PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT N.B. : Practical exercises case ...

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PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT. N.B. : Practical exercises case studies should be discussed in order to explain the concepts of management and underlining ...
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT N.B. : Practical exercises case studies should be discussed in order to explain the concepts of management and underlining principles. The participants must be in a position to handle pragmatic situation arising during the course of their day-to-day working. The following aspects of management should be discussed in a problem solving manner – (1)

Management – Conceptual analysis, evaluation of Management Philosophy, definition, principles of Management- functions of Management, role of management, techniques in modern industry and commerce-its relevance to different types of organizations like Universities, Hospitals, Social Organisations, etc.


Evolution of Management thought, contribution of Taylor, Gilbert, Grant Eliton Mayo and others. Its evolution in India and trends, Historical Perspectives.


Planning – Planning as continuous process, goals, objectives, standards and other type of planning-policies, procedures, methods and concept of decision making factors involved in making process, types of decisions, science of decision making and personal traits, hierarchy of planning Process, statement of problems and determination of alternatives, Corporate planning.


Organizing – Organization as a structure and science of organizing informal and formal organization –Principle of organization-establishment of network for appropriate authoritywork relationships-kind of authority line, staff and functional, decentralization of authority, limitation of delegation of authority, chain of command of relationship amongst authority, responsibility and accountability, span of Management types of organizational structures and delegation of function on the basis of level of authority, failure of organizational structure, limitations of ideal organizational system.


Motivating – Motivations as a basic instrument of getting the work done, factors affecting performances, leadership, managerial skills, techniques of communication and coordination-basic characteristics of ideal motivational and communication systems in the context of Indian conditions Management by objective.


Controlling – Concept of managerial control-control of personal v/s performance, areas of performance control- product, finance, morale process of control standards. Appraisal and corrective action – control aids ideal organizational structure, etc. Types of standards for control of management, management audit, social audit norms for the effective managerial control, coordination of all controls in the organization.

Note – The entire syllabus should be covered through a series of cases with background material relating to structure and growth of India. Industry being provided in the technical notes.