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Papillion, NE, January 17, 2011: Roger Langpaul of 360 Real Estate Services today announced the master ... Phone: (515)
Interview Contact: Roger Langpaul 360 Real Estate Phone: (515) 778-­8717 Media Contact: Jon Stephens Rockhill Strategic Phone: (816) 979-­1753 Mobile: (816) 547-­7904


PRESS RELEASE SARPY COUNTY BALLPARK DEVELOPMENT AREA TAKES SHAPE Pennant Place to Surround Werner Park with Vibrant Mixed-­Use Development

Papillion, NE, January 17, 2011: Roger Langpaul of 360 Real Estate Services today announced the master development vision and name for the planned district that will surround Werner Park that is scheduled to open in April of this year. Pennant Place will cover nearly 300 acres with a walkable, family oriented entertainment district, shopping, hotels, restaurants, executive offices and other amenities. Additional features of the master plan include a high quality senior living center, extensive residential development, recreation and green space. 0U/DQJSDXO·V company worked with leading planning experts to make the Pennant Place vision one that is beneficial to the citizens of Sarpy County, exciting to the fans of the Storm Chasers, and a destination for WKHHQWLUH2PDKDUHJLRQDQGEH\RQG´:HVWDUWHGZLWKWKH objective of creating a place that will be a lasting and unique destination. Pennant Place will certainly deliver a game day and everyday experience that is fun and excitingµsDLG0U/DQJSDXO´3HQQDQW3ODFHDQG:HUQHU3DUNZLOOFHUWDLQO\EHDQHFRQRPLF engine that continues to highlight WKHDGYDQWDJHVRI6DUS\&RXQW\DQGWKH2PDKD0HWURµ The name Pennant Place came about as a subtle nod to the historic baseball pennant flags that fans use to cheer on their favorite team. While baseball is a centerpiece of the development, Mr. Langpaul is quick to note that this is a development designed as a year-­round destination: ´:HUQHU3DUNZLOOVHUYHDVD bookend to the exciting entertainment and dining district, but it will have attractions and tenants that will PDNHLWDJDWKHULQJVSRWHYHU\GD\µThe entertainment district is anticipated to have restaurants and shops that open to a lush landscaped pedestrian walk with outdoor seating and programming. Above the storefronts executive office space is envisioned. Overlooking the right field of Werner Park will be a hotel with a proposed rooftop sports bar. Another hotel on site will push the total room count to 300.





Martie J. Cordaro, Vice President and General Manager of the Omaha Storm Chasers says of the development, ´3HQQDQW3ODFHLVDQH[FHSWLRQDOYLVLRQ:LWK world-­class Werner Park as a feature, Omaha ZLOOKDYHDGHVWLQDWLRQXQOLNHDQ\RWKHUµ Werner Park at Pennant Place will host its first regular season Storm Chasers game on April 15. Bringing the vision to life with 360 Real Estate are three key partners;; Rockhill Strategic assists in the master planning vision, branding and marketing;; planning and architectural design consulting by Slaggie Architects;; and Crimmins Commercial Advisors serves as leasing and sales consultants. No firm development timeline has been set, but the marketing to potential tenants and development partners has EHJXQ´We are actively meeting with development partners and are already fielding some very exciting tenant inquiries as well. The Omaha region and this development plan are both strong,µsaid Mr. Langpaul. ´5RDGZD\LPSURYHPHQWVOLJKWLQJDQGextensive mature trees lining the streets are already in. With baseball starting in April, the excitement will continue to build,µhe added. Additional highlights of the proposed development plan include large entertainment anchors, a grocer, destination shopping and a health club. To the immediate West of Pennant Place, the State of Nebraska will be constructing a 130 acre recreational area highlighted by a lake and proposed youth athletic fields. Additional information on the Pennant Place development can be found on the 360 Real Estate website at ###