Nov 19, 2014 - Attendance: Please call Mrs. Yonkof at 440-356-3525, ext. 2103 by. 8:45 AM if ... Please contact the offi
Gilles-Sweet Elementary School
Principal’s Newsletter Barbara J. Brady, Principal Patricia D. Moran, Associate Principal Belinda K. Yonkof, Secretary Sandra J. Vetrovsky, Secretary November 19, 2014
4320 West 220 Street Fairview Park, OH 44126
Phone: (440) 356-‐3525 Fax: (440) 356-‐3701
Mission Statement At Gilles-‐Sweet Elementary School, we are committed to providing a safe, positive, quality learning community through collaboration, high expectations, and respect.
Super Star Staff Awards Mrs. Gallas Mr. Johnson Mr. Fleischer Miss Scotta Mrs. Stevens Miss Moran Mrs. Newby Mrs. N. Koenig Mrs. Hyatt Mr. Schulenberg All Staff Mrs. Schroeder Mrs. Randall Mrs. Stevens Miss Chambers Mr. Codney Mrs. Kaminski Mrs. Arbogast Mrs. Johnson
PRINCIPAL PROUD CALLS Stella R. Regan B. Marison F. Grace B. Michelle C. Isabella G. Audrey M. Khalista M. Lily O. Halle R. Adam F. Mallory A. Giana B. Lily H. Marleigh T. Beka L. Rylie M. James G. Averly S. Owen D.
Finn O. Michael S. Cate D. Macy K. Gabby D. Gregory B. Burke L. Michelle P. Lizzy G. Braulie H. Vinny R. Sophia R. Roman R. Aniyah B. Mallory J. Colin K. Brianna F. Bryan W. Mason P. Christopher B.
Sadie F. Kate N. Tarryn R. Ryan R. Dannon H. Michelle C. Braeden B. Ashley S. Samuel A. Ryan H. Hannah H. Chloe O. Charlie R. Lilly C. Grace W. Joey R. Ethan C. Jack F. Megan R.
S.H.I.E.LD. AWARDS Cole K. Hannah D. Ava A. Christopher L. Gabriela L. Natasha B. Eric W. Nash N. Emma M. Bryce R. Carter B.
Isabel K. Caleb G. Alex H. Gabriela D. Vivian A. Cody W. Sara J. Ben T. Regan B. Anna Z. Alex H.
Marisol F. Marty H. Joseph C. Graycen R. Leah V. Hannah S. Emma M. Lauren W. Allie S. Aleeya W.
School hours are 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Help Children Know!
Students are allowed to arrive at school no earlier than 8:10 a.m. First Bell: 8:15 a.m. Students may enter the building Final Tardy Bell: 8:30 a.m. Students should be in their classroom
What keeps children substance-free? Simple. Communication, Information, Education, and Participation. Children are less at risk of substance use when: 1. Parents communicate their expectations; 2. Adults listen to them, spend time with them, and explicitly tell them not to use alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs; 3. They feel like their community cares about them; and 4. They have something positive to do with their time. Find more information at
Arrival & Dismissal: NO parent or guardian should use the front or back parking lots to drop off or pick up children before or after school. This presents a very dangerous situation for all children. The back parking lot is for buses and staff members only. 7:55 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m.
Southwest door is open to students arriving for breakfast First Bell – School doors open Final Tardy Bell
Attendance: Please call Mrs. Yonkof at 440-356-3525, ext. 2103 by 8:45 AM if your child will not be in school. Please leave your child’s name, teacher, and reason for absence.
Gilles-Sweet Elementary School Parent-Teacher Conferences 2014-15 Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on: Monday, November 24: Noon – 7:40 pm Tuesday, November 25: 8:00 am – 3:40 pm
PLEASE NOTE There will be NO school for students, K-12 Monday, November 24 through Friday, November 28 Sign-up sheets were at Meet the Teacher Night. If you have not signed up for a conference, please call the office at 440-356-3525. Grades 1-2: Mrs. Vetrovsky, ext. 2104 Grades 3-5: Mrs. Yonkof, ext. 2103 Parking is limited! Please do not park in the front or back parking lots of the Convenient store or Presto’s Restaurant (corner of West 220 Street and Lorain Road.)
We look forward to seeing you at Fall Conferences! Barbara J. Brady, Principal Patricia D. Moran, Associate Principal
Kendra Fogarty Long-Term Substitute Counselor Gilles-Sweet Elementary School 4320 West 220th Street Fairview Park, OH 44126 440.356.3525 x2102
[email protected]
Happy Holidays to all our families in Gilles-Sweet Elementary School! May your Thanksgiving and Christmas be filled with family, friends and JOY!
NURSE’S NOTES Please remember that district policy prohibits students from having medications at school (even over-the-counter medications) without a form completed by a physician. This includes cough drops, sore throat lozenges, and cold medication. If your child will need to take medication at school, please have this form completed by your physician. If you have questions, please contact Samantha Latkovic, District Nurse at 440-356-3525 x2109.
Important Arrival/Dismissal Reminders Dear parents/guardians, for the safety of our students, please note some important Arrival/Dismissal reminders: 1. Never park and/or leave your car on Alexander Road 2. Never double park on Alexander Road 3. Never drop off or pick up your child on West 220 Street. This is extremely dangerous. 4. Never use the front or back parking lots to drop off or pick up your child, these areas are for Special Van Transportation and Buses only Please follow our arrival/dismissal procedures (mailed to you in August) to ensure the safety of all our students. For questions, e-mail Mrs. Brady at
[email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation. !
SUPPORT OUR PTA! PTA provides great support to our students, families, and staff each year. Even if you do not have time to volunteer, your membership is important. Please consider joining and participating in the G-S PTA. Our 2014-15 PTA president is Mrs. Danielle Danburg. Membership is only $10.00. This money funds many activities throughout the school year. Working Together to Achieve Success
UPCOMING EVENTS November 21 Gilles-Sweet Annual Turkey Trot, Grades 1-5 24-25 Parent-Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL, K-12 24 Noon – 7:40 PM Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences 25 8:00 AM – 3:40 PM Parent-Teacher Conferences 26-28 Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL, K-12 December 2 3-4:00 PM KidzArt 3 Bowling, Grades 4 & 5 7:00 PM PTA Meeting (location TBA) 4 2:40-3:40 PM Tech Club 7:30 PM Gilles-Sweet Band & Orchestra Concert at FHS 9 8:40 AM Picture Retake Day 2:50-3:30 PM Student Council 3-4:00 PM KidzArt 9-12 PTA Secret Santa’s Shop 10 Bowling, Grades 1-3 Candid Picture Day 3:45 – 5:00 PM Market Day Pick-up 16 2:40-3:40 PM Tech Club 3-4:00 PM KidzArt 18 2:40-3:40 PM Tech Club 7:00 PM Gilles-Sweet Third Grade & Choir Holiday Concert at FHS 19 Last Day of School before Winter Break 22-Jan 2 Winter Break, NO SCHOOL, K-12 January 5 School Resumes, K-12
STUDENT ABSENCES If your child becomes ill or an accident occurs making it necessary for the child to go home, you will be called. If you cannot be reached, we will call the person you designated on the emergency medical form. When possible, please designate an alternate who is accessible to the school in a short amount of time. Exclusion of sick children from school is the responsibility of the school administration. Transportation of sick children to their home is the responsibility of parents/guardians or their alternate. Any child with the following symptoms should not be sent to or remain at school: 1. Severe cold and cough 4. Unexplained rash 7. Lice 2. Diarrhea 5. Elevated temperature (must be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school) 3. Vomiting 6. Red, watery, burning, itching eyes Please contact the office with any changes to the contact information for your child. That would include home phone numbers, cell phone numbers and work numbers. Questions? Please call our school nurse, Mrs. Samantha Latkovic at 440-356-3525, ext. 2109
! HOLIDAY CONCERTS Performed in the FHS Auditorium December 4
7:30 PM
Gilles-Sweet Band and Orchestra Concert at FHS
7:00 PM
Gilles-Sweet Third Grade and Choir Holiday Concert at FHS
PTA SANTA’S SECRET SHOP is coming to Gilles-Sweet! December 9 – 12, 2014 Our students will have the opportunity to shop during the day for themselves and their families. PTA will be sending letters home with all the information needed. Mark you calendars!
Thanksgiving Food Drive Student Council is sponsoring our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17-21, 2014. Please help those in need and bring in your donation next week. Thanks in advance for helping those in need. Gilles-Sweet Student Council
PTA MITTEN TREE The Gilles–Sweet PTA & Student Council will be collecting items for our Hats, Scarves & Mitten Tree starting on Monday, November 17th and ending on Monday, December 15th. All donations (new with tags, please) will be distributed to Laura’s Home and to local families in need this holiday season. Thank you to all our students, parents & teachers for your generous donations, which will help keep many families warm during our long cold winter. Nancy Stoessner (216) 650-8253 or
[email protected] Gilles Sweet PTA Community Outreach Chairperson
In order to continue to better serve our students and staff, Ms. Moran and I will be focusing on working with individual grades. I will be working with the first and second grades. Ms. Moran will be working with the third, fourth, and fifth grades. We will spend time in the classrooms and meet regularly with the grade level teams to access student needs. Together, we will be able to give full attention to the needs and concerns of the entire building one grade level at a time. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: Mrs. Barbara Brady Ms. Trish Moran
356-3525, ext. 2100 356-3525, ext. 2101
ARTSONIA Gilles-Sweet is currently ranked #1 in Ohio for the amount of artwork published on Artsonia. Help our school stay on top by posting comments on their work at:
This is the second year of participation for GillesSweet Elementary School students. Artsonia is a kids art museum where young artists and students display their art for other kids worldwide. Thank you Mr. Jeff Lefevre for showcasing our students’ artwork! If you have any questions, please email Mr. Lefevre at
[email protected]