SiCE in comparisons of a set of fractions to given natural number (grey lines) is insensitive ..... Furthermore, a series of studies on a grey parrot demonstrated the ...
Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations
Oxford Handbooks Online Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations Joseph Tzelgov, Dana Ganor-Stern, Arava Kallai, and Michal Pinhas Online Publication Date: Mar 2014
Subject: Psychology, Cognitive Psychology DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199642342.013.019
Abstract and Keywords Primitives of numerical representation are numbers holistically represented on the mental number line (MNL). Non-primitives are numbers generated from primitives in order to perform specific tasks. Primitives can be automatically retrieved from long-term memory (LTM). Using the size congruency effect in physical comparisons as a marker of automatic retrieval, and its modulation by intrapair numerical distance as an indication of alignment along the MNL, we identify single-digits, but not two-digit numbers, as primitives. By the same criteria, zero is a primitive, but negative numbers are not primitives, which makes zero the smallest numerical primitive. Due to their unique notational structure, fractions are automatically perceived as smaller than 1. While some specific, familiar unit fractions may be primitives, this can be shown only when component bias is eliminated by training participants to denote fractions by unfamiliar figures. Keywords: primitives, automatic retrieval, holistic representation, size congruity effect, mental number line, single-digit numbers, two-digit numbers, zero, negative numbers, fractions
Introduction It is well documented that humans share with other non-human animals an analogue system that represents magnitudes or quantities (for a review see Feigenson, Dehaene, & Spelke, 2004; see Agrillo, and Beran et al., this volume). The use of natural (counting) numbers – symbols intended to represent exact magnitudes – emerges on the basis of this ancient system (Gallistel & Gelman, 2000). Numbers are symbolically represented by numerals that are single symbols or symbol combinations used to externally represent numbers. For the sake of simplicity, in most cases we will use the term ‘number’ to refer to the mathematical object that corresponds to a specific magnitude and to the numeral corresponding to it. We use the term ‘numeral’ whenever the distinction between numbers and numerals seems absolutely necessary. Throughout history, different cultures used different symbolic numeration systems. Zhang and Norman (1995) made a distinction between external symbolic numeration systems and internal numeration systems that refer to the way numbers are mentally represented. Some of the external numeration systems are unidimensional, and they use quantity as the only dimension; however, such systems are limited to representing only small magnitudes. In the process of enculturation, humans extended the repertoire of numbers they used. Consequently, most external numeration systems are at least two-dimensional. In particular, the Arabic numeration system uses shapes (digits) as one dimension representing quantity, and digit position representing power with a base ten as the other dimension. Thus, for example, the number (specific magnitude) 74 is represented as 7 × 10 1 + 4 × 10 0. We focus on internal numeration systems. The mental number line (MNL; Dehaene, 1997; Restle, 1970) is the most frequent metaphor in discussions of the internal representation of numbers as symbolic representation of magnitudes. We are interested in the MNL as the representation of numbers in our long-term memory (LTM), in contrast to what humans may generate when required to perform a specific task. According to the MNL metaphor, numbers are mentally represented along a line, which at least in some cultures spreads in space from left to right (Dehaene, Bossini, & Giraux, 1993). Such a representation is, in essence, unidimensional, with magnitude or quantity being translated into spatial locations along this line (see van Dijck et al., this volume). This unidimensional representation is in contrast to the at least two-dimensional representation of external numeration systems in general, and the Arabic numeration system in particular. A unidimensional internal representation of quantity implies that humans understand the quantity represented by a number by extraction of its meaning from the MNL. This readout mechanism seems, in the Arabic numeration system, natural for single-digit (1D) numbers, where the value of the power dimension equals zero, and no additional processing is needed to access the represented magnitude. This becomes more complicated if the representation extends beyond 1D natural numbers, to include numbers such as 1789 or 35/42. Verguts and Fias (2004, 2008) described a model that shows how a system can learn to use symbols as representations of magnitudes when provided with input from both a summation field that codes non-symbolic inputs of magnitude (Zorzi & Butterworth, 1999) and a symbolic input field; input that is passed to a common net of number detectors (see Roggeman et al., this volume). This implies a place coding representation as proposed by Dehaene and Changeux (1993), which is consistent with coding, at least by humans, of small magnitudes and the corresponding digits in specific brain areas of the intraparietal sulcus and the prefrontal cortex (Piazza, Pinel, Le Bihan, & Dehaene, 2007). Place coding is viewed by many as the neural realization of the MNL (Ansari, 2008).
Identifying Primitives and the Case of 1-digit Numbers PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 02 April 2014
Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations We differentiate between numbers whose meaning can be holistically retrieved from memory and those those meaning is generated online in order to perform a specific task. We refer to the first kind as the primitives of the numeration system. Such primitives are stored as distinctive nodes in LTM and humans are able to access their meaning without further processing. Because 1-digit (1D) numbers map into place coding (i.e. onto their location on the MNL) without additional preprocessing, they are natural candidates to serve as the basic set of numerical primitives. Thus, if 5 is a primitive, we retrieve its meaning from memory once we look at it. Other numbers (e.g. 3574) are stored in terms of their component dimensions; if 3574 is not a primitive, we have to generate its meaning from its components by applying the relevant algorithm to combine its component primitives. Note that we make no assumption that these primitives are unaffected by culture, or that they are the same for all numerical notations. We primarily investigated people from Western culture using the Arabic notation and the decimal system. The empirical identification of primitives is based on a distinction between two modes of processing – intentional and automatic. Bargh (1992) pointed out that processing without conscious monitoring is common to all automatic processes. This led Tzelgov (1997) to use such processing as the defining feature of automaticity. Tzelgov also suggested that processing without conscious monitoring can be diagnosed once the process in question is not part of the task requirements. By contrast, representations resulting from intentional processing of numerical values in most cases reflect the task requirements (Bonato, Fabbri, Umilta, & Zorzi, 2007; Ganor-Stern, Pinhas, Kallai, & Tzelgov, 2010; Shaki & Petrusic, 2005). The notion of a primitive as a mental entity that can be accessed without further processing is consistent with the view of automatic processing being memory retrieval, rather than mental computation (see, e.g. Logan, 1988; Perruchet & Vinter, 2002). Accordingly, numbers that are primitives have to be shown to be retrieved from LTM automatically, that is, as whole units. As such, they differ from numbers that are not primitives and are generated online if needed. In the domain of numerical cognition two markers of automatic processing of numerical size are frequently used. One of them is the size congruity effect (SiCE). The SiCE is obtained when participants perform physical size comparisons 1 on stimuli varying also in their numerical magnitude. It refers to the increased latency in the incongruent (e.g. 3; 5) as compared with congruent (e.g. 3; 5) condition (Henik & Tzelgov, 1982). The SiCE was obtained in many studies when 1D numbers were used as stimuli, thereby validating the claim that 1D numbers are represented as primitives. Furthermore, consistent with the metaphor of the MNL, the SiCE increases with the intrapair distance along the irrelevant numerical dimension (Cohen Kadosh & Henik, 2006; Schwarz & Ischebeck, 2003; Tzelgov, Yehene, Kotler, & Alon, 2000). Consistent with the assumption of a compressed mental representation of numbers as implied by a model presuming the scalar variability principle in humans and animals alike (Gallistel, Gelman, & Cordes, 2005) or a logarithmic mapping function (Dehaene & Changeux, 1993), the SiCE is smaller for pairs of larger numbers (Pinhas, Tzelgov, & GuataYaakobi, 2010). Thus, this suggests that the spatial representation of a MNL is stored in memory, rather than constructed to meet the requirement of a specific task. The other marker for automatic processing in the numerical domain is the SNARC (Spatial Numerical Association of Response Codes) effect (Dehaene et al., 1993). This effect is obtained when participants respond manually to number classification tasks (e.g. parity judgments). The effect is indicated by a negative correlation between the difference of the right- and left-hand response latencies when responding to a given number and the numerical magnitude of that number. Such a correlation is consistent with the assumption that the MNL spreads from left to right. Yet, the SNARC effect was hypothesized to reflect not only the representation of numerical magnitude but also reading habits (Shaki, Fischer, & Petrusic, 2009), thus questioning its usefulness as a tool to diagnose numerical primitives. Hence, in the present chapter we focus on the SiCE as the marker of automaticity of numerical processing. The SiCE is a quite general and robust phenomenon that has been reported in children (e.g. Rubinsten, Henik, Berger, & Shahar-Shalev, 2002) and in adults of different mathematical expertise (Kallai & Tzelgov 2009), and in those speaking differing langauges from Chinese (e.g. Zhou, Chen, Chen, Jiang, Zhang, & Dong, 2007) and Hebrew (e.g. Henik & Tzelgov, 1982) to German (e.g. Schwarz & Ischenbeck, 2003) and English (Ansari, Fugelsang, Bibek, & Venkatraman, 2006). Most of the studies on the SiCE have been perfomed on the Arabic numeration system. Yet the SiCE has been shown to work not just on Arabic numerals but also on number words (Cohen Kadosh, Henik, & Rubinsten, 2008), on Indian numerals (Ganor-Stern & Tzelgov 2011), on artificial numbers (Tzelgov et al., 2000), and in synesthetes on colours that representing numbers (Cohen Kadosh, Tzelgov, & Henik, 2008). In any case, in the last part of the article, we will return to the issue of the generality of the finding reported in the present chapter. Assuming that 1D natural numbers are primitives, the question to be answered is: what happens once we move beyond the first decade? Consider natural numbers outside of the first decade. A holistic (unidimensional) representation of such numbers would imply that they are represented on the same continuum with 1D numbers, and therefore, their meaning is retrieved from the MNL. In contrast, a components (multi-dimensional) representation implies that the magnitudes of such numbers are constructed from their components, and they are not represented on the same continuum with 1D numbers. A similar question applies to numbers that are not natural, such as fractions, negative numbers, and even zero. It might be that not all numbers outside of the first decade are represented in the same way. Some multi-digit numbers can apparently acquire a status of primitives given enough practice (see Logan, 1988; Palmeri, 1997; Rickard, 1997, for possible models) that could cause multi-digit numbers to become unitized by and retrieved from memory without additional processing. This would allow representing them mentally together with 1D numbers on the MNL in LTM and make them primitives. In this chapter, we present a series of studies, conducted in our laboratory, aimed at revealing the primitives of the (Arabic) numeration system. This series included an investigation of double-digit (2D) numbers, fractions, negative fractions, and zero. Thus, in order to show that a certain types of numbers are primitives, one has to show the SiCE for that type of numbers. Furthermore, if primitives are aligned along the MNL, the SiCE should be moderated by intrapair distance (Figure 1).
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Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations
Click to view larger Figure 1 An illustration of the typically found modulation of the SiCE by the task-irrelevant intrapair numerical distance. The SiCE is larger for larger compared with smaller numerical distances. For example, the SiCE is expected to be larger for physical comparisons of 2 with 8 (i.e. distance = 6) than of 2 with 3 (i.e. distance = 1).
Are Double-digit Numbers Primitives? The first study in our exploration of the primitives of a numeration system dealt with 2D numbers (Ganor-Stern, Tzelgov, & Ellenbogen, 2007). Mathematically, 2D numbers, as all natural numbers, are written according to the rules of two-dimensional representation. The case of how 2D numbers are represented mentally is especially interesting as, on the one hand, they are compounds constructed from basic units, but on the other hand, they are the simplest numbers outside the first decade in that they are natural numbers, including only two elements, and they are highly familiar as they represent numerical magnitudes that are often used in daily life. It is not at all obvious, however, that the mental representation of such numbers in LTM would mimic their mathematical characteristics. It is still debated whether 2D numbers are represented holistically along the MNL or compositionally (e.g. Brysbaert, 1995; Dehaene, 1997; Nuerk, Weger, & Willmes, 2001, see Nuerk, Moeller, & Willmes, this volume). A holistic representation means that 2D numbers are represented as integrated values, much like 1D numbers (e.g. Brysbaert, 1995; Dehaene, Dupoux, & Mehler, 1990) and accordingly, their meaning is accessed by direct retrieval from memory. This also implies that 1D and two-digit (2D) numbers alike are aligned mentally along one dimension. In contrast, a components representation implies that the internal representation of 2D numbers mimics the base-10 structure, such that the magnitudes of the different digits are stored separately, with an indication of their syntactic roles (e.g. Barrouillet, Camos, Perruchet, & Seron, 2004; McCloskey, 1992; Verguts & De Moor, 2005). In this case, the magnitude of a 2D number is produced by the application of an algorithm on the components’ magnitudes according to their syntactic roles (i.e. decades, units). When processed intentionally in the context of the numerical comparison task, 2D numbers seem to be mentally represented both in terms of their holistic values and the values of their components. Support for the holistic representation is provided by the distance and size effects. The distance effect (i.e. better performance for larger numerical differences) suggests the representation of 2D numbers is along a mental continuum, while the size effect (i.e. worse performance for larger numbers) suggests that the resolution of this representation decreases for larger magnitudes, consistent with Weber’s law (Moyer & Landauer, 1967). Support for the components representation was provided by the unit-decade compatibility effect, which shows that response latency to a numerical comparison task is influenced by the compatibility between the units and decades digits across the two numbers (e.g. Nuerk et al., 2001). Specifically, performance is faster for pairs that are unit-decade-compatible (e.g. for the pair 42; 57, both 4 < 5 and 2 < 7) than for pairs that are unit-decadeincompatible (e.g. for 47; 62, 4 < 6, but 7 > 2). In accordance with our above analysis, to explore the way 2D numbers are represented in LTM, we refer to the automatic mode of processing. Although such numbers are composed of two digits, in principle, 2D numbers (or at least a subset of them) might have become unitized into primitives as a consequence of their frequent co-occurrence (Perruchet & Vinter, 2002). Fitousi and Algom (2006) were the first to report the SiCE in 2D numbers. However, to consider 2D numbers as primitives, it is not sufficient to demonstrate that they can be processed automatically; it is also necessary to show that this processing reflects the retrieval of the magnitude of the whole number, and not only of the components. In a series of experiments we showed a SiCE for 2D numbers (Ganor-Stern et al., 2007). As was found for the SiCE for 1D numbers, the effect for 2D numbers increased with numerical difference between the numbers, thus suggesting that it reflects fine numerical information and not just response competition. Evidence for automatic activation of the magnitude of 2D numbers in a similar paradigm was also shown by Mussolin and Noël (2008), when investigating children in second to fourth grade. For the children, however, the automatic processing of such numbers occurred only when the numbers were primed at the beginning of each trial. To determine whether the representation underlying the SiCE is component-based or holistic, we examined the extent to which the SiCE is affected by the compatibility between the units and decades digits, and by the global size of the numbers. If the representation underlying automatic processing of 2D numbers is purely holistic, then the SiCE should be unaffected by the compatibility between decades and units digits within the pair, but it should be affected by the global size of the numbers, with a smaller SiCE for larger numbers. The latter pattern was found for 1D numbers (Pinhas et al. 2010). In contrast, if the representation underlying automatic processing of 2D numbers is a pure components representation, then the SiCE should be affected by the compatibility between decades and units digits (i.e. it should be reduced for pairs that are unit-decade incompatible compared to compatible), but unaffected by the global magnitude of the numbers. The results support the latter, as they showed that the SiCE was reduced for PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 02 April 2014
Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations pairs that were unit-decade incompatible compared to compatible (see Figure 2, left panel), but it was unaffected by the pairs’ global size (GanorStern et al., 2007). That is, the SiCE was similar for 2D pairs in the range of 11-20 and in the range of 71-80.
Click to view larger Figure 2 SiCE is larger for unit-decade compatible versus incompatible trials, but is unaffected by the decade size. Data taken from Ganor-Stern et al. (2007).
These results were corroborated by Mussolin and Noël’s (2008) study on children showing a similar pattern according to which the SiCE for 2D numbers was unaffected by the global size. A more recent study replicated the interaction between the SiCE and the unit-decade compatibility effect using both Arabic and Indian notation (Ganor-Stern & Tzelgov, 2011). These findings show that the SiCE found for 2D numbers was mainly a product of the numerical magnitudes of the components and not of the magnitude of the whole numeral, thus suggesting that 2D numbers may not be considered primitives of the numeration system. We refer to this possibility as the Components Model, according to which the two digits are integrated into a representation of the whole 2D number only when numerical magnitude is processed intentionally, and when this integration is needed to fulfill the task. We further distinguish between two variants of this model. In the first variant, the Components with Syntactic Structure Model, the representation of the components also includes their syntactic roles, and therefore more weight is given to the decades compared to the units digits. Grossberg and Reppin’s (2003) ESpaN model, according to which the magnitudes corresponding to the numbers 1–9 in each decade are represented by a different neural strip, belongs to this variant. In such a case, the SiCE should be more affected by the numerical difference between the decades digits than by the difference between the units digits, and it should be larger in pairs with a large compared to small numerical difference between the numbers’ decade digits. The effect of numerical difference between the numbers’ units digits should be reduced or absent. In the second variant, the Components Without Syntactic Structure Model, the representation of the components includes no information about the components’ syntactic roles and, therefore, equal weight is given to the decades compared with the units digits. In such a case, the SiCE should be similarly affected by a numerical difference between the decades digits and by a numerical difference between the units digits. The results show that the SiCE was more affected by the numerical difference between the decades digits than between the units digits, thus supporting the Components with Syntactic Structure representation. Although the SiCE for 2D numbers emerged from the magnitude of the 2D numbers’ components, and not from the magnitude of the whole number, the syntactic roles of the different digits were processed automatically. Further support for the role of the syntactic structure of 2D numbers came from a study that tested the automatic processing of the place-value in multidigit numbers (Kallai & Tzelgov, 2012a). In this study, summarized in Figure 3, the irrelevant dimension of place-value (i.e. units, decades, hundreds, etc.) was automatically processed in both numerical and physical comparison tasks. Thus, in the numerical comparison task, when selecting the larger non-zero digit in incongruent pairs (e.g. 030; 005) participants were slower and had more errors than in the case of congruent pairs (e.g. 060; 004). Similarly, in the physical comparison task, when selecting the physical larger string, incongruent pairs (e.g. 0200; 0020) were processed slower and with more errors than were congruent pairs (e.g. 0050; 0005).
Click to view larger Figure 3 Congruency effect indicating automating processing of the irrelevant dimension of place-value. Data taken from Kallai and Tzelgov (2012a).
These results suggest that the decimal place-value of a digit within a numerical string is a primitive of the numeration system. Since place-value is a product of the decimal numeration system, this is a clear example of the culture-dependendent nature of at least some of the primitives of the numeration system.
Are Fractions Primitives? Fractions are rational numbers that can be described as any natural number divided by any other natural number except for zero. They can be represented as a ratio of two numbers (x/y) or as decimals (x.y), and they can be smaller (proper fractions) or larger (improper fractions) than 1. In PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 02 April 2014
Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations this chapter we focus on common fractions (i.e. x/y). Education researchers found that children have a hard time understanding fractions (Cramer, Post, & delMas, 2002; Gelman, 2000; Hartnett & Gelman, 1998; Miura, Okamoto, Vlahovic-Stetic, Kim, & Han, 1999; Moss & Case, 1999; Ni & Zhou, 2005; Robert, 2003; Smith, Solomon, & Carey, 2005). For instance, Ni and Zhou (2005) termed this the ‘whole number bias’, which is ‘the tendency in children to use the single-unit counting scheme applied to whole numbers to interpret instructional data on fractions’ (p. 27). Recently, cognitive and neurocognitive researchers started to study the mental representation of fractions, seeking to reveal the representational and neuronal basis for these difficulties. Bonato et al. (2007) showed that when psychology and engineering students compared fractions to a standard of 1/5 or 1, the resultant distance effect (Moyer and Landauer 1967) and SNARC effect (Dehaene et al. 1993) were determined by the components of the fraction and not by the fraction value. This led the authors to conclude that the holistic magnitudes of the fractions were not accessed. However, the results of Bonato et al.’s (2007) study could have been a consequence of the stimuli set they used, which might have encouraged the use of component-based strategies. Indeed, when fractions differed in their denominators (Meert, Grégoire, & Noël, 2009) or shared no common component (Meert, Grégoire, & Noël, 2010), a higher correlation was found between response latency and distance between the values of the fractions than with the distance between the components (see similar results in Schneider & Siegler, 2010). These findings suggest that access to the holistic values of fractions is not automatic, but rather it occurs under conditions when componential strategies are difficult to implement. Further evidence for the holistic representation of unit fractions is provided by Ganor-Stern, Karasik-Rivkin, & Tzelgov (2011), who demonstrated such evidence when the fractions were compared with the digits 0 and 1. Thus, it might be concluded that although in some conditions the holistic values of fractions are accessed, this access is not automatic. Common to the studies described above is their employment of tasks requiring intentional numerical processing. Automatic processing of fractions was tested by Kallai and Tzelgov (2009) using the SiCE. The presence of the SiCE was tested for comparisons of pairs of fractions and for comparisons of a fraction and a natural number. For unit fractions, the larger the denominator was, the smaller the whole fraction was. A SiCE was present in comparisons of unit fractions (i.e. 1/x); however, it reflected the values of the denominators and not that of the fractions. Since the components’ values in this case are in an inverse relationship with the fractions’ values, the SiCE found was reversed. However, as can be seen in Figure 4, comparing fractions with natural numbers produced a SiCE that increased with the magnitudes of the natural numbers (see the black lines), but was insensitive to the magnitude of the fractions (see the gray lines)2. The same results were found for error rates.
Click to view larger Figure 4 SiCE in comparisons of a set of natural numbers to a given fraction (black lines) increases with the magnitudes of the natural numbers. SiCE in comparisons of a set of fractions to given natural number (grey lines) is insensitive to the magnitudes of the fractions. Data taken from Kallai and Tzelgov (2009).
These two results suggested the existence of a primitive representation of a fraction as an entity ‘smaller than one’. We referred to this entity as a ‘generalized fraction’ (GeF) and assumed it was based on the general structure of the fraction (i.e. a ratio of two integers). The automatic processing of the GeF was found robust across different size relations between the digits comprising the fraction and the to-be compared natural number. Since the GeF showed numerical effects (i.e. SiCE and distance effect) in comparisons to natural numbers, we suggested the GeF was processed as a numerical entity and was represented on the same MNL as natural numbers (see also Ganor-Stern, 2012, for evidence for the representation of a GeF on the same MNL as natural numbers). In accordance with the notion of the GeF, improper fractions (i.e. fractions larger than one) were found to be automatically processed as smaller than one (Kallai and Tzelgov, 2009). Thus, Kallai and Tzelgov’s results showed that when numerical processing was not required by the task, individual fractional values were not processed automatically. Instead, the components of the fractions were processed together with the notion of a GeF. In a training study, Kallai and Tzelgov (2012b) demonstrated the crucial role of the symbolic representation of fractions on the way the fractions are represented. Participants were trained to map unit fractions (1/2 to 1/8) to arbitrary figures. With this notation each fraction was mapped to one figure, thus eliminating the components’ external representation. The automatic processing of the magnitude of the newly acquired figures was tested following training. The SiCE for comparisons of pairs of fractions presented in this unfamiliar notation indicated that the participants automatically processed the fractions’ holistic values. Taken together, the results of Kallai and Tzelgov (2009, 2012b) suggest that although specific fractions, and not only GeFs, can be represented as unique units in LTM, the more basic components they are composed of (i.e. natural numbers) interfere with their processing and, in fact, dominate automatic processing. The training procedure used by Kallai and Tzelgov (2012b) to map unit fractions to unfamiliar figures consisted of a comparison task in which in each trial an unfamiliar figure appeared with a fraction, and the participant’s task was to indicate which member of the pair represented a larger magnitude, with feedback provided after each trial. Thus, the knowledge acquired during practice was about the ordinal relationships between the unfamiliar figures and fractions. During testing, Kallai and Tzelgov showed that, unlike in previous studies (Bonato et al., 2007; Kallai & Tzelgov, 2009; Meert, et al. 2009), the distance between the fractional values predicted reaction time better than the componential distance did, thus suggesting that numerical PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 02 April 2014
Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations meanings of fractions were assigned to the new symbols. The fractional values assigned to the figures by the participants might have been drawn from the participants’ past knowledge. This, in turn, suggests that fractional values (or at least unit fractions) might have been represented in LTM before training and that the mapping to the new figures only eliminated the interference of the fractional components. Moreover, it might also be the case that fractions (as ratios between integers) do serve as primitives of the numeration system, but the effects of their processing are overshadowed by the stronger activation of the fractional components. This possibility is in line with the conclusion of Meert et al. (2010) suggesting hybrid representations for fractions (i.e. a combination of componential and holistic representations). The possibility that fractions do serve as primitives of the numeration system is in line with a series of imaging studies that were used to find out whether mental representations of fractions exist independently of their components. Recent studies with primates and humans showed some evidence that the brain can process ratios and fractions (see also Nieder, this volume). Vallentin and Nieder (2008) found that monkeys can process the relation of two line lengths. The authors further found that different populations of neurons were sensitive to different ratios. This finding suggests that ratios might be represented as such in the primate brain. In an adaptation fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) experiment with human subjects, Jacob and Nieder (2009) presented their participants with a stream of different fractions (e.g. 2/12, 3/18, 4/24) that all corresponded to the quantity of 1/6 for passive viewing. After the adaptation period, deviants were introduced as fractions of different value (e.g. 1/4). A distance effect was found in the bilateral horizontal section of the intra-parietal sulcus (hIPS), an area that was found to be sensitive to analogue numerical knowledge (Dehaene, Piazza, Pinel, & Cohen, 2003), and this effect was not sensitive to notation. The authors concluded that humans have access to an ‘automatic representation of relative quantity’. Similar results were obtained by Ischebeck, Schocke, & Delazer (2009). While the results described by Jacob and Nieder (2009) are impressive, we, in contrast with the authors, do not think that the participants automatically derived ratios of numbers. At least some of the fractions used by Jacob and Nieder were unfamiliar and rarely used (e.g. 4/24), and thus it raises the question whether such fractions could be unitized by experience, and stored in memory. In addition, it should be clear that passive viewing instructions do not specify what should be done by the participant in terms of the cognitive processing of whatever is presented. We believe that the participants did just what they were told to do – they fixated on and attended to features of the visual display. Thus, when presented with a fraction and not told to do anything specific, they did what they usually do under similar situations. For instance, when presented with the fraction 4/24, they processed its meaning because that is what humans do while looking at numbers. This indicates not that unfamiliar numbers (like 4/24) are retrieved from memory, but that when participants ‘passively look’ at numbers without specific instructions, they apply the default activity applied by humans when looking at numbers; they compute their value. This corresponds to the ‘mental set’ alternative for automatic processing proposed by (Besner, Stoltz, & Boutilier, 1997), which suggests that automaticity can be explained in terms of context effects (i.e. the meaning of the numbers can be ignored, but the context encourages participants to process them). In contrast, we propose that primitives are retrieved from memory (e.g. Logan, 1988) rather than computed. Thus, we believe that in order to argue that the processing of a number is automatic, a stronger test of automaticity than passive looking is needed. To summarize, our findings suggest that when a fraction is compared with an integer, since the structure common to all fractions is enough to decide that the fraction is smaller, a GeF (which is the structure common to the whole set of fractions) dominates behaviour. In addition, when very familiar unit fractions are compared with one another, although their fractional values might be represented as numerical primitives, when using numerals that are composed of more basic components (i.e. numerals corresponding to natural numbers), the result is that the more basic components interfere with the processing of the fraction and overshadow it.
Are Negative Numbers Primitives? Negative numbers are formally defined as real numbers smaller than zero. Their external representation is composed of a digit and a polarity minus sign in front of the digit. Similar to unit fractions, for negative numbers the larger the digit is, the smaller the value of the negative number is. In this chapter we focus on 1D negative integers. Fischer (2003) has taken as a starting point the assumption that, at least in English readers, numbers on the MNL are arranged in order of their magnitudes from left to right. Consequently, and in line with the SNARC effect (Dehaene et al. 1993), if negative and positive numbers are represented on the MNL and participants are presented in each trial with a pair of numbers and asked to select the number that is smaller (or larger) in its real value, responses should be faster when the smaller number appears on the left. This prediction was supported for positive, negative, and mixed (including a positive and a negative number) pairs alike. This study supports the conclusion that at least under some conditions, negative and positive numbers can be mentally aligned. However, since the participants had to perform numerical comparisons, it can argued that the aligment of negative and positive intergers on a single number line reflects the task requirements rather than the representation stored in LTM (Bonato et al., 2007; Ganor-Stern et al., 2010). Fischer and Rottmann (2005) tested this hypothesis by asking participants to perform a speeded parity judgement task on positive and negative numbers in three different blocks – a block of positive numbers, a block of negative numbers, and a mixed block. As expected, independent of block type, a negative correlation between the difference in latencies of the right- and left-hand responses, and the (real) values of the positive numbers was found. However, in the case of negative integers the correlation was positive, indicating that participants ignored the polarity sign, consistent with the asumption of componential representation. Thus, if the SNARC effect taps into automatic processing of numerical values, negative integers are not primitives. Tzelgov, Ganor-Stern, and Maymon-Schreiber (2009) used the SiCE to address this issue. They presented participants with pairs of numbers for a physical size decision. The pairs were generated from the set of 1D positive and negative integers, and differed in their physical and numerical size. As expected, a regular SiCE was found for pairs of positive integers (e.g. pairs made of the numbers 3; 5). A similar pattern was obtained in the case of mixed pairs in which the positive number was larger in value than the absolute value of the negative number (e.g. –3; 5). Note that in such pairs, ignoring polarity does not affect the magnitude relation between the two numbers. However, when pairs of negative numbers were presented (e.g. –3; – 5), an inversed SiCE was obtained. Thus, the latency of congruent pairs like –3; –5 was longer than that of incongruent pairs like –3; –5 (see also Pinhas & Tzelgov, 2012). A similar pattern was found for mixed pairs in which the negative number was larger in its absolute value than the positive number (e.g. –5; 3). These results indicate that under the condition of automatic processing, negative numbers are perceived as the positive numbers PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 02 April 2014
Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations coresponding to them. Thus the pair –3; –5 is perceived as 3; 5 and the same happens in the cased of 3; –5. Recently, Parnes, Berger, & Tzelgov, 2012) have shown that the inverse relation between congruity effects in positive and negative integers is not constrained to the behavioural level, by showing a similar phenomenon using ERP. In the P300 peak, an inverse effect of congruity in the negative pairs as compared with the positive pairs was found. This implies that the polarity signs were ignored, and supports the hypothesis of a componential representation of negative numbers in LTM. Tzelgov et al. (2009) tested whether the componential representation is due to the fact that magnitude and polarity are represented by different symbols. They trained participants to code polarity by colour (e.g. red numerals represented positive numbers and blue numerals represented negative numbers) and then asked them to perform the physical comparison task. Once again, the SiCE effect for comparisons of negative numbers was inversed. However, one could still argue that although the colour-coding method enabled the presentation of polarity and magnitude as part of the same integrated stimulus, they could still be represented as two separate dimensions of the same stimulus. This might encourage participants to represent polarity and magnitude separately. Therefore, in another experiment, Tzelgov et al. (2009) used unfamiliar figures to represent positive and negative integers. They mapped each of the integers in the range from –5 to 5 (zero excluded) into Japanese letters and trained participants by presenting them with pairs of stimuli that included two of the figures or one of the figures and zero, and asking them to decide which symbol corresponded to a larger magnitude. In the test phase, participants performed both physical and numerical comparison tasks. In the numerical comparison task, the distance effect was obtained even in the case of mixed pairs, indicating that under intentional processing conditions participants aligned the positive and negative integers along a single line. The picture was different under conditions of automatic processing. When performing physical comparisons of the unfamiliar Japanese letters, they showed a normal SiCE for positive and for mixed polarity insensitive pairs, but an inverse effect for negative and for mixed polarity sensitive pairs. Thus, even after extensive training using unfamiliar figures that eliminated the influence of the components of the negative numbers, no indication for automatic processing of negative integers was found. This leads us to conclude that negative numbers are resistant to automatization. We are skeptic whether they are potentially changeable to numerical primitives.
Is Zero a Primitive? The idea of a number that represents a null quantity was born many years after people were already dealing with numbers. Similarly, infants who exhibit enumeration and computation abilities from the first few months of life show no expectation for a result of zero items (Wynn, 1998; Wynn & Chiang, 1998). Yet, like chimpanzees, 12-month-old infants can point to an empty location in which a desired object is missing, as a way for communicating about absent objects (Liszkowski, Schäfer, Carpenter, & Tomasselo, 2009). Later on, and with formal education, children gradually develop the understanding of the number zero (Wellman & Miller, 1986). Studies on non-human animals show that primates are able to associate a symbol with a null quantity (squirrel monkeys – Olthof, Iden, & Roberts, 1997; chimpanzees – Biro & Matsuzawa, 2001; Boysen & Berntson, 1989), as well as to perceive empty sets as representing a smaller magnitude than nonempty sets (rhesus monkeys – Merritt, Rugani, & Brannon, 2009). Furthermore, a series of studies on a grey parrot demonstrated the comprehension of a zero-like concept (Pepperberg, 1988, 2006; Pepperberg & Gordon, 2005). Taken together, it seems that the cognitive tools necessary for the understanding of zero as a number exist in humans even before the learning of symbolic numerical representations (for further discussion see Merritt et al. 2009). While children and non-human animals can represent a null quantity, the question is whether zero, that is, a symbolic representation of a null quantity acquired through schooling, is represented in LTM as a primitive. Furthermore, even if zero is a primitive, given its special status as representing a null quantity, it is still an open question whether it is represented as part of the MNL. As aforementioned, previous studies have shown that negative numbers are not stored as such in LTM (e.g. Tzelgov et al., 2009), and if needed, they are generated to fulfill task requirements (Ganor-Stern et al., 2010). If only positive integers are represented as primitives on the MNL, it follows that if zero is stored in LTM as a primitive, it is not represented as a polarity-neutral midpoint. Furthermore, given that zero is not part of the counting sequence, it is learned much later on in life, and it applies unique mathematical rules, it might be the case that, even if it is represented as a primitive, zero is stored separately from the other numerical primitives. Alternatively, despite zero’s dissimilarities to the counting numbers, it is possible that it has acquired the status of the smallest primitive on the MNL through an extensive learning process (for detailed discussions see Kallai & Tzelgov, 2009; Perruchet & Vinter, 2002; Pinhas & Tzelgov, 2012). Such learning is possible considering zero’s re-occurring appearances with positive single digits (presumably our numerical primitives), both as a number that represents a null quantity and as a placeholder that signifies an empty place in the decimal system. Previous studies that tested the representation of zero in adults found inconsistent results. In a larger/smaller than zero comparison task, Fischer and Rottmann (2005) argued that the MNL starts with zero, while other studies (Brysbaert, 1995; Nuerk et al., 2001) suggested that zero is represented separately from other integers. However, all of these studies used tasks in which the processing of the numbers was intentional and was thereby affected by the task requirements. As such, they are less revealing with regard to the underlying representation of zero in LTM. Pinhas and Tzelgov (2012) used the SiCE as a signature of automatic processing to investigate the representation of zero as a number that represents a null quantity. They found a regular SiCE in comparisons of zero with positive integers, and an inverted SiCE in comparisons of zero with negative integers (see also Kallai & Tzelgov, 2009; Tzelgov et al., 2009). These results confirmed that zero is stored in LTM as a primitive and that it is automatically perceived as smaller than the other 1D integers. To test whether zero is represented as part of the MNL stored in LTM, Pinhas and Tzelgov (2012) compared whether when processed automatically, zero behaves similarly to other numbers known to be members of the MNL. In particular, they tested the modulations of the SiCE by two task-irrelevant factors: the numerical intrapair distance and the presence of an end-stimulus (e.g. the numerically smallest number in the range) within the pair. Numerical comparisons to pairs that involve end-stimuli are responded to faster than pairs that involve numbers from the middle of the range (i.e. the end effect, e.g. Banks, 1977; Leth-Steensen & Marley, 2000). Furthermore, distance effects are attenuated for pairs that involve end-stimuli (for a possible model see Leth-Steensen & Marley, 2000). Accordingly, Pinhas and Tzelgov (2012) examined the presence of an end effect in automatic processing while manipulating the numbers that constitute the end numbers. The stimulus set was manipulated such that for different groups of participants, 0, 1, or 2 were used as the smallest PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. 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Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations numbers in terms of their absolute values. When 0 was the smallest number in the set, the SiCE found in comparisons of the other numbers to 0 was enlarged and, minimally, if at all, modulated by the intrapair distance. This was in contrast to comparisons of non-end numbers, which showed a smaller SiCE that increased with numerical distance. The pattern of an enlarged SiCE, minimally affected by numerical distance, was termed the ‘automatic end effect’. Its presence in comparisons of other numbers with 0 suggests that 0 was perceived automatically as an end value. To examine whether this status of being perceived automatically as an end value is unique to zero, Pinhas and Tzelgov looked at the SiCE found in comparisons of integers with 1 in blocks where 1, and not 0, was the smallest number. Interestingly, the same pattern of results was found when 1 was the smallest number in the stimulus set in terms of its absolute value. However, it was not found when 2 was the smallest number in the stimulus set in terms of its absolute value, suggesting that only 0, or 1 in the absence of 0, are automatically perceived as end values (see Figure 5).
Click to view larger Figure 5 Mean RTs as a function of comparison type, congruency and (absolute) distance. Comparisons to 0 and 1 as the smallest number in the set resulted in the ‘automatic end effect’, whereas comparisons to 2 as the smallest number resulted in the increase of the SiCE with the increase of intrapair distance. Vertical bars denote 0.95 confidence intervals. Data taken from Pinhas and Tzelgov (2012).
Thus, with respect to the main question addressed in this series of experiments, when processed automatically, 0 behaves as the smallest number on the MNL. Therefore, although it might be considered a primitive, it has a special status. Interestingly, in the absence of 0, 1 fulfills this function and behaves as the smallest number. Larger numbers, such as 2, do not elicit the same pattern of responses, even when they are, in fact, the smallest in their absolute values in the number set, thus suggesting that the special role of zero reflects semantic, rather than episodic memory (Pinhas & Tzelgov, 2012).
General Discussion Humans share with other non-human animals the ability to process magnitudes, and yet only humans use symbols to represent magnitudes. Humans are apparently born with an ability to generate a set of symbols on the basis of the ancient approximate number system common to them and other animal species (Leslie et al. 2008), which enables representing small exact magnitudes in LTM along the MNL. In some cultures, such as ancient Egyptian, Babylonian and Aztec cultures, the ‘numerals’ corresponding to small numbers were multi-element numerals with the number of elements equal to the number represented (see Figure 1 in Zhang and Norman 1995). In other cultures (e.g. Greek), unique elements were used for numerals for at least some numbers. In the Arabic system, this resulted in the 1D natural numbers. However, 1D natural numbers are limited in their ability to represent magnitudes. Furthermore, human numerical abilities extend beyond processing actual quantities, which brought mankind to generate symbolic representations for null and missing quantities. Consequently, in the process of enculturation, humans extended the repertoire of numbers they used. In particular, they learned to combine several digits, and with the aid of ‘syntactic’ primitives that are not numbers (i.e. place values in case of multi-digit numbers, a division line in the case of fractions, a polarity sign in case of negative numbers, etc.), to generate compounds that correspond to magnitudes not represented by 1D numbers. The syntactic characteristics specify the operation(s) or the mental algorithm that has to be applied to the components of a compound, in order to generate a result that corresponds to a specific magnitude. In order to become primitives, such compounds have to be unitized by experience (e.g. Perruchet & Vinter, 2002), which would result in ‘reading’ (i.e. accessing the magnitude it represents) of the resulting numerical entity without additional preprocessing. 2D numbers are typical candidates to become primitives by corresponding to magnitudes represented in the brain by summation coding proportional to their magnitudes (Dehaene & Changeux, 1993, Verguts & Fias, 2004, 2008). This unitization process has to include not just the value of each digit, but also its place (shown to be processed automatically, Kallai & Tzelgov, 2012a), to allow the (direct) mapping from the two-dimensional external numeration system (Zhang & Norman, 1995) to an internal one-dimensional mapping (place coding). However, this apparently does not happen since, at least according to our knowledge, no indications for processing of multi-digit numbers as unitized entities have been reported. Consistent with this claim, Grossberg and Repin (2003) proposed in their ESpaN model that different strips of neural structure in the brain correspond to parallel values representing units, decades, hundreds, etc., which implies a ‘number plane,’ rather than a number line. Yet, it still may be that some of the more familiar 2D numbers do become primitives, but this is difficult to detect due to ‘components bias’ that the well documented ‘whole numbers bias,’ reported for fractions (Ni & Zhou, 2005), is a special case. Kallai and Tzelgov (2012b) have shown that once such bias is eliminated, familiar fractions can be shown to behave as primitives. A parallel study still waits to be carried out on 2D numbers. Common fractions, similar to 2D numbers, include (at least) two numerical components (digits) and a syntactic non-numerical component (the division line), which have to become unitized. The compound of two natural numbers and a division line has a unique notational structure, which Kallai and Tzelgov (2009) have shown behaves like a ‘generalized fraction’; that is, it is automatically perceived to be smaller than 1. Because fractions are PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 02 April 2014
Primitives and Non-primitives of Numerical Representations written as ratios of natural numbers, which apparently results in a components bias, referred to by Ni and Zhou (2005) as the ‘whole numbers bias,’ there is no direct evidence that even very familiar fractions are unitized and processed as primitives. Once this bias is eliminated by training participants to denote fractions by single (unfamiliar) figures, the typical behavioural signature of numerical primitives emerges: a SiCE reflecting the holistic magnitudes of fractions emerges (Kallai & Tzelgov, 2012b). Consistent with these findings, Jacob and Nieder (2009), using an adaptation fMRI paradigm under conditions of passive viewing, found a distance effect for deviations from the presented fraction. However, as we have pointed out above, the results of Jacob and Nieder, while very promising, should be interpreted with caution. Thus, at this point we may conclude there is some behavioural evidence that some of the more familiar fractions are primitives and there is also promising imaging data pointing in this direction; however, additional research that will apply a more rigorous, rather than ‘passive viewing’ defintion of automaticity is needed. Zero and negative numbers represent ‘missing magnitudes’; zero represents a null magnitude and negative numbers represent missing magnitudes of specific value. In contrast to natural numbers, neither zero nor negative numbers have parallel analogue counterparts and consequently, such numbers have no summation representations. Yet, humans use the symbol ‘0,’ which may also be acquired by primates (e.g. Merritt et al., 2009) and gray parrots (e.g. Pepperberg & Gordon, 2005), as representing a null magnitude. Zero is not composed of familiar components and apparently, due to the fact that a null magnitude is simpler to comprehend than a missing magnitude of a specific value, zero is represented as being part of the MNL. The inverse SiCE for negative numbers indicates that such numbers are not primitives. In contrast to fractions (and maybe to 2D numbers), this is not just due to the ‘components bias’. Ganor-Stern (2012) has shown that even under conditions of intentional processing, 1D natural numbers and unit fractions, but not negative integers, are aligned. Yet, when the components bias is eliminated by using novel symbols, after extensive training, a distance effect in mixed pairs made of positive and negative numbers is evident under conditions of intentional processing. However, under conditions of automatic processing, an inverse SiCE is still evident (Tzelgov et al., 2009). Thus, it may be that the intrinsic complexity of the notion of ‘missing magnitude of a specific value’ makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to automatize specific negative numbers. To conclude, if one uses the SiCE as the behavioural signature that a given numerical entity has a status of a primitive, the set of primitives includes, in addition to 1D numbers, at the very least also zero and the GeF. Place-value as well should be considered a primitive. Zero serves as the smallest member of the set of primitives and the GeF is apparently located in-between zero and 1. The automatic perception of fractions as smaller than 1, and the distance effect found in intentional comparisons of fractions and natural numbers (Kallai & Tzelgov, 2009), are consistent with this claim. In addition, the training study by Kallai & Tzelgov (2012b) raises the possibility that at least familiar fractions are represented as primitives, but this is overshadowed by the stronger representation of their components. Thus, further research is needed on this issue, as well as on the issue of emergence of 2D numbers as primitives. The set of studies described in this chapter was performed on the Arabic numeration system and, thus, one could ask how general the reported findings are. The notion of primitives implies that for some numbers there is a one-to-one mapping between their external representation in terms of specific numerals and their internal representation on the MNL. Leslie et al. (2008) proposed a model according to which the concept of 1 and the function next are enough to acquire a set of consecutive natural numbers. Repetitive joint appearance of a specific magnitude with a unique symbol makes this symbol a numeral and we have shown that in the Arabic numeration system 1D numerals are primitives. More generally, we propose that consecutive natural numbers starting with 1 have the best chances to become primitives. We believe that exactly which numbers (and when) become primitives is culture – or numeration-system-specific. On the basis of our results, we would predict that given an equal amount of practice (i.e. cooccurrence with the corresponding magnitude), it will be easier for a given number to become a primitive if the numeral corresponding to it is made of a single symbol, because no unitization is needed. Thus, for example, because in the Greek numeration system the numeral corresponding to eight is a single-symbol, while in the Roman numeration system it is collection of four symbols of two different types (i.e. VIII), eight will be harder to become a primitive in Greek. Another prediction that follows from our results is that in the case of multi-symbol numbers, the process of primitivization will be slower if the components themselves serve as numerals. These predictions have still to be tested. While the focus of the present review is behavioural, one could ask where in the brain the primitives are represented. As pointed out by Nieder (2009, see also Nieder, this volume), the symbolic representation of numbers starts apparently in the prefrontal cortex, but acquisition and automatization of numerical processing is characterized by a frontal-to-parietal shift in neural representation (for a similar argument see Cohen Kadosh & Walsh, 2009). This leads to the hypothesis that at the neural level, the representations of primitives should be looked for in the parietal lobe and, in particular, in the IPS. The test of this hypothesis requires further research. This research was supported by grant No. 1664/08 for the Center for the Study of the Neurocognitive Basis of Numerical Cognition from the Israel Science Foundation.
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Notes: (1) Physical size comparisons refer to the font size of the numerals presented. (2) The two sets of lines display the same data (of mixed pairs of a natural number and a fraction) from two different points of view. Note: the double Xaxis legend indicating both comparisons of a fraction to a set of natural numbers (as depicted by the black lines) and comparisons of a natural number to a set of fractions (as depicted by the gray lines). Joseph Tzelgov Joseph Tzelgov, Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Dana Ganor-Stern Dana Ganor-Stern, Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Arava Kallai Arava Kallai, Fietz Lab, University of Pittsburgh.
Michal Pinhas Michal Pinhas, Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
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