May 19, 1986 - California, and shall not be used for advertising or product .... Thermodynamic affinity of a reaction for the forward direction (dissolution);. A+ =.
(ru..l UCRL-53642
Precipitation Kinetics Option for the ·
EQ6 Geochemical
Reaction Path Code J. M. Delany, I.
Puigdomenech, T.
J. Wolery
19, 1986
This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored b)' an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University. of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
Prepared by Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) Project participants as part of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program. The NNWSI Project is managed by the Waste Management Project Office of the U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office. NNWSI Project work is sponsored by the Office of Geologic Repositories of the DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management.
Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W -7405-Eng-48.
UCRL-53642 Distribution Category UC-70
Precipitation Kinetics Option for the EQ6 Geochemical Reaction Path Code J. M. Delany, I. Puigdomenech,
T. J. Wolery Manuscript date:
May 19, 1986
Livermore, California
Available from: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA
U.S. Department of Commerce A02
(Microfiche A01)
Contents Glossary of Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Abstract
.. . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . ... .
Reactions, Thermodynamic Properties, and Rates
Review of Rate Laws for Precipitation and Dissolution
.. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .... . . . .. . . . .. ... . .... . .
Simple Rate Laws in meq
Activity-Term Rate Laws
Transition-State Theory
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... . .... . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .... . . .. . . .. .... . .. . .... . . . . . . .
... . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... ... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7
Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Rate Constants Surface Area Considerations
Other Considerations
EQ6 Code Modifications
EQ6 Rate Law Options 5.1.
. 15
.. . .
Currently Programmed Precipitation Rate Laws 5.1.1.
Relative Rate Law
Transition-State Theory Rate Law
Linear Rate Law
Activity-Term Rate Law
INPUT File Modifications
Test Problems
Transformation of Cristobalite to Quartz .
Calcite Precipitation Kinetics
Quartz Precipitation Kinetics
1 3
3.5. 4.
. . .
. . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 25
Appendix A.
List of Relevant FORTRAN Variables
Appendix B.
Input Files for Test Problems
Appendix C.
Example of Closed-Form Solutions for Si02
. 28
.. .
Glossary of Symbols a
(a) Thermodynamic activity. (b) edge length of a cube.
A A+
Thermodynamic affinity o f a reaction for the forward direction (dissolution);
Thermodynamic affinity of a reaction for the reverse direction (precipitation); A
Compound parameter in Appendix C.
(a) Thermodynamic affinity. (b) Compound parameter in Appendix C.
c c
RT ln (K+/Q +).
Equilibrium value of c. Total concentration (molar).
Compound parameter in Appendix C.
Ea Ea,+ Ea
Activation energy.
Diameter of a sphere.
Ha Ha,+ Ha,_
Activation energy (forward direction). Activation energy (reverse direction). Ratio of active to total surface area. Activation enthalpy. Activation enthalpy (forward direction). Activation enthalpy (reverse direction). Index used for the number of parallel mechanisms, or for a specific species.
Molarity (moles of solute per liter of solution).
The number of mechanistic terms appearing in the jth irreversible reaction. Subscript used to denote varibles associated with the jth irreversible reaction.
Rate constant for the forward direction (dissolution).
k kP kr,j i
Precipitation rate constant, Eq. 3-31 (see text).
K+ K K' + K' l m
Rate constant for the reverse direction (precipitation). Index used for the number of activity factors appearing in the ith mechanism of the jth irreversible reaction.
Equilibrium constant for a reaction (forward direction).
Equilibrium constant for a reaction (reverse direction); K
1/K +.
Apparent equilibrium constant for a reaction (forward direction). Apparent equilibrium constant for a reaction (reverse direction). Subscript denoting a liquid. (a) Molality. (b) Stoichiometric factor appearing in transition-state theory rate laws
eq m 55 m 0 m T m
Equilibrium value of m (molal concentration). Steady-state value of m (molal concentration). Initial value of concentration (molal).
Total concentration (molal).
Kinetic molal concentration product for reactants (including catalysts).
Kinetic molal concentration product for products (including catalysts).
M+ M n
Molal concentration product for a reaction (forward direction). Molal concentration product for a reaction (reverse direction). (a) Mass, in moles. (b) Exponential constant appearing in some rate laws. (c) The number of moles of a catalyst appearing in a microscopic reaction.
Pressure (bars).
-log aH +. Kinetic activity product for reactants (including catalysts).
q Q+ Q
Kinetic activity product for products (including catalysts).
The gas constant (1.98726 cal/mol K). 2 (a) Surface area (cm). (b) Subscript denoting a solid. (c) in V5, subscript denoting the aque
q+ _
Ion activity product for a reaction in the forward direction (mineral dissolution). Ion activity product for a reaction in the reverse direction (mineral precipitation).
Q s
ous solution.
V v V
jr I
va, + va, vs
y y+ y_ r+ r
D.H*+ D.H� D.Hor, + D. vor + ' � �j
p (}
(See definition of j). Specific surface area (cm2/g). Time (usually in seconds). (a) Absolute temperature (K). (b) Superscript denoting a "total" quantity (usually total concentration). Overall velocity of irreversible reactions (d�/dt). Velocity of the jth irreversible reaction (d�/dt). Relative velocity of the jth irreversible reaction (d�/�). Activation volume. Activation volume (forward direction). Activation volume (reverse direction). Volume of aqueous solution (liters). Subscript denoting water. Mass of water (solvent; kilograms). Superscript denoting the activated complex or a property related to the activated complex. Subscript indicated the forward direction of a reaction. Subscript indicating the reverse direction of a reaction. Molal activity coefficient of an aqueous solute species. Kinetic activity coefficient product for reactants. Kinetic activity coefficient product for products. Activity coefficient of a reaction (forward direction). Activity coefficient of a reaction (reverse direction). Activation enthalpy (forward direction). Activation enthalpy (reverse direction). Standard partial molal enthalpy of reaction (forward direction). Standard partial molar volume of reaction (forward direction). Overall reaction progress variable. Reaction progress variable for the jth irreversible reaction. Stoichiometric reaction coefficient of the ith species in the jth reaction. Density (g/cm3). Kinetic stoichiometric coefficient [see definition (b) of m]. The number of moles of water in a mass of one kilogram; approximately 55.51.
Precipitation Kinetics Option for the EQ6 Geochemical Reaction Path Code Abstract The EQ6 reaction path code, which calculates simulations of reactions in aqueous systems, has been modified to permit the modeling of mineral growth kinetics. This modeling option complements a pre-existing capability that allows mineral dissolution kinetics to be calculated. Before this option was added, mineral precipitation in EQ6 was required to follow instantaneous saturation equilibrium. A review of the rate laws per taining to mineral precipitation and dissolution has led to several rate laws for precipita tion, paralleling those for dissolution being programmed into EQ6. Included are rate laws for transition-state theory expressions and "activity-term" expressions. To use the model ing option, EQ6 users must choose an appropriate rate law and provide the necessary constants for each kinetically governed reaction in the input file. Additional rate laws can be added with little difficulty. We have excercised the new capability for some relatively simple cases and partially verified it against closed-form solutions for cases of precipita tion and recrystallization of pure silica phases. This capability facilitates the extrapolation and testing of rate laws in systems where precipitation is important, including the case of mineral transformations involving coupled dissolution and precipitation. It also permits more realistic simulation modeling of relatively short-term rock/water interaction experi ments and of long-term interactions that are inaccessible by experiment.
This report describes the addition of a general capability for treating
p recipitation
growth kinet
solid/water interaction experiments in the labora tory, where time frames are relatively short.
ics to the EQ6 reaction path code. It also describes
In heterogenous aqueous sy stems (solids and
the specific rate laws that have been incorporated
water), precipitation from solution occurs either
into the code. EQ3/6 is a software package con
by growth on existing surfaces or by nucleation.
sisting of several related FORTRAN computer
The precipitation kinetics option described in this
codes and data files for use in geochemical model
report includes only the first process. Simplified
ing of aqueous sy stems (Wolery, 1979, 1983,
treatments of nucleation processes are planned for
1986a; Wolery et al., 1985; Delany and Wolery,
future addition to the code. Homogeneous reac
1984). In all previously released versions of EQ6,
tions in aqueous solutions, such as metal com
the treatment of actual kinetics was restricted to
plexation and ligand protonation processes, are
the dissolution of solid phases. The new option
usually fast, with most having half times of less
incorporates rate laws for precipitation that can be
than 1 s. Thus, assuming that such reactions can
used in a manner similar to the existing rate laws
be modeled, instantaneous thermodynamic equi
for dissolution. Precipitation kinetics enables EQ6
librium is usually appropriate for most geochemi
users to model geochemical interactions more re
cal calculations. In contrast, the heterogeneous
alistically in a wide range of aqueous environ
processes of precipitation and dissolution tend to
ments. This is especially important in modeling
occur on longer time scales, and the assumption of
instantaneous equilibrium for such reactions in
vada. Code development is determined by project
geochemical calculations is often not adequate.
needs as defined in the EQ3/6 Geochemical Mod
Thus, the addition of precipitation kinetics to EQ6
eling Plan (McKenzie et al., 1986), not by the
should greatly improve our ability to model natu
availablility of data needed to support the calcula tions. Project needs include characterizing the
ral aqueous systems.
host-rock environment,
The time scales for most applications of geo
identifying the
that affect groundwater transport of radionuclides
chemical modeling range from a fraction of a day up to a hundred thousand years or so. If a reaction
into the accessible environment, and predicting
equilibrates rapidly in a few minutes or hours, it
the chemical interactions that are expected to
can usually be modeled by assuming instanta
occur because of temperature perturbations in and
neous solubility equilibrium. The rate at which a
about the repository. They also include general
mineral dissolves or precipitates is controlled by a
predictions and estimates of the geochemical con
minimum time scale imposed by the need for
ditions expected in an underground high-level
aqueous components to diffuse between the min
nuclear waste repository.
eral surface and the bulk volume of solution. This
This kinetics option is probably being re
rate is usually fast enough to render the assump
leased ahead of its usefulness to most of the
tion of instantaneous solubility equilibrium, ade
EQ3/6 user community because rate-constant data
quate for most geochemical calculations, if it in
exist for only a few minerals. Nevertheless, it pro
deed controls the rate of reaction as it often does
vides a tool for predicting the results of laboratory
for highly soluble salts such as halite (NaCl).
experiments, and it may facilitate the testing of
Aqueous diffusion is otherwise able to control re
different theories for mineral precipitation. We
action rates only when the diffusion distances in
hope that more research on the mechanisms of
volved are substantial (on the order of meters to
heterogeneous processes (e.g., incongruent disso
tens of meters). Such a scenario requires a coupled
lution; the growth and nucleation of thermody
geochemistry/transport code and lies outside the
namically favored, often kinetically slow phases;
current scope of EQ6.
and the rapid precipitation from solution of amor
This document focuses mainly on the dissolu
phous or thermodynamically metastable crystal
tion and precipitation reactions controlled by sur
line phases) will become available. At present,
face chemistry kinetics. The general importance of
rate constants have been determined using experi
such mechanisms for controlling mineral dissolu
mental data for relatively few rock-forming min
tion kinetics in geochemical processes has been
erals (for either dissolution or precipitation). For
established only within the past several years (see
this study, available data include those for the sil
Holdren and Berner, 1979; Berner and Holdren,
ica phases (Rimstidt and Barnes, 1980), calcium
1979; Berner, 1981; Lasaga, 1981a, 1984). A simi
carbonate (cf. Busenberg and Plummer, 1982, and
larly important role of these processes can be in
references therein), and albite (Knauss and
ferred for mineral precipitation mechanisms. If
Wolery, 1986, and references therein).
equilibrium is defined as a steady-state condition,
The kinetic precipitation rate laws incorpo
it can be considered a balance of equal dissolution
rated into the EQ6 code parallel the dissolution
and precipitation rates (Lasaga, 1981a). Although
rate laws included in the previously released 3175
a significant amount of data is not available to
and 3230 versions of the EQ3/6 package (see
model the precipitation of specific minerals, we
WolE�ry, 1986a). The 3245 version of the EQ6 code,
hope that the incorporation of this option into
which contains the precipitation kinetics capabil
EQ6 will encourage and support the generation of
ity, is planned for release in 1987. The rate law
such data. New measurements to determine ki
expressions incorporated into EQ6 were chosen to
netic data for both dissolution and precipitation
be representative of the most useful reported
processes are critical if state-of-the-art geochemi
forms to which experimental data have been fit.
cal modeling is to progress significantly beyond
Some of these rate laws are largely empirical in
equilibrium modeling.
nature, while others have more of a basis in
This expansion of EQ6 was supported by the
theory. In many cases, reported rate data can be
Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations
equally well supported by using more than one
(NNWSI) Project. This project has adopted EQ3/6
interpretation of the reaction mechanism and the
for application to problems concerning the dis
subsequent rate law. The incorporation of any rate
posal of high-level nuclear waste in a proposed
law into the EQ6 code does not necessarily consti
underground repository in tuff in the state of Ne-
tute endorsement by the authors. Some rate laws
have been added primarily to allow the reproduc
et al., 1979; an early modified version of EQ6 that
tion of observed experimental data and/or to fa
does dissolution kinetics only, Helgeson and Mur
cilitate comparisons with results obtained using
phy, 1983; PROTOCOL, with the same limitation,
other rate laws.
}ackson, 1984; a modified version of PHREEQE, Grambow, 1985).
Several computer codes that make kinetic cal culations in homogeneous systems (a gas phase,
Precipitation in geochemical reaction path
an aqueous solution, etc.) have been described in
codes has traditionally been treated as an equilib
the literature (e.g., CHEMKIN, Kee et al., 1980;
rium saturation phenomenon. Primary solids dis
KINRATE AND KINBOX, Uhlen and Edsberg,
solve irreversibly (i.e., kinetically, not according to
1979). Some of these codes are widely used in
equilibrium), and all secondary solids precipitate
modeling the chemistry of combustion and of
parts of the earth's atmosphere. A general com
Helgeson (1968). Most codes built around this
puter code for treating heterogeneous kinetics,
concept permit the user to suppress the precipita
according to
particularly one capable of handling aqueous sys
tion of selected phases, allowing the aqueous so
tems, has yet to be described in the literature, al
lution to become supersaturated. However, this is
though a few codes with limited capabilities now
generally the only permissible alternative to in
exist (e.g., RATE CA L C, mentioned by Plummer
stantaneous equilibrium.
Reactions, Thermodynamic Properties, and Rates ties correspond to the forward reaction direction.
Each mineral in the EQ3/6 database has an associated macroscopic reaction
is given by
1986a). This reaction is stored in the data file, with the mineral always appearing as a reactant. An
example of such a reaction is the dissolution of albite:
where ai is the thermodynamic activity of the ith species in the reaction. The thermodynamic driv ing force of a reaction can be expressed by the
The stoichiometric coefficients (symbolized below
by vij' where i denotes the species and j the reac tion) are represented in the data file and the
where R is the gas constant and T is the absolute
EQ3/6 codes, following the convention that vij is negative for reactants and positive for products.
temperature. Thus, the condition for equilibrium can also be written
The reaction (Eq. 2-1) represents mineral dissolu tion and corresponds to the forward direction for
all reactions. The reverse reaction corresponds to precipitation.
The previous equations also hold for the re
The thermodynamic aspects of macroscopic
verse reaction, in which each
reactions necessary to a discussion of reaction ki
sequently replaced by
netics are reviewed briefly below (for a complete
Q _ =�
subscript is sub
and the equations are
is the ion activity product for the reac
tion, K is the corresponding equilibrium constant, and the
These parameters are related to each other by
written in terms of the corresponding parameters.
review, see Wolery, 1986b). Equilibrium requires
+" subscript denotes that these quanti-
and (2-13)
For the molar concentration of solute i given by
Rates of mineral dissolution and/or precipita tion in aqueous systems are often described in the
literature in terms of the rate of change of con centration of an aqueous species produced or con sumed in the process. In the EQ6 code, concentra
where Vs is the volume of solution in liters, fur
tion is expressed as
ther substitution leads to considerably more com
moles of substance per kilogram of solvent water.
plicated expressions. See Wolery (1986b) for an
The literature also makes considerable use of mo
analog to Eq. 2-13.
lar concentration
molal concentration
moles of substance per liter
The rate of a reaction is represented precisely
of solution. Molality has a substantial advantage
by the reaction velocity, vi, and only indirectly by
over molarity in the treatment of aqueous systems
because the use of molarity over wide ranges of
for this is that more than one reaction may con
temperature, pressure, and solute content requires
tribute to the overall rate of change in the con
or even
The first reason
a model of how the solution volume varies with
centration or mass of a species. The second is that
changes in these parameters.
these parameters are further affected by the rate
At temperatures
near 25°C and in dilute solutions, the two mea
of change in solvent mass (or Vs when units of
sures of concentration are nearly equal. Thus, re
concentration are expressed in molarity). In min
sults reported as molarity may be taken as molal
eral dissolution or precipitation kinetics experi
ity with usually negligible error.
ments, solvent mass is one of the indirect quanti
The molality of solute i ( m i ) is related to the mass of i
ties that is actually measured. Useful results can
normally be obtained when only one reaction contributes to the measurements and when the (2-9)
solvent mass or solution volume is relatively con stant. Although a relatively constant solvent mass
where n is the number of moles of water compos ing a mass of 1 kg
55.51) and
or solution volume is usually obtainable, the for
is the
mer requires that the precipitation of unwanted
number of moles of water. Differentiating with re
phases be avoided and is more difficult to achieve.
spect to time gives
If these conditions are satisfied,
nw V·�-dm-!dt I j
describe the rate of
change as a function of time of the mass of the ith species and water, respectively. The rate of change in the mass of the ith species can be
caused by an outside reaction. For the jth reaction, this can be written as
(dn-!dt )J· I where
V.·V· I] j
The reaction velocity is formally defined as
vij is the stoichiometric reaction coefficient,
and vj is the reaction velocity of the jth reaction.
For more than one simultaneous reaction,
I, vipj
Sj is
the reaction progress variable for the
jth reaction and
is time. In EQ6, the reaction
progress variables measure the extent to which a (2-12)
reaction has proceeded.
s is used for reactions that
are irreversible (not at equilibrium). Individual ir reversible reactions can be combined to form an
Substituting Eq. 2-12 into Eq. 2-10 for both the ith
overall irreversible reaction progress variable
solute and solvent, water, we obtain
defined by
( s),
h �
Ll � 1 j1 j=
In EQ6, the "reaction progress mode" does
not operate with a time variable. Relative reaction
Differentiating this equation with respect to time
yields an overall reaction rate
velocities are specified directly by the user in the
defined as
k+ 1 ,
k + ,2 �
1 �2 - k + '3� 2
This form bears no particular theoretical signifi
cance and is a truncated, second-order Taylor's se
The use of absolute values in Eqs. 2-18 and 2-19
ries (Wolery, 1986b). Relative rates defined in this
differs from the equations given by Helgeson
manner are usually treated as constants (i.e., using
(1968), Wolery (1979), and Helgeson and Murphy
only the first term in Eq. 2-23), a method that has
(1983). These earlier treatments of irreversible re
been used since the early days of reaction path
actions did not take account of sets of reactions
modeling (Helgeson, 1968). An analogous treat
with both positive and negative reaction veloci
ment can be made for the reverse direction to rep
ties. Consider a case involving two irreversible reac
tions. If
resent relative precipitation rates:
v1 is positive and v2 v1, then Eq. 2-19 v 2 v1, which is physically reasonable. =
W ithout the absolute value constraint, a value of
- vrl
0 would be physically unreasonable.
The relative rate of the jth irreversible reac
k -,1
_!_ k
EQ6 uses the following procedure to handle
tion can defined by
both kinetic and relative reaction rates. At the be
ginning of each progressive step in the reaction,
EQ6 calculates rate values
for all irreversible
reactions for which actual rate laws are specified
Relative rates are calculated in EQ6 for all irre
on the input file. Then it calculates the overall rate
law is specified for the jth irreversible reaction,
tions for which relative rate law expressions were
(v) from
versible reactions. Assuming that a kinetic rate
V�el J
given. This allows the corresponding relative rates
(vt) to be calculated according to Eq. 2-21 and the (1/v) to be calculated according to
V·/V J
inverse rate
Eq. 2-22. It then calculates the relative rates for the
(hence the importance of avoiding the condition
remaining irreversible reactions, according to Eq. 2-23
0). In EQ6, mass transfer is accomplished by
or 2-24, and inverts Eq. 2-21 to obtain the cor
the advancement of� and by integrating the rela tive rates with respect to it (see Wolery, 1986b).
responding actual rates
Calculations involv
ing mixed relative and actual rate law specifica
tions lose their time frame if all rates specified by
The time is calculated analogously by integrating
actual rate laws reduce to zero either by equilibra
the inverse rate (Helgeson and Murphy, 1983), which is defined by
Eq. 2-19, excluding the irreversible reac
tion or exhaustion of the necessary components.
Review of Rate Laws for Precipitation and Dissolution
The kinetics of precipitation and dissolution
Holdren and Berner, 1979; Lasaga, 1981a,b, 1984;
are so intertwined that both are included in the
Morse, 1983; Nancollas, 1979; Nancollas and
following discussion. A wide variety of rate laws
Tomson, 1976;
Nielsen, 1964;
Petrovich, 1976,
and theoretical concepts pertinent to kinetics ap
1981a,b; Plummer et al., 1979; and Wolery, 1986b).
1982; Cassford et al., 1983; Helgeson et al., 1984;
discussed here.
pears in the literature (Aagaard and Helgeson,
The more significant and widely used of these are
Although progress has been made recently in
mr is the total molal concentration (free ion
the field of geochemical kinetics, there is still con
plus complexes) of some constituent ion i in the
siderable controversy regarding rate-law forms.
solid, s is the surface area available for crystal
All users of the EQ6 kinetics capability should
growth, k
have some understanding of the current literature
is the free (uncomplexed) molal concentration,
mi mjq
is the rate constant for precipitation,
mi at equilibrium, and n
because EQ6 is constructed to make the user re
is the value of
sponsible for some critical decisions, such as the
stant (unity in the case of diffusion models). This
actual form of the rate law to use and the neces
form can also be used to describe dissolution. The
is a con
sary constants. The development of the EQ6 ki
molal form is given here because it appears in the
netics capability has been useful in testing kinetics
literature more frequently. Several rate-law equa
tions that can be related to Eq. 3-1 have been re
In this section we briefly review existing rate
ported (cf. Bochner et al., 1984; Liu et al., 1976; Liu
equations, taking into account two important con
a n d N ancollas, 1970; N ancollas, 1 979; and
siderations. First, the same mathematical form of a
Nancollas and Tomson, 1976). For equations of
rate law may arise from very different mechanistic
this type,
assumptions. Therefore, the fact that a particular
conceptually, as a substitute for the equilibrium
set of data can be fit to a particular rate law is not
constant of the corresponding reaction.
can usually be regarded, at least
usually sufficient to prove the validity of the cor
Equation 3-1 and analogous expressions have
responding assumed mechanism. Second, the rate
long been favored in the literature because they
law that follows a given set of physical assump
provide a compact means of representing experi
tions may be expressed by more than one math
mental results obtained using relatively simple
ematical form.
laboratory procedures. A drawback to using this
The literature employs various systems of no
rate-law form is the ambiguity in the "equilibrium
tation for dissolution/precipitation kinetics. To
concentration" parameter. If more than one aque
present a coherent discussion, we have chosen to
ous solute species participates in the formation of
use notation consistent with the documentation
the solid, the equilibrium concentration is not a
provided by Wolery (1986b). As a result, we have
constant for any of the species. The law of mass
had to alter the notation from that used in the
action requires the equilibrium concentration to
cited sources in two instances. Analogs of these
be a function of the composition of the solution.
equations can be created by substituting one type
For example, if the dissolution rate of NaCl is de
of concentration for another. For example, molal
scribed by changes in the concentration of Na +,
(c) concentration may be replaced, (mT) or molar con centration (er). The substitution of molal con centration for molar concentration requires that n,
or molar
respectively, by total molal
has a unique value only in pure satu
rated NaCl solution . If the system is expanded to NaCl-KCl-H20, then
meq is also a function of how
much KCl is present.
the mass (kg) of solvent water, be substituted for
The following equation (somewhat analogous
V5, the solution volume. Such substitutions result
to Eq. 3-1) has been used to describe mineral pre
in changes that are assumed to control the kinet
cipitation for solutions composed of such aqueous
ics, which gives rise to corresponding differences
electrolyte mixtures (cf. Liu and Nancollas, 1970;
in the definitions of the rate parameters. Usually,
Reddy, 1977; Nancollas et al., 1979; and Reddy
these changes are numerically negligible.
and Wang, 1980):
dm,Jdt Simple Rate Laws in
the value of
by equations of the form
( ) � n
(m�q - nz,)"
moles of solid per kilogram of solution, and
of ions to the crystal surface have been described
form are useful in fitting experimental rate mea
(m· - meq)11 I
m�q is
at equilibrium. Equations of this
surements, although
stead of a constituent ion, m5 is the number of
trolled by interface processes or by bulk diffusion
The subscript s denotes the precipitating solid in
Precipitation rates for crystal growth con
- dmr!dt
m�q in this equation is much
farther removed from the equilibrium constant
than is the
meq in Eq. 3-1.
To be consistent with Eq. 3-3, k4 has to be cast as a
Equations 3-1 and 3-2 are of limited useful ness for modeling sy stems other than those from
positive quantity. Thermodynamic consistency re
which the corresponding data were generated. Re
quires that
cently, the fit of this equation form to experimen tal data for calcite precipitation has been chal lenged (Reddy et al., 1981). Experimental data that are reported and subsequently interpreted using this form can be reevaluated using a more general rate-law form. For example, in Eq. 3-1, when
and i is a nonionic species, this rate law closely
resembles the mathematical form of the transition
and not an actual constant. Plummer et al. (1978)
state theory (TST) rate law discussed in Section
fit Eq. 3-4, as a four-constant rate law, to experi
is dependent on solution composition
3.3. Thus, no equations of the ty pe represented by
mental data for a limited range of solution compo
Eqs. 3-1 and 3-2 have been programmed into EQ6.
sition. They found good agreement with the value obtained for
when compared with the value
calculated from Eq. 3-5. Good results were also obtained for both calcite dissolution and precipita
Activity-Term Rate Laws
tion (cf. House, 1981; Reddy
Some authors have interpreted kinetic experi
have used a similar equation to describe the kinet
mental data as a complex mixture of dissolution
ics of uranium (VI) peroxide hy drate precipitation.
and precipitation processes. The mechanism is
The general form of this rate law, represented
r epresented as the sum of several reactions
by Eq. 3-4, has been programmed into EQ6. Its
occuring simultaneously on the surface of the
functional form does not have the problems asso
solid. A net rate equation is obtained by the sum
ciated with those represented by Eqs. 3-1 or 3-2.
mation of individual terms, each containing a rate constant
et al., 1981; and
Cassford et al., 1983). Eary and Cathles (1983)
Also, it seems to work well for describing the dis
and an activity product. This type of
solution and precipitation kinetics of calcite, an
rate-law form can be represented by
important phase in aqueous geochemistry.
though Plummer et al. (1978) attach theoretical significance to each of the four terms in their
model for calcite, different theoretical assump tions appear to be equally capable of explaining the observable data (see Section 6.2).
Although rate equations of the above form have been derived principally to describe the re sults of dissolution-rate experiments, they can
also be used to describe precipitation rates. If the
Transition-State Theory
rate constants are constrained to satisfy the condi tion of zero rate at equilibrium (i.e., to be consis
Rate equations employing TST have a strong
tent with the value of the equilibrium constant),
basis in theory and are receiving increasing atten
the same equation cc�n be used to describe reac
tion in geochemistry
tion rates in both th�� forward and backward di
1980; Aagaard and Helgeson, 1982; Helgeson and
(cf. Rimstidt and Barnes,
rections. This allows the precipitation rates to be
Murphy, 1983; Lasaga, 1981a,b; Helgeson et al.,
obtained from dissolution data.
1984; Wolery, 1986b; Knauss and Wolery, 1986).
Plummer et al. (1978) used an example of this
This theory of reaction rates requires that there be
rate-law form to describe the dissolution data of
a corresponding microscopic (or elementary ) reac
tion for every macroscopic reaction.
A pair of macroscopic and microscopic reac tions follows the general format (Wolery, 1986b):
(- j) [mineral]
+ =
other reactants products (macroscopic)
No particular value of
is suggested here,
although it must be a positive number. (
i) [mineral]
+ other reactants + catalysts
The rate equations for TST can be developed
1 [activated complex]* =products + catalysts (microscopic)
from more than one set of physical assumptions (3-7)
(Wolery, 1986b). The development that is usually presented in the literature (e.g., Rimstidt and Barnes, 1980; Aagaard and Helgeson, 1982;
Equation 3-6 follows the format of a reaction as
Lasaga, 1981a,b), and called TST-A1 by Wolery
stored on the EQ3/6 thermodynamic database.
(1986b), contains a logical inconsistency that re
The coefficient j is usually unity, and the stoichio
quires one to assume simultaneous equilibrium of
metric coefficient of the activated complex is al
the activated complex with both reactants and
ways unity.
products. This inconsistency has been pointed out
A microscopic reaction differs from its macro
most recently by Lasaga (1981b). In his view, the
scopic counterpart in three distinct ways. First, in
equations must, therefore, be considered repre
stead of just reactants on the left and products on
sentative of extrapolation of the rate about the
the right, the activated complex appears in the
point of thermodynamic equilibrium. Wolery
middle. Second, certain additional reactant species
(1986b) presents an alternative development
that are regenerated as products may appear.
called NESS-TST (Non-Equilibrium Steady-State
These species may be informally termed "cata
Transition-State Theory), which is based on a
lysts." Third, a stoichiometric nonequivalence
steady-state assumption, rather than on one of
may exist between the macroscopic and micro
simultaneous equilibria. This development leads
scopic reactions.
to a set of practical rate equations that are essen
The stoichiometric equivalence of Eqs. 3-6
tially the same. Although there are some minor
and 3-7 is usually treated through one of the fol
differences, they are not significant when the TST
lowing two parameters:
equations are run in the EQ6 code. The net rate equations for macroscopic reac
tions that have been incorporated into EQ6 are:
and (3-12) m=ilj(=1/(J)
(3-9) and
The parameter (} is favored by Helgeson and eo w o rkers ( c f. A a g a a r d a n d H e l g e s o n , 1982;
- vj=s k_ q
Helgeson and Murphy, 1983; and Helgeson et al.,
_ [1
- exp
(A_/(JRT)] .
1984). Lasaga (1984) prefers to use the parameter m. Wolery (1986b) presents a detailed derivation
Equation 3-12 is an expression for the net rate in
of the rate equations in which these parameters
the forward direction and is written in terms of
forward direction parameters. Equation 3-13 is the
An example of macroscopic and microscopic
backward direction analog. Although Eqs. 3-12
reactions are given for pure silica phase Si02(s),
and 3-13 are strictly equivalent under the assump
which could be quartz, cristobalite, etc. The reac
tions of the theory, both forms have been pro
tions below are an adaptation of the model pre
grammed into the EQ6 code primarily for conve
sented or suggested by Rimstidt and Barnes (1980).
nience. Having both forms available allows the
The macroscopic reaction may be written as
user some flexibility in inputting rate parameters. W hile it also permits the use of an inconsistent
pair of equations, one to describe the net rate when it is in the forward direction and another
where Sio is the species dissolved silica. If water
when it is in the reverse direction, such use is not
is assumed to promote this process, the cor
recommended. The relationships required for
responding microscopic reaction can be written as
strict consistency will be discussed in the next paragraphs. All of the parameters in Eqs. 3-12 and 3-13 have been introduced previously, except for q +
and q
which are defined as "kinetic activity
products." The simple activity products for the left
The accompanying reaction rate far from equilib
side of the microscopic reaction are
rium in the direction of supersaturation is
-V·=Sk q -
(3-14) where
is the activity of the solid and
is the
Note that the rates of dissolution and precipitation
activity of water.
far from equilibrium are independent of
The kinetic activity products are related to the
m (or a).
Near equilibrium, however, the rate becomes pro
activity product of the macroscopic reaction
portional to the thermodynamic affinity and de
(Wolery, 1986b) by
pends on
m or a (Aagaard and Helgeson, 1982;
Helgeson et al., 1984). The net rate equations for both the forward and backward directions predict
A similar
relationship holds
zero reaction rates at equilibrium:
( )
vj� sk + q+ �
for the rate
constants and the equilibrium constant for the macroscopic reaction.
and (3-16)
-V·�Sk - q 1
This important relationship suggests that precipi
(�) aRT
Still other forms of the TST equations are
tation rate constants, which are often difficult to
possible (Wolery, 1986b), although some require
measure because of the precipitation of unwanted
special assumptions. These forms are useful in
phases, can be estimated from dissolution rate
comparing equations that appear in the kinetics
constants and equilibrium constants. However, this can only be done if
literature. One approach is to factor the kinetic
m (or, equivalently, a) is
activity products into corresponding concentration
known (Wolery, 1986b). Equation 3-16 is some
and activity coefficient parts. For
times given in the literature without the
m expo nent, corresponding to the case equivalent of m = 1.
trated by
The following forms of the equations are, ac
q+, this is illus
cording to the theory, strictly equivalent to Eqs. 3-12 and 3-13. They have not been programmed into the code, but are given here to help readers recog
(q_ is treated analogously ). This is straightforward
nize equivalent forms when they encounter them
so long as the species involved in the products are
in the literature. They include
vj=s(k+q+ - k
aqueous solutes. For other species whose activities cannot be factored into molal concentrations and
molal activity coefficients, a simple approach is to
q+ (or q_) into m+ m _). Parallel factoring of the activity product
factor their activities in (3-18)
of the macroscopic reaction gives and
-vj=sk_ q _ [1 - (Q _ /K_ rzJ , where
s represents surface area.
can be factored analogously.) It follows that
Some important limiting relationships can be associated with the TST net rate law (cf. Lasaga,
1981a,b; Aagaard and Helgeson, 1982; Helgeson et al., 1984; Wolery, 1986b). Far from equilibrium in the direction of undersaturation, the rate of a reaction,
vj, can be expressed as
(3-20) 9
general form of Eq. 3-31, however, is not consis
The apparent equilibrium constant for the forward
tent with transition-state theory. Still other rate
direction can be defined as
law forms exist for describing the dissolution and precipitation kinetics of calcite and resemble TST
equations to some degree (e.g., Sjoberg, 1976; Cassford et al., 1983; House, 1981; and Morse, 1983).
It can be shown that Eqs. 3-18 and 3-19 can
It is of some interest, however, to look at the
be recast in the following forms: ·
TST rate law for silica dissolution/precipitation by Rimstidt and Barnes (1980). They give the follow
ing equation to describe rates in dilute solutions of dissolved silica:
and -vi= s
k_ y_ m_ [1- (M_/K'_tJ .
Forms related to these equations appear in the lit
erature, often with no derivation or citation of any theoretical origin (e.g., Marshall and Nancollas, 1969; Reddy and Nancollas, 1971; W iechers et al.,
This corresponds to the macroscopic dissolution
1975). For example, Reddy and Nancollas (1971)
give an equation of the form (3-36) (3-31) Rimstidt and Barnes (1980) present the rate in
kp is a
terms of rate of change in activity rather than rate
precipitation rate constant, which we choose to
of change in concentration. They also use a for
distinguish from
The corresponding reaction,
mally the hydrated species to represent aqueous
for the case of calcite growth kinetics. Here,
k_ .
written in dissolution form according to our con
silica. In their derivation, the activity coefficient of
vention, is
aqueous silica is assumed to be constant. (For the stated set of conditions, it should be close to (3-32)
If a factor of
unity). Recasting their equation gives
is considered to be in the denomi
nator on the right side of Eq. 3-31, this equation can be transformed to
which is a form of Eq. 3-17. The corresponding microscopic equation is
(3-33) If we take the microscopic analog of the reaction, Eq. 3-32, to be
(3-38) (3-34) Note that the water is not catalytic because it is
Eq. 3-30, the TST equation, becomes equivalent to Eq. 3-33, except that a factor of
(kp M+) appears in
not regenerated as a product. The model repre sented by reactions in Eqs. 3-36 and 3-38 is equiv
q ). Note that Eqs. 3-32
alent to that given earlier by Eqs. 3-10 and 3-11
the latter instead of
1. In this particular micro
(with n in Eq. 3-11 set to zero), where aqueous
scopic reaction, there are no aqueous species
silica was represented as the anhydrous species.
and 3-34 require
among the reactants and no catalysts. Hence,
M+ m_. It is possible to consider the activ ity coefficient factor y _ as implicitly present in the
The formal degree of hydration one chooses for
reduces to
aqueous species does not affect the TST rate equa
rate constant in Eq. 3-31; that is, to assume that
Thus, one may use the Rimstidt and Barnes (1980)
tions as long as one is consistent (Wolery, 1986b).
k_ y _ . Then, in this particular case, Eq. 3-31
rate constants for equations corresponding to re
is equivalent to the TST expression, Eq. 3-30. The
actions in Eqs. 3-10 and 3-11. 10
The Rimstidt and Barnes (1980) rate law can be reduced to meq form if one assumes that r for aqueous silica is numerically constant. If the hy (3-44)
drated form of aqueous silica is used, one must also assume that the activity of water is unity. Both of these assumptions tend to hold well under
The activation enthalpies for the forward and re
the conditions for which the rate law is stated to be valid. Thus, Q
1/(my), q
verse directions are related to each other by
my, meq
1/(K y), and the rate law can be written as _
(3-45) (3-39)
Corresponding activation energies and enthalpies are related by
If it is further assumed that r
1, this Eq. 3-39 is
analogous to Eq. 3-1.
The temperature dependence of a reaction may be approximated by assuming that either the activa
Temperature and Pressure
tion energy or the activation enthalpy is constant.
Dependence of Rate Constants
However, these assumptions are not mutually ex clusive because of the
The temperature dependence of a rate con stant is commonly described by an activation en ergy,
dIn k dT
factor in Eq. 3-46.
can be treated in an analogous manner. The gov
The pressure dependence of rate constants erning equation from thermodynamics is
Ea RT2
If this equation is integrated treating
Ea as
Va is the
activation volume. If this equation
dIn k dP
a con
stant, then
is integrated treating the activation volume as a constant, then (3-41) ln kp
For TST, the forward and backward activation en ergies are related by the equation
ln kp
Va - (P - P1) RT 2
The forward and backward volumes of activation are related to each other by the standard partial
(3-42) where
molal volume of reaction,
is the standard partial molal en
thalpy of reaction for the macroscopic reaction (for the forward direction) and m is a stiochio
These relationships may help users of the
metric factor (see Wolery, 1986b). Thus, in princi
EQ6 kinetics capability estimate necessary rate
ple, activation energies for precipitation can be es
data. For a more complete derivation of tempera
timated from activation energies for dissolution.
ture and pressure rate-constant relationships, see
In TST, the temperature dependence of the
Appendix D of Wolery (1986b). At present, tem
rate constant, k, can also be related to the en thalpy of formation of the activated complex,
perature correction is built into the EQ6 code by
means of constant activation energy calculations
The governing equation is
dIn k dT
1 =-
Ha RT2
according to Eq. 3-41. A rate-constant-activation energy pair must be given on the input file along with the corresponding temperature, which need
not be the actual temperature for the run. The ac tual temperature for the run may, itself, change
If the enthalpy of activation is treated as a con
during the run. To date, no pressure corrections
stant, the integration of this equation y ields
have been built into the code.
Surface Area Considerations
Helgeson et al. (1984) propose to restrict the active surface area of a phase such as a feldspar to
The dissolution and precipitation rates for
the relatively small area composed of etch pits.
minerals and other solids depend on the active
These pits are the locus of most of the actual disso
surface area available for the reaction process.
lution that appears to take place in the laboratory
Surface area measurements are usually made us
(cf. Holdren and Berner, 1979; Knauss and Wolery,
ing BET gas absorption techniques on bulk sam
1986) and in field observation (Berner and Holdren,
ples (e.g., Brandse et al., 1977; Liu et al., 1976;
1979). W hether the surface area is most properly
House, 1981; Reddy et al., 1981; and Rimstidt and
treated by this approach remains to be seen. The
Barnes, 1980). Another technique for estimating
relevance of having an active surface area that cor
surface areas is to use the sample weight (referred
responds to specific sites associated with precipi
to as the "charge" in dissolution experiments or
tation processes also remains to be identified.
"seed material" in precipitation experiments) as
Although feldspar dissolution is clearly dominated
proportional to the surface area (e.g., Marshall
by etch-pit formation, SEM photographs of the
and Nancollas, 1969; Liu and Nancollas, 1970;
growth surfaces of feldspars reveal no correspond
Reddy and Nancollas, 1971; Reddy and Wang, 1980;
Reddy, 1977;
W iechers et al.,
ing features (cf. Ali and Turner, 1982).
An additional factor to consider is the pos
Lagache, 1965, 1976). If surface area has not been
sibility of syntactic growth in which a grain of one
measured, it is also possible to estimate a value
mineral serves as a seed for a crystallographically
geometrically if the samples have been prepared
similar mineral (e.g., calcite growth on dolomite or
in a narrow size range. The specific surface area
celestite growth on barite). Syntatic growth repre
(s#) is area per unit mass and is usually expressed
sents a type of coupling that has not received
in units of square centimeters per gram. If a parti
much attention in precipitation kinetics studies,
cle is assumed to be spherical, the specific surface
but might be important to certain modeling sce
area can be calculated from
narios. At present, there is no treatment of growth kinetics in EQ6. The increase in surface area during crystal
growth has been taken into account in some pre cipitation studies (e.g., Marshall and Nancollas,
where D is diameter and p is grain density (as
1969; Brandse et al., 1977). This correction may not
suming no porosity). If the particle shape is as
be necessary, however, if the amount of precipi
sumed to be cubic,
6 =-
tated material is small compared to the amount of seed crystals. Surface areas of crystals have been
observed to increase as a result of dissolution if
the increase in specific surface area outstrips the dissolution of material (Grandstaff, 1978).
where a is the edge length. Sometimes a shape
Two options presently exist for the treatment
factor that has a value typically in the range of 2
of surface area in EQ6. Either the total surface
to 3 is added to the right side of these equations.
area is constant, which ignores all corrections due
It is important for the treatment of rate
to growth or dissolution, or the specific surface
constants and surface areas to be consistent. This
area (ratio of the area/unit mass) is constant. Ad
is because only the product of rate constant and
ditional considerations on growing of particles,
surface area can actually be "measured" in rate
based on equations such as 3-51 or 3-52, may be
experiments. Surface area estimation techniques
added in the future. Note, in the case of growth
have been found to yield inconsistent results for
kinetics, these equations imply that specific sur
the same sample. Thus, if a rate constant is in
face area decreases with time. Thus, this assump
ferred from a BET measurement, it is probably
tion may lead one to overestimate the actual sur
best used in rate equations with surface area esti
face area. A final point concerns the estimation of sur
mates based on the same technique.
face area for individual minerals in a rock sample.
EQ6 allows the user to consider a kinetically effective surface area as smaller than the actual
A BET measurement can only give the surface area
surface area. Models of this type are described by
of a sample as a whole. In the absence of other
using the variable FK on the input file that repre
information, the best procedure is probably to ap
sents the kinetically active fraction of the total
portion the measured surface area according to the
surface area.
volume percentages of the minerals in the rock.
Other Considerations
surface of a phase may vary. If the presence of such material causes the thermodynamic proper
The rate equations discussed earlier in this
ties to vary, with or without corresponding varia
section apply only to the case of homogeneously
tions in the rate constants, EQ3/6 would have to
dissolving or precipitating material. Such homo
add one or more "disturbed material" components
geneity is not always achieved in sample prepara
for each mineral being treated. At present, no op
tion procedures for dissolution experiments or for
tions are available to assist with such a treatment.
seeded precipitation experiments. Inhomogeneity
The "disturbed" components of a mineral would
results when material in a sample is "disturbed"
have to be added to the thermodynamic database
(i.e., is strained and/or exists as very fine particles
as "new" minerals.
below a critical size limit). This "disturbed" mate
Another caveat concerning the rate-laws dis
rial is thermodynamically less stable than the un
cussed in this section is that they do not account
disturbed material of the same composition
explicitly for speciation on the surfaces of dissolv
(cf. Holdren and Berner, 1979).
ing and growing minerals. A future direction for
The effect of submicron particles clinging to
rate studies in aqueous geochemical systems
larger grains in dissolution experiments on feld
would be the development of dissolution and pre
spars was documented by Holdren and Berner
cipitation rate-laws that are coupled to models of
(1979). They used SEM to establish the existence
surface speciation. There are several reasons to ex
of an "ultrafine" component and showed, by
pect such a development. One is that the stoichio
means of washing and etching the surface, that
metric coefficients of catalysts such as H + in TST
elevated dissolution rates in the early stage of an
rate laws often appear to be fractional values
experiment were due to the presence of this com
(cf. Lasaga, 1981a, 1984; Helgeson et al., 1984; and
ponent. Recognition of the enhanced dissolution
Knauss and Wolery, 1986). This suggests that the
effect in geochemistry stems largely from Holdren
actual catalyst in such a case is a corresponding
and 8erner's work. However, earlier studies of the
surface species. Lasaga (1981a) gives a simple
dissolution of quartz noted similar findings (see
model for a feldspar dissolution rate that is cou
sources cited by Petrovich, 1981a; also see
pled with sorption of H + on the mineral surface.
8eckwith and Reeve, 1969).
This model appears to explain the observed frac tional dependency. At present, EQ6 does not have
The HF etching procedure used by Holdren
a capability for treating mineral surfaces.
and 8erner (1979) is no longer recommended (cf. Perry et al., 1983). Instead, the ultrafine corn
Rate-law forms often vary with environmen
ponent can be best removed by washing the sample
tal parameters, such as pH or temperature. For ex
ultrasonically and decanting the solution (cf. Neil
ample, the dissolution of feldspar appears to re
and Apps, 1980; Knauss and Wolery, 1986) This
quire three TST rate laws to explain observations
process does not remove all of the "disturbed"
across the range of pH values in the range 25 to
material, such as around strained surfaces or on
70°C (Helgson et al., 1984; Knauss and Wolery,
sharp corners of larger grains. The effect of "dis
1986). In each proposed mechanism, H + plays a
turbed material" on precipitation processes has
different role as catalyst. At low, intermediate,
not been evaluated and may require explicit rec
and high pH, the catalyst is H +, none, and OH-,
ognition in the analysis of an experiment of a
respectively. To account for these types of kinetic
recrystallization effect. Because of its lesser thermo
models, we have chosen to treat EQ6 rates as a
dynamic stability, such material may be dissolving
sum of rates predicted by up to four individual
even though the solution is supersaturated rela
mechanisms . This allows code calculations cross
tive to a more stable bulk material.
ing apparent rate-law boundaries to be made. For example, it allows the reproduction of feldspar
The thermodynamic properties and/or kinetic
dissolution rate data across the total pH range.
rate constants related to the nature and properties of "disturbed" material that may adhere to the
EQ6 Code Modifications the 3245 version of EQ6 from the previous 32308
A number of modifications have been made to the EQ6 code as a result of extending the kinet
version. This section describes the changes. In the 32308 version, the kinetics option
ics option to include precipitation as well as disso
lution. These changes were made in developing
1) allows rate-law specifications to be
made for mineral dissolution only. A dissolving
and transition-state theory rate expressions. The
mineral follows the specified rate law as long as
code avoids possible violations of thermodynamic
the dissolution affinity (A+) remains positive. Dis
constraints by setting rates to zero in the absence
solution ceases if the mineral becomes exhausted.
of a favorable thermodynamic driving force.
If the phase boundary (point of overall reaction
A ll kinetic data for "reactants" are read from
progress at which equilibrium is reached) occurs
a new subroutine READRT, which is called from
in finite time, the boundary is actually over
subroutine READZ (the principal routine for read
stepped by a small amount until some of the min
ing the INPUT file). Surface area, rate-law code,
eral reprecipitates as an equilibrium phase. The
and the rate-law constants for each "reactant" are
phase boundary search routine actually uses a tar
read from the INPUT file. The rate-law code iden
get affinity corresponding to a small negative
tifies a corresponding rate-law that has been pro
value of A+. The actual equilibrium phase precipi
grammed into subroutine RTCALC. Separate rate
tation may be further delayed until a sufficiently
law codes for dissolution and precipitation,
well-conditioned Jacobian matrix, necessary to ac
embodied in the parameters NRK and NRPK
complish the precipitation, is attained. Once this
have been provided for user convenience. Dissolution NRK flags have been changed
happens, any mass of the mineral that remains as a reactant is transferred to the mass in the equilib
from the
rium system. A ny subsequent dissolution or pre
NRKP have been added. The current usage of
3230 version, and precipitation flags,
cipitation is controlled by maintaining solubility
these parameters is discussed in the following sec
tion. The affinity-term rate law form has been
The coding changes required to include
added as a new option for both dissolution and
kinetically governed precipitation fall into several
precipitation. The transition-state theory rate law
A mong
t he m
(activated when NRK
2) has been changed to
input/output, new coding for evaluating precipita
increase the maximum number of parallel rate
tion rate laws, changes to prevent instantaneous
law mechanisms from three to four. This change
equilibrium precipitation of supersaturated
has necessitated the redimensioning of some ar
phases, and new routines to deal with approach
rays in COMMON BLOCK IRK!. A new COMMON BLOCK, /RPK/, was cre
ing phase boundaries from supersaturation. De tails of these changes follow.
ated to contain the precipitation rate input vari
Phases whose dissolution and/or precipita
ables (which paralleled the existing ones for the
tion are to be controlled by kinetics are termed
dissolution rate) and two flag arrays (NMCHK
"reactants." These phases and the data required to
NXCHK) that indicate whether a mineral or solid
evaluate their corresponding rate laws are defined
solution end member is specified in the INPUT file
on the EQ6 INPUT file. Specifications for precipi
as a reactant with precipitation kinetics. These flags
tation kinetics were added to the INPUT file, par
are used later in subroutines PATH, SATCHK
alleling the previous specifications for dissolution
and SCRIPZ. In PATH, when such a mineral (or
kinetics. When the aqueous solution starts to be
solid solution) is supersaturated, a flag is set to
come supersaturated with a solid phase, the de
control the affinity value; this value is the target of
fault response of the EQ6 code is to precipitate
the phase boundary search, which calculates an
that phase according to instantaneous solubility
upper limit on step size. In subroutine SATCHK,
equilibrium. EQ6 now recognizes all solid phases
the flags are used to discriminate supersaturated
listed as "reactants" on the INPUT file, including
minerals that are to precipitate kinetically from
those for which the precipitation kinetics option is
those that are to be precipitated instantaneously
specified, as belonging to a special class of
to satisfy solubility equilibrium. In subroutine
SCRIPZ, these flags are used in constructing some
Separate rate expressions can be specified for
tables written on the OUTPUT file.
net dissolution and net precipitation. The code
Many format statements had to be inserted
checks the thermodynamic affinity (A+) to deter
and/or changed in several subroutines to include
mine which expression to use (rate evaluations are
the added kinetic information on the OUTPUT
made in subroutine RTCALC). A single rate law
and PICKUP files. Subroutine ECHOZ was modi
describing net mass transfer in both directions can
fied to print out the rate-law codes and rate coef
be used for rate laws that are consistent with ther
ficients for each "reactant" specified on the
modynamics, i.e., that predict mass transfer in the
INPUT file. Subroutine SCRIB E, which writes the
direction consistent with thermodynamic driving
PICKUP file, was modified to include the rate
force. They include the affinity-term rate-laws
data for preci pi ta tion kinetics. Subroutine 14
SCRIPZ, which writes a description of the state of
hope to treat such a condition in a manner similar
the system at selected points of reaction progress,
to that when a dissolution rate law is input with
was modified to print a more complete description
out a precipitation rate law, that is, to convert the
of reaction rates and reactant amounts. Several
reactant mass to equilibrium mineral form upon
changes have been made to the summary OUT
reaching the phase boundary or some nearby tar
PUT tables (TAB files).
get point and to treat subsequent dissolution or
If specified rate laws for both dissolution and precipitation are
precipitation according to instantaneous solubility
phase is never
formed as an equilibrium phase. In this case, the
The problem with this approach is that one
step size must be controlled during the run so that
can not guarantee that enough "reactant" mass
a rate function is never extrapolated across the
will always be present to generate a sufficiently
phase boundary. The search for the phase bound
well-conditioned Jacobian matrix with the mineral
ary targets the true boundary (A_
in the system as an equilibrium phase. In essence,
The step
size is then restricted such that a point of reaction
this problem results because of finite length num
progress falls on the boundary (within a tolerance
bers being stored on digital computers. The prob
interval based on the difference between the af
lem can be avoided in the opposite case (where
finity and zero), thereby avoiding what could be
dissolution rate is specified without a precipitation
improper extrapolation.
rate) by moving across the phase boundary to
EQ6 currently does not allow a rate law to be
some point where a stable Jacobian results (such a
input for precipitation of a reactant unless one is
point is either found or the "reactant" mass ex
also provided for dissolution. If such input is at
hausts at some degree of supersaturation). For
tempted, an error message is issued, followed by
precipitation only, no comparably satisfactory
termination of execution.
parallel technique exists.
Logically, one might
EQ6 Rate Law Options
To use the precipitation kinetics option, the user must specify IOPT1
NRPK Values -1
the INPUT file. This option is required to run EQ6 with any kinetic rate laws. If IOPT1
the rate
laws specified for all reactants must be of the rela
(NRK must be
Precipitation governed by
Relative rate law
instantaneous equilibrium
have no time framework. If the user desires, rela
2 3 4
tive rate specified reactants and actual kinetic rate specified reactants can be mixed in a single run if at least one kinetic rate reactant is specified and =
Use the dissolution rate input
tive rate type, where the resulting rate calculations
Precipitation Rate Law
1 (kinetics option) on
Transition-state theory rate law Linear (constant) rate law Activity-term rate law
A rate law must be specified for each reactant
The affinity to precipitate (A_) is used in the
and entered on the INPUT file. The rate laws,
code as the principal variable for determining
themselves, are specified by the rate-law codes
thermodynamic driving force for nonequilibrium
NRK and NRPK, which pertain to net dissolution
reactions. EQ6 checks this affinity for each reac
and precipitation, respectively. The following ta
tant before calculating its corresponding rate. If
bles summarize the rate-law options currently
the affinity is zero (reaction equilibrium), the code
sets the rate to zero (the rate expressions specified on the INPUT file are not evaluated). If A_ is neg
NRK Values
Dissolution Rate Law
ative (implying that A+ is positive), the rate ex pression specified for dissolution is evaluated. The
Illegal value
value of the rate must be positive to be consistent
Relative rate law
with dissolution. If the expression is negative
2 3 4
Transition-state theory rate law
(i.e., the expression predicts precipitation), the rate
Linear plus parabolic rate law
is set to zero. If A_ is positive, the rate expression
Activity-term rate law
for precipitation is evaluated. The calculated rate
must be a negative value to be consistent with
RPK(3,NRC) are usually not used; thus, they have
precipitation; if it is not, the rate will be set to zero.
constant relative rates.
A "special" reactant (one whose composition
Transition-State Theory Rate Law
is defined on the INPUT file, identified by JCODE 2; see Wolery, 1986a), as currently treated, has
The parameters are given in a summary equa
no thermodynamic stability and will never precip
tion where the relevant equation has been modi
itate. The "special" reactant capability was in
fied to include up to four terms on its right side,
tended primarily to allow the definition of a reac
each corresponding to a different mechanism:
tant that corresponds to a bulk rock composition,
not as a substitute for entering phases in the ther
-V·= f·S· "\:'k ·q 1 1 1 L
modynamic database. The use of "special" reac
tants in actual kinetic calculations should be
1 1 -,
avoided in most instances.
[1 -
In the sections that follow, the equations pro
grammed into the EQ6 code for each of the pre cipitation rate laws specified by the input variable
(A-/C5ij RT)]
sj is the total surface area of the phase dissolving
NRPK are reproduced using the code variables.
in the jth irreversible reaction. The active surface
The companion equations for the dissolution rate
area factor
laws specified by the input variable NRK are
tive to total surface area. The number of parallel
listed in the
EQ6 User's Manual
(Wolery, 1986a)
represents the proportion of effec
mechanisms is i
and are not reproduced here. Reactants are in
The rate constant is
the kinetic activity product is
,i for the ith
dexed by the parameter NRC, which runs from
mechanism. Near equilibrium the rate is propor
1 to NRCT, the total number of reactants.
tional to the thermodynamic affinity for the jth reaction. This is programmed as
5.1. Currently Programmed Precipitation Rate Laws 5.1.1.
Relative Rate Law
A phase may be precipitated using the rela tive rate law when the amount precipitated is not a function of time, but of the overall reaction
•(1.0- EFAC(I,NRC))
progress variable. This may be desirable when no
experimental kinetic data are available for a sys tem (see Section 3.3 in Wolery, 1986a). The rela
tive rate equations for dissolution and precipita tion were given in Section 2 as Eqs. 2-23 and 2-24.
The latter is reproduced here for comparison with
the equivalent F ORTRAN expression:
N =1
*(CPDAC(N,I,NRC)) which is programmed as and - RRELRC(NRC,1)
+ RPK(2,NRC)*Zil
EXP(1000.*AF F RCT(NRC)/(CPSIGMA(I,NRC) + 0.5*RPK(3,NRC)*ZI1**2
(5-2) *RCONST*TEMPK) )
Here, RRELRC(NRC,1) is the relative rate of the NRCth reactant at the current point of reaction
QPFAC and EFAC are not actual arrays in the
progress (Zil). The rate constants RPK are read
code, but are used here merely as logical devices.
ACT(NS) is the thermodynamic activity of the
NSth aqueous species. NPDAC is an index array that the code creates by decoding UPDAC, a
name array. UPDAC is read from INPUT, along
with the active surface area factor (FK), the surface
kr,ji ir,; "' k , si L ak11 iik - i k=l i=l
area (SK), rate constants (RPK) and activation en e rgies (EACTP) f o r r e f e r e n c e t e m p eratures
(TRKP), the number of mechanisms (IPMECH),
jth irreversible reaction.
and the kinetic stoichiometric factors (CPSIGMA). Note that this rate law is the only one for which
tivity factors appearing in a term, and njik is the exponent of the activity of the kth species in the
temperature corrections are made to the input rate
ith term. This is programmed as
data. AFFRCT is the precipitation affinity
and is carried in the code in units of kcal/mol. The
factor of 1000 in Eq. 5-6 converts this into calories. RCONST is the gas constant (cal/mol-K), and TEMPK is the absolute temperature (K). 5.1.3.
ir,j is the number of mechanistic terms in the kr,ji is the number of ac
Linear Rate Law
The equation for the linear rate law is -V· = f· S· J
where (5-7)
QFAC (I,NRC) This rate law allows users to impose a rate (sur
face area normalized) of constant value, which is
programmed as
Here again, QFAC is not an array that is actually
This is now the only case where a precipitation
used in the program. The INPUT file parameters
rate law differs in form from its dissolution counterpart. The dissolution rate law for NRK
are essentially the same as those used in handling
3 is
transition-state theory; however, their meaning is interpreted somewhat differently in this rate law.
(5-9) which includes a second (parabolic) term. This is
programmed as RREAC(NRC,1)
INPUT File Modifications The INPUT file information pertaining to
each reactant is organized into a coherent block. A summary of the INPUT file structure for each
block follows. Appendix A lists the relevant EQ6 + RPK(2,NRC)*TIME**(0.5) )
variables. A description of the complete INPUT
file is given by Wolery (1986a) in the It would be a relatively simple matter to extend
The relevant portion of the INPUT file that
Eqs. 5-7 and/or 5-9 to include additional terms if
begins with the line NRCT defines the total num
desired. 5.1.4.
EQ6 User's
ber of reactants for the run (NRCT) and ends with
Activity-Term Rate Law
the last reactant block:
The rate equation here is Eq. 3-3, modified to include the active surface area factor:
Do NRC from 1 to NRCT: (UREAC(J,NRC), J
1 (solid solution reactant):
Do I from 1 until UENDB(1,I,NRC) (UENDB(J,I,NRC), J
2 ("special" reactant):
from 1 until UESRB(I,NRC)
(12X,E12.5) =
Forward direction rate law: If NRK
RK(1,NRC), RK(2,NRC), RK(3,NRC) If NRK
Do I from 1 to IMECH: RK(I,NRC), TRK(I,NRC), EACT(I,NRC)
RK(1,NRC), RK(2,NRC), RK(3,NRC) If NRK
Do I from 1 to IMECH: RK(I,NRC), NDACT(I,NRC)
Backward direction rate law: If NRPK If NRPK
-1, skip this section 1:
2: (12X,I2)
(12X,E12 .5 12X,E12.5 12X,E12.5)
Do N from 1 to NPDACT: (12X,A6,18X,E12.5)
3: (12X,E12.5)
4: (12X,I2)
IPMECH(NRC) Do I from 1 to IPMECH:
(12X,E12.5 12X,I2)
Do N from 1 to NPDACT: (12X,A6,18X,E12.5)
CPSIGMA values of zero default to unity. Note
All rate constants, with the exception of some that appear in the activity-term rate law (e.g., k4 in
that the surface area, SK, is always entered, even
the rate law of Plummer et al., 1978) are to be
when the surface area code is set for the option to
input as positive values. FK, C SIGM A , and
maintain constant specific surface area (NSK
Test Problems
Three sample problems are presented in this
tion and precipitation of pure silica phases as a
section. The first demonstrates the numerical ac
function of temperature (0 to 300°C), using a rate
curacy of the code and its ability to reproduce an
equation consistent with TST rate law. The rate
experiment described in the literature. The sec
constants reported for quartz sand, determined by
ond, which is used only to reproduce an experi
direct laboratory measurement, were used to test
ment described in the literature, represents a case
TST algorithm programmed into EQ6. This test
in which the effect of the changing chemical envi
was done both to verify the numerical integration
ronment on the rate is more complex. The third is
algorithm by comparison with a closed-form solu
a model of a system with conditions known to
tion and to validate the rate model itself by com
occur in nature, yet not investigated in the labora
parison with the experimental data from which it
tory. The use of selected experimental data in
was reportedly derived.
these test cases is for purposes of demonstration
The Rimstidt and Barnes equation was dis
and does not necessarily constitute an acceptance
cussed in Section 3.3. Their rate equation (Eq. 3-37)
of the interpretation of the experimental data by
is equivalent to the forms programmed into the
the authors of this report. Appendix B contains
code (Eqs. 3-13 and 3-14). We actually used the
EQ3NR and EQ6 INPUT files for the sample
dissolution form Eq. 3-13 in making the test cal
culations. The test case chosen corresponds to Run 2E at 105°C, an experiment reported by
Rimstidt (1979) and Rimstidt and Barnes (1980), in
Quartz Precipitation Kinetics
which quartz was grown from supersaturated so lution. The starting solution was distilled water, Barnes
reported to contain 106.5 ppm Si02 (49.8 ppm Si),
(1980) determined rate constants for the dissolu-
at 25°C. The figures reported by Rimstidt and
Barnes in both documents suggest that a more ac
authors' experimental data for relevant runs to
curate value for the initial concentration is 101.0 ppm
gether with experimental data available in the lit erature. A value ofk+, 2.53 x 10-15 mol cm-2 s-1,
Si02 (47.2 ppm Si). After two hours, the initial starting concentration dropped to the lower value
was computed from the following equation fork+:
as reported by the authors. log k+
The experimental data were compared with two values given for the rate constants at 105°C.
1.174 - 0.002028 T - 4158/T
A similar equation is reported for k :
The authors reported a value ofk+ that yielded the
best fit to their data for this particular run. This
log k
value, 7.92 x 10-16 mol cm- 2 s-I, generated the upper curve in Fig. 1. The EQ3NR and EQ6 INPUT
-0.707 - 2598/T
Following Eq. 3-18, with m
files used to generate this model are reproduced in Appendix B. The good fit in this case can be used to
validate the TST model because the rate-constant values on which the calculation was based were
1.881 - 0.002028 T - 1560/T
This rate-constant value was used to compute the
derived from the same experimental data.
lower curve in Fig. 1 and did a poor job of re
A closed-form solution to the Rimstidt and
producing the experimental data.
Barnes (1 9 8 0 ) rate l a w w a s a l s o c o m p u t e d (Appendix C). This solution was used t o verify the
The equilibrium constant used for quartz in
correctness of the code's numerical integration
these calculations was adjusted slightly from the
procedure. The results show good agreement (Fig. 1).
value that would be calculated from the interpola
A second rate-constant value at 105°C was
tion of polynomial coefficients in the EQ3/6 ther
computed using the temperature-dependent,
modynamic database. This adjustment, which was
least-squares regression equation reported by the
made using the NXMOD option, permitted con
authors. This equation was generated by using the
sistency to be maintained between the EQ6 run
c. c. c 0 «S a.. c Q) (.) c 0 (.)
120 Run 2E - 105°C Rimstidt and Barnes (1980)
-16 7.92 X 1 0
«S (.) -
Time (days) Figure 1. Precipitation growth kinetics of quartz in Run 2E reported Rimstidt (1979) and Rimstidt and Barnes (1980). Silica concentration in solution decreases as a function of time. Up per curve: Rimstidt-Barnes TST model with k + 7.92 x 10- 16 mol cm- 2s -1 (see text). Lower curve: same model with k+ 2.53 x 10 -15 mol cm- 2s -1 (Eq. 6-1). Squares: Rimstidt and Barnes experimental data. Triangles: points calculated for dosed-form solution (see Appendix C). =
and Rimstidt and Barnes data for Eq. 6-3. A differ
perature. W ith heating, the resulting solution was
A complete discussion of the NXMOD option is
seeded, and total calcium concentration in solu
given by Wolery (1986a).
tion was determined as a function of time. The
ence of about 9% was found in the values for K +.
metastably oversaturated. The solution was
specific laboratory conditions for Run 7 were used as constraints for generating the EQ3NR and EQ6
input files listed in Appendix B.
Calcite Precipitation Kinetics
Reddy et al. (1981) used Eq. 3-5 to interpret their experimental data:
Numerous reviews have been done on calcite precipitation kinetics (e.g., Plummer et al., 1979; House, 1981; Cassford et al., 1983; Morse, 1983). To demonstrate the use of EQ6 using the activity product term rate equations for calcite precipita tion, the experimental data of Reddy et al. (1981) were used as an example. Reddy et al. prepared oversaturated solutions of calcite by equilibrating
The EQ6 rate-constant values, consistent with re
reagent-grade seed crystals at 4°C with distilled
action progress on a millimole basis, are: k1
water and bubbling 100% C02 through the sys
x 10-5,
tem. (This method was used because the solubility
3.45 x 10-8, and k3
Figure 2 shows the results of the EQ6 model
rated solution). The solutions were then filtered
and maintained at constant Pco2, pH, and tern-
calculations generated with the activity term rate
Reddy et al., (1981)
\'. \ \
I +.--. N
2.907 2 0.242
m /I
TST, k
Run 7 P , co
Surface area:
\ ' ·, ·,
....... 5
7 0--�\ 2.5 ;·;�-:!_7 100 150
�'"'"-6::-:....-A -.=::.::-3 P lummer et al., --(1978) = k4 = 3.1 X 1 1 �-----r-----.--�--� -
Time (min) Figure 2.
Run 7, was -3.1 x 10-5.
Thus, subsequent heating develops an oversatu
\. \\ \.
1.19 x 10-10.
The value of k4, specifically fit to the results of
of calcite increases with decreasing temperature.
Experimental kinetic data for calcite precipitation
in Run 7, from Reddy et al. (1981), is shown to decrease in
total calcium concentration in solution as a function of time.
The temperature is 25°C. The two lower curves show the
results of EQ6 calculations for two values of k4 using the activity-term rate law of Plummer et al. (1978). The upper
curve was generated using a simple transition-state theory (TST) model (see text).
Transformation of Cristobalite to Quartz
law and the experimentally determined k4 com pared with the observed experimental data points. The figure also shows an additional run that was generated with the value for k4 slightly increased 5 to 2.5 x 10- to illustrate the sensitivity of the
mody namically stable at temperatures below
results to the k4 parameter. The results of the same
867°C. However, cristobalite can form metastably
experiment are also shown in Fig. 2 using the EQ6
above 150°C and then undergo conversion to
Quartz is the silica (Si02) phase that is ther
TST rate law. The results of the model calculation
quartz. To illustrate this, we use an example in
generated using a TST rate constant of k 7 x 2 10 -ll mol/cm -s and stoichiometric factor CJ 1
which cristobalite is converted to quartz at 250°C.
Unlike the previous examples, this experiment is
illustrate that both the activity term and the TST
not carried out in the laboratory and represents an
rate laws reproduce the experimental data by
extrapolation of kinetic data. In this example, the
about the same degree of accuracy.
initial solution is in equilibrium with cristobalite
For comparison, the precipitation rate at each
(708 ppm Si02), and supersaturated with respect
experimental point is determined by taking the
to quartz. The quartz phase grows because the so
slope of a smoothed curve going through the ex
lution is supersaturated with respect to it (satura
perimental points of Fig. 2. These data points were
tion is 180 ppm Si02). Silica is precipitated and
calculated by using the WATEQF computer code
removed from solution. This causes undersaturation
with the EQ6 calculated rates.
and is transformed into quartz.
(Plummer et al., 1976) and plotted in Fig. 3 along
with respect to cristobalite, which then dissolves
Reddy et al. (1981) Run 7 � N
2.5 X
��\_ k4=3.1
Q) ea
:... �
-5 10
#/ /#)1 #/#/t:::.
::::: 0
C) 0 -I
/I I �
1 f
TST, k
7 X
1 o·11
0 Log
Figure 3. Experimental precipitation rates (triangles) as a function of calculated mineral saturation indices for calcite (from Reddy et al., 1981), and calculated EQ6 model results generated using the activity term and transition-state theory (TST) rate equations (see Fig. 2 caption and text). 22
For this example, we used a closed system
The rate of cristobalite dissolution reaches a
0, 1 g cristobalite, and a trace 2 of quartz as seed material (about 0.6 mg). The rate consisting of
1 kg H
maximum at about
years. Then, as this solid
starts to disappear, its surface area decreases. By
constants for silica dissolution and precipitation,
the end of the run, the dissolution rate is on the
taken from Rimstidt and Barnes
order of
for quartz
(1980), are: k + at and 3.6 x 10 -12
for cristobalite. The specific surface areas of the
two phases are treated as constants
mol/day, even through the affinity
to dissolve is as much as
kcal/mol. For
quartz, the maximum precipitation rate is reached
years, also, because the surface area in
The total surface areas of the two solid phases
creases as more and more solid is formed. How
vary as a function of time as the amounts of the
ever, the solution also becomes less and less su
solids vary during the run. We assume, for this
persaturated. At the end of the run, the rate of
example, that the specific surface area for both re
quartz precipitation is only
actants is set to
and the precipitation affinity is
area variables
500 cm2/g. The (SK) are 500
actual and
EQ6 surface 0.3 cm2 for
10-7 mol/day, 0.002 kcal/mol.
The time at which the rates reach their peak (cor
cristobalite and quartz, respectively. The test case
responding also to the position of the inflection
was run for a time interval of
are shown in Figs.
years. The results
cristobalite available initially and on the value as
Over the first four years of the simulation, the
signed to the specific surface. A caveat concerning
solution composition is fairly constant. During
the validity of this example should be pointed out.
this p e r i o d , t h e affinity f o r d i s solution of
The present example was run at pH
cristobalite is less than
range of validity of the Rimstidt and Barnes
0.02 kcal/mol
and, for that
rate model. There is some evidence, however, that
mol/day. On the other hand, the affinity to pre
the rates of silica dissolution are pH-dependent
cipitate quartz is greatest during the first four
reason, the dissolution rate is less than
years of the run, starting at decreasing only to
well in the
kcal/mol and
kcal/mol by the end of
four years. Because of the small surface area, the rate of quartz
precipitation is low
(less than
Quartz -
a. a.
c: 0
0 en Cl)
0 en c:
C) 0 ...J
0 en
350 0
Time (years)
Time (years)
Figure 5. Masses of silica phases calculated by EQ6, plotted as a function of time, for the trans formation of cristobalite to quartz at 250°C. The initial system contained 1 g of cristobalite. The curves were generated using the TST rate law and rate constants of Rimstidt (1979) and Rimstidt and Barnes (1980).
Figure 4. Calculated silica concentration as a function of time for the transformation of cristobalite to quartz at 250°C. The initial solu tion is saturated with cristobalite (hence, super saturated with quartz). The TST rate law and constants of Rimstidt (1979) and Rimstidt and Barnes (1980) were used in this EQ6 simulation.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI). We thank D. Emerson, B. Bourcier, and K. Jackson for their reviews of this document.
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Appendix A.
List of Relevant FORTRAN Variables
This list includes only major variables added to the EQ6 code as a result of the addition of the precipitation kinetics option, as well as others that are included for the sake of completeness. A complete list of all variables can be found in the
User's Guide (Wolery, 1986a). The designation "INPUT:" refers
to a parameter that is read from the INPUT file. AFFRCT
Reaction affinity (A_, kcal/mol).
INPUT: Integer exponent of the activity of an aqueous species, specified in a dissolution
INPUT: number of moles of element UESRB per mole of "special" reactant.
rate law. CPDAC
INPUT: Integer exponent of the activity of an aqueous species, specified in a rate law for precipitation.
INPUT: cr, appearing in a dissolution rate law.
INPUT: cr, appearing in a precipitation rate law.
INPUT: Ea,_, activation energy for the reverse direction.
Maximum allowed number of terms (mechanisms) in a rate law.
activation energy for the forward direction.
active surface area factor.
INPUT: The number of terms in a dissolution rate law.
INPUT: Option switch for setting kinetic mode (IOPT1
INPUT: The number of terms (mechanisms) in a precipitation rate law.
INPUT: Flag denoting the type of reactant:
1 Solid Solution 2 "Special" Reactant 3 Aqueous Species 4 Gas Species. JREAC
INPUT: Flag for each reactant:
Set to react
- 1 Saturated but continues reacting 1 Exhausted -2 Saturated, any remaining mass has been transferred to the equilibrium subsystem. MORR
INPUT: Moles of reactant at the beginning of the run.
INPUT: Moles of reactant previously destroyed.
The index of an aqueous species whose activity appears in a rate law for dissolution.
INPUT: The number of activities appearing in a term (mechanism) of a rate law for
Maximum allowed number of species whose activities can appear as a factor in a rate-law
Flag for each solid in the database involved in the calculations:
dissolution. term.
0 The solid is not a reactant with precipitation kinetics (i.e., either the solid is not a reactant or, if it is a reactant, it has NRPK 0) 1 The solid is a reactant with precipitation kinetics (i.e., with NRPK >0). =
The index of an aqueous species whose activity appears in a rate law for precipitation.
INPUT: The number of activities appearing in a term (mechanism) of a rate law for precipitation.
Reactant index parameter.
INPUT: Number of reactants.
Maximum allowed number of reactants.
INPUT: Rate law code for reactant dissolution: 1 Relative rate law 2 Transition-state theory rate law 3 Linear plus parabolic rate law 4 Activity-term rate law. 28
INPUT: Rate law code for reactant precipitation: -1 Use the specified dissolution rate law (NRK must be 2 or 4)
0 Instantaneous equilibrium precipitation 1 Relative rate law 2 Transition-state theory rate law 3 Linear (constant) rate law 4 Activity-term rate law. NSK
INPUT: Reactant surface area option switch:
0 Constant surface area 1 Constant specific surface area. NSRT
Number of "special" reactants (i.e., reactants with }CODE = 2).
Maximum allowed number of "special" reactants.
Flag for each solid solution in the data base involved in the calculations:
0 The solid solution is not a reactant with precipitation kinetics (i.e., either the solid solution is not a reactant or, if it is a reactant, it has NRPK = 0) 1 The solid solution is a reactant with precipitation kinetics (i.e., with NRPKT >0). NXRT
The number of solid-solution reactants.
Maximum allowed number of solid-solution reactants.
The gas constant = 1.98726 cal mol-1K-1 (= 8.314 J mol-1K-1).
The inverse rate (dt/ d�).
INPUT: Rate constant or parameter for a dissolution rate law (dimensionless for relative rates, otherwise mol/cm2-s).
INPUT: Rate constant or parameter for a precipitation rate law (dimensionless for relative rates, otherwise mol/cm2-s).
Rate of a reaction (molls).
The relative rate of a reaction (d�/d�).
Input: The mole fraction of an end-member mineral in a solid solution reactant. INPUT: Surface area of a reactant mineral (cm2).
Specific surface area of a reactant (cm2/mol).
INPUT: Temperature (°C) corresponding to rate constant value in RK and activation energy in EACT.
INPUT: Temperature (°C) corresponding to rate constant value in RKP and activation energy in EACTP.
Temperature (°C); calculated from TEMPCO, TK1, TK2, and TK3; see Wolery, 1986a.
INPUT: Temperature (°C) at � = 0.
Temperature (K).
Time (s).
INPUT: The maximum value of model time (s); the run terminates when TIME exceeds TIMEMX.
TK1,TK2, TK3
INPUT: Parameters for temperature variation during the run.
Overall reaction rate: sum of absolute values of RREAC for reactants with either NRK or NRPK greater than 1.
INPUT: The value of time (s) at the start of the run. INPUT: The name of an aqueous species whose activity appears in a rate law for dissolution.
INPUT: Name of a pure mineral end member of a solid solution reactant. INPUT: Name of a chemical element in a "special" reactant (i.e., in a reactant with ]CODE =2).
INPUT: Name of an aqueous species whose activity precipitation.
INPUT: Name of a reactant.
INPUT: The molar volume of a reactant (cm3/mol).
appears in a rate law for
Overall reaction progress variable, �.
INPUT: The value of Zll at the start of the run.
INPUT: The maximum allowed value of Zll in the run.
Appendix B.
Input Files for Test Problems
EQ3NR INPUT file: i3sio2
J.M. Delany + I. Puigdomenech
SUPERSATURATED QUARTZ SOLUTION, 25°C, pH determined by electrical balance Initial solution : distilled water + 101.0 ppm sio2(aq). Silica phases less stable than quartz have been suppressed. Reference: Run 2e Rimstidt (1979; pp. 62, 65, and 117 and Fig. 14) Rimstidt and Barnes