©2014 DAZCo, Danesh Afarand Zistagen Co., IRAN ISSN: 2383-2568 Quarterly of International Archives of Health Sciences 2014;1(1):15-20
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Related Risk Factors among the Water-Counter Manufacturer Workers ARTICLE INFO Article Type Original Research
Authors Falaki H.1 BSc, Motallebi Kashani M.1 PhD, Bahrami A.1 MSc, Sarsangi V.* MSc, Akbari H.2 PhD, Rahimizadeh A.3 MS
How to cite this article Falaki H, Motallebi Kashani M, Bahrami A, Sarsangi V, Akbari H, Rahimizadeh A. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Related Risk Factors among the Water-Counter Manufacturer Workers. International Archives of Health Sciences. 2014;1(1):15-20.
* Occupational Health Engineering Department, Health Faculty, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran 1 Occupational Health Engineering Department, Health Faculty, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran 2 Vital Statistics Department, Health Faculty, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran 3 Social Determinants of Health Promotion Research Center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran Correspondence Address: Occupational Health Engineering Department, Health Faculty, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Pezeshk Boulevard, Kashan, Iran. Postal Code: 8715981151 Phone: +983155540021 Fax: +983155540111
[email protected] Article History Received: March 13, 2014 Accepted: June 21, 2014 ePublished: August 2, 2014
Aims Musculoskeletal disorders are common occupational hazards and disabilities in developing countries. This study was to assess postures and determine musculoskeletal disorders in employees of a water flow meter manufacturing factory in Iran. Materials & Methods In this descriptive analytical study that was done among workers of Iran Ensheab Factory from Water-Counter Manufacturing industry in Qom province in 2013, 85 workers from different departments were selected by objective sampling method. Demographic data of the workers like age, sex, period of work experience, weight and height were recorded in a checklist and “Rapid Upper Limb Assessment” approach and Nordic questionnaire were used for data gathering. Data analysis was done by SPSS 16 software using independent T and Chi-square tests. Findings There was a significant correlation between musculoskeletal disorders and movement postures of shoulder, lumbar, pelvic and knee. There were significant correlation between work experience (p