Pregnancy calendar

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Pregnancy calendar. 9 months step by step. I´m healthy and I do not expect complicated process during my pregnancy. 9 th. Week. Investigations are made to ...
Pregnancy calendar

9 months step by step

I´m healthy and I do not expect complicated process during my pregnancy.

9th Week Investigations are made to exclude serious diseases of pregnant women. A thorough medical examination and an ECG are helpful for example in case of sudden complications during childbirth as important information for the anesthesiologist, for example before an acute caesarean section, operational removal of the placenta, etc.

10th Week Entrance examinations for pregnant women: -

blood pressure, pulse, body weight, chemical analysis of urine


blood analysis: blood group, sedimentation rate + Rh factor (Rh negat. examination of antibodies) HBsAg (hepatitis B), HIV, BWR, TPHA / VDRL (syphilis), rubella if compulsory vaccination is not proven, toxoplasmosis in high risk groups (working with animals), thyroid (TSH, FT4, anti-TPO, anti-Tg)

11th Week

Recommended tests: In 11th - 13th week we are providing combined screening to assess the risk of genetic birth defects: -

ultrasound examination, including nuchal translucency


blood: β-hCG, PAPP-A

12th Week

Basic regular examinations:

During each visit to a doctor we are checking: blood pressure, pulse, body weight change, chemical analysis of urine


vaginal examination


pap test


colposcopy of the neck of the womb


vaginal swab - gonorrhea among risk groups


breast examination


measurement of pelvic dimensions13th Week

Screening for diabetes in pregnancy for women who have at least two risk factors:


age over 25 years, obesity, diabetes in their personal or family history, obstetric complications during previous pregnancies. For all other women glucose tolerance test is provided only between 24th - 28th week


examination of teeth

14th Week

The basic routine examinations, starting to monitor regularly:


fetal heart action


distance between the upper edge of the uterus from pubic bone pins, the measurement

is technically called gravidometry 16th Week


basic periodic examinations


if genetic screening is not done in the first trimester, blood sampling is taken for triple test (monitoring of hormones and proteins produced by the placenta: hCG, AFP, E3)


cervical smear, used to look for inflammation of the cervix, which may compromise pregnancy or cause premature birth

20th Week


basic periodic examinations, we are beginning to monitor fetal movements


blood: in Rh-negative women antibody testing


blood analysis


ultrasound examination (I.ultrasound screening of the fetus) shows the organs of fetus and helps avoid serious birth defects of child

Recommended tests:


measure the length of the neck of the uterus by ultrasound, it is used to determine the risk of premature birth

22nd Week


basic periodic examinations


medical examination by a physician, including ECG

24th Week


basic periodic examinations


vaginal examination to check closure of the neck of the uterus, used to assess the risk of premature birth in high risk groups of women


smear of vagina and cervix of the uterus and microbiological urine culture. If it

proves the presence of dangerous bacteria, begin with early treatment Between 24th – 28th Week

Oral glucose tolerance test - oGTT (screening for diabetes) has to be applied to all women, including women with the above risk, even though GTT was normal in the first trimester. 28th Week


basic periodic examinations


blood: women with Rh-negative antibody testing

30th Week


basic periodic examinations


ultrasound is done between 30th - 32nd week of pregnancy (II.ultrasound screening of the fetus) shows the growth rate of the fetus, also the location of placenta and amount of amniotic fluid


examination of teeth

32nd Week


basic periodic examinations


repetition of oGTT in women with increased risk of diabetes, even though oGTT was normal in the first and second trimester


blood: blood analysis and coagulation parameters, women with negative Rh and blood group O we undertake antibody testing, furthermore

BWR, TPHA / VDRL (syphilis) and a sample of HBsAg (hepatitis B) and HIV 34th week 36th Week


basic periodic examinations


cervical smear: tests for the diagnosis of streptococcus infection of type B

Recommended tests:


cardiotocographic examination (baby heart rate)

37th Week


basic periodic examinations


internal pelvic examination


special examination (internal, eye, neurological, orthopedic, etc.)


for at risk groups we recommend cardiotocographic examination

38th Week


basic periodic examinations


cardiotocographic examination

39th Week


basic periodic examinations


cardiotocographic examination

40th Week


basic periodic examinations


cardiotocographic examination up to about 2-3 days before birth


vaginal examination: monitoring the contractions and opening of the neck of the uterus


examination of the quality of amniotic fluid, if technical conditions (neck of the womb opened)

41st Week


basic periodic examinations


cardiotocographic examination


vaginal examination: monitoring the contractions and opening of the neck of the uterus


examination of amniotic fluid, if neck of the womb opened


ultrasound examination, specifying the size and location of the fetus


the 10th day after the date of birth we are providing oxytocin stress test

42nd Week


basic periodic examinations


cardiotocographic examination


vaginal examination: monitoring the contractions and opening of the neck of the uterus


examination of the amniotic fluid, if neck of the womb opened


according to vaginal examination and cardiotocography we choose the method of induction of labour