Prevalence of noise induced hearing loss among ... - CiteSeerX
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An investigation of the hearing status of musicians of professional symphony ... (2) Do patterns of hearing damage differ for different instrument types (3) Do OAE ... and hyperacusis, while diplacusis was generally not reported as a problem.
ed, it only became a major occupational aural disorder after discovery of gunpow- der and has increased significantly after the Industrial Revolution. From audio-.
Hearing loss prevention or noise management programs 81 ..... that are moved accordingly and it is this motion that causes the hair cells to create impulses in.
Hearing Loss from Noise is Permanent. But Preventable. Protect Your. Hearing. It's a Noisy World. For more information,
Dept. of Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia .... tained from questionnaires administered by the .... els at each site were sampled three times per mi-.
Feb 4, 2016 - hearing loss is exposure to excessive noise, which has been found to impair learning ability and ... the impact of noise on cognitive function and neurogenesis; however, .... For example, spatial memory (similar to what we.
May 28, 2014 - Fuente A, Slade MD, Taylor T, Morata TC, Keith RW, et al. .... Beckett WS (2003) Noise Induced Hearing Loss-Evidence Based Statement.
Jun 3, 2012 - common form of sensori-neural hearing deficit after presbycusis (age related hearing loss) (Rabinowitz, 2000). NIHL is usually found greater in.
Download Best Book Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Scientific Advances (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research), Download On
Feb 27, 2013 - administration of the water-soluble CoQ10 analog reduced oxidative-induced cochlear damage, hearing loss, and cortical dendritic injury.
remained in the Dark Box presumably because the high-frequency hearing loss made 16e20 kHz ..... ence for the Dark Box consistent with prior reports (Fig.
Background Noise exposure is prevalent in mining, and as the prevalence of ... of body pound the shining rock with iron
Abstract. Objectives: Individual susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) depends on the interaction between intrinsic and environmental factors.
Prevalence of noise induced hearing loss among ... - CiteSeerX
mining industry in Zimbabwe ... mining company complained about loss of hearing at the mine clinic. ... conducted in 12 countries in South America, Africa.
Prevalence of noise induced hearing loss among employees at a mining industry in Zimbabwe *Chadambuka A, Mususa F, Muteti S Department of Community Medicine, University of Zimbabwe
Abstract Background: Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is within the top five occupational illnesses in Zimbabwe. Workers at a mining company complained about loss of hearing at the mine clinic. Objective: To determine the prevalence of NIHL among employees at the Mine. Methods: We conducted a descriptive cross sectional study at the mine. Workers were proportionally selected to represent all the mine departments or working areas. We measured noise levels at various mine sites, conducted a walk-through survey to observe noise related worker practices and conducted audiometric testing. Results: Mean age for workers was 34.8±7.6 years and the mean duration of exposure to noise was 7.5±1.2 years. All workers could define noise. Ninety (53%) workers attributed NIHL to noisy work environment. Excessive noise levels were in Plant Processing (94 dBA), Underground Mining (102 dBA) and (Underground Workshop (103 dBA). Sixty two (36.7%) workers had NIHL. NIHL increased as a function of age (chi square=30.99 df=3 p