We also assume that p > .5, since all prinitire groups Grh an orbitz! of length 2 or 3 have already beer1 determined. C. E. Praeger :I61 prored that, if G has a ...
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Primitive permutation groups with a sharply 2-transitive subconstituen of prime degree Jie Wang
Department of Math, Peking University, Beijing, 100871People's Republic of China Published online: 05 Jul 2007.
To cite this article: Jie Wang (1992): Primitive permutation groups with a sharply *
2-transitive subconstituen of prime degree , Communications in Algebra, 20:3, 923-941 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00927879208824382
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923-941 ( 1 9 9 2 )
In this paper we have d e t e r ~ i n e ddl lmiprirnitiv? permutation groups wkicf; have a stxpl:; 2-tiansitive subconstituent of prime degree.
$1. INTRODUCTION Let G tie a uniprimitive pernutation group acting on a Szite ser 2 , f o r a 5 0: suppose G, h r s an o-bit A(aj and the corresponding t;%nsitive constituent
~ , h is~sharp!:? ~ '
2-transitive. Then by 1111 Chm!!ary 3.9, '6,
d ( d - !)"or
d = iA(a)i. In this pa.per, ive c!as~ifi.all such polips provided d = p is a prime. All sharply ?-transitive permutatinn groups were determined by Zassenhaus (211.
It follows that G'e'atk Z,
: ZP-,
so!rable. W e also assume that p
if ( ~ ( a . j=; p . And by [20: 16.3, G, itseif is
> .5, since all prinitire groups G r h an orbitz!
of length 2 or 3 have already beer1 determined. C. E. Praeger :I61 prored that, if G has a doubly transirive subconstituem,
then either G is almost simple, or G has a unique minirna.1 regular normal s&,rrrcip Jf C: has a regular norma! sukgrcup 10. then
I t fo!!ows t h a r L! E [ 6 , 5 . 7 ] . Eler?.ertar:; caicuia:ion shcn~stha: on!;; d = 3 ar?d q = 1 or i are possible. T = P S L f 3 , 4 ) has been inc!uded io Tab!e 1 whi!e
P S L ( 3 , ; ) is exchded 5y
PEOOF:In this ease; ill has h r s n y e primp r. So
.?f is
a sector isomorphic .co
PSL id,yo) where
is not solvable except for d = 2 and qo = ? c~r3. Hellce
5:.3 r ?.:,:.?Y,
If .!f 5x5
~ e c t c riscmorphic ~c Zp : Zg-I.
t h e 2 r = p. This i r p l i ~ sthat Z, is a, direct fzctcr n f M , a contradirtion.
PP,.OOF:in this case: ,if = =Yc(Ei) for W = P 5 ~ ( d , ~PSI:(d:q)(q j, = r2) or Pi?jcl,q)(qodd). ff H is symp!eetic, ao so!sable
can be found, If f-I is
. A L a y , then ( d , y') = ( 3 : 41, (2: 4) or ( 2 , Q ) . Hcwever, PSL("4) 2
P S L ( 2 . o) r .A6 hzve been treated in section 2: while F S L ( 3 , 4 ) is exclvded by
.a ' . Fisz!i~,if H is orthogonal, ( 2 : ~ =) 'cl
Downloaded by [Peking University] at 16:48 01 May 2013
( 8 , 3 ) or j a ! i ) , both are excluded by
In this sulsec-,ion, suppose that T = P S p ( d , q ) ; ~ h e r id 2 1 is s e n . If d = 4 and q is wen: assume that G contains no g a p h automiorphisms. Moreover. !et I' be the d-dimensional s.;mpiectic q a c e over GF(q).
In this case, M normalizes a schspace U of I', a n d either U is non-
t ~ t a l l yisotropic, In the former case, :V is unsolvafle. I n the
latter case? siippose t h a t dim(L7) =
PSL(r! q )
T h e a M has a seceor i s o m ~ r p h i c-co
PSp(d - 2r! q ) , This implies that g = 2 , 3 a n d K(M)= f2:3 ) : a
Downloaded by [Peking University] at 16:48 01 May 2013
PROOF:If +Li tf C;, then .ti = ,YG(X) for X f S y 1 2 ( T ) and , X = 2".
3 .ri c:ll,isuch t h a ~33,q,iK 1 Zy_: 2,-;for sgme prime p L 5 , then X K I K 5 Z, :
ZPd1 is a norma! 2-subgrijuy, i: fo!!ows char -1-5 K aud
4 r^
so 2--
I t f ~ l i o w sthat (q - 1)' , ( q - - I ) . j. IT is easy co ~e;ifj: i h ~ jqi 1
hence ( q - 112 ' f. This
meam that (41
The same argument shows that
- i.
- i) = I
j for f 2 2, which is impossible.
= - 1 is also impossible.
If :ti f C2:r h e a M = !YG(-Y) for -'Y
Z4r+l. \Iembers of this class ar:?
nbta,ined by the fusion of the original Cs arid C8 ~ e ~ b e rwhich s , are isomorphic
Downloaded by [Peking University] at 16:48 01 May 2013
PROOF:T h e members of C2 contain PSC'(a.,q'')iS,, there%re r: 5 3 , ;::. r 5 4. If s > 1, then it is n o t difficuit to show thze r j M ) = {?:3). conrradicting the z.ssumptloc that M ha.s a sector isornorpkic t o 2, : Z,-l.
When r = 1. 'M (-?TI= q
+ 1 , buc jp
2 7 g ~ n l e xshoi::s
. 31
If s = I , chen r = 3 : 4 .
it follows ?h+t ,o am! he a cli~isorof
i.W. con~radiccingche facx that iMi i p j p - 1'1" The same
that iio coun:2r eszxple occ-ms xhen r = 4.
PROOF:In &is case, 3f has a sector isl~morphicco P ~ C ' j d ; ' f , ~fcr ? ' :some odd forces d = r . hence if C T Z Z, : Zd :%:here i: = prime r. i n e so!r.abIiity cf -7
r&. so $1
Suppose rhat q =
5 Z,
f: for some prime
: Zd.[S(d,q- 1: j l.Clear!:;
in Lemma 5.1.3 we can assume that
Downloaded by [Peking University] at 16:48 01 May 2013
IS (d, q
= I.
i. then O u t ( T 1 = 2 i d . y
l j/
( d : q - 1) = 1 or d as d = r is prime. A s 3'0,
Downloaded by [Peking University] at 16:48 01 May 2013
PBOCF:If .9[ 5 Cj:
as .9f is s o l ~ . - a t l e , only :he 59!lo::-in.g
.t~~:c:cases haye
considered. '
( 1 ) T = PSC(3>?");r is an Paa prim* nuEber, and .!.ifiT G PGU(3,2?j. 1.
In this case, lOut(T\' = {3: 2* - 1 ) r . If there esists a normal subg-oup K such &at i\fjh'
1 2, : Z p - : , and
(2) T = PSC;;, q$), 51 fl T
'ii; p - I , chcn p = r, Meariivhile: _ti has a
nnr~t:~! subgroup 9'such tba; :'rP.'iY E Z,. This implies J d 'Ei 2 Z,
. . contrad!cr~c:n.
:, Z,-!.
PQ(d, where 4.0 is a n odd number. The snivr?bllit:;: cf ZI !.ads t o yfi = 3 and d = 3 or 4, 30th cases lead t o T(M)= I2.31. a contradiction.
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PEOOP:It follows fioni ! I ] that xhe oniy solvable s u b g o u p in this class i.c Pfl'(4.3) x P R ( 3 , 3 ) in T = P S ( 1 2 . 3 ) . It is easy t o show thar T(M)= 12.9:.
Nest suppose that scc(G) = PR-(8! q ) and G contains a g ~ p aatorrxrpliism h
of order 3. In this case, all maximal subgroups o f @ are determined by K!eidnar: in : 7 : . Suppose that (G,.%f) is a cocntei. example t o Theorem 1.2: then by [ 7 ] ,
the mi: possibilities For M are
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Received: Revised:
A p r i l 1991 July 1991