Transactions of LSU Petergof Biological Institute. 1965. Vol.19. 125â139. Ðutluberdina D. R. Bacillus subtilis cohn antagonistic strains as biocontrol agents of the ...
Preliminary study of fungicidal and fungistatic activity of some cave microalgae Abdullin Sh. R., Urazbakhtina D. R., Bagmet V. B. The modern trends in biotechnology show that fungicides of natural origin, isolated from various microorganisms and plants, are increasingly used, and this fact contributes to the reduction of their negative influence on the environment. Some cyanobacteriae and microalgae show fungicidal activity to (Sirenko, Kozickaya, 1988; Galal et al., 2011) phytopatogenic fungi as well. This is of considerable interest because new natural fungicide drugs can be obtained. The purpose of our study is a preliminary estimation of the fungicidal or fungistatic activity of two strains of microalgae, isolated from various caves in Russia, to the phytopathogenic fungi of the genus Fusarium. These organisms are dangerous fungal pathogens of plants and they are included in the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Pest List (Alexandrov, 2011). For preliminary studies antagonistic activity of two strains of two algae species were selected: Mychonastes homosphaera (Chlorophyta; scraping the wall, Baskunchakskaya cave, Astrakhan region, Russia), and Nitzschia palea (Bacillariophyta; water from the lake, Vertoletnaya cave, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia). Species of micromycetes Fusarium sporotrichioides, F. poae, F. аvenaceum and F. graminearum (the Museum of the cultures, the insects adaptability biochemistry laboratory, Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics Ufa Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Science) were used as the test objects. These fungi species are frequently found in spring wheat (Кutluberdina, 2010) and winter rye, (Urazbakhtina, Khairullin, 2012) in the main grain-producing areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Originally algae were cultivated in 2% agar solid mineral medium №6 (Gromov, 1965), fungi – in potato-sugar agar. Then growing algae colonies were placed in one distinctly marked half of cultivation plates with experimental medium (mineral 2% agar medium №6 with 1% glucose) and incubated in culture chamber for 3 days at room temperature. Later those fungi cultures were transferred into the the border lines of the cultivation plates with grown up algae colonies using a microbiological needle injection. The second half of the cultivation plates remained empty for the fungi growth monitoring. Pure fungi cultures, transferred in the cultivation plates, with experimental medium on the middle border line without algae, were control. Then, the cultivation plates have been incubated in the culture chamber for 3 days at room temperature. Only species F. sporotrichioides and F. graminearum grew well in the experimental medium. F. poae and F. аvenaceum were not capable of normal growth and formed a strange mycelium in the control samples and jointly with algae. The growth of the fungus F. graminearum was only observed on the free half of medium in the cultivation plates with Mychonastes homosphaera. In the control samples, fungus grew symmetrically in both directions from the point of growth, 1
occupying all space of the cultivation plate. F. sporotrichioides was more sensitive to Mychonastes homosphaera. These alga colonies grew on the territory of the cultivation plate with a fungus, destroying the mycelium. As a result the fungus occupied only a third of the medium. Accordingly, we can assume that M. homosphaera secretes fungicidal substances into the medium that constrain the vital functions of the fungus. Nitzschia palea colonies grew on their half of the medium in the cultivation plate, leaving a clear border with fungi; both F. graminearum and F. sporotrichioides. Such a clear medium distinction may be due to the fact that Nitzschia palea strains secrete fungistatic matter, which prevent the fungi from spreading onto the half of the cultivation plate medium with the algae. In the control samples, F. sporotrichioides as well as, F. graminearum, grew symmetrically, occupying all the space. Thus, as a result of preliminary investigations we first discover the fungicidal and fungistatic activity of the examined algae species to widespread phytopathogenic fungi genus Fusarium, and this ability of Mychonastes homosphaera strains is stronger than of Nitzschia palea strains. However, further detailed investigations are necessary for the study of algae’s ability to produce fungicidal and fungistatic substances. Literature Aleksandrov I. N. Causative fungal infections of plants, included in the signal list of EPPO Pest List // Plant Protection and Quarantine. 2011. N 8. P. 33-36. Gromov B. C. The algae cultures collection of Leningrad University Biology Institute. Transactions of LSU Petergof Biological Institute. 1965. Vol.19. 125–139. Кutluberdina D. R. Bacillus subtilis cohn antagonistic strains as biocontrol agents of the genus Fusarium link fungi: autoref. dis. ... Cand. of Biol. Sci. Saratov. 2010. 22 p. Urazbakhtina D. R., Khairullin R. M. The prevalence of the genus Fusarium representatives in the grain of winter rye in the South Urals. Proceedings of the Second international youth scientific conference of Russia and Germany young scientists in the framework of the Federal target program «Scientific and Scientific pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia» for 2009-2013. Part I. Technical Sciences, Ecology, Biology. Ufa, 2012. P. 276-282. Sirenko L. A., Kozytskaya V. N. Biologically active matters of algae and water quality. Kiev: Nauk. Dumka, 1988. 256 p. Galal H. R. M., Salem W. M. and Nasr El-Deen F. Biological Control of Some Pathogenic Fungi using Marine Algae Extracts. Research Journal of Microbiology. 2011. N 6. P. 645-657.