President Transue, Resume - Tacoma Community College

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Feb 7, 2012 ... EXPERIENCE: President, Tacoma Community College, 1997-. (Tacoma Community College, established in 1965, is a comprehensive two-year.
Resume PAMELA J. TRANSUE, Ph.D. 976 Aurora Ave. S. Tacoma, WA 98465 Phone: 253-566-5100 (Office) 253-460-9340 (Home) Fax: 253-566-5376 (Office) e-mail: [email protected]

EXPERIENCE: President, Tacoma Community College, 1997(Tacoma Community College, established in 1965, is a comprehensive two-year college serving approximately 9,000 students per term. With a main campus in urban Tacoma and a satellite campus in Gig Harbor, the college serves over 650,000 area residents. As President, I report to a five-member Board appointed by the Governor.) Executive Dean, Rock Creek Campus, Portland Community College, 1994 - 1997 Executive Dean, Open Campus, Portland Community College, 1989-1994 Special Assistant to the President, University of Washington, 1982-1989 Assistant Director, Office of Continuing Education, Ohio State University, 1982 Program Coordinator, Office of Continuing Education, Ohio State University, 1981-1982 Coordinator of the 1979 international conference sponsored by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Ohio State University Graduate Administrative Associate for the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1978-1980, Ohio State University EDUCATION: Institute for Educational Management, Harvard University Ph.D. English Ohio State University M.A. English Ohio State University B.A. English University of Washington

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1993 1981 1976 1973

PUBLICATIONS: Transue, Pamela. Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Style, SUNY (State University of New York) Press, 1986. Kittelson, James, and Pamela J. Transue, eds., Rebirth, Reform, and Resilience: Universities in Transition: 1300-1700, Ohio State University Press, 1984. Transue, Pamela, ed., Partners for Strength: The University, Business, and Industry - A Directory of Research and Development Resources at the Ohio State University, printed at the Ohio State University, 1982. “College-wide Planning That Works,” with Cynthia Heelan, Community College Journal, June/July 2005. “The Role of the COMBASE Institutional Representative,” The Collaborator, COMBASE, Spring, 2005. “Opportunity in Jeopardy,” The Presidency, American Council on Education, Fall, 2004. “Building a World of Learners,” Community College Journal, April/May 2002. “Fundraising in the Aftermath,” Community College Journal, February/March 2002. “A Humbling Experience,” Community College Journal, December/January, 2002. “The Big Box: Looking Back on Technology,” Community College Journal, October/November 2001. “Are We There Yet?” Community College Journal, August/September 2001. “Recognizing the Role of Community Colleges,” Community College Journal, June/July 2001. "Elizabeth Abel, Virginia Woolf and the Fictions of Psychoanalysis, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1989, 1993." Book Review. Newsletter of the Oregon Psychoanalytic Foundation, Vol. 14, No. 2, October 1993. "The Invisible Empire," article, The Connection, April 1, 1990. AWARDS: CEO of the Year, Pacific Region, Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), 2010 CEO of the Year Award, State of Washington Trustee’s Association (TACTC), 2010 February 7, 2012

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Women of Influence Award, The Business Examiner Newspaper, 2005 CEO of the Year, Pacific Region, Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), 2002. Women of Distinction Award, Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council, Tumwater, WA, March, 2001. National Leadership Award--Inside the Field, National Council on Continuing Education and Training, April, 2000 “The Top Hat” Executive Award, Business Examiner, Tacoma, Washington, May, 2000. Regional Leadership Award, National Council on Continuing Education and Training, Phoenix, October, 1996 Outstanding Service Award, faculty and staff of Open Campus, June, 1994 Appreciation Award for founding the National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education, 1993 Regional Finalist, White House Fellows Program, 1985 United Way Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service, 1983 Alumni Graduate Research Award, Ohio State University, 1980-81 Presidential Fellowship, Ohio State University, 1980-81 Phi Kappa Phi (National Humanities Honorary), 1980 Distinguished Teaching Award, English Department, Ohio State University, 1978 Phi Beta Kappa, University of Washington, 1972 (summa cum laude, with English Honors) BOARDS, COMMITTEES, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS, AND COMMUNITY SERVICE: President, Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges, 2009-10 Board of Directors, Tacoma Goodwill Industries, 2008Finance Committee, 2008-2009 Board Development Committee 2010 Board Member, Washington State Board of Architects, 2008 Board of Directors, United Way of Tacoma/Pierce County, 2003Campaign Chair, 2002 Executive Committee, 2003Regence/BlueShield Tacoma Advisory Board, 2002 – Board Chair, 2009-10 February 7, 2012

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Board of Directors, American Council on Education (ACE), 2004 -2007, Secretary, 2006-07 Executive Committee, 2004 -2007 Finance and Audit Committee, 2004 -2007 Chair, Nominations Committee, 2005 –2007 Commission on International Education, 1995-99 Steering Committee of Solutions for the Future, a national initiative coordinated by the American Council on Education (ACE), 2004 -2006 Board of Directors, American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), 1998-2003 Board Chair, 2001-02 Executive Committee, 2000-2003 Chair, Committee on Directors, 1999-2000 Chair, Policy Governance Committee, 2000-2001 Committee on Membership, 1998-99 Commission on Communications and Marketing, 2003 -2006 Commission on International/Intercultural Services, 1995-99 Board of Directors, COMBASE, 1994 - 2006 President, 2004-2006 Vice President, 2002-2004 Board of Directors, Fuchs Foundation, 2004 – 2008 Board of Directors, Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce, 2003 – 2007 Board Member, Economic Development Board of Tacoma/Pierce County, 2004- 2007 Campaign Co-Chair with Stuart Grover, Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County, 2003 American Leadership Forum, Class IX, Tacoma, WA, 2002-03 Board of Directors, Tacoma Rotary 8, Tacoma, Washington 2002-2005; Member, 1997 – 2006 Program Committee, 2006 Board of Directors, The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, 1999-2005 Chair, Distribution Committee, 2003-2005 Distribution Committee, 2000-05 Board of Directors/AACC Liaison, National Council for Continuing Education and Training (NCCET) 1998-2003 United States/United Kingdom Joint Study Team sponsored by AACC and the British Council, 2001 - 02 AIDS Housing Board Task Force, May 2001 Study Commission on The Arts in the 21st Century, Tacoma/Pierce County 1998-2000 Board of Directors, The Richard Bangs Collier Pleneurethics Society, 1997Eligibility Requirements Review Committee for the NW Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Colleges, 1999-2000 Advisory Board of Presidents, American Association of Women in Community Colleges, (AAWCC), 1999-2000 Pierce County Careers Connection, 1998– Executive Committee, 1998- 2007 Steering Committee, Center on Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Aggression, Portland, Oregon, 1996-97 Doctoral Committees, Oregon State University, 1995-96, 2000-01, 2001-02, 2005-07 February 7, 2012

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Advisory Board, Oregon Small Business Development Center Network, 1989-97 Board of Directors, Washington County Education Service District, Appointed Advisory Member, 1994-1996 Board of Directors, Beaverton Chamber of Commerce, ex officio, 1994-97 Accreditation Team, Lane Community College (Oregon) 1994 Accreditation Team, Bellevue Community College (Washington) 1995 Board of Directors, Portland Rotary, 1994-1996 Advisory Board, The Lintner Center, 1990-1996 Board of Directors, Oregon Psychoanalytic Foundation, 1992-97; Treasurer, 1995-97 Planning Committee/Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, Portland Fire Bureau, 1991 Welfare Reform Advisory Committee - Northern Region, 1990-1993 Mayor's Task Force on Public Works, Portland, OR, 1990-1992 Board of Managers, North District YMCA, 1985-1989, Chair, Finance Committee Board of Trustees, The Faculty Club, University of Washington 1986-1989 Board of Directors, Women + Business, Inc., 1985-1989 Resource Development Committee, United Way of King County, 1987-1989 Governor's Deputy Chair for King County, State Employee Combined Fund Drive, 1986 Alki Foundation Political Involvement Institute, 1988 Focus Pacific Executive Committee, 1987-1989 Committee on Education, Seattle/King County Economic Development Council, 1986-1989 Chair, National Steering Committee for College and University Presidential Assistants, 1987-1989 Chair, Statewide Steering Committee, American Council on Education, National Identification Program, 1988-1989 Chair, Education Division, United Way of King County, 1985 Chair, University of Washington United Way Campaign, 1983, 1984 Leadership Tomorrow participant, 1984-1985 PRESENTATIONS: “Involve Me and I Learn”, Keynote Address, Tacoma Public Schools. Career and Technical Education End of Year Celebration. Mt. Tahoma High School, Tacoma, Washington, May 17, 2011. “Community Colleges: Wide Angle & Close-Up”, Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, Canterwood Golf Club, Gig Harbor, Washington, April 14, 2011. “Top 12 Revenue Generating Strategies for 2011”, President’s Panel, AACC Annual Convention, New Orleans, April 10, 2011. “Top Ten Trends in Corporate Education for 2011”, President’s Panel, COMBASE Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 4, 2010. “Working with Boards”, President’s Panel, COMBASE, Aspiring Presidents Seminar, Portland, Oregon, August 3, 2010. “Why Presidents Succeed or Fail”, President’s Panel, COMBASE, Aspiring Presidents February 7, 2012

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Seminar, Portland, Oregon, August 3, 2010. “Community Colleges: Wide Angle & Close-Up”, Kiwanis Club of Tacoma Luncheon, Pacific Grill Events Center, Tacoma, Washington, July 20, 2010. “Community Colleges: Wide Angle & Close-Up”, Tacoma Narrows Rotary Breakfast, Fircrest Golf Club, Fircrest, Washington, April 27, 2010. “Top Ten Trends in Corporate Training”, President’s Panel, NCCET Forum, AACC Annual Convention, Seattle, Washington, April 18, 2010. “Community Colleges: Wide Angle & Close-Up”, Sunshine Rotary Breakfast, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, April 14, 2010. “Community Colleges: Wide Angle & Close-Up”, Rotary 8 Luncheon, Landmark Convention Center, Tacoma, Washington, January 28, 2010. “Problems Have Solutions”, President’s Panel, Institute for New Community College Presidents, AACC Presidents Academy, AACC Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 5, 2008 “Update on Vocational & Educational Changes and Innovations at Tacoma Community College”, Gig Harbor Rotary, Cottesmore Restaurant, Gig Harbor, Washington, January 18, 2008 “Leadership Development”, President’s Panel, Seattle, Washington, May 16, 2007 “Inclusive Practice for Designing Innovative Visions”, President’s Panel, AACC Annual Convention, Tampa, Florida, April 17, 2007 “Accreditation Redux: Lessons Learned, Lessons to be Learned”, President’s Panel, AACC Annual Convention, Tampa, Florida, April 15, 2007 “Climbing the Learning Curve: Change and Innovation at Tacoma Community College”, Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Cottesmore Nursing Home Restaurant, Gig Harbor, Washington, March 29, 2007 “In the Grand Tradition of the Courtier: The Presidential Assistant”, NAPAHE Annual Meeting, in conjunction with the ACE Convention, Washington, D.C., February 10, 2007 “Update on Education at TCC”, Rotary 8 Luncheon, Landmark Convention Center, Tacoma, Washington, November 16, 2006. President’s Panel on Race and Pedagogy, University of Puget Sound Race and Pedagogy Conference, Tacoma, Washington, September 15, 2006 February 7, 2012

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“Soar with Purpose and Passion”, with Diane Cecchettini, CEO, MultiCare Health System, Women’s Forum: Washington Air National Guard, McChord Air Force Base, September 9,2006. President’s Panel, 2006 AACC Future Leaders Institute, Portland, Oregon, June 27, 2006. “Termites, Rock Removal, and New Lenses for Leaders”, Tacoma City Club, Emerging Leader Luncheon, The Tacoma Club, Tacoma, Washington, June 21, 2006. “Higher Education, Technology, and the Learning Paradigm: What’s New at TCC?” The Gyro Club Luncheon, The Tacoma Club, Tacoma, Washington, May 9, 2006. “State of Education,” with Bob Drewel, Executive Director, Puget Sound Regional Council, Tacoma/Pierce County Chamber of Commerce Forum, La Quinta Hotel, Tacoma, Washington, February 28, 2006. “A New Perspective on Higher Education in Pierce County,” with Ron Thomas, President, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma/Pierce County Chamber of Commerce Forum, Sheraton Convention Center, Tacoma, Washington, January 25, 2005. “Effective Board/CEO Relations,” Leadership Academy, ACCT National Legislative Seminar, Washington, D.C., February 9, 2004. “Listening and Learning,” Tacoma Urban League, Inc. 2003 Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon, Landmark Convention Center, Tacoma, Washington, May 28, 2003. “Friendship,” Keynote for annual meeting of the Fund for Women and Girls, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, Tacoma, Washington, May 21, 2003. Keynote, Gig Harbor Rotary, Community Leaders’ Breakfast, Gig Harbor, Washington, March 20, 2003. “Old Money/New Money,” co-presenter with Mildred Ollee, The Association, Winter Conference, The Marriott, SeaTac, Washington, February 27, 2003. “Maintaining Quality in a Tough Budgetary Environment,” Northwest Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities, Annual Meeting, December 14, 2002. “Opening Remarks” for “Building a World of Learners,” the 2002 national convention of the American Association of Community Colleges, Seattle, April 21, 2002. “The Great Divide,” World Congress on Colleges and Polytechnics, Melbourne, Australia, March 25, 2002. “Two-Year College Success Masks Deep Funding Problems,” with Brian Ebersole, Michele Johnson, Sharon McGavick, and Steve Wall, The News Tribune, March 10, 2002. February 7, 2012

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“Shocks and After-Shocks,” Conference of The Association of Washington Community and Technical College Administrators, February 28, 2002. “Community Colleges 101: A Quiz,” North End Rotary, October 2, 2001. “Without a Compass: My Path to the Presidency,” Officers’ Wives Club Scholarship Program, McChord Air Force Base, Tacoma, WA, May 8, 2001. “The Role of Women in Shaping the 21st Century Community College,” Keynote speech, American Association of Women in Community Colleges, Breakfast Meeting at AACC Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, April 6, 2001. “Our community and technical college system.” Interview with Esther Little Dove John on KWJZ "Smooth Jazz" FM 98.9 and KSRB "Classic Soul" AM 1150, Sunday, March 12, 2000. “Annie Oakley without a Horse: My Path to the Presidency,” American Association of University Women (AAUW), Tacoma, WA, February 19, 2000. "Your Community and Technical Colleges," Presidents' Circle, Tacoma, WA, February 17, 2000. “Building Communities: Your Community and Technical Colleges,” Rotary of Tacoma (#8), January 13, 2000. “Do You Want to be a President?” Community College Leadership Program, Oregon State University Graduate School, January 7, 2000, and again on March 8, 2002. “The Evolving Mission of Tacoma Community College and the Importance of Diversity Within It,” The Black Collective, Tacoma, WA, December 11, 1999. Presidents’ Panel, 1999 NCCET National Conference, Milwaukee, WI, October 11, 1999 Welcome remarks, WorkFirst Region V Conference, Tacoma, WA, August 23, 1999. Graduation remarks, Washington Corrections Center for Women, Purdy, WA, June 11, 1999. “Leadership,” Classified Staff Professional Development Day, Tacoma Yacht Club, May 7, 1999. “Rock Removal and the Art of Leadership,” Northwest Human Services Conference, Fife, WA, April 24, 1999. Presidents’ Panel, Student Services Conference, Wenatchee, WA, April 22, 1999 February 7, 2012

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“Tools For Success,” Conference on Employment for People with Disabilities, Tacoma Community College, March 23, 1999. “The Evolving Mission of Community Colleges,” Rotary of South Tacoma, March 22, 1999. “As the Century Turns: Trends in Higher Education,” AAUW (American Association of University Women), Gig Harbor, WA, February 20, 1999. “Washington Community College Payroll and Personnel Staff,” Tacoma Community College, Annual Meeting of Payroll Personnel Management System Users Group, October 23, 1998. “Perceptions vs. Reality in a First-Year Presidency,” AACC Presidential Panel, Miami, Florida, April 24, 1998. “Why You Need to Continue Your Education,” Running Start Distance Education Class, Tacoma Community College, April 2, 1998. “Students with Disabilities: Is There Life After High School?” Tacoma Community College, March 20, 1998. “Higher Education: Perspectives on the Future,” City Club, February 4, 1998. “Starting Over Again: Reclaiming a Future Through the GED,” Washington GED Examiners’ Conference, October 17, 1997. “Why I Love Community Colleges,” Tacoma Kiwanis, October 14, 1997; North Tacoma Rotary, September 23, 1997; Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce, August 14, 1997. “Changing Expectations,” Faculty of the Community and Technical Colleges of Washington (FACTC), October 3, 1997. "Chaos: Do We Need More of It?" American Association of Women in Community Colleges Regional Conference, November 22, 1996. Also, Portland Community College Inservice, September 17, 1996. "Gender and Leadership," Hillsboro Leadership Forum, Class of 1995-96, October 13, 1995. "Gender Dynamics and Leadership," Oregon Institute for Leadership Development, Silver Falls, Oregon, June 24, 1995. "GED Graduation Speech," Linn-Benton Community College, Oregon, Jan. 26, 1995. "PCC's Innovative Open Campus," National Council on Community Services and Continuing Education, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 24, 1994. February 7, 2012

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"Two Models for Reinventing the Community College Through an Open Campus,” COMBASE Annual Conference, Asheville, North Carolina, September 23, 1994. "How to Keep from Going Stale in Your Current Position," panel, Oregon AAWCC Annual Meeting, December 9, 1993. "Family Literacy," COMBASE Conference, Colorado Springs, October 15, 1993.

"The Community College Role in Workforce Training," Channel 12 News, "Newsmakers" Interview Program moderated by Gary Hill, February 22, 1992,10:30-11:00 p.m. "Why I Love Community Colleges," Kiwanis, Portland, Oregon, January 23, 1992. "Graduation Speech," Steps to Success, Rock Creek Campus, December 31, 1991. "The Yin/Yang of Leadership," American Association of Women in Community and Junior Colleges (AAWCJC), Oregon Chapter, Annual Meeting, Portland Oregon, December 6, 1991. "What Employers Want and How You Can Provide It," 7th Step Foundation, Columbia River Correctional Institution, November 19, 1991. "Why I Love Community Colleges," Kiwanis, Portland, Oregon, October 2, 1991. "Columbia-Willamette Workplace Literacy Consortium," in Creating a Literate Society, ed. Tony Zeiss, AACJC and COMBASE, 1991. "Workplace Literacy: An Open Campus Approach," COMBASE Annual Meeting, Oak Brook, Illinois, September 13, 1991. "Workplace Literacy: Models for Effective Programs," AACJC Annual Meeting, Kansas City, April 15, 1991. "Helping Business and Industry Address Workplace Diversity: An Open Campus Approach," AACJC Annual Meeting, Kansas City, April 14, 1991. Graduation Speech, Columbia River Correctional Facility, April, 1991. Graduation Speech, Northeast Employment and Training Center, March, 1991. "Gender and Leadership," PCC Chapter, American Association of Women in Community and Junior Colleges, Portland, January 23, 1991. "Future Trends in Industry/Education Training Needs," Workforce Now and In The Future Conference, Portland, Oregon, November 7, 1990. February 7, 2012

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"The Androgynous Leader," keynote speech, National University Continuing Education Association (NUCEA), Boise, October 18, 1990. "Self-Esteem and Empowerment," speech, Single Parent and Displaced Homemaker Graduation, Clackamas Community College, March 13, 1990. "From Drop-out to Dean,” Focus on Women, Mentor Series, Clackamas Community College, January 24, 1990. "A Drop-out's Perspective on Developmental Education," Oregon Developmental Studies Association, April 21, 1990. Graduation Remarks, New Directions Graduation, Rock Creek Campus, Portland Community College, October 31, 1989. "Perspectives on Volunteerism," Annual Meeting of Portland Community College Volunteer Tutors, 1989. "Developing a Shared Vision," Mastery Leadership Seminar, Silver Falls, Oregon, July 2325, 1989. Transue, Pamela, “Keynote Address,” Pacific Rim Association for Higher Education, Annual Conference Proceedings, 1984. "No More Horses: Virginia Woolf, Feminism, and Art," presented at Kenyon College, April 25, 1982.

REFERENCES: Furnished upon request.

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