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Overview. - Introduction and Case Study Description. - Field Measurements and FEA Predictions. - M-V-P Interaction. - Conclusions ...
Interaction Between Patch Loading, Bending, and Shear in Steel Girder Bridges Erected with the ILM T. A. Sánchez, ADSTREN, Quito, Ecuador A. Robalino, ADSTREN, Quito, Ecuador C. Graciano, UNAL, Medellín, Colombia


Overview -

Introduction and Case Study Description Field Measurements and FEA Predictions M-V-P Interaction Conclusions

Introduction and Case Study Description

Introduction and Case Study Description Simón Bolívar Ave., Quito, Ecuador

Los Pájaros Bridge

Villorita Bridge

Carapungo Interchange

Introduction and Case Study Description •

Los Pajaros Bridge has two superstructures in parallel, composed of five and four steel I-girders

Introduction and Case Study Description Bridge Cross-Section:

Introduction and Case Study Description Sequence of Launching Operations:

Introduction and Case Study Description •

The incremental launching method (ILM) is used to cross over an obstacle with minimal intervention from below

The superstructure is assembled behind one abutment and then, it is pushed forward When proper considerations are taken, the steel erection with ILM can be safer, faster, and more cost-effective than other methods However, the steel girders may be subject to high strength demands

• •

Is there interaction between major-axis bending, shear, and patch loading (M-V-P)?

Introduction and Case Study Description

AASHTO Required Strength Checks The AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications require checking the following limit states for construction of steel I-girder bridges:

- Compression flange yielding

fbu  f   f Rh Fyc

- Compression flange stability

fbu  f / 3   f Rh Fnc

- Web bend-buckling

fbu   f Fcrw

- Tension flange yielding

fbu  f   f Rh Fyt

- Web shear strength

Vu  vVcr

- Maximum level of fl

fl ≤ 0.6Fyf

AASHTO Required Strength Checks When the girder webs do not have bearing stiffeners and are subject to concentrated loads, the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications require checking two additional limit states: - Web local yielding

Ru  b Rny

- Web crippling

Ru  b Rnc

Field Measurements and FEA Predictions

Field Measurements and FEA Predictions • A total of 20 strain gauges (vibrating wires) were installed in three different sections

Field Measurements and FEA Predictions

Field Measurements and FEA Predictions

M-V-P Interaction

M-V-P Interaction • P-V, P-M, M-V interaction has been investigated for more than four decades • AASHTO/AISC provisions require to check M, V, and P separately • There is only one model available for M-V-P interaction

M-V-P Interaction


Conclusions • • •

The ILM is a convenient method to erect steel girder bridges It is safer and faster than other conventional construction methods High stress levels at the cantilever support may be present during the launching process Two-dimensional stress fields due to point load, bending, and shear effects are present in the region around the support The interaction between these stresses may be checked using the Braun and Külhmann equation

Quiz In bridges erected with the ILM, large stress concentrations occur at: a) The free end of the cantilever b) At the cantilever support c) At mid-span

Questions? PDH # 43348