our world will come to know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord.

6:30 PM

Easter Breakfast Easter Celebration Annual Reports due to Judy Kumma



The Easter Lilies sign-up sheet is on the credenza in the foyer. The cost per lily is $9.30. Be prepared to pay for your lilies in the exact amount.

The Easter Lilies sign-up sheet is on the credenza in the foyer. The cost per lily is $9.30. Be prepared to pay for your lilies in the exact amount.

There will be a large envelope for checks and smaller envelopes for cash. Be sure to write your name on the cash envelopes.

There will be a large envelope for checks and smaller envelopes for cash. Be sure to write your name on the cash envelopes.

There is a place on the sign-up sheet for the names of those you wish to remember at Easter.

There is a place on the sign-up sheet for the names of those you wish to remember at Easter.

The last day for this is sign-up is Palm Sunday.

The last day for this is sign-up is Palm Sunday.

At the end of the service on Easter, you may take your lilies home.

At the end of the service on Easter, you may take your lilies home.