elements missing. Transitions may be vague, illogical, or unclear. Conclusion may restate main idea but provide little i
ORGANIZATION (Paragraph structure, transitions, introduction, body, and conclusion)
Wellsequenced and clear organization with appropriate and varied transitions. Conclusion follows from, reflects on, and expands on previous text.
Logical organization to include introduction, body, and conclusion. Transitions show how ideas are connected but may lack variety. Conclusion adequately follows from and reflects back on text.
Some key organizational elements missing. Transitions may be vague, illogical, or unclear. Conclusion may restate main idea but provide little insight.
Organization is confusing. Structure, transitions, and conclusion are unclear or nonexistent.
CONVENTIONS (Grammar, spelling, accuracy, accents)
Writing exhibits excellent command of the conventions of the target language (grammar, spelling, accents) as expected for the level being taught. Few if any errors on previously covered material. Minor errors do not affect comprehensibility.
Writing shows a good command of the conventions of the target language as expected for the level being taught. Accuracy may decrease as language becomes more complex. Errors may reveal some carelessness in proofreading but do not significantly affect comprehensibility.
Writing reveals an inconsistent command of the conventions of the target language, indicating some misunderstanding of previously taught structures. Errors may be frequent and/or negatively affect comprehensibility.
Writing reveals little command of the conventions of the target language. Errors significantly affect comprehensibility.
STYLE (Voice, vocabulary usage, clarity of expression, complexity and variety of structures)
Sentences are clear, complete, engaging, and syntactically varied within level. Vocabulary is accurate and varied. Shows evidence of beginning to find a voice in the target language.
Sentences are clear and complete but may not achieve syntactical complexity/variety. Vocabulary is appropriate to the task and level. Effective use of paraphrasing when precise vocabulary is lacking.
Sentences may be unclear at times and/or lack variety. Vocabulary may not achieve accuracy or richness expected at this level. Some anglicisms may be present.
Sentences are vague, oversimplified, incomplete, and/or confusing. Vocabulary is inadequate to the task. Student may frequently resort to anglicisms or actual English words.
CONTENT (Ideas, support for topic, detail & creativity)
Writing goes beyond minimum requirements. Topic is supported with rich detail, evidence, examples, insight, and creativity.
The writing topic is welldeveloped and supported with specific details, evidence, and examples. Length is adequate to the task.
Some development of the topic. Details, examples, and/or evidence may be insufficient. Length may be inadequate to the task.
Writing may be undeveloped, vague, or unrelated to the topic. Length may be inadequate to the task.
Outstanding, creative visuals which support the writing effectively.
Good visuals which complement the writing.
Visuals may be sloppy, unoriginal, or irrelevant.
No visuals OR visuals detract from the writing.
NAME: ___________________________________ TOPIC: ________________________ DATE: ___________________ GRADE: ____________ SIGNIFICANT ERRORS: