Mar 19, 2015 - Presentation Abstract ... Amizour, Algeria; 6Medical oncology service, Anti Cancer Center, Batna, Batna, Algeria; 7Radiation Therapy. Services ...
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Abstract Number:
Presentation Triple-negative breast cancer in Algerian population: clinicopathological and molecular study Title: Presentation Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015, 8:00 AM -12:00 PM Time: Location:
Section 24
Poster Board Number:
Author Block:
Farid Cherbal1, Hadjer Gaceb1, Chiraz Mehemmai1, Insaf Saiah1, Rabah Bakour1, Abdelhalim Ould-Rouis2, Tarek Touahria3, Hassen Mahfouf4, Samia Daoudi5, Wassila Benbrahim6, Kada Boualga7. 1Unit of Genetics, LMCB, Faculty of Biological Sciences, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria; 2Laboratory of Dynamics and Biodiversity, Faculty of Biological Sciences, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria; 3Ecology and Environment Department, Faculty of Biological Sciences, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria; 4University of Algiers, School of Medicine, Public Hospital, Academic Medical Oncology Service, Rouiba, Algeria; 5Medical Oncology Services, EPH Oued Amizour, Oued Amizour, Algeria; 6Medical oncology service, Anti Cancer Center, Batna, Batna, Algeria; 7Radiation Therapy Services, Anticancer Center of Blida, Blida, Algeria
Abstract Body:
Background:Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC),defined by the absence of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR),and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression, accounts for 12% to 20% of all breast cancers.Its prevalence differs between races.TNBC shows substantial overlap with basal-type and BRCA1-related breast cancers and it is associated with early recurrence of disease and poor outcome.In the current study, we sought to compare some clinical and tumor characteristics of breast cancer patients with or without TNBC. We also screened for the prevalence of germline BRCA1 mutations in TNBC patients. Materials and Methods: Clinical and tumor characteristics data of 3403 breast cancer patients were collected from cancer registries of anticancer center of Blida, public hospital of Oued Amizour, anticancer center of Batna and public hospital of Rouiba. Breast cancers were diagnosed between 2007 and 2014. All histopathologic and immunohistochemical diagnoses were reviewed by pathologists. Patients were divided in two groups: those with TNBC and those with other breast cancer subtypes. Differences between the two groups with regard to clinicopathologic parameters: age at diagnosis, menopausal status, histological grade and histological type, were examined using Chi-square test. BRCA1 was screened by PCR-direct sequencing in 56 TNBC patients (26 with a family history of breast cancer and 30 sporadic cases) including all exons where a mutation was previously found in Algerian population (exons 2, 3, 5, 11). Results: The median age at diagnosis for TNBC and non-TNBC patients was 46.96 years and 49.01 years, respectively.The overall prevalence of TNBC was 21.65% (737/3403). Our data showed significant differences in the distribution of age at diagnosis (P