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Feb 11, 2015 - tries in the world in the field of assurance of the uniformity of .... Academy consists in participation in measures aimed at improving state prima-.
DOI 10.1007/s11018-015-0625-2 Measurement Techniques, Vol. 57, No. 11, February, 2015


V. V. Okrepilov

UDC 338.2

Comparative trends in metrological activity in Russia are considered. The role and place of the Academy of Metrology in coordination of scientific studies in the field of metrology and instrument construction under the conditions characteristic of a transition to an innovative approach to the development of the nation’s economy are demonstrated. Keywords: assurance of uniformity of measurements, standards base, training of specialists.

Measurements and methods of assurance of the uniformity of measurements play an important role in practically all spheres of human life and human activity today under the conditions typical of the increasing efficiency and increasing level of quality of labor process. The level of economic and social development of the state is determined largely by the state of affairs in the field of metrology and the capabilities of measurements. In all the developed countries of the world, metrology receives close attention at the state level, and much effort is being devoted to the improvement of measurement capabilities. Russia has firmly held a position as one of the leading countries in the world in the field of assurance of the uniformity of measurements and measurement precision. Today, Russia does not have any equal in the area of electrical and acoustic measurements, thermometry, measurements related to radioactive substances, and in a number of other fields. In terms of the calibration and measurement capabilities of national metrological institutes that are included in the base of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, Russia is one of the triple of world leaders together with the United States and Germany (Fig. 1). The increasing level of globalization of world trade and, in general, of economy has led to a need to adopt measures to eliminate different national and regional barriers to trade, industry, finance, specialists, etc., which is one of the most important problems of society at the current stage. The development of activity in metrology and the expansion of the measurement capabilities of Russia have very explicitly promoted the lifting of technical barriers to trade with foreign countries that relate to problems of trust in the results of measurements and an increase in the competitiveness of domestic products on the world market [1]. The basic objective of international cooperation in the field of metrology lies in the creation of a global system of measurements that will support the execution of measurements throughout the world on a compatible basis with a required degree of precision [2]. The directed activity of Russia in international metrological organizations has tended to increase the national authority of Russia abroad. Coordination of scientific studies in the field of metrology and instrument construction, a task that has been assigned to the Academy of Metrology, the most important public association of metrologists in Russia, is an important step at the current stage of socioeconomic development of the country. The Academy of Metrology (henceforth, Academy) was created in May 1992, when it adopted a charter and selected its first presidium. Today, the Academy combines around 1000 specialists from 75 regions of Russia, including 45 honorary Academy of Metrology, St. Petersburg, Russia; [email protected]. Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 11, pp. 55–57, November, 2014. Original article submitted September 9, 2014.


0543-1972/15/5711-1304 ©2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York

Fig. 1. Characteristics of the metrological activity of the Russian Federation: N, number of comparisons.

Congress of Academy Presidium of Academy President of Academy Central Revision Committee Scientific Council of Academy

Coordinating scientific councils Council on basic problems of metrology Council on applied problems of metrology Council on metrology in physicochemistry Council on international cooperation Council on education in the field of metrology Council on editorial work on the Encyclopedia of Metrology Council on analytic research on the demand for the development of metrology

Regional divisions

Northwest division (St. Petersburg) Central European division (Moscow) Southern division (Rostov) Volga region (Volgodonsk) Ural division (Yekaterinburg) Western Siberian division (Novosibirsk) Eastern Siberian division (Irkutsk) Far East division (Khabarovsk)

Fig. 2. Structure of the Academy of Metrology.

members from Russia and a number of foreign countries. Its membership includes specialist scientists of national metrological institutes, representatives of many post-secondary scientific institutions of Russia, research engineers who work in the field of theoretical, basic, and applied metrology, and specialists in the field of measurement information technology in branch scientific and production organizations as well as in regional organizations of Rossstandart. 1305

n, units


Fig. 3. Length of operation of the standards base of the Russian Federation: 1, 2) more than five and 20 years, respectively; 3) 10–20 years; 4) 5–10 years.

Cooperation in the development of metrology, efficient utilization of its achievements in different spheres, an increase in society’s awareness of the value of metrology, and the protection of the legal rights and common interests of metrologists were among the goals of the creation of the Academy and has been a theme of its activity. Eight coordinating councils of the Academy, including councils focused on basic, applied, and other topics of metrology along with eight regional divisions, actively function in the Academy today (Fig. 2). The practical experience gained by the specialists of the Academy and the high level of authority of organizations that are part of the Academy as collective members have made it possible to solve a broad range of scientific problems and problems of applied science. For example, metrological inspection of large inter-governmental, inter-state, and international economic and scientific and engineering projects are carried out for the purpose of supporting the interests of Russia in the international distribution of labor and metrological support of state scientific and engineering programs [3]. The strategic importance of metrology for the Russian economy and, particularly, for Russian industry, on which the transition to an innovative approach to development primarily depends, is clearly manifested under the conditions of collaboration of Russia with the World Trade Organization and within the framework of the Customs Union. In this connection, the identification and study of the essential differences and contradictions in the national legislations of the member states of the International Customs Union and the Unified Economic Space in the realm of assuring the uniformity of measurements and the development of proposals aimed at harmonizing corresponding legislation have become tasks of the Academy [4]. An important area of activity of the Academy consists in participation in measures aimed at improving state primary standards that play a major role in increasing the level of metrological assurance of high-priority trends in the development of domestic science, high technologies, and modern engineering. The base of primary standards has undergone substantial modernization over the past three years. Today, most state primary standards constitute standards with service period of less than five years, and at the start of 2014 there were 157 such standards, which roughly corresponds to the number of standards of the most industrially developed countries of the world (Fig. 3). The Academy places great emphasis on questions related to applied and legal metrology, the ultimate objective of which is the metrological assurance of human life and human activity, such as establishing and applying scientific and management principles, technical instruments, and rules and norms necessary for achieving the uniformity and a required precision of measurements. The Academy strives to take part in studies aimed at effective development of the basic types of metrological activity, including metrological control and supervision, certification and accreditation, testing and approval of the type of measurement instrument and its inspection and calibration, the development of measurement techniques, and performance of analyses of the state of measuring instruments at enterprises. Without metrological assurance, we cannot realize active development of the latest high-tech and resource-efficient technologies, developments in the area of the ecology of the habitable environment, new super-clean, stable substances and 1306

synthetic materials or ecologically clean and safe energy, seismometry and gravimetry, systems for the prevention of major accidents in zones where nuclear power stations are located and where earthquakes may occur. In the near future, active cooperation in the development of a system for the assurance of the uniformity of measurements in Russia on the basis of integrated strategic planning of activity in a given direction related to adopting conceptual measures designed to increase the role of national metrological institutes in the solution of key problems in the socioeconomic development of the country will become a critical trend in the activity of the Academy. In addition, the Academy is applying all of its efforts in organizing systematic studies aimed at efficient utilization of measurement information at enterprises, modernization of existing metrological services at industrial facilities, and the creation of new metrological services. These services will be directly involved in on-site assurance of the uniformity and required precision of measurements, the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, the calibration of equipment, and many other functions. The situation has now arisen in which the number of metrological services at enterprises has considerably shrunk. The absence of metrological monitoring, even at the stage of development of design documentation, presents a serious risk for errors and incorrect tolerances. There exists the problem of a poor level of technical supplies of metrological services at enterprises, with more than 80% of the basic measuring instruments having been manufactured prior to 1990. The question of staffing has also become critical, with most metrologists being of retirement age, while young specialists do not possess practical work experience in the field of assurance of the uniformity of measurements [5]. Under the conditions of radical economic shifts, the Academy, which brings together the country’s leading scientists and specialists in the area of measurement science, must assume a leading role today. However, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of serious questions related to the organization of the activity of the Academy, its coordinating scientific councils, and its structure and Charter, increase the activity of its regional divisions, and strengthen the relation between the regional divisions and the Presidium. In turn, scientific studies in the area of theoretical, basic, and applied metrology in regional scientific and production organizations as well as regional departments of Rossstandart must be initiated and developed. Studies must be directed towards the solution of the most important government problems and the attainment of the national interests of Russia. In addition, it is of extreme importance to constantly expand the activity of the Academy, following contemporary trends in the nation’s economy and changes in legislation and analyzing key branches of the economy. Recourse of specialists and practical experts to studies carried out by the Academy is an important direction of the work of the Academy. Today people are needed who actually work in different fields of studies on metrological topics, hence the Presidium of the Academy is undertaking practical steps at reforming its organizational structure and adding new members to its staff. The management of the Academy is undertaking definite steps at developing a program for training specialists in the area of the assurance of the uniformity of measurements, envisioning, in particular, establishing cooperation with many specialized post-secondary educational institutions, examples of which include the creation of a Base Department in the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrument Construction, the publication of the textbooks, Foundations of Metrology and Modern Problems of Standardization in Metrology and Nanotechnologies, and other areas. In the course of cooperative activities with design offices and academic institutes, the Presidium of the Academy has found it necessary to actively involve young scientists in carrying out research projects and the solution of high-priority problems facing the Academy, in fact, young personnel are a key factor in the development of everything that is progressive. In conclusion, it should be noted that the solution of these and other problems of domestic metrology will make it possible to impart a new impetus to the modernization of the economy of Russia and its transition onto an innovative path of development, which will promote the solution of the most important problem, that of increasing the quality of life of human beings. REFERENCES 1.

V. V. Okrepilov, V. N. Krutikov, and G. I. El’kin, “The economic component of support for the uniformity of measurements,” Izmer. Tekhn., No. 2, 3–8 (2014); Measur. Techn., 57, No. 2, 109–116 (2014). 1307

2. 3. 4. 5.


V. V. Okrepilov, “The economics of quality as a methodological foundation of the management of regions,” Ekon. Upravl., No. 1 (87), 8–14 (2013). Russian Encyclopedia of Metrology, Liki Rossii, St. Petersburg (2001). V. V. Okrepilov and G. N. Ivanova, “Metrology and standardization as key factors in efficient market regulation under the conditions of the Customs Union and the World Trade Organization,” Ekon. Upravl., No. 8 (94), 3–10 (2013). V. V. Okrepilov, Foundations of Metrology, GUAP, St. Petersburg (2008).

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