There are no buses because the drivers are _____ ... You can find a lot of useful information _____ the internet. 9. ...
AT - IN – BY – FOR – ON - INSTEAD OF – EXCEPT (FOR) Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1.- Are you busy ______ the moment? Yes, I’m doing my homework. 2.- We are going _____ holiday next weekend. 3.- Please, don’t forget to write your name _______ capital letters in this box. 4.- There are no buses because the drivers are _____ strike. 5.- I’d prefer a coke ________ a coffee now. 6.- I’ll send you the essay _______ email. 7.- If I were you I’d book the tickets ________ advance. 8.- You can find a lot of useful information _____ the internet. 9.- Payment can be made _______ credit card or _______ cheque but not _______ cash. 10.- I walked to school ________ going by bus. 11.- John came to the party _______ his brother. He has a terrible cold. 12.- We have painted all the house, ______ the kitchen. 13.- _______ first I couldn’t believe what they were saying. 14.- James and his wife came home to have dinner last night. ______ cooking we ordered a take-away meal. 15.- We didn’t get to the airport _____ time, so we missed the flight. 16.- I waited for weeks and _______ last the parcels arrived. 17.- The house next to mine is up ______ sale. 18.- They gave presents to everybody ________ me. 19.- Would you like to go ______ a swim? 20.- Mrs. Smith taught us English ________ Mr. Taylor. 21.- My children always get to school _____ time. 22.- Everyone ________ María remembered to bring their English dictionaries. 23.- I went to the wrong room _______ mistake. 24.- Please fill in the form _____ ink. 25.- This morning I was late ____ work and ____ a big hurry. I had a very important meeting. 26.- I met Fernando Alonso ______ accident at the airport 27.- My daughter was talking _____ the phone when I came into the living room.
ANSWER KEY 1.- at 2.- on 3.- in 4.- on 5.- instead of 6.- by 7.- in 8.- on 9.- by – by - in 10.- instead of 11.- instead of 12.- except for 13.- at 14.- instead of 15.- on 16.- at 17.- for 18.- except 19.- for 20.- instead of 21.- in 22.- except 23.- by 24.- in 25.- for - in 26.- by 27.- on