Apr 6, 1998 - Until 5 months after delivery, the mean weight variation ... and child health services including HTV testing and counselling, should consider .... weight, body mass index (BMI) defined as the weight by height ..... weight changes: how much of the weight gained in pregnancy will be ... homosexual men.
O International Epldemiological Association 1998
Printed In Great Britain
International Journal of Epidemiology 1998;27:1072-1077
Pregnancy, body weight and human immunodeficiency virus infection in African women: a prospective cohort study in Kigali (Rwanda), 1992-1994 Joel Ladner, a ' b Katia Castetbon, b ' c Valeriane Leroy,b Marie Nyiraziraje,d Michel Chauliac,e Etienne Karita, Andr6 De Clercq, Philippe Van de Perref and Francois Dabis b for the Pregnancy and HIV Study Group (EGE)8
Bazubagira,h* Francois Xavler Nsengumuremyi, h Christiaan Van Goethem. h Microbiology: Joseph Bogaerts,' Etienne Karita,' Arlette Simonon,' Philippe Van de Perre.' Epidemiology: Francois Dabis,b Claire Gazille, b Jo«l Ladner,'-b ValeViane Leroy.b Philippe MsellatL bc Roger Salamon. b
' Medical Information Unit, Centre Hospitalier de Kigali (CHK), Kigali, Rwanda. b
INSERM U. 330, University Victor Segaien Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France
ORSTOM Petit Bassam, Abidjan, C6te d'lvoire
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, CHK.
Centre International de l'Enlance et de la FamiUe, Paris, France
ADDS Reference Laboratory, National AIDS Control Programme, Kigali, Rwanda. The EGE Study Group. Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Andre1 De Clerco, (principal investigator), d Augustin Cyamana, d Mathleu Mudaheranwi d Camille Munyangabe, d Juvenal Ntawuruhunga,** Benoit Ntezayabo,d Marie Nyiraziraje,d* Charles ZUimwagabo d . Paediatrics: Anatholie
Department of Paediatrics, CHK.
i Department of Microbiology, CHK. 'Deceased. Reprint requests to: Dr JoSl Ladner, Mission Francaise de Cooperation, 01 BP 1839 Abidjan 01, Cote d'lvoire This paper has been presented in part at the DCth International Conference on AIDS in Africa, Kampala, Uganda, 10-14 December 1995 (abstract n° TUB123).
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To study the relationship between human immunodeficiency virus (HTV) infection and body weight in African women during and after pregnancy. Methods A prospective cohort study was initiated at the Centre Hospitalier de Kigali in July 1992. Every woman seen at the antenatal clinic and with a gestational age of