President's Volunteer Service Award Appliction.pdf. President's Volunteer Service Award Appliction.pdf. Open. Extract. O
Application and Information
President’s Volunteer Service Award May 1st, 2016 through April 30th, 2017 America has a long and proud tradition of volunteer service. Now, more than ever, volunteers are renewing their commitment to help others and making new connections that bring us closer together as families, as neighbors, as communities and as a nation. The President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation (the Council) was established in 2003 to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers are making in our communities and encourage more people to serve. The Council created the President’s Volunteer Service Award program as a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service. The program continues as an initiative of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Recognizing and honoring volunteers sets a standard for service, encourages a sustained commitment to civic participation and inspires other to make service a central part of their lives.
As a Certifying Organization of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, Youth Service can nominate potential recipients and distribute the award to those who meet or exceed the award criteria. If you would like Youth Service to supervise and certify your criteria for this award, you MUST fill out an application and return it to E118 by May 2nd, 2017 along with all volunteer hours.
Award Eligibility Any individual, family, or group can receive Presidential recognition for volunteer hours earned over a 12-month period or over the course of a lifetime at home or abroad. The following are the eligibility requirements for each age group:
Bronze Level 100 to 174 hours
Silver Level 175 to 249 hours
Gold Level 250 hours +
President’s Call to Service Award Individuals who have completed 4,000 or more volunteer service hours over the course of their lifetime are eligible to receive the President’s Call to Service Award.
“Our volunteers should strive to earn the President’s Volunteer Service Award every year. Even if you’ve never volunteered before, the award is within your research. In fact, the strength and success of our nation depends on every one of us taking an active role in the community where we live. You can also help strengthen America by asking you friends, families and neighbors to join you in helping your community. Most people say ‘yes’ if asked to volunteer – all it takes is a personal request.” ~President Barack Obama
Award Criteria Any individual, family or group that meets the program’s criteria can receive Presidential recognition for volunteer hours served over a 12-month period or over the course of a lifetime. Criteria for recognition are: Recipients must be United States citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of the United States. Awards are issued for service hours served within a 12-month time period or over the course of a lifetime. Awards are issued for volunteer service only. Additional levels of participation with the organization, i.e. charitable support, are not a factor considered for the award. Court-ordered community service does not qualify for the award. Awards are issued by approved certifying organizations. Youth Service through ISD 191 is a certified organization. Service must be with an organization that is legally established in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or one of the territories.
The Requirements to Receive Certification
Service hours must be completed between May 1st, 2016 and April 30th, 2017. Volunteers must be enrolled with Youth Service and must have handed in time sheets with adult supervisor’s name, signature and phone number for all recorded hours. Applications must be completed and turned into the Youth Service Office, E118 no later than May 2nd, 2017.
Need Places to Volunteer in the Community? Check out the Youth Service Webpage.
For Questions, Please Contact: Ms. Ostoff, Community Education Youth Service Coordinator
[email protected]
Application for
President’s Volunteer Service Award Deadline May 2nd, 2016 First Name (Please Print) Last Name (Please Print) _______________________ ___________________________ NOTE: This is how your name will appear on the certificate.
Street Address ___________________________________________________ City_______________________Zipcode__________________ Email______________________________________________ Total Hours Served__________________________________ Applicant MUST meet all of the below criteria! Only check the below box if you meet all of the criteria. Recipients must be United States citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of the United States. Awards are issued for service hours served within a 12-month time period or over the course of a lifetime. Awards are issued for volunteer service only. Additional levels of participation with the organization, i.e. charitable support, are not a factor considered for the award. Court-ordered community service does not qualify for the award. Awards are issued by approved certifying organizations. Youth Service through ISD 191 is a certified organization. Service must be with an organization that is legally established in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or one of the territories.
I certify that I meet all of the above criteria. Student Signature ___________________________________________________