Feb 15, 2013 - Bridgetown 8: 132â144. Tucker,R.W.E. 1939b. Report on the entomological section for the year ending 31st March, 1939. Barbados Agric. J.
Predicting Habitat Suitability of Coptotermes gestroi (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) With Species Distribution Models HOU-FENG LI,1,2 IKUKO FUJISAKI,3
J. Econ. Entomol. 106(1): 311Ð321 (2013); DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EC12309
ABSTRACT Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) is an important structural pest reported from Asia, PaciÞc islands, North America, Caribbean islands, South America, and Indian Ocean islands. This study summarized previous records of C. gestroi and its synonyms, presenting 184 infested counties from 24 countries. Based on the geo-references occurrence locations and global raster data of climate, geography, and human population, C. gestroi were found most commonly in warm, high precipitation, low altitude, and human populated areas. By using species distribution models, we predicted its current infested area (model 1), habitat suitability (model 2), and probability of introduction (model 3) on a global scale. The results showed its recorded locations and the predicted distribution of the present day are similar, but the suitable habitat is larger than its current distribution. The patterns of the introduction frequency (model 3) and habitat suitability (model 2) are inconsistent. Temperate cities with high introduction risk are located in Europe, United Sates, northeastern China, and Japan where habitat suitability is low and hence successful colonization is unlikely. In tropics and subtropics, habitat suitability of C. gestroi is high. We speculate that continuous urbanization and increasing human population will increase its introduction frequency and cause further extension in fast developing tropical and subtropical countries. KEY WORDS invasive species, species distribution model, urban pest, subterranean termite
Urban environments are characterized by manmade construction and designed landscape but are also shaped by natural climate and geography. Some arthropods adapted to urban habitats could reproduce in large numbers, resulting in esthetic damage, economic loss, and human health threats (Robinson 2005). Domestic pests, such as Germen cockroach (Appel 1995), Pharaoh ant (Wheeler 1910), and stored food beetles (Hill 2002) complete their life cycles indoors with limited food, water, and harborage, and have been spread around the world through commerce. Subterranean termites (Rhinotermitidae) are important urban pests. The most damaging subterranean species occur in three genera, Coptotermes, Heterotermes, and, Reticulitermes (Edwards and Mill 1986), with a combined global economic impact of $40 billion annually (Rust and Su 2012). In urban environments, subterranean termites live in the peridomestic area and usually nest in soil. Their subterranean gallery system and aboveground mud tubes could extend over a hundred meters connecting underground nests and food sources such as tree stumps, dead branches of living tree, gardening wood, and wooded constructions 1 Department of Entomology and Nematology, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida, 3205 College Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314. 2 Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida, 3205 College Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314. 3 Corresponding author, e-mail: houfeng@uß.edu.
(King and Spink 1969, Messenger et al. 2005). Only a few termite species reach cosmopolitan distribution (Gay 1967, Evans 2010). Their peridomestic habitat is affected by outdoor climatic and geographic factors that probably limit their colonization and further extension in introduced area. In tropical and subtropical areas, the genus, Coptotermes, is the most signiÞcant group, including ⬇70 described species (Vargo and Husseneder 2009, Constantino 2011) and one third of which considered pests (Edwards and Mill 1986, Su and Scheffrahn 2000). Six Coptotermes species have been recorded as invasive pests, and Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) and Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, have the largest distribution (Evans 2010), and are the most often occurring in tropical and temperate areas, respectively (Su 2003). The distribution of C. formosanus had been well documented (Tamashiro and Su 1987). However, no global distribution of C. gestroi has been available because of the long-standing confusion of its taxonomy. C. gestroi was Þrst described from Myanmar, and then several synonyms were created from other Asian countries, such as C. heimi (Wasmann 1902) and C. parvulus Holmgren 1913a from India, C. havilandi Holmgren 1911a from Malaysia, C. vastator Light 1929 from the Philippines, C. pacificus Light 1932 from Indonesia, and C. obliquus Xia and He 1986 and C. yaxianensis Li 1986 from China. In the 20th century, C. gestroi was introduced to other geographic areas including PaciÞc islands, North America, Caribbean is-
0022-0493/13/0311Ð0321$04.00/0 䉷 2013 Entomological Society of America
lands, South American, and Indian Ocean islands (Gay 1967). The synonyms of C. gestroi were adopted individually at different geographic areas for many decades. In light of recent taxonomic studies (Roonwal and Chhotani 1962; Gay 1967; Kirton and Brown 2003; Yeap et al. 2007, 2010; Li et al. 2011), the C. parvulus, C. pacificus, C. havilandi, C. vastator, C. heimi, C. obliquus, and C. yaxianensis were proven to be junior synonyms of C. gestroi. Currently, C. gestroi is considered the most destructive structural pest in Southeast Asia (Kirton and Azmi 2005, Lee et al. 2007), India (Roonwal and Chhotani 1989, referred as C. heimi), and Brazil (Constantino 2002, referred as C. havilandi). C. gestroi continually extended its infestation in newly invaded areas, including Taiwan (Li et al. 2009) and Florida (Su et al. 1997, Scheffrahn and Su 2005). In addition to the taxonomic confusion, obtaining a global distribution map through Þeld survey is always time-consuming and Þnancially challenging. Previous termite surveys were geographically scattered and dependant on work of few scientists. Sampling bias caused by different investigators and different original research purposes remain uncorrected because of sparse information on previous sampling methods. We have no idea if many of the areas that show an absence of C. gestroi truly lack this species or just have not been properly surveyed yet. To overcome these limitations, the current study reviews published literature with several hundreds of collection records of C. gestroi (Table 1) to obtain its recorded occurrence locations (Fig. 1A), and by using species distribution models to predict its current areas of infestation (Fig. 1B). Species distribution models or ecological niche models are frequently used to predict the potential range of exotic species (Peterson and Vieglais 2001, Welk et al. 2002) to assess invasion potential. A common approach is to parameterize models based on the native range of species and use the deÞned environmental correlates to predict the adventive range (Welk et al. 2002, Richardson and Thuiller 2007). Various methods have been developed that allow predictions using existing species occurrence data to understand the mechanism of speciesÕ arrange shifts in the face of global-scale ecological changes (Elith et al. 2011). Climate variables, such as temperature and precipitation, are often seen as primary driving factors among environmental variables. Previous laboratory studies have shown C. gestroiÕs foraging and nesting behavior are affected by environmental factors such as temperature, soil moisture, and soil type (Arab and CostaÐ Leonardo 2005, Arab et al. 2005, Lima et al. 2006). Additional variables, such as land cover type, are used to further reÞne the model (Pearson et al. 2004, Bradley and Mustard 2006). In the current study, we describe the ecological niche of C. gestroi based on the climatic and geographic data of the recorded locations (Fig. 2). By using species distribution models, we further predicted its habitat suitability (Fig. 1C) and probability of introduction globally (Fig. 1D).
Vol. 106, no. 1 Materials and Methods
Locations Sampled. Published literature containing collection records of C. gestroi and its synonyms were reviewed. The Þrst documented year in each country, recorded species name, identiÞed material, and references were tabulated (Table 1). To establish a regular resolution database for worldwide distribution simulation, only county records or smaller administrative regions were used for current study. If multiple locations were documented in a county, we randomly selected one location. If no speciÞc location was mentioned in a county, physical middle point was chosen. In total, 184 county records of 24 countries were obtained from 66 publications (Table 1). Coordinates of the 184 observation points were estimated by using Google Earth software. In addition, background reference points were selected at 0.5 degree interval, which approximately correspond to a county size, on terrestrial area between 40 degrees north and south latitude where most termite species were found (Eggleton 2000). In total, 30,385 background reference points were obtained. Environmental Factors. To describe ecological niche of C. gestroi and to predict its current distribution area, habitat suitability, and possibility of introduction in worldwide scale, publicly available global raster data of environmental factors were used. Monthly minimum and maximum temperatures, precipitation and altitude, which were representative of 1950 Ð2000 (Hijimas et al. 2005), were obtained from WorldClim (2010). From monthly minimum and maximum temperatures and precipitation, we derived annual minimum and maximum temperatures and precipitation. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/terra land cover type 2007 data with the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) vegetation classiÞcation scheme, which differentiates 16 land cover classes (Friedl et al. 2002), were obtained from NASA the Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (2010). Gridded Population of the World (GPW) version three (Center for International Earth Science Information Network [CIESIN] 2005), which depicts the human population density in 2010, was obtained from Web site of the Center for International Earth Science Information Network of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Raster data of MODIS land cover type, and human population were resampled with nearest neighbor assignment to match 30 arc-seconds grid of temperature, precipitation, and altitude data using ArcGIS 9.3. Values of environmental raster data at each sample point were extracted using ArcGIS 9.3 Spatial Analyst. PearsonÕs correlation coefÞcient between every paired environmental factor, except for categorical land cover type, was calculated and tested under a hypothesis of no correlation using SAS CORR procedure (SAS Institute 1985). The difference between recorded sites and regular selected locations on the six environmental factors, excluding land cover type, was tested by Wilcoxon rank sum test using SAS NPAR1WAY procedure (SAS Institute 1985).
February 2013 Table 1. Geographic area Asia
First record of Coptotermes gestroi at each infested country, identification method, and references First record
Recorded species name
Termes gestroi Wasmanna Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) T. gestroi C. gestroi C. havilandi Holmgren C. travians (⫽ C. gestroi)b
C. gestroi C. havilandi C. gestroi C. gestroi
French Polynesia Guam (U.S.)
1932 1970
C. pacificus Lighta C. formosanus (⫽ C. vastator)b
A ?
C. vastator C. vastator C. vastator C. vastator C. vastator C. havilandi
A, S A A, S mt gene A, S S
C. havilandi C. gestroi C. gestroi C. havilandi C. havilandi C. javanicus C. havilandi C. havilandi
A, S A, S mt gene ? A ? ? A, S
Light 1932 Hromada 1970 (Su and Scheffrahn 1998) Su and Scheffrahn 1998 Weesner 1965 Woodrow et al. 2001 Yeap et al. 2007 Morimoto and Ishii 2000 Ferraz and MendezÐMontiel 2004 Su et al. 1997 Scheffrahn and Su 2005 Li et al. 2009 Adamson 1938 Tucker 1939a Tucker 1939b Adamson 1948 Herna´ndez 1994
C. havilandi C. gestroi C. havilandi C. gestroi C. havilandi C. gestroi C. havilandi C. gestroi C. havilandi C. havilandi C. gestroi C. havilandi Coptotermes sp. C. havilandi C. havilandi
S mt gene ? mt gene ? S S mt gene ? A, S mt gene ? A, S A, S ?
Scheffrahn et al. 1990 Scheffrahn et al. 2004 Scheffrahn et al. 1994 Scheffrahn et al. 2004 Scheffrahn et al. 1994 Scheffrahn et al. 2004 Scheffrahn et al. 2003 Jenkins et al. 2007 Araujo 1958 CostaÐLeonardo et al. 1999 Martins et al. 2010 Fontes and Milano 2002 Moutia 1936 Snyder 1949 Paulian 1957
2000 1994 1996
British West Indies
Antigua and Barbuda
Montserrat (U.K.) Saint Kitts and Nevis Puerto Rico (U.S.)
1994 1997 2002
South America Brazil
C. gestroi T. gestroi C. gestroi C. gestroi Arrhinotermes heimi Wasmanna A. heimi Wasmann C. parvulus Holmgrena C. gestroi
C. havilandi Holmgrena C. havilandi C. havilandi C. gestroi C. gestroi C. javanicus Kemnera C. parvulus C. heimi C. gestroi C. heimi C. heimi C. gestroi C. formosanus (⫽ C. vastator)b C. travians (⫽C. vastator)b C. vastator Lighta C. yaxianensis Lia C. obliquus Xia et Hea C. gestroi C. heimi
Japan/Marcus Island North America Mexico
Indian Ocean
Caribbean Ocean
ID methodsc
Wasmann 1896 Holmgren 1911a Haviland 1898 Holmgren 1911a Holmgren 1913b Tho 1992 (Kirton and Brown 2003) S, mt gene Yeap et al. 2007 S Haviland 1898 S Holmgren 1911a S, mt gene Yeap et al. 2007 A Wasmann 1902 A, S Holmgren 1913b S Holmgren 1913a S Holmgren and Holmgren 1917 A, S Oshima 1910a ? Holmgren 1912 S Tsai and Chen 2003 A, S, mt Li et al. 2009 gene ? Holmgren 1911a A Holmgren 1913b S Ahmad 1965 S, mt gene Yeap et al. 2007 S Holmgren 1911a A, S Kemner 1934 S Kemner 1934 S Amir 1975 S, mt gene Yeap et al. 2007 S Ahmad 1955 A, S Chaudhry and Ahmad 1972 S, mt gene Yeap et al. 2010 S Oshima 1920 (Light 1929) S Oshima 1920 (Light 1929) A, S Light 1929 A, S Li 1986 S Xia and He 1986 S Xia and He 1986 A, S Chaudhry and Ahmad 1972
PaciÞc Ocean
Paraguay Mauritius
1998 1936
French Re´ union
Additional referencesd Haviland 1898, Holmgren 1913b, Kirton and Brown 2003 Jenkins et al. 2007
Jenkins et al. 2007
Silvestri 1923, Roonwal and Chhotani 1962, Roonwal and Bose 1964, Chatterjee and Thakur 1967, Amir 1975, Roonwal and Chhotani 1989 Oshima 1910b
Holmgren 1911b, Harris 1968, Roonwal and Chhotani 1989, Jenkins et al. 2007 Roonwal and Chhotani 1962, Kirton and Brown 2003
Roonwal and Chhotani 1962, Khan and Ahmad 1955
Li 2000
Amir 1975, Roonwal and Chhotani 1989 Yudin 2002
Scheffrahn 2004, Jenkins et al. 2007
Snyder 1956 Scheffrahn et al. 1994, J. Krecek presonal communication Scheffrahn et al. 1994 Scheffrahn et al. 2003
Menezes et al. 1998, Fontes and Veiga 1998, Constantino 2002, Ferraz and MendezÐMontiel 2004
Original descriptions of C. gestroi and its synonyms. Specimen was Þrst misidentiÞed as other species (not synonyms), which was later changed into C. gestroi or its synonyms. IdentiÞcation methods: S, soldier morphology; A, alate morphology; mt gene, mitochondria DNA gene sequences; ?, unmentioned method. d References presented additional collection localities for the country. b c
Vol. 106, no. 1
Fig. 1. Coptotermes gestroi distribution and invasion simulation in global wide scale. According to previous studies, on total 184 counties of 24 countries were infested (A). Based on the distribution records and global raster data of climate, geography, and human population, C. gestroi infestation of the present day (B, model 1), habitat suitability (C, model 2), and probability of introduction (D, model 3) were predicted by using species distribution model.
February 2013
Fig. 2. Comparison of six environmental factors between C. gestroi recorded locations and background reference points at overall terrestrial domain between north and south 40 degree. Environmental factors included: annual minimum and maximum temperature (A, B); annual minimum and maximum precipitation in driest and wettest month (C, D); altitude (E); human population density (F). In total, 184 records of C. gestroi was showed by columns and right vertical axis. Background reference points were selected at 0.5 degree interval, which approximately correspond to a county size, on terrestrial area between 40 degrees north and south latitude. In total, 30,385 regular points was presented by lines and left vertical axis. The difference between recorded sites and regular selected locations on each environmental factor was tested by Wilcoxon rank sum test. Z and p value were shown in each subÞgure.
Habitat Suitability Simulation. We used the maximum entropy (Maxent) algorithm (Phillips et al. 2006, Elith et al. 2011), a machine-learning robust species distribution modeling method with presence only data (Elith et al. 2006, Hernandez et al. 2006, Guisan et al.
2007), following to a number of preceding studies that predicted potential distribution of exotic species in their adventive range (e.g., Elith et al. 2010, 2011). Using geo-referenced presence data, randomly selected pseudo-absences data, and environmental fea-
316 Table 2.
Vol. 106, no. 1
Correlation analysis of the six environmental factors (SAS, CORR procedure)
Environmental factors
Min temp (MinT) Max temp (MaxT) Min precipitation (MinP) Max precipitation (MaxP) Altitude (Alt) Population (Pop)
⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 0.06
0.44 ⫺0.46
0.29 ⫺0.29 0.01
⫺0.47 ⫺0.36 ⫺0.04 ⫺0.06
0.14 ⫺0.09 0.02 0.13 ⫺0.11
⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 0.25
0.92 0.59 0.78
0.47 0.09
r, above diagonal; p value, below diagonal.
tures, Maxent establishes species-environmental relationship, and uses the relationship to deÞne a spatially explicit probability distribution of the environmental suitability for the modeled species. We assessed the performance of the model prediction by using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (area under the curve, AUC), a threshold-independent measure of model performance that measures the degree to which predicted probabilities at random occupied points exceed those at random background points (Fielding and Bell 1997). We randomly split the data into training and testing subsets, with 75% of the presence data to train models and the remaining 25% as test cases to calculate AUC. The simulation model with all seven environmental factors mentioned above was generated Þrst. Because the Þrst model showed the two anthropogenic factors, human population and land cover type, were dominant, to reveal the habitat suitability with limited human inßuence, the second model was generated with the other Þve climatic and geographic factors. For comparison, the third model was generated with the two anthropogenic factors alone. The reasons why land cover type was categorized as anthropogenic factor in current study were further discussed in results and discussion section. Results Ecological Niche Description. C. gestroi distributed between north and south 35 degree latitude, and over 88% (163/184) observation locations were at northern hemisphere (Fig. 1A). Comparison of the six environmental factors between the observation points and background reference points showed C. gestroi was not homogeneously distributed at terrestrial domain (p ⬍ 0.001, SAS NPAR1WAY) (Fig. 2). Most C. gestroi was found at warmer areas where the annual minimum and maximum temperature were 13.2 ⫾ 6.2 (mean ⫾ SD) and 34.8 ⫾ 4.7⬚C (Fig. 2A,B). These areas were recorded with high annual precipitation, 1477.3 ⫾ 813.4 mm, and the minimum and maximum precipitation in the driest and wettest month were 23.4 ⫾ 33.3 mm (Fig. 2C) and 309.4 ⫾ 182.6 mm (Fig. 2D), respectively. Most records (87%, 160/184) located at low land areas (⬍500 m altitude; Fig. 2E). Over 80% of C. gestroi records (147/ 183) were found at human populated areas with over 200 people per square kilometer. However, in overall terrestrial domain between north and south 40 degree, only 8% area contains such high human population density (Fig. 2 F). For land
cover type, 84 records were in urban area, 28 in croplands, 16 in evergreen broadleaf forest, 15 in mosaic area of cropland and natural vegetation, 12 in woody savanna, 9 Ð10 in open shrub lands or permanent wetlands, and 1Ð3 in closed shrub land, evergreen needle leaf forest, deciduous broadleaf forest, mixed forests, or grasslands. There were ⬇69% (127/184) records found in human modiÞed areas including urban area, cropland, and mosaic area of cropland and natural vegetation. Of the 184 observation locations, annual minimum and maximum temperatures were negatively correlated (p ⬍ 0.001; Table 2). Annual minimum and maximum temperatures were strongly correlated with minimum and maximum precipitation, and altitude (p ⬍ 0.001; Table 2). The other environmental factor pairs did not show a correlation. The human population was not correlated with any other factors (p ⬎ 0.05). Of the seven environmental factors, annual minimum and maximum temperatures, minimum and maximum precipitation, and altitude are mostly correlated and we considered them as natural factors. Because most termites were found in human populated areas, we considered land cover type and human population are anthropogenic factors in this study. Model Simulation. All three models resulted in high AUC (0.978, 0.936, and 0.968 for models 1, 2, and 3), suggesting that the predicted probability of habitat suitability at observed locations was greater than at random background points. Predicted current areas of infestation with model 1 (Fig. 1B), which included seven environmental factors, highly matched the current observed distribution of C. gestroi (Fig. 1A) with few exceptions such as southeastern China (Guangdong province), Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Western Africa (northern coast of Gulf of Guinea). According to model 2 (Fig. 1C), which included Þve climatic and geographic factors, the area of suitable habits for C. gestroi is much larger than its current known distribution (Fig. 1A). Most Southeast Asia, South Asian, northern Australia, surrounding areas of Gulf of Mexico, Central America, northeast of South America (northeast of Andes Mountains), central and southeastern Africa, and Madagascar are suitable habits for C. gestroi. The prediction with model 3 (Fig. 1D), which included only anthropogenic factors such as human population and land cover type, reconÞrmed that the current distribution of C. gestroi is human mediated. Many developed areas including metropolitan areas in eastern United States, central Europe, Japan, and northeastern China were under high risk of
February 2013
C. gestroi invasion because of high human activity (Fig. 1D, model 3); however, climatic and other geographic conditions of these areas are not suitable for its colonization (Fig. 1C, model 2). Discussion The historical collection records (Table 1, and cited references) reßect that C. gestroi and its synonymic species had already widely distributed in South Asia and Southeast Asia when they were Þrst described between 1895 and 1934. So far, most records (144 of 184 counties) are observations made in Asia. Genetic studies showed C. gestroi collected from non-Asian countries could be linked to Asian populations (Jenkins et al. 2007, Martins et al. 2010), which also supported the suggestion that Asia is the origin of the species. The putative native populations could be further divided into several geographic groups such as Philippines, Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, and India (Li et al. 2009; Yeap et al. 2009a, 2010, 2011). However, not all currently infested Asian countries are in its native range. Phylogeographic studies using mitochondrial gene sequences and microsatellite markers demonstrated that C. gestroi invaded Taiwan recently from the Philippines (Li et al. 2009, Yeap et al. 2011). To further deÞne the endemic range of C. gestroi, genetic studies including samples collected from Pakistan in the west to the Philippines in the east would be necessary. The simulation models of the current study showed C. gestroi may have already occurred in southern Myanmar, Cambodia, southern Vietnam, and southern China (Fig. 1B), hence, Þeld survey in these areas would be crucial for determining its endemic range. Outside of Asia, C. gestroi was Þrst recorded in Brazil of South America in 1923 and then found at islands of Caribbean Ocean, Indian Ocean, and PaciÞc Ocean in 1930s. North America is the latest continent inhabited, reporting invasion in 1990s. Jekins et al. (2007) and Martins et al. (2010) attempted to trace the source of the intercepted or invaded populations of United States, Australia, Puerto Rico, and Brazil by using mitochondrial gene sequences. In these two studies, only endemic populations from Malay Peninsula were included, hence, other possible sources, such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and India, were excluded. For further studies, including more native population samples and adopting molecular markers with high resolution of population structure such as microsatellite markers (Yeap et al. 2009b) would facilitate our understanding of its historical dispersal route. The natural dispersal of termite population relies on dispersal ßights of the alate caste produced by mature colonies. Compared with other insects, termite alates are weak ßiers. Most of observed termite species ßew less than several hundred meters and only ßy once in their life time (Nutting 1969). Hence, it is not easy for termites to cross natural barriers, which limited the size of their endemic area. To date, only 26 of the around three thousands termite species (⬍1%) are invasive species (Evans 2010). These termites, includ-
ing C. gestroi, share three biological characteristics: feeding on sound wood, nesting in wood, and high generating supplementary reproductive (Evans 2010), which ease their dispersion through anthropogenic transportation and colonization in human modiÞed environment. Sound wood is the common material used for boat and house construction, cargo container, pallet, and furniture. With proper water supply, termite species feeding and nesting in these wood material and wood products can survive long distance transportation. Boats and vessel infested by C. gestroi have been reported from Florida (Scheffrahn and Su 2005) and from Italy (Ghesini et al. 2011). These boats may be infested through cargos, or during termite dispersal ßight seasons, alates might have been attracted by light radiating from boats and then formed incipient colonies on boats. After several years, following generation of alates produced by mature colonies could ßy out from the boats to another port. Infested marine hubs have been reported as the source of further dispersion of invasive termite species on land (Hochmair and Scheffrahn 2010). In addition, shipping infested wood and wood products are another introduction pathway across natural barriers. Termites could forage out of infested woods and extend its territory from wood to soil. Orphaning colony of C. gestroi could produce supplementary reproductive caste within a few months (CostaÐLeonardo et al. 2004), which increases survival rate of introduced colonies. A biological invasion event generally included two major steps: 1) introduction by human vectors and 2) naturalization at nonendemic area (FalkÐPetersen et al. 2006). In the current study, we could divide the seven environmental factors into two groups for simulating the two steps of its invasion. Human population is related to anthropogenic transportation and hence it is an introduction factor. For the land cover type, most of records (127/184, 69%) were in human developed area. Based on the observation in newly invaded area, Taiwan (Li et al. 2009), C. gestroi nested in tree trunks and stumps were commonly found not only in urban area but also in nondisturbed environment that indicates human modiÞed environment is not the required factor for its survival. Wood construction and wood production in urban and developed areas were more likely the initial food source for their early colonization. Observation frequency on land cover types should represent more on frequency of introduction than habitat suitability for establishment. Model 3 that included human population and land cover type predicted introduction frequency of C. gestroi worldwide. However, minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation, and altitude are crucial environmental factors for its establishment. Model 2 including the Þve climatic and geographic factors predicted the habitat suitability for its naturalization. Model 1 including all seven anthropogenic, climatic, and geographic factors predicts its current infestation in both endemic and invaded area based on introduction possibility and habitat suitability.
By comparing the simulation maps, we found inconsistent patterns of the introduction frequency (model 3) and habitat suitability (model 2). Their overlapped areas for these two models include India, Southeast Asian, part of Western Africa, southern China, and scattered spots in Central and South America. Some temperate cities with high introduction risk are located in Europe, United Sates, northeastern China, and Japan. We speculated that if human create a favorable environment such as indoor heating, local infestation may occur in these temperate zone, but further naturalization is unlikely. However, tropics and subtropics are under higher risk of C. gestroi establishment. Model 2 (Fig. 1C) showed that the predicted suitable habitat of C. gestroi is much larger than its current distribution (model 1, Fig. 1B). Continuous urbanization and increasing human population in tropical and subtropical areas will increase its introduction frequency. Once the introduced colonies established in tropical and subtropical urban area, climatic factors will be unlikely to further limit naturalization and expansion. The congenerous temperate species, C. formosanus, is considered one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world (Global Invasive Species Database 2010) because of the substantial damage this species caused in the three fast developed and populated countries, United State, China, and Japan. Comparing the distribution range of these two congenerous species, C. gestroi is found in wider range and in more countries than C. formosanus, and its economic and ecological impact may exceed that of C. formosanus. Further, fast urbanization and increasing international development because of rapid development of tropical and subtropical regions, such as Brazil, India, Indonesia, and several other Southeast Asia countries may surge the invasion and expansion of the tropical species, C. gestroi. In the current study, we summarized the records of C. gestroi in 24 countries, and described its ecological niche. Based on geographic, climatic and anthropogenic information, we used species distribution models to simulate its current infestation (model 1), habitat suitability (model 2), and introduction probability (model 3) worldwide. To improve the species distribution models of C. gestroi for future studies still depends on more Þeld collection data and reliable identiÞcation. Local pest control operators are at the Þrst line of termite problems, and hence cooperating with pest control industry would be a solution to increase collection data and to discover new infestation promptly. In addition, to use both morphological and genetic characteristics would profoundly improve the identiÞcation of Coptotermes spp. We hope the current study stimulates future study, including: 1) Local scientists or pest management professionals could conduct Þeld survey in the areas with no records of C. gestroi but with high infestation possibility to verify its infestation. 2) Taxonomists could pay more attention on Coptotermes specimens collected in the areas with high infestation possibility of C. gestroi. New records or additional synonyms may be discovered. 3) Coun-
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tries with high introduction probability and high habitat suitability could take actions to develop quarantine procedures and to implement construction practice to reduce its potential damage in advance. Acknowledgments We thank our colleagues of Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florid for translating literature and geo-referencing collection location including Rudolf Scheffrahn and Dennis Zielstra (German), Natsumi Kanzaki (Japanese), Thomas Chouvenc (French), Maria Teresa Ferreiar (Portuguese), Garima Kakkar (Indian), and Angelica Moncada (Spanish). The authors also thank the two anonymous reviewers and Tonini Francesco and Paul Bardunias (University of Florida) reviewing the early version of this manuscript. This study was supported in part by a grant from USDAÐAgriculture Research Services under the grant agreement 58-6435-2-276.
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