Principles of Teaching Theatre Portfolio Rubric

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not easily ascertained. Material is divided into clearly defined sections ... No problems observed or noted. A few missing plastic sleeves. Binder is brand new and.
PORTFOLIO RUBRIC Needs Improvement 5-6.4 pts Little effort demonstrated or portfolio does not meet criteria. Sections not labeled.

Satisfactory 6.5-7.5 pts

Good 7.6-8.5 pts

Excellent 8.6-10 pts

Portfolio is almost acceptable, but more effort could have been shown. Material is divided into sections, but not easily ascertained.

Portfolio is Portfolio is excellent. acceptable, good Superior effort shown. effort shown.

Material is divided Material is divided into into clearly clearly defined sections, defined sections Brief table of contents with a table of present. contents. Portfolio contained Portfolio Portfolio demonstrated Writing Style: Portfolio contained some problems with demonstrated excellent use of language, Spelling and numerous problems with sentence structure, sentence structure good use of strong sentence structure, Grammar (20 points) spelling and grammar. and more than 3 language, strong and no spelling and spelling and sentence structure, grammar errors. grammar errors. and less than 3 spelling and grammar errors. Portfolio left a negative Instructor had Instructor was Instructor was impressed Overall impression on the neither a negative or pleased with the with the quality and Impression (10 points) instructor. positive impression quality of the presentation of the of the portfolio. portfolio. portfolio. Well done. Clear and Organization Not acceptable, Papers Needs improvement Acceptable (20 points) are wrinkled, ripped Additional tabs need overall clean organization of the and detached from to be added, needs organization, with entire portfolio binder. contents placed in minor developed with purpose proper sequence and organization for adding future order. snafus in proper material. sequence. Not sufficient, does not Minimum, not up to On par with All required elements are Content (30 points) include the mandatory expectations – expectations, up to date and presented assignments and the missing some of the portfolio is up to with the utmost of inserted assignments mandatory date in most professionalism. are not in final versions assignments, not up areas. – they need further to date in all areas. editing. Poor, damaged Binder appears clean Binder is new and Binder is brand new and Binder (cracked) No name. and name is affixed clean, name is clean, name is affixed Condition (10 points) No plastic sleeves. in one place only. affixed properly properly in both places. Minor issues of in both places. No No problems observed or neatness of name problems noted. All papers are in plates. Not all papers observed or noted. plastic sleeves in the in plastic sleeves. A few missing proper format. plastic sleeves. Clearly Defined Sections (10 points)

TOTAL (100 points) ___________