Preparing for the New Junos JNCIP and JNCIE ... - Juniper Forum

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JNCIE-SP blueprint is located on the JNCP Resources Web page at: ... probably want to take it earlier, leaving yourself

Preparing for the New Junos JNCIP and JNCIE Exams Webcast Questions and Answers from October 5, 2011 Webcast Preparation Materials General “Where can I find the detailed blueprint for JNCIE-SP exam?” JNCIE-SP blueprint is located on the JNCP Resources Web page at: “In what countries are the Expert-level labs delivered?” Our lab exams are delivered at various locations around the world. View available dates and locations, or request an event at your location at: JNCIE Bootcamps “Are there any Juniper sanctioned Bootcamps for the new JNCIE-SEC certification?” Yes, a JNCIE-SEC Bootcamp is currently in development and will be available in 2012. “What is the availability of the JNCIE Bootcamps in Europe?” The JNCIE-SP Bootcamp schedule for EMEA is not yet posted; watch for it to be added to the schedule in December or early 2012. “Will the JNCIE Bootcamps include off-hours access to gear?” Yes. In addition to the hands-on labs during the day, students will also be allowed to access the equipment on their own time in the evenings. “Are they offering any JNCIP-SP Bootcamps soon? There were no dates shown in any area on the website. Some of my team members took a JNCIP-SP Bootcamp, and there's one listed in the training website, but with no dates available. Maybe it's only available as a custom Bootcamp at customer locations?” This may have been a customize course. The courses that prepare you for JNCIP-SP are listed here and are offered by Juniper and the Juniper authorized education providers.


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“When will the updated JNCIE-SP material be ready?” JNCIE-SP bootcamps are now available for registration in AMER, APAC and EMEA. Below are the dates and locations currently scheduled for the JNCIE-SP bootcamps in Q4 2011 and Q1 2012: AMER:    

December 12-16, 2011 in Sunnyvale, CA – REGISTRATION FULL January 9-13, 2012 in Sunnyvale, CA February 20-24, 2012 in Herndon, VA March 19-23, 2012 in Sunnyvale, CA

APAC:  

November 21-25, 2011 in Bangalore, India November 21-25, 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


December 5-9, 2011 in Amsterdam

Register for a JNCIE-SP Bootcamp at: Please go to the bottom of this page to register for the aforementioned events. Check this site frequently for updated schedules. For more information regarding the JNCIE Bootcamps in the Americas and EMEA, please email us at [email protected]. For more information regarding the JNCIE Bootcamps in APAC, please email us at [email protected]. “Are the JNCIE Bootcamps recommended near the beginning of one's JNCIE preparation (i.e. soon after passing JNCIP) or near one's scheduled JNCIE Lab Exam date?” It depends on where the Bootcamp comes in your overall study plan. If it's your primary learning resource, you will probably want to take it earlier, leaving yourself time to study more on your own. On the other hand, if you have been preparing for some time and the Bootcamp is your final step, then you should consider taking it closer to your exam date so that the intensive hands-on time gives you that final boost. “Do you have any details about price for JNCIE-SEC Bootcamp in 2012?” The JNCIE Bootcamps list price is $3,500 USD.


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Documentation “Can you buy all of the official training material separately without attending the courses?” Yes, all Juniper Education Services materials (except for the JNCIE Bootcamps), are available for purchase. Customers can access the Juniper Documentation Store and click on “Purchase Courseware” on the left side of the page. You will be taken directly into the store without a login required. You will need to pay for both the course materials and shipping. “Do you plan to have study guides for the SP track (especially JNCIE-SP) like you did for the M Series Track?” We are developing Bootcamps for all three exams. There are currently no plans for study guides. “Is the JNCIE-SP Bootcamp book available to purchase, and how much does it help a person in preparing for the JNCIESP Lab Exam?” We are not offering the Bootcamp materials for sale. “Will the study guides for the Junos JNCIP and JNCIE be ready in November 2011?” The JNCIPs are now written exams, so there are several training classes available to help in preparation. These are instructor-led classes but the materials are available for purchase at the Juniper Documentation Store. The first delivery of JNCIE-SP Bootcamp is in APAC in November. This is also an instructor-led class. However, the workbooks for the JNCIE Bootcamps are not offered for sale – you will need to attend the class to take advantage of this course. “How soon can we get a workbook for the JNCIE-SEC?” The Bootcamp will be available in 2012. It is a live Instructor-led Bootcamp. Juniper is not selling the workbook as standalone documentation. “It would be great if you sold JNCIE Bootcamp materials like you do the training course materials. Would you consider this?” As this training is still very new, we are not selling the JNCIE Bootcamp materials. “How close is JNCIE-SP with the former JNCIE-M? I'm preparing myself using the JNCIE-M book by Harry Reynolds. Is this book still valid for JNCIE-SP exam?” The exams are similar in that they both cover SP-centric topics, though the new exam is completely rewritten and has some new topics. The old Sybex study guides remain valid where topic areas overlap. For example, OSPF is still OSPF. Check the blueprint to confirm how the old maps to new at “Are the old study guides enough material to cover all topics for the JNCIP-SP?” As explained above, no. “What topics are not covered by the old JNCIE-M books?” Check the exam blueprint at: to see the list of topics for the new exam.


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“What are the available documents that we have to study before going to JNCIE-SP exam?” The webcast covered many study resources for each exam, please check the slides for more information. “What is the link to the Juniper Education Services Bookstore?” Additional useful books can be found at: “Why is Juniper not offering the JNCIE bootcamp materials for sale like other courseware?” The JNCIE exams are comprehensive, practical and hands on exams. They require significant preparation time, using many different tools. While “book” based learning is part of this preparation, it is not enough. Hence, Juniper and our education partners are offering these live bootcamps to provide a high quality, effective and efficient learning experience.

Technical Information General “Is the JNCIE-SP based on MX Series routers or mixed with the J Series routers?” The JNCIE-SP exam uses all MX Series routers. “Are J Series routers suitable for JNCIP practicing?” Yes, the J Series routers are fine for most (if not all) topics at the Professional-level. “Is the on-device help/documentation available during the JNCIE Lab Exams?” Yes, the on-device help is available to you during the exam. “How deep is automation on JNCIE-SP Lab Exam?” Please check the exam blueprint for details at: “I definitely want to hear about JNCIE-SEC preparation lab setup. What is enough to simulate what is covered on the exam?” This was covered in the webcast; you can find this information in the slides. “Does it exist anything like for Juniper training, or is anyone planning on creating such service?” We are not sure what specifically you are referring to, but we have begun to release Bootcamps, and rack rentals are available through some of our training partners. Check the slides for more details. Terminal Setup “What terminal application is used in the lab SecureCRT or Putty?” It can vary per location; however, we suggest you be ready for a standard terminal.


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“Can you describe the terminal setup in the lab exam (i.e., Windows w/ PuTTY or SecureCRT; MacOS using serial terminal, etc.)?” It can vary by location; you should plan for a standard terminal. Junosphere “How can Junosphere help us to prepare for JNCIE-SP exam?” Junosphere provides remote lab time in a virtual environment, with support for all the JNCIE-SP topics. Please contact your Juniper Networks account representative to learn more and to place orders for Junosphere Classroom.

“Does Junosphere support CoS and VPLS as well as all routing/switching functionality?” Junosphere supports all the features covered on the JNCIE-SP exam.

More Information If you have any questions regarding this document or if you need more information, please contact the JNCP Team at [email protected].


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