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Cooling. Keywords: Primary energy factors; district heating; energy efficiency ..... for heavy fuel oil and natural gas are respectively 1.35 and 1.36. DH PEFs for ...
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The 15th International Symposium on District Heating Cooling The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling

Primary energy factor for district heating networks in European Primary energy factorUnion for district heating member statesnetworks in European The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling Union member states Eduard Latõšov*, Anna Volkova, Andres Siirde, Jarek Kurnitski, Martin Thalfeldt Assessing feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, Jarek Tallinn 19086, Estonia Martin Thalfeldt Eduard Latõšov*,the Anna Volkova, Andres Siirde, Kurnitski, temperature function for a long-term district heat demand forecast Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 19086, Estonia Abstract

I. Andrića,b,c*, A. Pinaa, P. Ferrãoa, J. Fournierb., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc

a Abstract IN+ofCenter for Innovation, Technology Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. as Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Portugalfor The use Primary Energy Factor (PEF)and wasPolicy chosen by European Union policy makers an obligatory part ofLisbon, methodology b Veolia Rechercheof & products, Innovation,using 291 Avenue Dreyfous 78520 Limay, France comparing the primary energy consumption different energyDaniel, sources. c Département Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 makers rue Alfred 44300 Nantes, The use of Primary EnergySystèmes Factor (PEF) was chosen byEU European Union policy as Kastler, an obligatory part ofFrance methodology for Approaches for definition of primary energy differ in member states. Different methodologies and definitions of primary comparing the primary energy products, using energy sources. energy factors have impact on consumption calculation ofofenergy sector keydifferent indicators, including district heating (DH) sector. The aim of the Approaches definition of primary energy differ in states. methodologies and methods definitions primary research wasfor collection, analysis and systematization of EU datamember about PEF and Different its calculation and definition forof DH in EU energy Memberfactors states.have impact on calculation of energy sector key indicators, including district heating (DH) sector. The aim of the Abstract research was collection, analysis about and systematization of data about PEF and its of calculation andsupply definition methods for systematic DH in EU Method used for data collection EU Member States with adequate share DH in heat is meta-analysis Member states. review methodological approach, using as main data sources legislation and standards currently in force, which are used to District heating networks are commonly addressedStates in the literature as one of the most effective for decreasing the Method for data collection about EU Member adequate ofin DH in supply. heat supply solutions is meta-analysis systematic regulate used implementation of PEF in EU Member States withwith adequate shareshare of DH heat greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems requireand highstandards investments which in areforce, returned through the heat review methodological approach, using as main data sources legislation currently which are used to The main criterion for the classification of DH PEF in different countries is PEF determination procedure. Based on this criterion sales. Due to the changedPEF climate conditions and with building renovation heat demand in the future could decrease, regulate implementation in EU Member adequate shareDH ofpolicies, DH in heat three main groups were of analysed: single fixedStates DH PEF, differentiated PEFs, DH supply. PEF, calculated for each DH network prolonging the investment return period. The main criterion for the classification of DH PEF in different countries is PEF determination procedure. Based on this criterion independently. The main this paper is to assess feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature forDH heatnetwork demand three main scope groupsof were analysed: single the fixed DH PEF, differentiated DH PEFs, DH PEF, calculatedfunction for each forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 independently. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and scenariosPublished were developed (shallow, © 2017 The by Ltd. ©renovation 2017 The Authors. Authors. Published by Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were Cooling. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee The 15th Internationaland Symposium on the District Heating and Cooling. compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model,ofpreviously validated by authors. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15thdeveloped International Symposium on District Heating and The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications Cooling. Keywords: Primary energy factors; district heating; energy efficiency (the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation scenarios,Primary the error value increased to 59.5% Keywords: energy factors; district up heating; energy(depending efficiency on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.

* Corresponding author.Published Tel.: +372-5335-9298; © 2017 The Authors. by Elsevierfax: Ltd.+372-620-2020. E-mail address: [email protected] Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and * Corresponding author. Tel.: +372-5335-9298; fax: +372-620-2020. Cooling.

E-mail address: [email protected] 1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling. Keywords: Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change 1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling. 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.05.056

Eduard Latõšov et al. / Energy Procedia 116 (2017) 69–77 Latõšov ,Volkova, Siirde, Kurnitski andThalfeldt / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000

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1. Introduction According to the Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings [1] (hereinafter EPBD recast), the European Union (hereinafter EU) Member States should draw up national plans for increasing the number of nearly zero-energy buildings. The national plans shall include, inter alia, the Member State’s detailed application in practice of the definition of nearly zero-energy buildings, reflecting their national, regional or local conditions, and including a numerical indicator of primary energy use expressed in kWh/m2 per year. Primary energy factors used for the determination of the primary energy use may be based on national or regional yearly average values and may take into account relevant European standards. EPBD recast determines, that the energy performance of a building shall be expressed in a transparent manner and shall include an energy performance indicator and a numeric indicator of primary energy use, based on primary energy factors (hereinafter PEF) per energy carrier, which may be based on national or regional annual weighted averages or a specific value for onsite production. The methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings should take into account European standards and shall be consistent with relevant Union legislation, including Directive 2009/28/EC. In the calculation positive effects of such aspects as electricity produced by combined heat and power (CHP) plant, district or block heating and cooling systems, where relevant, shall be taken into account. Unfortunately, EPBD recast does not provide a strict definition of PEF and rigid adherence to the standard concerning how to calculate PEFs for different energy chains. This fact creates confusion in unanimous understanding of the PEFs nature. In general PEF can be stated as [2] primary energy divided by delivered energy, where the primary energy is that required to supply one unit of delivered energy, taking account of the energy required for extraction, processing, storage, transport, generation, transformation, transmission, distribution, and any other operations necessary for delivery to the building in which the delivered energy will be used. The use of primary energy factors has influence on the accounting of such targets as energy saving and use of renewable energy sources [3]. Determination and application of district heating (hereinafter DH) PEFs is not researched as well as PEFs for electricity [4, 5, 6], however importance of DH is significant. Heating and cooling consume half of the EU's energy where DH provides 9% of the EU's heating. In some countries, district heating is seen as an attractive option for companies and consumers and as a mean of improving energy efficiency and the deployment of renewables [7]. It was estimated that DH could help Europe reduce total European CO2 emissions by 9.3% by 2020 [8]. Evaluating the PEF of the specific DH system give possibilities to rate and compare the performance of different DH systems. DH PEFs take into account heat losses of the heating network as well as all other energy used for extraction, preparation, refining, processing, and transportation of the fuels to produce the heat. [2] The main objective of this article is to give constructive state of the art review analysis of the data sources in a field of DH PEF for EU countries and identify main differences and gaps in implementation of DH PEFs. It is expected, that this article will give state of the art information to experts in energy efficiency research areas and will promote further research activities on this field. 2. Methodology Methodology to provide constructive analysis of the data sources in a field of PEF for DH for EU Member States consists of four main steps: • • • •

Selection of EU Member States with adequate share of DH in heat supply Definition of methods for data collection about EU Member States with adequate share of DH in heat supply Data collection in accordance with defined methods Collected data classification, analysis and comparison

The scope of research includes only EU Member States. Not all EU Member states are presented in this study, but only countries, where DH plays important role in energy sector. First step is elimination of countries, where district

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heating sector is not presented in country energy balance for the last five years, according to database of statistical office of the European Communities (hereinafter Eurostat). Remaining countries are compared by share of inhabitants supplied by district heating. This criterion allows to compare the importance of district heating in countries, which vary in terms of population, size and climate. Countries with the share of inhabitants supplied by district heating higher, than 1% will be selected for analysis of DH PEFs. Method used for data collection about EU Member States with adequate share of DH in the heat supply is metaanalysis systematic review methodological approach, where findings from various individual studies are analyzed and pooled. Data sources used for review are selected based on validity criteria. High priority data sources are legislation and standards currently in force, which are used to regulate implementation of PEF in EU Member States with adequate share of DH in the heat supply. This study is a status quo type, where current situation for a given DH PEFs is presented. 3. Data collection and processing 3.1. Selection of EU Member States with adequate share of DH in the heat supply Confirming to proposed methodology first step is elimination of EU Member States, where DH is not presented in energy balance. As it is shown in Simplified Energy Balances of EUROSTAT database [9] DH sector is not presented in national energy balances during last five years in Ireland, Greece, Spain, Malta, Cyprus, and Portugal. District heating sector is presented in Italy starting from 2010. The criterion, chosen for further selection is share of inhabitants supplied by district heating. District heating has a significant role to play in energy sector of 20 EU Member States. As it can be seen from Figure 1 district heating provides heat energy for more than 1% of inhabitants in following Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Fig. 1. Share of inhabitants supplied by district heating in EU Member states [9, 10, 11]

The policy, concerning primary energy factors for district heating sector will be analysed for these EU member states. Share of inhabitants supplied by district heating in Belgium and Luxembourg is not higher than 1% and they will not be considered.

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3.2. Data collection and general criteria development for classification Data about primary energy factors for district heating in EU member states was collected based on methodology described before. During data collection it was found, that there are EU Members States in which: • Single fixed DH PEF is used. This PEF is valid for all DH networks (e.g. in Finland, Estonia and Bulgaria). • Differentiated DH PEFs are used, according to the fuels used and /or energy production technologies applied (e.g. in Latvia, Czech Republic and Hungary). • DH PEF is calculated for each DH network independently (e.g. in Poland, Germany and Italy). Consolidated data about sources found during data collection, which define DH PEFs, references and information about the general types of DH PEF used (single fixed, differentiated or calculated DH PEFs) for respected EU Member States is presented in Table 1. Sources found are tentatively translated in References / Sources column of the Table 1. Table 1. Sources, references used for DH PEFs data collection and general types of DH PEFs

Calculated for each DH network independently


Single fixed

Type of DH PEF


References / Sources


Ordinance № Е-RD-04-2 for the indicators of energy consumption and energy performance of buildings, 22.01.2016 [22]


Danish Building Regulations 2015 [23]


Minimum requirements for buildings energy performance. Revision in force: 01.07.2015 [24]


D3 Energy management in buildings. Regulations and guidelines 2012. [25]


Decree of 26 October 2010 on the thermal characteristics and energy performance requirements of new buildings and new parts of buildings [26]


OIB guidelines on energy savings and thermal requirements of the buildings. March 2015, OIB-330.6009/15 [27]

Czech Republic

Energy Performance of Buildings decree n. 78/2013 Coll. [28]


Ministerial Order the 7/2006. Decree of Minister without Portfolio, about Determination of Energy Efficiency of Buildings [29]


Ministerial Decree n. 364/2012 Coll. on the energy performance of buildings and on the amendments to certain laws, as amended [30]


Technical guideline for construction: TSG-1-004:2010 efficient use of energy [31]


Cabinet Regulation No. 348 of 25 June 2013 “Regulations Regarding the Methodology for Calculating the Energy Performance of Buildings” [32]


Lithuanian Building Technical Regulation STR - Energy performance of buildings Certification of energy performance of buildings, with amendments in 2016 [33]


The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings 2012 editions [34]


Decree on the minimum requirements (decree 26 June 2015), Annex 1 [35], Coordinated text of decreelaw 4 June 2013, n. 63 [36], UNI/TS 11300 standards [37]


Energy Performance of District Heating - Determination of the specific primary energy factors in district heating supply. 2014. [38]


Journal of laws of 2012, POS. 962. Regulation of the Minister of Economy dated 10 August 2012. Detailed description of the scope and method of preparation audit of energy efficiency, the design of the card auditing energy efficiency and methods for calculating energy savings [39]

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It should be mentioned, that Austria is unique in term of DH PEF general types used, because for heat only boilers of differentiated type are used and DH PEFs for CHP and utilization of waste heat are calculated. In this work context Austria is grouped as Member State with differentiated DH PEF type because not all DH networks are calculated independently. It could be found, that such countries like Romania, Croatia, Sweden, and Netherlands are not included to Table 1. The reason is that there is no use of PEF concept and/or insufficient of information obtained from various individual studies, legislation and standards to make a solid statement about situation with DH PEFs. Description of current review results for those countries is shown below. According to [12, 13] the Swedish Energy Authority does not support the concept of primary energy factors. There is no information found that we should reject this statement. On the official webpage of Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning in the section of regulation in the field of energy efficiency, the methodology of conducting an energy audit of buildings and algorithm for calculating the energy performance of buildings are described [14]. According to the algorithm for determining energy requirements and efficiency of thermal systems in building (CHP and DH) are based on EN 15316-4-5 [2], which assumes calculation of DH PEFs for each DH system. The list with PEFs is also published on the official webpage of Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning [15]. This list consists of DH PEFs for a different regions of Croatia as well as country average value (total 18 different values). Total number of DH systems in Croatia is about 110 [10]. In all appearance setting of DH PEFs is based on calculations, but application to exact DH networks is differentiated based on location feature. There is rapid development in energy efficiency legislation in Romania. In August 2014 the Law no. 121/2014 on energy efficiency came into force. The Law transposes the European Union regulations set out under Directive 2012/27/UE regarding energy efficiency, into national legislation. The main purpose of the Law is to establish a coherent legislative framework for the development and application of the national energy efficiency policy in order to achieve the national target for increasing energy efficiency. Following the provisions of the Law no. 121/2014 on energy efficiency for the transposition of the Directive 2012/27/UE regarding energy efficiency, the Romanian authorities drafted the third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP III), government approved by Government Decision 122/2015 [16]. In [17, 18] a very good overview about implementing the EPBD in Romania is given. But after familiarization with respective legal the situation about implementation of DH PEFs was not clear enough. As an example PEFs shown in [19] and [20] differs. It is expected, that clarification of this topic can be possible after expanding methodology used in this article to provide constructive analysis of the data sources (negotiations and consultations with Romanian experts in the field of energy efficiency is necessary). According to [21] there are valid Primary Energy Factors for electricity, natural gas and heating oil in Netherlands. No PEFs for renewables and DH are applied or calculated. There is no information found that we should reject this statement. 4. Single fixed DH PEFs There are five (5) EU Member States where single fixed DH PEFs are used. PEF values are shown in Table 2. Table 2. PEF values in EU Member States with a single fixed DH PEFs. Country

PEF value




0.6 – 1.0







DH PEF values differ more than two times and are in range between 0.6 (in Denmark) and 1.3 (in Belgium).

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Denmark has a unique way to select and use DH PEFs. Applied DH PEFs can be different, but they do not depend on fuels or technologies used in DH area (values does not comply with differentiated DH PEFs group definition used in this article). According to BR15 [23] buildings in Denmark may be erected in accordance with the energy performance frameworks (minimum requirements), or as a voluntary low-energy building according to building class 2020. PEF of 0.8 for DH is used for buildings erected in accordance with the minimum requirements of BR15 and of 0.6 for buildings erected according to Building Class 2020. For buildings which comply with the renovation classes, a DH PEF of 1.0 is used. 5. Differentiated fixed DH PEFs There are eight (8) EU Member States where differentiated fixed DH PEFs are used. Brief description and comments about DH PEFs use in those countries is shown below. PEF values are shown in summary Table 3. In Austria DH PEFs for networks with heating only plants are selected based on differentiated fixed approach. Default DH PEF can be used for networks with efficient CHP in accordance to Directive 2004/8/EC [40] is 0.19. Default DH PEF for waste heat utilization is 1.0. At the same time DH PEFs for CHP and waste heat can be calculated in accordance to EN 15316-4-5 [2]. In Czech Republic DH PEFs are differentiated based on share of renewables. For the systems of heat supply with more than 80% share of renewables DH PEF is of 0.1. If share of renewables is 50 – 80%, than DH PEF is 0.3. Thermal energy supply systems with 50% or lower than 50% share of renewables has DH PEF of 1.0. In Hungary different DH PEFs are given based on fuels usage (renewable or not) and share of cogenerated heat. DH PEF values for heating only plants in Table 3 means, that share of cogenerated heat is less than 50%. Values for CHP plants in Table 3 are valid for DH networks where at least 50% of heat is produced in CHP regime. In Slovakia DH PEF for heat only plants based on renewables (wood chips) is of 0.15. DH PEFs for fossil fuels heat only plants vary between 1.19 and 1.4. Lower value is valid for black coal and higher for brown coal. DH PEFs for heavy fuel oil and natural gas are respectively 1.35 and 1.36. DH PEFs for heat produced in CHP regime also depends on fuels used and are the same as for heat only plants. It should be mentioned, that DH PEFs for CHP based on renewables is not shown in regulation, but DH PEF of 1.0 for heat cogenerated in nuclear power plants is added. In Slovenia DH PEF are differentiated for heating only plants and for heating plants with CHP. PEF don’t vary in case of different fuel type and don’t depend on the fact whether the energy source for DH is renewable or not. PEF for DH with CHP is higher, then DH without CHP. In Lithuania DH PEF are offered for 35 separate DH producers, where total number of DH systems is about 360 [10] with renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Besides determined country average DH PEF varies for DH based on renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Those DH PEF are the same for DH with or without CHP. Table 3. PEF values in EU Member States with a differentiated DH PEFs. Country

Austria Czech Republic

CHP Fossil fuels

Heating only plants

Renewable fuels

0.19 (default value for efficient CHP)

Fossil fuels

Waste heat

Renewable fuels



0,1 - 1

1 (default value) -








1.0 - 1.40


1.19 - 1.40











0.91 (country average), 0.17 - 0.9 (defined for selected DH producers)

Lithuania UK


1.06 - 1.22

1.01 - 1.10

1.06 - 1.22

1.01 - 1.10


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In the United Kingdom DH PEF are defined for heat energy produced in DH systems, based on various energy sources, including fossil fuels (mains gas, LPG, oil, mineral oil), renewable fuel (biomass, biodiesel, and biogas), and geothermal sources. DH PEF are the same for DH with CHP and without it. PEF are recalculated every 3-4 years, next time PEF will be recalculated at the end of 2016. In Latvia DH PEFs are different for DH with CHP and without CHP. It is mentioned in regulation that DH with CHP means, that at least 70% of heat is supplied by CHP. PEF is provided for the non-renewable part of energy sources, and it is equal to zero for renewable energy sources for DH with CHP and 0.1 for DH without CHP. DH PEF is 1.3. When fossil fuels are used DH PEF is 0.7 for DH with CHP and 1.3 for DH without CHP. 6. DH PEFs calculated for each DH network In Italy, Germany and Poland DH PEFs can be calculated for each DH network. Italy. According to [35] the methodology of calculation of the performance energy of the buildings are regulated by the technical document No 14/2013 from the Italian Thermotechnical Committee and UNI/TS 11300 standards series [36] from Italian Organisation for Standardization. In 2016 CTI 14:2013 was replaced by a new standard UNI/TS 11300:5 2015. In turn UNI standards are aligned with the standards prepared by CEN to support the directive 2010/31/EU [37]. Default DH PEF of 1.5 is used. Poland. Calculation of DH PEFs goes in accordance to method described in [39]. Method is based on power bonus approach which is also followed in EN 15316-4-5 [2]. Germany. According to [38] calculation of DH PEFs in general follows power bonus approach principles and EN 15316-4-5 [2]. 7. Discussion and conclusion Present situation shows that EU Member States flexibly adopt primary energy concept according to their features and the way how DH PEFs are defined, as well as their values differ significantly. There are single fixed DH PEFs which are valid for all DH networks in the country, differentiated DH PEFs which are used according to the fuels used and /or applied energy production technologies, and there are also cases when DH PEF for each DH network is calculated independently. The use of single fixed DH PEFs does not conform the PEF definition. Some of mismatches are given below: • This solution does not take into account a combination of different fuels and technologies used for heat production in some specific DH networks. At the same time the primary energy consumption and environmental impact in DH networks with renovated DH networks (low energy losses, heat load smoothing by heat storage systems), installed flue gas condenser, implemented CHP and high share of renewable fuels are lower. • Benefits from the use of waste heat are not taken into account. At the same time, the reuse of the waste heat emitted during industrial processes in DH will allow to save a fuel in quantity. In order to conform the DH PEFs with the PEF definition, when the PEFs take into the account the use of primary energy required for the energy supplied as well as its environmental impact, it is justified either to calculate the PEFs or choose from the differentiated solution. It should be divided and promoted by assigning lower DH PEF factors to DH networks with smaller environmental impacts, i.e. renovated DH networks (low energy losses, heat load smoothing by heat storage systems), installed flue gas condenser, implemented CHP and a high share of renewable fuels and utilized waste heat. Separation of the efficient DH networks with low environmental impacts would promote DH firms to move towards the use of renewable energy and the adoption of the energy efficient technical solutions. Despite PEF being an important common EU energy policy tool for comparing various energy types, calculation approaches, its determination differs significantly in the EU member states. One possible solution to avoid this difference is the development of a common procedure to determine PEF in all the EU member states.

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Methodology used for data collection (findings from various individual studies are analysed and pooled) can be improved. It is expected, that additional negotiations and consultation with experts in the field of energy efficiency from different EU Member States will increase the accuracy and actuality of findings. References [1] Directive 2010/31/EU. European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the Energy Performance of Buildings (recast). Official Journal of the European Union; 2010. [2] European standard EN 15316-4-5. Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-5: Space heating generation systems, the performance and quality of district heating and large volume systems. [3] N.Surmeli-Anac, A.Hermelink, D.Jager, H.Groenenberg Primary Energy Demand of Renewable Energy Carriers. Part 2 Policy Implications. Ecofys 2014 by order of: European Copper Institute. 2014, [4] E. Molenbroek, E. Stricker, T. Boermans Primary energy factors for electricity in buildings Toward a flexible electricity supply; Ecofys Netherlands BV, 2011, [5] U. R. Fritsche, H.-W. Greß Development of the Primary Energy Factor of Electricity Generation in the EU-28 from 2010-2013. IINAS, Darmstadt, March 2015, [6] Wilby, M.R., Rodríguez González, A.B., Vinagre Díaz, J.J.Empirical and dynamic primary energy factors (2014) Energy, 73, pp. 771-779. [7] An EU Strategy on Heating and Cooling, Communication from the Commission tho the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Brussels, 16.2.2016, [8] Ma, Z., Li, H., Sun, Q., Wang, C., Yan, A., & Starfelt, F. (2014). Statistical analysis of energy consumption patterns on the heat demand of buildings in district heating systems. Energy and Buildings, 85, 664–672. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.09.048, [9] Simplified energy balances - annual data, EUROSTAT database, [10] Euroheat and Power: "District Heating and Cooling – Country by Country – Survey 2015“, 2016. [11] J. Vansteenbrugge, G. Van Eetvelde District heating networks in the framework of spatial planning in Annual congress: from control to coevolution, proceedings, 2014. [12] Molenbroek, M., Stricker, E., & Boermans, T. Primary energy factors for electricity in buildings. Toward a flexible electricity supply, 1–52, 2011. [13] Persson, T. (2015). Energimyndighetens syn på viktningsoch primärenergifaktorer, 1(202100), 1–5., [14] Dovi, D. Algoritam za određivanje energijskih zahtjeva i učinkovitosti termo tehničkih sustava u zgradama Sustavi kogeneracije, sustavi daljinskog grijanja, fotonaponski sustavi. (2015), [15] Faktori primarne energije i emisija CO2. (2014), 2014., [16] Energy Efficiency trends and policies in Romania. Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Energy Efficiency Department, 2015, [17] Report on the state-of-the-art of the EPBD National implementation, describing policy mapping comprising the assessment of the existing national plans, policies and regulatory frameworks of target countries, RePublic _ ZEB Project Project consortium. (2015), (April), 1–145, [18] Implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Featuring Country Report. Lisbon. 2015. [19] Cercetare referitoare la cadrul metodologic de calcul al nivelurilor de cost optim al cerinţelor minime de performanţă energetică pentru clădiri şi elemente de anvelopă ale acestora: Faza 2 – Raport final [20] Metodologie de calcul al performanţei energetice a clădirilor Partea a II-a - Performanţa energetică a instalaţiilor din clădiri Indicativ Mc 001/2-2006 [21] EPISCOPE, Inclusion of New Buildings in Residential Building Typologies: Steps Towards NZEBs Exemplified for Different European Countries, Synthesis Report No. 1. [22] Наредба № Е-РД-04-2 от 22.01.2016 г. за показателите за разход на енергия и енергийните характеристики на сградите, January 2016, Bulgaria, [23] The Danish Transport and Construction Agency: Danish Building Regulations 2015, [24] Hoone energiatõhususe miinimumnõuded, RT I, 05.06.2015, 15. In force from: 01.07.2015, [25] D3 Suomen rakentamismääräyskokoelma. Ympäristöministeriö, Rakennetun ympäristön osasto. Ymäristöministeriön asetus rakennusten energiatehokkuudesta. Annettu Helsingissä 30 päivänä maaliskuuta 2011, [26] Arrêté du 26 octobre 2010 relatif aux caractéristiques thermiques et aux exigences de performance énergétique des bâtiments nouveaux et des parties nouvelles de bâtiments, 2010, May 2016,

Eduard Latõšov et al. / Energy Procedia 116 (2017) 69–77 Latõšov ,Volkova, Siirde, Kurnitski andThalfeldt / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000

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