Press Release 06.12.2016 - Resignation of Mr. Aman ... - Balaji Telefilms

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s various pro ynonymous r of large-sc eloper of film eator of IP nment Priva. LP – a produ ... Fax: +91. Email: sa sim
Ba alajji Te eleffilms Liimitted C C-13, Balaji Hou use, Dalia Indu ustrial Estate, Opp. O Laxmi Industries, New Lin nk Road, Andheri (West), Mum mbai 400 053 Tel: T 40698000 F Fax: 40698181 1/82/83 Website: www


Re esignattion of Mr. Am man Gilll as CE EO of Balaji B Motiion Picttures Limited L d Mumbaii, India, De ecember 6,, 2016 India’s le eading telev vision and film production company y, Balaji Telefilms Limitted (BTL) ha as announced that Mrr Aman Gill has resign ned as CEO O of Balaji Motion Picttures Limite ed (BMPL) a 100% sub bsidiary of BT TL. The com mpany and managemen m hes to thank k Aman for his outstan nding work in t team wish building the movies s business during d his sh hort tenure at Balaji M Motion Picturres. His term m as CEO of BMPL saw w the release of a num mber of film ms including g the critically acclaime ed movie Ud dta Punjab that t was relleased again nst a very challenging c e environmen nt. The mov vies busines ss which currently has two movies s under pro oduction will continue to t function under the supervision s of our Group CEO Mr Sameer S Nair. About Balaji B Teleffilms Limite ed Balaji Te elefilms is In ndia’s leadin ng integrate ed media co onglomerate e with mark ket leadership in the te elevision co ontent industry, among other entertainmentt-led busine esses. It ha as demonsttrated succe ess in both films and te elevision. Piioneering w widely differe ent genres of o content, the Compa any has com mpletely aligned its brrand archite ecture to reflect the farreaching changes off our time. The Com mpany, und der the stew wardship off Mrs. Shob bha Kapoorr and Ms. Ekta E Kapoo or, operates s various pro ominent bra ands within its fold nam mely Balaji Telefilms – a productio on house sy ynonymous with groun nd-breaking television content; c Ba alaji Motion Pictures – a producerr of large-sc cale feature films with the topmos st industry ttalent; Alt Entertainmen nt – a deve eloper of film m content with w alternatte sensibilitie es. Marinatiing Films Prrivate Limite ed – a cre eator of IP P and prod ducer of re eality shows and eve ents. Chhay yabani Bala aji Entertain nment Priva ate Limited – a creato or and producer of Ben ngali conten nt and Even nt Media LL LP – a produ ucer of even nt based sho ows. In recentt years, the e Company has h strength hened its leadership tea am and is now n poised to t make a strategic foray f into the Digital B2C enterrtainment c category with Alt Bala aji (through h its wholly owned sub bsidiary) - to build a consumer ffacing brand that offers original, premium and exclusive content fo or a global digital audie ence in an endeavour e t to monetise e the incredible potential of origina al on-deman nd entertainment.


For furtther details s please co ontact: Sanjay Dwivedi–Gro D oup CFO Simmi Siingh Bisht - Group Head d Secretaria al

Ga avin Desa Ra abindra Basu

Balaji Te elefilms Limited

Cittigate Dewe e Rogerson (CDR India) )

Tel: +91 22 40698000 0

Te el: +91 22 66 645 1237 / 12 248

Fax: +91 22 40698181

Fax: +91 22 66 645 1200

Email: [email protected]

Em mail: gavin@c m

sht@balajitele simmi.bis

rabindra [email protected] com

Safe Ha arbor:

Certain  sttatements  in n  this  update e  concerning  our  future  growth  prosspects  are  fo orward  lookin ng  statements,  which  invvolve  a  numb ber  of  risks  and  a uncertain nties  that  could  cause  acctual  results  to  t h forward‐loo oking stateme ents. The ach hievement of  such results  is  differ matterially from  those in such subject to o risks, uncertainties and e even inaccurate assumptions. Readerss may please  take a note o of  this.