Predictive Maintenance with Multi-Target Classification Models Mark Last1, Alla Sinaiski1, Halasya Siva Subramania2 Department of Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
[email protected],
[email protected] 2 India Science Lab, General Motors Global Research and Development GM Technical Centre India Pvt Ltd, Creator Building, International Tech Park Ltd. Whitefield Road, Bangalore - 560 066, INDIA
[email protected] 1
Abstract. Unexpected failures occurring in new cars during the warranty period increase the warranty costs of car manufacturers along with harming their brand reputation. A predictive maintenance strategy can reduce the amount of such costly incidents by suggesting the driver to schedule a visit to the dealer once the failure probability within certain time period exceeds a pre-defined threshold. The condition of each subsystem in a car can be monitored onboard vehicle telematics systems, which become increasingly available in modern cars. In this paper, we apply a multi-target probability estimation algorithm (MIFN) to an integrated database of sensor measurements and warranty claims with the purpose of predicting the probability and the timing of a failure in a given subsystem. The multi-target algorithm performance is compared to a single-target probability estimation algorithm (IFN) and reliability modeling based on Weibull analysis. Keywords: Predictive Maintenance, Telematics, Fault Prognostics, Vehicle Health Management, Reliability, Multi-Target Classification, Info-Fuzzy Networks.
1 Introduction Three major maintenance policies include corrective, preventive, and predictive maintenance [12]. Corrective maintenance implies that equipment, such as a vehicle, is repaired after a failure has occurred. As long as a vehicle is under a warranty agreement, the vehicle owner does not usually pay for the repair though he or she can suffer a severe inconvenience as a result of an unexpected malfunction and the time wasted on a visit to an authorized car dealer. Most vehicles are also subject to a preventive maintenance policy, which requires performing certain inspections and other operations at a schedule predetermined by the car manufacturer, mostly on the basis of mileage and/or time in service. Since these actions are scheduled in advance,
the customer has the flexibility to perform them at the time of his or her convenience. This policy is also expected to reduce warranty costs by avoiding claims related to unexpected failures that may occur if the periodic maintenance is not performed on time. However, the preventive maintenance policy does not take into account the actual condition of the car subsystems as periodic maintenance activities are scheduled at a fixed mileage or time interval. In contrast, predictive maintenance (also called Condition Based Maintenance [5]) can schedule a visit to the dealer based on some sensory information representing the current condition of the car and its subsystems. This approach should, on one hand, minimize the risk of unexpected failures, which may occur before the next periodic maintenance operation, and on the other hand, reduce the amount of unnecessary preventive maintenance activities. Extensive amounts of telematics data are collected nowadays by several car manufacturers. To utilize this sensory information for predictive maintenance we need to identify the features relevant to predicting each type of failure and to find accurate models that will predict the probability of failure as a function of elapsed time (one week, two weeks, etc.). Such time-based probability distribution will assist the customer to determine the urgency of his/her next visit to the dealer. Obviously, if the failure probability until the time of the next periodic maintenance activity is too low, an extra visit to the dealer would be redundant. Thus, the predictive maintenance policy should provide the maximum “peace of mind” for the customer. Several data mining methods have been used in the past to support the predictive maintenance policy. Thus, the authors of [10] use a hybrid, dynamic Bayesian network to model the temporal behavior of the faults and determine fault probabilities in the Mercedes-Benz E320 sedan handling system. The continuous input to the diagnostic system comes from six sensors located on the vehicle: four wheel speed sensors, a yaw rate gyro, and a steering angle sensor. In the case study of [10], ten faults are considered: a failure of any of the four tires as well as faults of any of the six sensors. In [12], an artificial neural network model is developed to estimate the life percentile and failure times of roller bearings based on the available sensory information. Given the conditional probability distribution provided by the neural network model, the optimal replacement strategies are computed by a cost matrix method. The authors of [1] propose a two-step approach to predictive maintenance. First, a decision-tree algorithm is applied to sensory data in order to identify the relevant features for the condition of the equipment and the associated thresholds (split values of the features selected by the algorithm). Second, a reliability model, such as Weibull distribution, is fitted to the live data of the equipment for predicting the time interval to the next maintenance action. The method is demonstrated on a historical maintenance database of more than 2000 copiers. In this paper, we apply a multi-target probability estimation algorithm (MultiTarget Info-Fuzzy Network) to an integrated synthetic dataset of sensory data and warranty failure data. The goal is to issue an early warning of a failure expected in an individual car as well as to estimate the approximate timing of the expected failure (e.g., within one week, within two weeks, etc.). Multi-target classification and probability estimation methods are presented in the next section followed by a brief description of Weibull reliability analysis. The results of a case study based on the synthetic data are described next. We conclude the paper with some directions for
future applications of multi-target and multi-model data mining methods to the maintenance data.
Multi-Target Classification
As indicated in [2], the common assumption of most data mining algorithms (decision trees, Naïve Bayes, artificial neural networks, etc.) that a learning task has only one objective is very restrictive. Data objects in many real-world databases may be simultaneously assigned multiple class labels related to multiple tasks (targets). These targets (dimensions) may be strongly related to each other, completely unrelated, or just weakly related. Thus, in case of predictive maintenance of a car, we may be interested to predict the occurrence and the timing of one or several failures in the same subsystem or even in completely different subsystems (e.g., batteries and tires). The most straightforward approach to the problem of multi-target (sometimes called multi-objective) classification is to induce a separate model for each target using any single-target classification algorithm. Though the resulting models may be the best (e.g., the most accurate) ones for every individual target, the user may find a multi-target model much more comprehensible than a collection of single-target models. Moreover, as demonstrated by Caruana [2] and Last [6], the combination of several classification tasks in a single model may even increase the overall predictive accuracy. In order to provide a unified framework for single-target and multi-target prediction tasks, Last [6] has defined an extended classification task using the following notation: R = (A1,..., Ak) - a set of k attributes in the dataset (k 2). C - a non-empty subset of n candidate input features (C R, |C| = n 1). The values of these features are usually known and they can be used to predict the values of target attributes. In case of predictive maintenance, these features may represent the sensory data. O - a non-empty subset of m target (“output”) attributes (O R, |O| = m 1). This is a subset of attributes representing the variables to predict, such as failure occurrence, time to failure, etc. The extended classification task is to build an accurate model (or models) for predicting the values of all target attributes, based on the corresponding dependency subset (or subsets) I C of input features. The Multi-Target Classification task is different from Multitask Learning described by Caruana in [2]. The explicit goal of Multitask Learning is to improve the accuracy of predicting the values of a single-dimensional class (defined as the main learning task) by training the classification model, such as a neural network or a decision tree, on several related tasks (additional class dimensions). This is called inductive transfer between learning tasks. As emphasized by [2], the only concern of Multitask Learning is the generalization accuracy of the model, not its intelligibility. In contrast, this paper focuses on multi-target classification rather than on multi-task learning, since predictive maintenance involves two equally important prediction tasks: estimating the probability of failure and estimating the time to failure. Multitarget classification is also different from the multi-objective approach to
classification [4], which is usually aimed at finding the best trade-off between accuracy and interpretability of a single-target classification model. As shown in [6], an m-target classification function can be represented by a multitarget info-fuzzy network (M-IFN), where each terminal node is associated with the probability distributions of all target attributes (unlike the bloomy decision tree model [ 11] where the leaf nodes predict only a subset of class dimensions). The M-IFN model is an extension of an Oblivious Read-Once Decision Graph (OODG) called information network (IN) [9]. Unlike the standard decision-tree models, the information network uses the same input attribute across all nodes of a given layer (level). The input attributes are selected incrementally by the IN induction algorithm to maximize a global decrease in the conditional entropy of the target attribute. The IN induction algorithm is using the pre-pruning approach: when no attribute causes a statistically significant decrease in the entropy, the network construction is stopped. In [9], the IN induction algorithm is shown empirically to produce much more compact models than other methods of decision-tree learning, while preserving nearly the same level of classification accuracy. The Multi-Target Info-Fuzzy Network (M-IFN) induction procedure starts with defining the target layer, which has a node for each category, or value, of every class dimension and the “root” node representing an empty set of input attributes. The MIFN construction algorithm has only the growing (top-down) phase. The top-down construction is terminated (pre-pruned) by a statistical significance test and, consequently, there is no need in bottom-up post-pruning of the network branches. M-IFN construction is an iterative rather than a recursive process. At every iteration, the algorithm utilizes the entire set of training instances to choose an input (predicting) feature (from the set of unused "candidate input" features), which maximizes the decrease in the total conditional entropy of all class dimensions. The conditional mutual information of a class dimension Yi and an input feature Xn given the features X1, …, Xn-1 is calculated by: MI (Yi ; X n / X 1 ,..., X n 1 ) H (Yi / X 1 ,..., X n 1 ) H (Yi / X 1 ,..., X n )
x1 X 1 ,..., xn X n , yi Yi
p (x1 ,..., xn , yi ) log
p ( yi , xn / x1 ,..., xn 1 ) p ( yi / x1 ,..., xn 1 ) p ( xn / x1 ,..., xn 1 )
At n-th iteration, the M-IFN construction algorithm chooses the input feature Xj*, which maximizes the sum of information gains over all class dimensions by finding m
j* arg max MI (Yi ; X j / X 1 ,..., X n 1 ) j
i 1
Further details on the M-IFN induction algorithm are provided in [6]. It is also shown in [6] that the resulting M-IFN model has the following information-theoretic properties: The average accuracy of a multi-target model in predicting the values of m target attributes will usually not be worse, or even will be better, than the average accuracy of m single-target models using the same set of input features. If all target attributes are either mutually independent or completely dependent on each other, the M-IFN induction algorithm is expected to produce the optimal (most accurate) model.
The M-IFN induction algorithm has been successfully applied to several real-world multi-target tasks such as prediction of grape and wine quality dimensions [8] and quality control of a complex manufacturing process [7].
Weibull Analysis
According to the Weibull reliability analysis, the probability of a component failure (such as a battery failure) up to some point in time can be calculated from the car age (in months in service) or, alternatively, from its mileage using the following formula:
F ( x) 1 e
Where β is called the shape parameter and α is the scale parameter. The x variable can represent either mileage or months in service. Weibull distribution is capable of modeling Decreasing Failure Rate (β < 1), Constant Failure Rate (β = 1) and Increasing Failure Rate (β >1) behavior. For new cars, we would expect the shape parameter to be smaller than one, indicating the “early-life” behavior, which the first part of the well-known “bathtub curve”. Once the parameters of the Weibull distribution are known, the probability of failure over any period of time starting at the point x1 and ending at the point x2 can be calculated as F(x2) – F (x1).
Case Study: Battery Failure Prediction
Data Description
We have applied the single-target and the multi-target Info-Fuzzy Network algorithms (IFN and M-IFN) to an integrated synthetic dataset of sensory and warranty data simulated for some high-end car model (with high electrical/electronic content) over a period of several months. In this case study, the focus is on battery (Lead Acid SLI batteries) failure prediction in each individual vehicle. We have used the following definitions of the target attributes: Battery Failure – 1 if there was a failure after measurement (Repair Operation = Battery Recharge or Battery Replace), 0 - otherwise. Elapsed Time – the number of days elapsed between the data collection date (CREATED_TIMESTAMP) and the claim date (REPAIR_DATE). The value of this attribute (in months) was discretized to the following intervals: 0 (no failure), 0.001-0.5, 0.5-1, 1-2, 2+.
The generated dataset includes 46,418 records representing periodical battery sensory readings for 21,814 distinct vehicles. We have simulated the failure distribution based on battery warranty trends in real vehicles, resulting in 394 simulated battery failures, which is only 0.8% of the total number of readings. Thus, we are facing here a prediction problem characterized by extremely imbalanced classes. The use of each data attribute in the prediction process is presented in Table 1 below. Table 1 List of Attributes
Name OCV Temp SOC Load OASAH RSOC Battery Failure SLOPE_VBAT Odometer Age MPD (Average mileage per day) Elapsed Time
Use Candidate Input Candidate Input Candidate Input Candidate Input Candidate Input Candidate Input Target Candidate Input Candidate Input Candidate Input Candidate Input Target
4.2 Performance Measures Each prediction rule produced by the IFN or the M-IFN construction algorithm provides an estimation of the failure probability given certain values of the input (predictive) features. We assume that the system issues an alarm if the Missed Alarm cost exceeds the False Alarm cost, i.e. FN * CR > FP, where FP (1 – Probability (Failure)) is the False Alarm probability when an alarm is raised, FN (Probability (Failure)) is the Missed Alarm probability when an alarm is not raised, and CR = is the Cost Ratio between the cost of a missed alarm and the cost of a false alarm. Consequently, the expected misclassification cost of a failure prediction rule can be calculated as min (FP * 1, FN * CR). As in our case study there was no accurate information about the acceptable TP / FP rates and/or misclassification costs, prediction models were evaluated based on the entire area under its ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve (also known as AUC). ROC curves [3] are two-dimensional graphs in which the TP (True Positive) rate is plotted on the Y axis and the FP (False Positive) rate is plotted on the X axis. In the case of failure prediction models, an ROC curve depicts the relative tradeoff
between true positives (actual failures predicted in advance) and false positives (unnecessary warnings issued to the drivers). In any ROC curve, the diagonal line y = x represents the strategy of randomly guessing a class. A useful classifier should have an ROC curve above the diagonal line implying that its AUC is higher than 0.5. An ideal classifier, which is never wrong in its prediction, would have the maximum AUC of 1.0. 4.3
Single Target and Multi-Target Models
The area under the ROC curve was estimated using 5-fold cross-validation. The IFN and M-IFN ROC Curves for the target attribute “Battery Failure” are shown in Figure 1 below. Both ROC curves are nearly identical resulting in the AUC of 0.6238 and 0.6165, respectively. The number of single-target prediction rules for “Battery Failure” and „Elapsed Time” obtained with the IFN algorithm was 8 and 13, respectively, whereas the multi-target model included 14 rules estimating the probabilities of both target attributes. Thus, the multi-target approach has a clear advantage in terms of comprehensibility as it reduces the total number of prediction rules from 21 to 14, a decrease of 33%. According to the single-target failure prediction model, the probability of failure, disregarding the elapsed time, may vary from 0.24% to 28.57% depending on the value of the three selected input features: SOC, Age, and OASAH. The second single-target prediction model reveals some minor differences (up to 1.5%) between the probabilities of various time-to-failure intervals as a function of the four selected input features: RSOC, Age, OASAH, and Odometer. A similar picture arises from the multi-target model except for one rule (If SOC is between 46.2745 and 99.2157 and AGE is between 4.14879 and 4.14942), which indicates a relatively high probability of failure (0.286) within 0.5 up to 2 months from the date of sensory reading. The following six features were selected by the M-IFN algorithm for simultaneous prediction of “Battery Failure” and „Elapsed Time”: SOC, Age, OASAH, Temp, Load, and Odometer. The induced M-IFN model is shown in Figure 2, where the target nodes 0 and 1 represent the values of Battery Failure, whereas the target nodes 3-6 stand for the intervals of the Elapsed Time. The network has 14 terminal nodes associated with 14 probability estimation rules, but due to space limitations, we only show the complete connections of Node 20 to the nodes of the target layer. The numbers on the terminal-target connections represent the conditional probability of each class. These probabilities sum-up to one for each target attribute (Battery Failure and Elapsed Time). In case of the rule represented by Node 20, the probability of failure equals to 0.60 and it is distributed uniformly over three time-tofailure intervals (0.001-0.5, 0.5-1, and 1-2 months).
Figure 1. ROC Curves - Single-Target vs. Multi-Target IFN SOC
Age 0 - 4.15
1 -30 - 25
7 2
23 - 46 0 - 4.14 0
4.14 – 4.15
46 - 99
-33 - -0.09 16
4+ 14
4.15-4.995 4.995 – 4.996
Target Layer Odometer 0
0 - 23
0.6 2
3-2067 -0.09+
0.4 19
0.2 2067+
4.99+ 11
Figure 2. Multi-Target Information-Fuzzy Network Model
Weibull Analysis
We also used the Weibull analysis to predict the probability of battery failure within one month of sensory reading. Figure 3 shows this probability as a function of the car age (Months in Service). As expected for the new cars, this chart reveals a decreasing failure rate. The Weibull distribution parameters and the Area under ROC curve for two optional predictive variables (Months in Service and Mileage) are shown in Table 2. In the case of mileage-based prediction, the mileage over the next month was extrapolated for each car using its Mileage per Day (MPD) value. Though it is clear from the AUC results that the car age is a better predictor of the battery failure probability, its performance is still significantly inferior to the data mining models induced using sensory readings.
Figure 3. Probability of Failure as a function of Months in Service
Table 2. Weibull Analysis
Beta Alpha
Months in Service 0.6443 61,898
Mileage 0.4069 17,616,308,874
This paper demonstrates the capability of multi-target data mining models to issue early warnings about expected car failures. The findings are based on the synthetic sensory and warranty data generated for battery failures in a high-end car model (with high electrical/electronic content) over a period of several months. The M-IFN
construction algorithm has produced a compact and interpretable model of 14 rules estimating the probability distributions of two target attributes (Battery Failure and Elapsed Time). This model has outperformed the Weibull-based reliability analysis. Further improvement in predictive performance may be reached by combining the multi-target learning approach with ensemble methods, like bagging. Analyzing sensory and claims data of each vehicle over the entire warranty period should also bring more accurate results. Acknowledgments. This work was supported in part by the General Motors Global Research & Development – India Science Lab.
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