Preservation of Marine Benthic Flora and Habitats in ...

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extensive inventory of the benthic flora and fauna of the. Abrolhos Archipelago, Bahia State. The Abrolhos National. Marine Park was later created in this area.
SHORT COMMUNICATIONS & REPORTS Fewer People for a Better World The overwhelming problems — environmental, social, and economic — caused by population size, growth, and profligacy, are by no means confined to Third-world countries. For while the developed nations of our Earth represent slightly less that one-quarter of world population, their impact on the world's resources and environment is about three times that of the rest of the world's humans. Already the developed nations tend to be seriously overpopulated in terms of the long-range carrying capacity of the world's resources and environment. So the concept of optimum population-size should be central to all logical plans to restore and preserve our environment and the integrity of The Biosphere constituting our lifesupport. Tragically, that concept is almost always absent from the deliberations of our policymakers. Yet, clearly, a prolonged period of population reduction is not only desirable but widely necessary.

Third-world Needs Help to Improve The developed countries urgently need to increase vastly their financial and technical assistance to Thirdworld countries, in order to aid those countries in setting up truly effective population-control programmes based on the small-family norm. The facts about the consequences of overpopulation in both the developed and developing countries — including acidic precipitation, the 'greenhouse effect', and the partial destruction already of the ozone shield — must be brought home to all elected public officials, to opinionmakers in and beyond the media, to the leaders of business and scientific communities, and, of course, to average citizens in their homes — which is precisely the task that we at NPG are doing our level best to perform at least in North America. Means of Rendering Assistance

Developed Countries Alone Improving

With the help of concerned citizens everywhere we can reach them, we pursue our educational task in a variety of ways. We lobby national legislators. We try to influence the thinking of other organizations in the population/environment field, and encourage them to begin thinking in terms of optimum rather than maximum population size. We issue regular news releases and letters to the media. Our brochures are widely circulated to the media and to thousands of others on our mailing list of decision-makers and opinion-leaders — including more than one thousand libraries across the United States. By all these and other means at our disposal, we strive to shape and define the terms of the population debate, so that reason will ultimately prevail. But we couldn't do it without the help of loyal members and other concerned people and institutions whose continuing support we naturally seek for what we fully believe to be one of the most important and increasingly urgent causes in the entire world.

It is encouraging, therefore, to note that in most developed countries today, fertility rates have dropped below long-term replacement rates. Some few of these countries in Europe already are experiencing a negative growthrate, and others should follow in the next few decades. The situation in the Third-world countries is vastly different. Few political leaders seem to realize the threat to world peace and prosperity that is posed by the swollen and still-swelling numbers of humans and domestic animals in those countries. The population in Third-world countries alone is expected to increase by 828 millions between AD 1990 and the year 2000, being projected to reach a total of over 4.6 thousand millions by the latter date. Before the end of the next century the population of these countries might well increase by five to ten thousand millions more. Contrary to 'conventional wisdom', family planning alone cannot be expected to bring fertility rates down to the sub-replacement level, which is what is needed to halt and then reverse population growth. Third-world governments must offer couples strong incentives to encourage them to have small families — one child or two children at the most, which in any case will make most better and happier.

DONALD MANN, President

Negative Population Growth, Inc. 210 The Plaza PO Box 1216 Teaneck New Jersey 07666, USA.

Preservation of Marine Benthic Flora and Habitats in Brazil* Introduction Preservation of marine benthic Algae — and, though incidentally, their habitats — in Brazil was first proposed in a clear-cut manner by Joly et al. (1969), who presented an extensive inventory of the benthic flora and fauna of the Abrolhos Archipelago, Bahia State. The Abrolhos National Marine Park was later created in this area. Subsequently, Pedrini (1980) proposed the creation of a conservation unit on the Marambaia barrier island, Rio de Janeiro State; this *Based on a paper presented at the 37'" National Botanical Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

area supports a luxuriant benthic marine flora along its rocky snores and beaches, and in its mangroves, lagoons, and shallow offshore waters. Except for subjective references made by Oliveira (1977), these are the only two objective preservation proposals to be found in literature referring to the Brazilian coast. During the past 10 years, the number of National Conservation Units (NCUs) has increased in Brazil; it includes both regions that had previously been studied and those where no specific survey of the flora has yet been made. The objective of the present contribution is to bring together what is known of the benthic marine Algae in these NCUs.

262 Environmental Conservation, Vol. 17, No. 3, Autumn 1990 — © 1990 The Foundation for Environmental Conservation — Printed in Switzerland

Pedrini: Preservation of Marine Benthic Flora and Habitats in Brazil


National Conservation Units National Conservation Units are created by the Brazilian Institute for Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), of the Secretariat for the Environment of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil. Table I lists the 14 existing NCUs that are situated on the coast, the organ governing them, and the marine ecobiomes that are found in each. They include 5 National Parks, 1 National Marine Park, 2 Biological Reserves, 5 Ecological Stations, and 1 Ecological Reserve, all pertaining to IBAMA. The distribution of these 14 NCUs that are situated along the Brazilian coast is given in Fig. 1, while Fig. 2 illustrates the deforestation that is widespread near the coast. These NCUs contain from 1 to 5 types of ecobiomes each. The most commonly-found type is the sandy beach (in 10 NCUs or c. 74% of the total), where only a few species of Chlorophyta (Green Algae) occur; most macroscopic Phaeophyta (Brown Algae) and Rhodophyta (Red Algae) do not thrive here. A rich benthic flora develops best on rocky shores, which occur in 4 of the NCUs (c. 28%) and on coral reefs which are found in 3 of the NCUs (c. 21%). In brackish-water ecobiomes such as mangroves and coastal lagoons, where there are large fluctuations in salinity and water temperature, the expected range of types and numbers of species are far smaller than in ecobiomes with a consolidated substrate (Baptista, 1977; Pedrini, 1980). These mangrove and coastal lagoon ecobiomes are each found in 8 (c. 57%) of the NCUs.



FIG. 1. Distribution of the 14 national coastal conservation units along the coast of Brazil.

Protected Species Species or lower taxa were considered protected if they are cited in the literature as occurring in the Abrolhos National Marine Park (ANMP), and/or Atol das Rocas Biological Reserve (ARBR), and/or I lha dos Lobos Ecological Reserve (ILER). Table II lists species TABLE I

National Conservation Units, the Administrative Organ, and the Ecobiomes Protected in Each. National Conservation Units NAME

Protected Ecobiomes IBAMA

1. Taim Ecological Station 2. Lagoa do Peixe National Park 3. Ilha dos Lobos Ecological Reserve (ILER) 4. Guaraquecaba Ecological Station 5. Tupiniquins Ecological Station 6. Jureia Ecological Station 7. Tamoios Ecological Station 8. Bocaina National Park 9. Abrolhos National Marine Park (ANMP) 10. Monte Pascoal National Park 11. Atol das Rocas Biological Reserve (ARBR) 12. Lencdis Maranhenses National Park 13. Lago Piratuba Biological Reserve 14. Cabo Orange National Park

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LEGEND: M: Mangrove; RS: Rocky Shore; SB: Sand Beach; R; Reef; CL: Coastal Lagoon

FIG. 2. The Brazilian Coast has been widely deforested.

and lower taxa of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta, which occur in any of these 3 NCUs: the 16 species which, in Brazil, appear to be restricted to the Atol das Rocas Biological Reserve (ARBR), are indicated in Table II by means of a dagger}. The total number of algal taxa thus protected is 167, which represents 32.1% of the 520 taxa of macroscopic marine or brackish-water Algae that are known to occur in Brazil (Oliveira, 1977; Yoneshigue, 1985). Table III shows the actual and proportionate numbers of these Brazilian protected taxa of Algae by taxonomic group as follows: Chlorophyta 42 taxa (25.15%), Phaeophyta 35 (20.96%), and Rhodophyta 90 (53.89%). Table IV indicates the actual and proportionate numbers of Brazilian protected taxa of Algae occurring in 3 NCUs. The ARBR, with 94 taxa (56.6% of the total), has

Environmental Conservation




Protected Species and Lower Taxa and Their Occurrence in the Studied National Conservation Units. Protected Species etc.

National Conservation Units ANMP ARBR ILER

Chlorophyta 1. Acrochaete viridis 2. Phaeophila dendroides 3. Pringsheimiella scutatat 4. Bolbocoleon jolytf 5. Urospora penicilliformes^ 6. Ulvafasciata 1. U. lactuca 8. Enteromorpha lingulata 9. E. multiramosa^ 10. Chaetomorpha antennina 11. Cladophora brasiliana 12. C.vagabunda 13. Rhizoclonium riparium 14. Dictyosphaeria cavernosa 15. D. verluysii 16. Petrosiphon adhaerenst 17. Valonia aegagropila 18. V.macrophysa 19. V. ocellattaf 20. V. ventricosa 21. Cladophoropsis membranacea 22. Anadyomene stellata 23. Bryopsis pennata v. pennata 24. B. pennata v. secunda 25. B.plumosa 26. Derbesia marina 27. Codium decorticatum 28. C. intertextum 29. Halimeda discoidea 30. //. ftwia 31. Penicillus capitatus 32. Udotea cyathiformis 33. Blastophysa rhizopus^ 34. Caulerpa cupressoides v. lycopodiun 35. C. lanuginosa 36. C.prolifera 37. C. racemosa v. racemosa 38. C. racemosa v.peltata 39. C. verticillata 40. C. ambiqua 41. C.webiana 42. Struvea anastomosans Phaeophyta 43. Bachelotia antillarum 44. Ectocarpus breviarticulatus 45. £. elachistaeformisf 46. £. variabilis 47. Feldmannia caespitulaf\ 48. F. irregularis 49. Giffordia indica^ 50. G. mitchelliae 51. Hecatonemafloridana 52. Colpomenia sinuosa 53. Hudroclathrus clathratus 54. Ralfsia expansa 55. Sphacelaria brachygonia 56. 5. rigidula 57. 5. tribuloides 58. Dictyopteris delicatula 59. D.justii 60. Dictyota bartayresii 61. D. cervicornis 62. £>. ciliolata 63. /). dichotoma 64. Z). divaricata * Restricted to the ARBR (Atol das Rocas Biological Reserve).

65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 11.

D. jamaicencis D. linearis Stypododium zonale Lobophoravariegata Padina gymnoospora Petalonia fascia Scytosiphon lomentaria Sargassum actinarium\ 5. cymosum S.platycarpum S.polyceratium 5. stenophyllum Levringea brasiliensis

Rhodophyta 78. Stylonema alsidii 79. Erythropeltis subintegra 80. Erythrotrichia carnea 81. Porphyra acanthophora 82. Audouinella globosa 83. A. hypneaei 84. A. microscopica 85. A. phacelorhizaf 86. A unipes'f 87. Gelidiella acerosa 88. G.setacetfi 89. G. lapidescens 90. Galaxaura oblongata 91. G.obtusata 92. G.rugosa 93. Falkenbergia hillebrandii 94. Asparagopsis taxiformis 95. Gelidium pusillum 96. Gelidiopsis intricata 97. G. planicaulis 98. Pterocladia capillacea 99. Hypnea musciformis 100. H.spinella 101. Pneophyllum lejolisii 102. Jania adhaerens 103. J.pumilla 104. /. rubens 105. Amphiroa beauvoisii 106. Cheilosporum sagittatum 107. Arthrocardia gardneri 108. A. stephensonii 109. Plocamium brasiliense 110. Gymnogongrus griffthsiae 111. Octhodessecundiramea 112. Champia minuscula 113. GastrocIonium parvum 114. Antithamnion antilanum 115. Antithamnionella tristicum 116. Centroceras clavulatum 117. Centrocerocolax ubatubensis 118. Ceramium brasiliense 119. C brevizonatum v. caraibica 120. C.flaccidum .121. C.OKff/ 122. C. dawsoni 123. C luetzelburgii 124. C tenerrimum 125. Ceramium vagabunde 126. Dohrniella antillara v. brasiliensis 127. Griffithsia caribaea 128. G. shousbouei 129. G.tenuis 130. Callithamnion uruguayense 131. Spermothamnion investiens 132. 5. speluncarum 133. Spyridia clavata 134. Tiffaniella gorgonea 135. Wrangelia argus 136. Cottoniellafilamentosa 137. Cryptopleura ramosa 138. Hypoglossum tennuifolium



Pedrini: Preservation of Marine Benthic Flora and Habitats in Brazil Protected Species etc.


139. Taenioma manum 140. Dasya rigidula 141. Heterosiphonia crispella 142. Crouania attenuata 143. Bostrychia radicans 144. B. scorpioides v. scorpioides 145. B. scorpioides v. montagnei 146. Bryothamnion triquetrum 147. Digenea simplex 148. Dipterosiphonia dendritica 149. Herposiphonia secundaf. secunda 150. H. secundaf. tenella 151. Laurencia obtusa v. obtusa 152. L. papillosa 153. L. pygmaea 154. Lophosiphonia obscura 155. Potysiphonia atlantica 156. P.decussata 157. P.wtfwt 158. P. havanensis 159. P. /KW« 160. P. saccorhiia 161. P. scorpulorutn 162. P. subtilissima 163. P. ttpitftf 164. P. virgata 165. Pterosiphonia parasitica 166. P.pennata 167. Wurdemannia miniata




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t Restricted to the ARBR


Numbers of Protected Species and Other Taxa in the Studied National Conservation Units by Taxonomic Category. Protected Species

Taxonomic Category













No %


FIG. 3. Coral reefs on the Brazilian coast are often rich in macroscopic Algae.


Numbers of Protected and Restricted Species in the Studied National Conservation Units. National Conservation Units

Protected Restricted




No 59

No 94

% 56.3

No 53

% 31.7







% 35.3


the most, while the other 2 units have 59 (ANMP) and 53 (ILER) taxa, representing 35.3% and 31.7%, respectively. The numbers will most probably increase as more taxonomic surveys are done — especially in the ANMP, which is tropical and of larger area than the ILER, that is temperate. Figs 3 and 4 illustrate the algal richness of examples of the coral reefs and rocky shores, respectively, of Brazil. Conclusions 1. Floristic studies are urgently needed in the 11 NCUs which have not yet been studied. Only then can we know if representative samples of the benthic marine

FIG. 4. Luxuriant beds of large Algae are widespread on the coast of Brazil.

flora along the Brazilian coast are being adequately protected so far as occurrence in a conserved area is concerned. 2. A greater number of NCUs must be created than currently exist, to protect coastal areas with unique ecological characteristics which have not yet been included in the existing NCUs. 3. Several NCUs should also be created along the extensive northeastern coast of Brazil, especially in the States of Espirito Santo, Pernambuco, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte, and Ceara, where Algae form the raw materials for the production of phycocolloids.




Conservation JOLY, A.B., OLIVEIRA, E.C. DE & NARCHI, W. (1969). Projeto de

I wish to indicate my indebtedness and express my gratitude to the librarians at the Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation (FBCN) for their help in locating articles, to my Wife, Teresa Cristina Pedrini, for her constant support, and to Doroty Sue Dunn de Araujo and Norma Crud Maciel, of the Environmental Engineering State Foundation (FEEMA), for their comments on earlier drafts of the text of this short communication. I also thank Dr Clovis Barreira e Castro, of the Brazilian National Museum of Natural History, and Jean Remy Davee Guimaraes, of the Institute of Radioprotection and Dosimetry, from whom I borrowed photos.

criacao de um Parque Nacional Marinho na regiao de Abrolhos, Bahia. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. (Suppl.). 41, pp. 247-51, illustr. OLIVEIRA, E.C. DE (1977). Algas Marinhas Bentonicas do Brasil. Tese de Livre-Docencia em Ficologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil: 470 pp., illustr. PEDRINI, A. DE G. (1980). Algas Marinhas Bentonicas da Baia de Sepetiba e Arredores. Dissertacao de Mestrado em Botanica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 397 pp., illustr. YONESHIGUE, Y. (1985). Taxonomie et Ecologie des Algues Marines dans la Region de Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). These de Docteur d'Etat-Sciences, Universite d'Aix-Marseille II (Franca), 466 pp., illustr.



Departmento Proteqdo Radiologica Ambiental Instituto Radioprotecdo e Dosimetria Caixa Postal 137750 la-Barra da Tijuca Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

BAPTISTA, L.R. DE M. (1977). Flora ilustrada do Rio Grande do Sul: Flora marinha de Torres (Chlorophyta, Xanthophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta). Bol. Inst. Biociencias, 37, ser. botanica, 7; pp. 1-244, illustr.

Toxicity of Quinalphos and Endosulfan to Different Life-stages of Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) Introduction The adverse effects of estuarine pollution caused by industrial effluents, pesticides, and oils, on prawn fisheries, have been well recognized (Kurien & Sebastian, 1982). The ever-increasing agricultural activity in the Sunderban region of West Bengal has been accompanied by increasing use of pesticides for the protection of various crops. The runoff from the agricultural fields takes these hazardous chemicals into the creeks and channels carrying backwaters from the estuary. These water-bodies provide natural habitat for the early life-stages of penaeid prawns, which form the major prawn fishery in the Hooghly estuary. Penaeid prawns have been found to be very sensitive to pesticides (Brown, 1978). Eisler (1969) has reported that most of the decapod crustaceans are highly susceptible to organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides. Quinalphos (Ekalux) and Endosulfan are widely used on Paddy (Oryza sativa) crops in this region. Toxicities of these two insecticides to three of the life-stages, namely mysids, post larvae, and juveniles, of Tiger Prawn {Penaeus monodon), have been evaluated, and the results are discussed in the present communication. Materials and Methods Test animals were collected from the creeks which bring tidal water from the Hooghly estuary, and were acclimatized for 24 hours under the laboratory conditions. The water from the creeks was used as the test medium. The stock solutions of Ekalux (Quinalphos, 25 EC) and Endosulfan (35 EC) were prepared in acetone. Further dilutions were made freshly each day with distilled water. The other experimental details are presented in Table I. For bioassay toxicity tests, the procedure followed was from the Standard Methods (APHA, 1980). Results and Discussion* The results of the bioassay toxicity tests have been analysed statistically (Finney, 1964). The regression equation and 95% confidence limits for LC50 values are presented in Tables II and III. LC50 (24 hr) and LC50


Experimental Conditions for Bioassay Toxicity Tests with Penaeus monodon. Parameters


1. No. of test animals in each replicate 2. No. of replicates 3. Vol. of test medium 4. Size of test animal 5. No. of doses used 6. Total time of exposure 7. Time of renewal of test medium 8. Temperature 9. Salinity

Post larvae






2 2 litres 9-15 mm 5

2 litres 15-28 mm

48 hr

48 hr

24 hr 32+ 1°C 16ppt*

24 hr 32+l°C 16 ppt*

500 ml 4—8 mm 5 5 48 hr 24 hr

32+l°C 16ppt*


* ppt = parts per thousand. TABLE II

Toxicity of Quinalphos to Different Life-stages of Penaeus monodon. Life-stage

1. Mysids

Exposure LC50 Regression equation time (in figll)

24 hr 48 hr 2. Post 24hr larvae 48 hr 3. Juveniles 24 hr 48 hr

0.327 0.124 0.7688 0.514 0.6404 0.3135

y = 1.6045x+ 4.1744 y = 2.2160x +4.2721 y = 4.1910x+ 1.2875 y = 2.4200x + 3.2366 y = 3.1352x +2.4714 y = 3.6758x + 3.4672

Fiducial limits

0.536-0.1993 0.2042-0.0867 0.9454-0.6252 0.7352-0.3592 0.9832-0.4172 0.5285-0.1874

(48 hr) of Quinalphos and Endosulfan are presented in Table IV, to facilitate comparison of their toxicities with the different life-stages of P. monodon. * A specialist Referee regrets 'that no data are given for amounts of Quinalphos and Endosulfan in creeks near fields sprayed with these insecticides. One could then assess much better the risk to the Prawn fishery.' — Ed.