Prepress Book Production Workflow The Publishing Process

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Prepress Book Production Workflow. Copyediting. The book production editor is who oversees the copyediting. He or she edits the manuscript for spelling,.
The Publishing Process Book production process begins with a launch meeting. Individuals who will be involved in editing and producing the book meet to discuss manuscript, set a schedule for its production, make formatting and pricing decisions, and develop a plan for completing the project.   Once a manuscript is prepared for publishing production immediately moves to processes involved with executing the layout production. After page layout (imposition) is finally complete, a post-production technician will convert the files to meet the press specifications provided by the printer and deliver the print-ready file. The file is printed. Sheets must be trimmed down to fit the correct page size. The pages are put into order and the book is sent to a bindery to finish.

Prepress Book Production Workflow Copyediting The book production editor is who oversees the copyediting. He or she edits the manuscript for spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity, consistency, and so forth. The editor incorporates changes and prepares the electronic files for the typesetter.

Book Structure Order of contents, as well as, frontmatter and end papers.

Design While the editorial staff is reviewing the copyedited manuscript, the graphic designer oversees the design of a book's interior pages. During the design process, the designer will identify and organize project materials. The content, audience, and reading level of your book as well as its trim size, binding, and the complexity of its elements (such as sidebars, wrapped text, figures, tables, photographs) are all carefully considered. Once the graphic designer has created a design that maximizes readability, the typesetter creates sample "dummy" pages of the design. Don't be alarmed if the text used in the sample pages is not from your book. These samples are for design purposes only.

Cover Design The task of designing a book's cover comes early in the production process. Opportunity is given to review cover design. Once the design has been finalized, the cover files are prepared for the printer.

Proof Review Page proofs (print-outs of your book as it has been laid out by a typesetter) Depending on a book's schedule, the lead author or editor will be asked to carefully review one or more sets of page proofs before the book is printed. A proofreader simultaneously reviews the proofs. Once the production editor receives corrections from the proofreader, the typesetter then incorporates all of the changes into the text and prepares files for press. Essentially, what you see during your final review of page proofs is what you will see in the printed book. At this stage, all major changes have already been corrected, and new changes kept to a minimum.

Page Layout or Composition (imposition) Required for professional printing.

Printing and Finishing